Site Administrators Wanted

MDRUNNERS.COM's current webmaster (Ben Mallare) is looking for several individuals who are interested in contributing to the coverage of Maryland running, starting with the indoor track season. Becoming a site administrator carries absolutely no prerequisite, other than a passion for high school running in the state. Age and web experience (or lack-thereof) should not hinder anyone interested from stepping up - Mallare is a junior in high school who had no web experience prior to joining MileSplit.

Paticularly wanted are any individuals who are capable of photography and/or filmography, that may be able to use this technology to bring meets to the site visually.

Site administrators will be asked to dedicate only a few hours a week.

Any parties interested in joining MileSplit staff should contact Ben Mallare


On a second note, MDRUNNERS.COM would like to openly recognize the efforts consistently made by the several websites dedicated to supporting competitive running in the state of Maryland; their websites are avaliable as links on the home page of this site.