New Balance Nationals UpdatesThe Regular Entry deadline is approaching quickly. Get your entries by midnight EDT June 4th and avoid the late fees. Check out the entry guidelines, hotels, scedules and all you need to know on the meet website. Reminder concerning the entry requirements for the Freshman Mile & 2 Mile and the Multi-Events. Entries are limited. Please review the Special Event Requirements on the NBN homepage underEntry Information. Get your USATF card. If you have not already signed up for USATF membership and received your memebership card, please do so prior to completing your NBN registration. You will need your number in order to pick up your registration packet at the meet. Although the local USATF association will be on site selling memberships, it is much more time efficient to get yours early. NBN or Junior Nationals?What’s the best fit for you? Unavoidably, every 4 years NBN and the USATF Junior Nationals occur on the same weekend. Need to get a clearer idea of which meet is best for you? Take a look at Jim Spier’s collection of statistics in our Performance Lists where you will find the Top 5 High School Lists, Top Junior Lists and two fanciful lists created by Mr. Spier: US Junior Fantasy Team and the IAAF World Junior Championship Top Picks- all based on current national and international rankings. Always good to have solid information on which to base choices. Special NBN Events
Putting the Brakes on BullyingWe at the NSSF share the great concern of teachers and parents about the bullying epidemic that affects children and teens across the country. Much of this bullying takes place via text message. We're teaming up with ParentingPride, a new smart phone APP that saves all text messages, so victims can hold bullies accountable for hurtful texts. ParentingPride's CEO, US Olympian at 1500 meters, Paul McMullen, says the APP is already helping families find peace of mind. If you think it could help your family, try it for FREE and spread the word. And be sure to visit the ParentingPride booth at NBN. USATF Level 1 Coaches ClinicCoaches needing their Level 1 Certification can get it in Greensboro right after NBN. The clinic will be held at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro June 17-18, 2012. For more information please visitUSATF. The USATF Coaching Education Level 1 program is a starting point for all track and field coaches. It covers all events in a foundational manner by emphasizing fundamentals, rules, safety/risk management, and instruction techniques. Level 1 prepares individuals to coach junior high school, high school, club, and age group athletes. |