SMAC Championships (hosted by Thomas Stone) 2014

Landover, MD

Meet Program/Heat Sheets

Event 1  Girls Long Jump
 3 Jumps top 9 to finals
SMAC  Record:  18-09.50  1/26/2008   Christina Manning, Westlake               
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1  Claire Woolen                 11 Calvert                     
  2  Selena Willett                 9 Calvert                     
  3  Aliah Cherry                  70 North Point                 
  4  Destinee Mincy                12 Thomas Stone                
  5  Aryanna Crockett              12 McDonough                   
  6  Kayla Sanders                 11 Thomas Stone                
  7  Zhanae Murgia-Hobbs            9 La Plata                    
  8  Alexis McCoy                  12 Patuxent                    
  9  Jessica Foster                11 La Plata                    
 10  Rachel Elmore                 11 McDonough                   
 11  Kailyn Hutchins               11 Calvert                     
 12  Amy Trembly                    9 Northern-Cal                
Flight 2  Finals
  1  Niemah Brown                   9 Lackey                      
  2  Kayla Rexroth                 10 Northern-Cal                
  3  Nicki Pate                    12 Northern-Cal                
  4  Mallorie Smith                 9 North Point                 
  5  Dominique Schuster            10 Chopticon                   
  6  Alexis Smoot                  12 Westlake                    
  7  Jada Cheek                    12 Westlake                    
  8  Lorina Clemence               10 Leonardtown                 
  9  Shanell Erhunmwunse            9 North Point                 
 10  Harleigh White                 9 Huntingtown                 
 11  Lillian Reese                 10 La Plata                    
 12  Shaana Bishop                 11 Leonardtown                 
Event 2  Boys Long Jump
 3 Jumps top 9 to finals
SMAC  Record:  22-05.25  1/28/2012   Christian Wallace, Westlake               
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1  Keiron Morsell                12 Thomas Stone                
  2  Malik Robinson                11 Westlake                    
  3  Shawn Makell                   9 Huntingtown                 
  4  Demetrious Jordan              9 McDonough                   
  5  Jalen Mack                    12 Thomas Stone                
  6  Jacob Rickards                 9 Calvert                     
  7  Dominik Metzlaff              11 Leonardtown                 
  8  Kenneth Campbell              10 McDonough                   
  9  Michael Dorsey                11 Thomas Stone                
 10  Andrew Fisher                 12 Chopticon                   
 11  Kenneth Barnes                10 Chopticon                   
 12  Jeffery Perry                 12 Lackey                      
Flight 2  Finals
  1  Nathan Stern                  12 Northern-Cal                
  2  Steven Hall                   12 Northern-Cal                
  3  William Kwenkeu               10 McDonough                   
  4  Brian Limerick                12 Patuxent                    
  5  Kyle White                    10 Chopticon                   
  6  Andrew Bowling                12 La Plata                    
  7  Hezekiah Corbin               12 North Point                 
  8  Devon Wilson                  12 La Plata                    
  9  Trayvonte Wallace             11 Patuxent                    
 10  Jacob Roberts                 12 Calvert                     
 11  Adriane Courtney              10 Great Mills                 
 12  Jared Torney                  11 Patuxent                    
Flight 3  Finals
  1  Jeremiah Looney               11 North Point                 
  2  Brandon Creek                 12 Northern-Cal                
  3  Montell Garrison              11 Lackey                      
  4  Allen Hicks                   10 Great Mills                 
  5  Daniel Buckely                11 Leonardtown                 
  6  Matthew Wolfe                 12 Leonardtown                 
  7  Teqwon Norman                 12 La Plata                    
  8  Jonathan Bell                 12 Westlake                    
  9  Christian Healey              11 North Point                 
 10  Rashad Goldring               12 Great Mills                 
 11  Jacob Stevens                 11 Huntingtown                 
 12  Gary Makell                   11 Huntingtown                 
Event 3  Girls Triple Jump
 3 Jumps top 9 to finals
SMAC  Record:  38-06.50  1/24/2009   Geranda Williams, North Point             
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1  Jessica Foster                11 La Plata                    
  2  Shanell Erhunmwunse            9 North Point                 
  3  Naureen Rawlings              12 Huntingtown                 
  4  Kayla Sanders                 11 Thomas Stone                
