Heat sheets for Tuesday's Montgomery County Schools Meet #3, which will be streamed LIVE on Meet begins at 11:30 AM and estimated to finish around 5:30 PM.
Heat Sheets
MCPS Meet #3 - Tuesday December 27th 2016
Prince George's Sports and Learning Complex: 8001 Sheriff Rd, Landover, MD 20785
Doors Open: 11:00am
Coaches Meeting: 11:15am
Meet Time: 11:30am-5:30pm
Order of Running Events:
4x400m Relay
55m Hurdles
55m Dash
300m Dash
1600m Run
500m Run
3200m Run
800m Run
4x200m Relay
4x800 Relay
Order of Field Events:
Long Jump both genders (2 pits - open pit) followed by Triple Jump both genders (2 pits - open pit)
High Jump - girls followed by boys. Girls opening height 4-00, boys opening height 5-00
Shot Put - boys followed by girls
Field Event Standards:
Each athlete will get one mark followed by measurements that hit the minimum standards:
Event Boys Girls
LJ 15 ft 12 ft
TJ 30 ft 24 ft
SP 30 ft 20 ft
Important Reminders:
-Only enter athletes who will attend this meet
-Please plan to help out at your event for the duration of the event
-Uniform rules are in effect since this is an official meet and not a scrimmage
-Please be sure to remind your athletes that only ¼ inch pyramid spikes are allowed
-Spikes must be approved by PG Sportsplex staff before the meet begins
-Please help to keep your team area clean - especially when leaving the meet
-No spikes are allowed to be worn in the bleachers
-Field event competitors and coaches only on the infield - please remind athletes to warm up in designated warm up areas
See page 2 for team event assignments
Event assignments for MCPS Meet #3
Thank you for your help at your assigned event. The only way for the MCPS Series meets to go smoothly is for each team to help out. Please remember that each field event requires an adult with knowledge of the event and two student volunteers. If you are unsure of the rules of your assigned event, please review the rules before the meet. Your input on the Google form helped with these assignments, but we were not always able to give everyone their first choice. I will not be reassigning any events for this meet but if you would like to trade a duty with another team, that is fine.
If you are assigned a field event, please bring a clip board and measuring tape.
These field events begin at 11:30am:
Girls Long Jump: Wootton, Sherwood
Boys Long Jump: Gaithersburg, Seneca Valley
Boys Shot Put: Poolesville, Clarksburg
Girls High Jump: Northwest
These field events will begin as soon as the previous field events end:
Girls Triple Jump: Northwood
Boys Triple Jump: Magruder
Girls Shot Put: Blake, Damascus
Boys High Jump: Springbrook
Starting line clerk:
4x400m Relay: Churchill, Paint Branch
55m Hurdles: Churchill, Paint Branch
55m Dash: Churchill, Paint Branch
300m Dash: Kennedy, Einstein
1600m Run: Kennedy, Einstein
500m Run: Kennedy, Einstein
3200m Run: Blair, Rockville
800m Run: Blair, Rockville
4x200m Relay: Blair, Rockville
4x800m Relay: Blair, Rockville
Finish Line Computers/Camera: Whitman, Watkins Mill, Wheaton / WJ
Finish Line Results Collection: RM, QO, B-CC