MPSSAA Accelerates Return Date for Sports, Now December 7th

Photo by Craig Amoss

The MPSSAA announced on Monday that they will push the return date for high school sports from February 1st to December 7th.

The language of the release (which can be found here) states that local school systems that have already opted into the optional fall season will be able to continue with their fall sports season. The new plan is an update of the previous second semester return to play plan, with indoor sports practices beginning on December 7. Fall sports practices would begin on and spring sports would begin on. Unlike the previous iteration of the plan, there would be no overlap between sports seasons, and championship tournaments (regionals and states for running) would be held at the end of the competition periods.

Indoor Track

First Available Practice: December 7th

First Available Competition: January 4th

Last Available Competition: February 13th

Cross Country

First Available Practice Date: February 13th

First Available Competition: March 5th

Last Available Competition: April 17th

Outdoor Track

First Available Competition: April 17th

First Available Competition: May 7th

Last Available Competition: June 19th

As with the previous plans local school systems would opt in on their own accord. Some school systems, such as Montgomery County, have previously stated that they would wait until February 1st at the earliest to begin both in-person learning and sanctioned sports. Other systems, such as Howard County, had declined to opt into the immediate October 7th return to fall sports but had expressed optimism that the MPSSAA would approve the December 7th plan.