Spring event titles | Mid-Distance event titles | Relays | Field event titles |
100 meter dash 200 meter dash 110 meter hurdles 100 meter hurdles 400 meter dash 300 meter hurldes |
800 meter run 1600 meter run 3200 meter run |
4x100 meter relay 4x200 meter relay 4x400 meter relay 4x800 meter relay |
High Jump Long Jump Triple Jump Pole Vault Discus Shot Put |
Gender Event Titles | Level | Examples: | |
Boys Girls |
JV Varsity |
Varsity Girls 100 meter dash JV Boys 800 meter run |
Racetab/Hytek results are the format we use to update rankings. Results in different formats take extra time to enter into the rankings.
-After you have entered results, go to the publish tab, click on view on the right hand corner, Copy and email to slee@milesplit.us
-Please put if meet was hand timed or Fully Automatic
How To Submit Hy-Tek Meet Results:
1. With Hy-Tek Meet Manager open, Click Reports / Results
2. At the top, select "All Events." Click "Select All" using the button on the left.
3. At the bottom, select "Flat HTML." (This is very critical, PDF are useless for our database!!!!) Check any items to be included such as records, time standards, event comments, etc.
4. At right, select "Publication" rather than "Event" for sort order.
5. Click "Create Report," and, when it is done, give the newly created file a name and a location to copy to.
Name the file so that it will be easy to recognize as coming from your meet.
6. E-mail this newly created results file as an attachment to: slee@milesplit.us
Results in Format other than RaceTab:
EMAIL: slee@milesplit.us
-Please put Meet Name in subject
-Please put if meet was hand timed or Fully Automatic
This may help too: Excel Spread sheet for meet scoring (Even though RaceTab is easier to do manually than excel)
**If results have neither hand nor FAT timing attached it will be ranked and converted as if the meet was hand timed.
As with anything, feel free to email or call if you have questions. Thanks so much for everyone who has been sending in results!