Entry #1: July 17-23
Sunday, July 17:
I drove with my family to Rhode Island; I didn't know the area very well and didn't have very much time to run, so when I got there I just did an easy five miles on the road. It was very hilly so I got a little bit of hill training in there.
Monday, July 18:
I did a four mile fartlek run along the road in the morning and then did some swimming and hiking in the afternoon.
Tuesday, July 19:
I went on a medium-paced eight mile run into the town near where we were staying and biked about four miles in the afternoon.
Wednesday, July 20:
I did a five mile run along the road in the morning that was faster than most of my easy runs, but not tempo pace so it ended up being about eight minutes per mile.
Thursday, July 21:
I did a slower three mile run because I've been slowly building up my mileage since taking a two week break after nationals, so I like taking days to just go for short, relaxed runs.
Friday, July 22:
I went for a six mile run along the road into town and then came back and did about an hour of swimming and hiking to cross train.
Saturday, July 23:
I did a four mile tempo run at about seven minute pace, which wasn't too hard for me but I kept the pace on the slower side because I'm still getting back into cross country mode and I don't want to overdo my training at the beginning of the season.
Total mileage for the week: 35 miles