Summer Training Blog: Charlie Sweeney (Entry #5)

Entry #5 August 14-20

Sunday August 14: I worked from 4 PM - 1 AM last night on my feet the whole time and didn't go to bed until 1:30 so I woke up late. Then, I spent the day with the legendary Trashcanna hiking and looking for shark's teeth. Between the hundreds of fly bites, several jellyfish stings, almost getting lost hiking and the real feel temperature being 105, I didn't run today. I think it would have been too much to try and run after such an active day and it being so hot.

Monday August 15: Since Coach Dawson works at the school during the day we can't have practice until 5 PM which is BRUTAL. 60 minutes moderately hard and I covered 9.1 miles. Started out pretty fast for the first 3.5 miles and then calmed the pace down because of the heat.

Tuesday August 16: 15 moderate, 15 pretty hard and 15 easy. Covered 6.74 miles in 45 minutes. The hard was sub-6:00 pace, which I was happy with because of how hot it is when we run at 5 PM. Then we did some core as a team and had a planking competition, which I tied for first with one of our runners named Jack. We both planked for seven minutes and 15 seconds before Coach Dawson said, "Okay, I'm tired just watching you guys both win."

Wednesday August 17: 7.61 miles in 55:01. Easy recovery day and I didn't really hydrate well today so I was very tired.

Thursday August 18: Today was an interval workout. 10 minute warmup, two minutes hard/two minutes easy, four hard/four easy, six hard/six easy, four hard/four easy, two hard and a ten minute cooldown. 7.71 miles in 54:01. The hard was supposed to be around race pace and I think I was hitting about 5:20 pace, so not race pace but still happy because I stayed aerobic and it was on a 1/2 mile loop with a big hill in the middle.

Friday August 19: Seven miles in 49 minutes. Really nice moderately easy run.

Saturday August 20: The whole team went to Rosaryville State Park for our king run today. Nine mile loop in 65:35 which is a new best for that course. It's a trail run so it's obviously slower-paced.

Total mileage for the week - 47.16 but add six miles because of the one mile warmup we do every day at practice to get to 53.16.