  5  Cydney Smith                   9 Great Mills                 
  6  Selena Willett                 9 Calvert                     
  7  Carla Shapiro                 12 Calvert                     
  8  Jenna Tanavage                 9 Chopticon                   
Flight 2  Finals
  1  Kayla Rexroth                 10 Northern-Cal                
  2  Brianna Hite                  12 Calvert                     
  3  Chelsea Kibler                10 Leonardtown                 
  4  Angel Leigh Sewel             10 Leonardtown                 
  5  Dominique Schuster            10 Chopticon                   
  6  Alexis Smoot                  12 Westlake                    
  7  Illexus Paxton                11 La Plata                    
  8  Jada Cheek                    12 Westlake                    
  9  Lillian Reese                 10 La Plata                    
Event 4  Boys Triple Jump
 3 Jumps top 9 to finals
SMAC  Record:  46-02.25  1/28/2012   Demetris Hazly-Ward, Westlake             
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1  Jeremiah Looney               11 North Point                 
  2  Brendan Schreimreif           12 Leonardtown                 
  3  Nathan Edwards                10 Thomas Stone                
  4  Christopher Gunther            9 Great Mills                 
  5  Michael Dorsey                11 Thomas Stone                
  6  Jalen Mack                    12 Thomas Stone                
  7  Josh Baker                    12 Great Mills                 
  8  Matthew Cusmano                9 Chopticon                   
  9  Andrew Fisher                 12 Chopticon                   
Flight 2  Finals
  1  Stephen Woolen                10 Calvert                     
  2  Tyler Williams                12 Chopticon                   
  3  Mike Williams                 10 Northern-Cal                
  4  Makiyah Gorman                10 Huntingtown                 
  5  Nicholas Rehm                 11 La Plata                    
  6  Kobie Jordan                  11 Leonardtown                 
  7  Jacob Rickards                 9 Calvert                     
  8  Hezekiah Corbin               12 North Point                 
  9  Steven Hall                   12 Northern-Cal                
 10  Jared Torney                  11 Patuxent                    
Flight 3  Finals
  1  Juan Roman                    10 Huntingtown                 
  2  Trayvonte Wallace             11 Patuxent                    
  3  Devon Wilson                  12 La Plata                    
  4  Christian Healey              11 North Point                 
  5  Jacob Stevens                 11 Huntingtown                 
  6  Colin Williams                12 Great Mills                 
  7  Malik Robinson                11 Westlake                    
  8  Jonathan Bell                 12 Westlake                    
  9  Matthew Wolfe                 12 Leonardtown                 
 10  Teqwon Norman                 12 La Plata                    
Event 5  Girls High Jump
 Starting Height: 4'2" - Being Raised 2" to 5'4" & 1" Thereafte
SMAC  Record:   5-08  1/23/2010   Amina Smith, Patuxent                        
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1  Nikiya Mitchell                9 Lackey                      
  2  Samantha Harrison              9 Chopticon                   
  3  Carmen Rose                   11 Leonardtown                 
  4  Clarke Hooper                 11 Huntingtown                 
  5  Amy Trembly                    9 Northern-Cal                
  6  Angel Leigh Sewel             10 Leonardtown                 
  7  Dominique Schuster            10 Chopticon                   
  8  Shanell Erhunmwunse            9 North Point                 
  9  Emily Dixon                    9 La Plata                    
 10  Naureen Rawlings              12 Huntingtown                 
 11  Taja Griffin                  12 Great Mills                 
 12  Harleigh White                 9 Huntingtown                 
 13  Connie Young                  10 Great Mills                 
 14  Lauryn Young                   9 Lackey                      
 15  Shaana Bishop                 11 Leonardtown                 
Event 6  Boys High Jump
 Starting Height: 5'2" - Being Raised 2" to 6'0" & 1" Thereafte
SMAC  Record:   6-09  1/24/2009   Tristan Benton, North Point                  
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1  Colin Williams                12 Great Mills                 
  2  Jonathan Bell                 12 Westlake                    
  3  Tyree Johnson                 12 Patuxent                    
  4  Malik Robinson                11 Westlake                    
  5  Jeffery Perry                 12 Lackey                      
  6  Montell Garrison              11 Lackey                      
  7  Shawn Makell                   9 Huntingtown                 
