Apr 23, 2018
Northwest's Editta Pessima was a double winner in the hurdles at the McNamara Mustangs Invitational including a 14.62 clocking to win the 100 hurdles finals.
Vote below by Thursday, April 26th at 9 PM ET for who was the top Maryland girls track & field athlete of the week from meets held April 16th thru 21st.
Who was the Maryland girls athlete of the week? (Poll Closed)
Sarah George (Oxon Hill) - 40-5.50 Shot @ Clash of Baltimore 52.87% (506 votes) Brin Strouse (Urbana) - 11:16.36 3200m @ Blue Jay Invite 32.08% (307 votes) Taylor Wright (Northwest) - 5-6 High Jump, 12.34 100m @ McNamara Mustangs Invite 4.18% (40 votes) Abbey Green (Walter Johnson) - 4:55.57 1600m @ Knights Invite 2.72% (26 votes) Editta Pessima (Northwest) - 14.62 100H, 45.94 300H @ McNamara Mustangs Invite 2.72% (26 votes) Nyjari McNeil (Franklin) - 2:10.55 800m @ Scorpion Classic 1.57% (15 votes) Dejah Grant (CH Flowers) - 45.55 300H, 15.00 100H @ Aziz Ra'oof Invite, 58.25 400m @ Wildcat Twilight 1.15% (11 votes) Ja'Tae Joyner (Bowie) - 38-9.50 Triple Jump @ McNamara Mustangs Invite 1.15% (11 votes) Jaida Smith (Frederick) - 12.09 100m, 25.02 200m @ Knights Invite 0.52% (5 votes) Samantha Facius (Mount de Sales) - 4:46 1500m @ Scorpion Classic 0.42% (4 votes) Ahliyah Williams (Wise) - 57.38 400m @ Clash of Baltimore 0.42% (4 votes) Alexie Arnold (Mountain Ridge) - 123-11 Discus @ Cardinal Classic 0.1% (1 votes) Jada Seaman (McDonogh School) - 18-5.50 Long Jump, 12.26 100m @ Scorpion Classic 0.1% (1 votes) Gwendolyn Zeckowski (South River) - 11-0 Pole Vault @ Knights Invite 0% (0 votes) Total Votes: 957
<a href="https://polldaddy.com/poll/9987506/">Who was the Maryland girls athlete of the week?</a>