Summer Training Blog: Charlie Sweeney (Entry #5)

Entry #3: July 31 - August 6

Sunday July 31: 9.09 miles in 61:08 with Matt at 7:45 PM. Felt alright, still tired from yesterday's run.

Monday August 1: We had a workout that was a ten minute warmup, 5 x (three minutes hard, three minutes easy) and a ten minute cooldown. I got in 7.69 miles in 50:46. If I had to guess, the hard part was about 5:50-ish pace. Did two quick 200s at the end to break in my XC spikes, both in 31 seconds.

Tuesday August 2: 8.84 miles in 60 minutes. Legs felt pretty heavy for some reason. Went back to the school later to do some hip mobility drills and ended up doing a 1.5 mile cooldown with Matt after his workout.

Wednesday August 3: 9.12 miles in 60:01. My legs felt really good today and I did some barefoot strides at the end.

Thursday August 4: I was going to do 8-8.5 miles at recovery pace with Matt, but I cut it short because all of a sudden my knee locked up and it was really painful. Maybe the pace was too fast (5.2 miles in 37:01). Resisted the urge to go out later and just listened to and rested my body.

Friday August 5: Did a two mile warmup, eight miles hard, and a two mile cooldown. 12.25 miles in 80 minutes. 

Saturday August 6: Slept in and went out and ran at about 9:00. SUPER HOT. Eight miles in 55:52, pretty relaxed.

Total mileage for the week - 61.69