  8  Joseph Wood                   10 Chopticon                   
  9  Alex Bocchi                   12 Northern-Cal                
 10  Casimir Tawiah                10 Great Mills                 
 11  Gary Makell                   11 Huntingtown                 
 12  Kisean Fields                 12 La Plata                    
 13  Christian Healey              11 North Point                 
 14  Daniel Buckely                11 Leonardtown                 
 15  Jared Torney                  11 Patuxent                    
 16  Melton Campbell               10 North Point                 
 17  Nicholas Rehm                 11 La Plata                    
 18  Hezekiah Corbin               12 North Point                 
 19  Teqwon Norman                 12 La Plata                    
 20  Dj Workcuff                   12 Northern-Cal                
Event 7  Girls Shot Put
 3 throws top 9 finals
SMAC  Record:  40-07  2001        Candice Swann, Westlake                      
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1  Simone Nicholes               12 Calvert                     
  2  Shay Wireman                  10 Patuxent                    
  3  Amber Young                   10 Patuxent                    
  4  Octavia Broadnax              10 Great Mills                 
  5  Lauren Mosley                 10 Chopticon                   
  6  Courtney Adams                12 McDonough                   
  7  Ingrid Braun                  10 McDonough                   
  8  Ariel Eleam                   11 Lackey                      
  9  Haley Wood                    10 Leonardtown                 
 10  Samantha McCloskey            11 Calvert                     
 11  Savannah Jones                11 Patuxent                    
 12  Marisha Addison               12 McDonough                   
 13  Alyssa Joel                   10 Leonardtown                 
Flight 2  Finals
  1  Maya Boulware                 12 North Point                 
  2  Stephanie Morrison            11 Northern-Cal                
  3  Sam Mcknew                    11 Northern-Cal                
  4  Angel Leigh Sewel             10 Leonardtown                 
  5  Kendra Hill                   11 Great Mills                 
  6  Megan Cenate                  11 Chopticon                   
  7  Holly Vanwie                  11 Northern-Cal                
  8  Jasmyne McDuffie              11 North Point                 
  9  Dominique Barnes              12 Calvert                     
 10  Jessica Perry                 12 North Point                 
 11  Alanis Loveless               10 Northern-Cal                
 12  Amber Logan                   12 Huntingtown                 
Event 8  Boys Shot Put
 3 throws top 9 to finals
SMAC  Record:  55-09.50  2002        Roy Bassford, Thomas Stone                
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1  Ty Travers                     9 Lackey                      
  2  Michael Bennett               10 La Plata                    
  3  William D Hogan               11 Chopticon                   
  4  Rolando N Coccera             11 Chopticon                   
  5  Antonio Woodbridge            11 McDonough                   
  6  William Russell               10 Chopticon                   
  7  Connor Strickland             11 La Plata                    
  8  Devontay Nock                 11 Patuxent                    
  9  Brian Limerick                12 Patuxent                    
 10  Colin Williams                12 Great Mills                 
 11  Alan Josey                    12 Lackey                      
Flight 2  Finals
  1  Gregory Robertson             11 North Point                 
  2  Datron Moore                  11 Great Mills                 
  3  Derrick Sanders               11 Thomas Stone                
  4  Kobie Jordan                  11 Leonardtown                 
  5  Troy Clark                    10 Leonardtown                 
  6  Qwentin Dobbs                 12 Thomas Stone                
  7  Alex Devine                   10 La Plata                    
  8  Hassan Marshall               10 Thomas Stone                
  9  Talmage Lewis                 11 Northern-Cal                
 10  Nate Mason                    11 Leonardtown                 
Flight 3  Finals
  1  Cameron Yon                   11 Great Mills                 
  2  Robert Meador                 10 Huntingtown                 
  3  Nick Childress                10 Northern-Cal                
  4  Cullen Battle                 11 Westlake                    
  5  Michael Harley                11 Calvert                     
  6  Jake Ottenwaelder             11 Huntingtown                 
  7  Juwan Hawkins                 12 Huntingtown                 
  8  Taylor Wagner                 12 Northern-Cal                
  9  Robert White                  11 Calvert                     
