Summer Training Blog: Virginia Brown (Entry #4)

Entry #2: (July 24-30)

Sunday, July 24:
Today was an off day, partially because I like to take Sundays off to recover and partially because I was had to spend 9 hours in the car traveling from Rhode Island back to DC.

Monday, July 25:
I went on an easy 3 mile run with some of my teammates at Candy Cane City, which is BCC's home cross country course. I really like running at candy cane because I like how shady and flat it is. We wanted to keep the run short because of the heat and humidity and I was thankful for this because my hip was bothering me a little bit. After the run I did about 10 miles of biking along the rock creek and capital crescent trails (full disclosure this biking was less for cross training and more because I was hungry and wanted to go get lunch).

Tuesday, July 26:
I went for a 9 mile run by myself, at about 9:30 to 9:45 pace per mile. I was really excited for this run because it was actually the longest run I have ever been on and I have also been looking forward to getting my mileage up before running camp (which starts the 31st). I also biked about 4 miles later on in the afternoon.

Wednesday, July 27:
Today I wanted to get a little bit of speed in with my endurance training so I did six miles in total. The first two miles of the run were warm up, at about 9:45 pace and the middle two miles were at tempo. The first mile of the tempo was 7:03 and since I felt really good (which isn't usually something that happens during tempo runs), I picked up the pace to 6:23, which I did regret a little bit afterwards. I then did 2 miles of cool down and then did a tiny bit of hill work by sprinting up this really long, really steep hill in my neighborhood. Later in the day, I did around 4 miles of biking. 

Thursday, July 28:
Easy 5 mile run at around 10 minute pace with my teammate Zoe Nuechterlein on the trails in Candy Cane and rock creek park. Easy runs in candy cane tend to feel a lot harder and slower than ones on pavement because the ground is really soft and sandy, which makes it harder to go fast on. We were able to go far enough back on the trails to reach the hilly parts, which made for some good hill training. I also did about 3 miles of biking each way, to and from candy cane.

Friday, July 29:
Easy 7 mile run by myself in my neighborhood at around 9:20- 9:30 pace per mile. I wanted to get one last longer run in before I head to running camp on Sunday. My hip was still bothering me a little during the run so I kept the pace slow, iced it afterwards and did some stretches for it.

Saturday, July 30:
Took the day off because I'm going to running camp for the next 7 days and won't have any rest days. 

Weekly total: 30 miles, but I only ran 5/7 days this week so I averaged 6 miles a day