Summer Training Blog: Rohann Asfaw (Entry #4)

Entry #3: July 31 - August 6

Sunday, July 31st:
3 miles easy in the morning and 5 miles easy in the evening. Made sure these were at a slower pace to recover from the 1200s the day before.

Monday, August 1st:
Off day. I don't know if my coach gave me an off day because it was my birthday, or if it just so happened to turn out that way. Either way I enjoyed it. 

Tuesday, August 2nd:
6 miles medium at 6:20 pace. Usually I do medium runs at 6:45 pace or so but I was feeling good this day.

Wednesday, August 3rd:
8 x 480 meter hills at mile - 5k pace. The hill was very long and gradual so after doing 8 of them at a hard pace I was pretty beat. Later that day I made an unofficial visit to NC Sate University. It went well and I like the college but it did not do my legs any good. 

Thursday, August 4th:
6 miles easy at 7:33 pace. Surprisingly, I felt good on this run despite the hard work the day before, but tried to make sure I didn't go too fast.

Friday, August 5th:
15 minutes at an easy pace, 15 minutes at 6:00 pace, and 15 minutes at an easy pace. This run did not go as planned as 3 minutes into the 15 minutes at6:00 pace, my legs died. I just finished up the run going 8:30 pace the rest of the way home.

Saturday, August 6th:
3.75 miles at 8:00 pace. After having trouble the day before, my coach just wanted to play it safe and give me a really easy day.

Weekly Total: 37.25 miles