 10  Collin McKenny                12 Huntingtown                 
Event 11  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
SMAC  Record:  9:59.88  1/26/2013   Huntingtown, Huntingtown                   
                        S Osborne, S Athens, C Hooper, K Gorman           
SMAC  Record:  9:59.88  1/26/2013   Huntingtown, Huntingtown                   
                        S Osborne, S Athens, C Hooper, K Gorman           
     School                                                           Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Calvert  'A'                                                 
  2  Leonardtown  'A'                                             
  3  North Point  'A'                                             
  4  Huntingtown  'A'                                             
  5  Northern-Cal  'A'                                            
  6  Lackey  'A'                                                  
  7  Patuxent  'A'                                                
  8  La Plata  'A'                                                
  9  Chopticon  'A'                                               
 10  McDonough  'A'                                               
 11  Great Mills  'A'                                             
Event 12  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
SMAC  Record:  8:21.85  1/28/2012   Thomas Stone, Thomas Stone                 
                        O Thompson, M Rucker, R Semeon, V Walker          
     School                                                           Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Lackey  'A'                                                  
  2  Leonardtown  'A'                                             
  3  Northern-Cal  'A'                                            
  4  North Point  'A'                                             
  5  Patuxent  'A'                                                
  6  Westlake  'A'                                                
  7  Huntingtown  'A'                                             
  8  La Plata  'A'                                                
  9  Great Mills  'A'                                             
 10  Thomas Stone  'A'                                            
 11  Chopticon  'A'                                               
 12  McDonough  'A'                                               
Event 13  Girls 300 Meter Dash
SMAC  Record:  40.37  1/26/2008   Aunye Boone, Calvert                         
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Carla Shapiro                 12 Calvert                     
  2  Gabrielle Deen                 9 McDonough                   
  3  Taja Griffin                  12 Great Mills                 
  4  Jordyn Malry                  11 Lackey                      
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Brianna Hite                  12 Calvert                     
  2  Sarah Chen                     9 McDonough                   
  3  Kennedeigh Hairston            9 Westlake                    
  4  Zhanae Murgia-Hobbs            9 La Plata                    
  5  Dana Stollemyer                9 McDonough                   
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1  Mazzy Dick                    10 Northern-Cal                
  2  Tatiana Pfalz                 10 Huntingtown                 
  3  Kayla Clark                   12 Patuxent                    
  4  Rachel Daugherty              10 Northern-Cal                
  5  Careese Smith                 10 Westlake                    
  6  Jenna Tanavage                 9 Chopticon                   
Section 4  Timed Finals
  1  Kayla Little                  11 Thomas Stone                
  2  Kylie Egan                    10 Leonardtown                 
  3  Ceyonna Hogue                 11 Chopticon                   
  4  Kayla Rexroth                 10 Northern-Cal                
  5  Kirsi Arnesen                  9 Huntingtown                 
  6  Lilia Cruz                     9 Leonardtown                 
Section 5  Timed Finals
  1  Connie Young                  10 Great Mills                 
  2  Nikiya Mitchell                9 Lackey                      
  3  Ashley Luton                  11 La Plata                    
  4  Destinee Mincy                12 Thomas Stone                
  5  Aleia Plenty                  12 Calvert                     
  6  Alexandra M Fincannon         12 Chopticon                   
Section 6  Timed Finals
  1  Illexus Paxton                11 La Plata                    
  2  Mallorie Smith                 9 North Point                 
  3  Kaniya Brown                  11 Lackey                      
  4  Taylor Erwin                  12 Patuxent                    
  5  Sienna Pollock                11 Great Mills                 
