Entry #3: July 31 - August 6

Sunday July 31:
47 minutes easy with a one mile tempo and eight pickups.
Monday August 1:
26 minutes easy.
Tuesday August 2:
60 minutes with a 4.5 mile tempo, nine hill repeats and nine pickups.
Wednesday August 3:
- AM: 15 minute shakeout.
- PM: 45 minutes easy.
Thursday August 4:
60 minutes with a 2.5 mile tempo and an eight minute fartlek.
Friday August 5:
45 minutes easy.
Saturday August 6:
80 minute long run.
Hi everyone! I had to switch my Sunday and Monday runs because on Monday I went up to New York on a college visit (I am so glad I went, too - I loved it!) So Monday morning I ran at 5 AM! The sky was so incredibly beautiful. I loved watching the dark blue night fade away into the lighter blue sky before sunrise. I was lucky enough to have some of the boys team run my workout with me on Tuesday; this was definitely my best tempo-to-hill workout of the summer! Wednesday morning I did a shakeout in my five fingers - those weird minimalist "toe" shoes everyone always questions me about - for proprioceptive purposes (try saying that five times fast). In the afternoon I ran most of my easy run with one of our new freshies. My fartlek felt pretty good on Thursday and my tempo was faster than it has been, which is awesome. Friday I ran easy with my boys, who were confused about how short and slow my easy runs are. Finally on Saturday I had my longest run of the summer and it felt really good! Our best 800 runner ran it with me and it was his longest, too, so we were both really happy. He showed me a new loop that I have never considered because it's on the ~golf course~ (shhhh - don't tell my coach) but it was awesome! We were lucky because we were running really late and nobody was out golfing. That's it for now, try to explore some this week and maybe wake up before the sun :) - it will be worth it, I promise! Talk to you next week!