  6  Cierra Fenwick                12 Patuxent                    
Section 7  Timed Finals
  1  Adrienne Minor                12 Westlake                    
  2  Aliah Cherry                  70 North Point                 
  3  Shania Collins                12 Huntingtown                 
  4  Lia Willis                     9 North Point                 
  5  Madison Day                   12 Leonardtown                 
  6  Jada Jackson                  11 Thomas Stone                
Event 14  Boys 300 Meter Dash
SMAC  Record:  34.47  1/27/2007   Corryl Boyd, Westlake                        
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Kyle McCray                   10 Thomas Stone                
  2  Malik Walker-Hayes            12 Lackey                      
  3  Donnie Demarr                 10 Patuxent                    
  4  Cortrelle Simpson             11 Lackey                      
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Juan Roman                    10 Huntingtown                 
  2  Chad Cartwright               10 Leonardtown                 
  3  Rashad Goldring               12 Great Mills                 
  4  Keith Brown                   10 Great Mills                 
  5  Cameron Edmonds               10 Calvert                     
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1  Noah Briscoe                   9 McDonough                   
  2  Reed Eller                    10 Calvert                     
  3  Jacob Roberts                 12 Calvert                     
  4  Ricardo Oliva                  9 McDonough                   
  5  Brant Butler                   9 McDonough                   
Section 4  Timed Finals
  1  Sean Dryhurst                 12 Northern-Cal                
  2  Kenneth Barnes                10 Chopticon                   
  3  Jesse Farren                  11 Leonardtown                 
  4  Kyle White                    10 Chopticon                   
  5  Aaron Hernandez                9 La Plata                    
  6  Justin Frankle                10 Huntingtown                 
Section 5  Timed Finals
  1  Gordon Thompson               12 Northern-Cal                
  2  Jarrett Benton                 9 Westlake                    
  3  Josh Singshinsuk              12 Northern-Cal                
  4  Jalen Elliot                  11 Westlake                    
  5  Ethan Short                   11 Patuxent                    
  6  Jacob Rittle                  10 Leonardtown                 
Section 6  Timed Finals
  1  Shawn Ridenour                12 Patuxent                    
  2  Michael Williams              11 North Point                 
  3  Dorrien Lewis                 10 La Plata                    
  4  Xavier Williams                9 North Point                 
  5  Aaron Holliday                10 Thomas Stone                
  6  Earl Taylor                   12 Westlake                    
Section 7  Timed Finals
  1  Mitchell McCall               12 Huntingtown                 
  2  James Oakley                  12 La Plata                    
  3  DeSean White                  12 North Point                 
  4  Deyvon Howell                 12 Lackey                      
  5  Juwuan Briscoe                11 Thomas Stone                
  6  Allen Hicks                   10 Great Mills                 
Event 15  Girls 1600 Meter Run
SMAC  Record:  5:09.24  2006        Keely Murphy, Northern                     
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Katherine Snee                12 La Plata                    
  2  Jaymie Scrivener              10 Huntingtown                 
  3  Emily Clark                   10 La Plata                    
  4  Madeline Illar                12 Patuxent                    
  5  Natalie Cloak                  9 Calvert                     
  6  Kathryn Newsome               11 Westlake                    
  7  Carleigh Bartholomew           9 Calvert                     
  8  Angela Bailey                 11 Lackey                      
  9  Sarah Gough                    9 La Plata                    
 10  Aryanna Crockett              12 McDonough                   
 11  Jocelyn Casarrubias           11 McDonough                   
 12  Liana Foianini                 9 Leonardtown                 
 13  Danielle Fancella              9 Chopticon                   
 14  Faith Breads                  11 Thomas Stone                
 15  Anika Blackman                10 North Point                 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Hayley Jackson                 9 Patuxent                    
  2  Hannah Aris                   12 Calvert                     
  3  Joslyn Brodfuehrer             9 Leonardtown                 
  4  Gabrielle Leget               11 Leonardtown                 
  5  Tatiana Ogundeko              10 North Point                 
  6  Bridgett Redding              10 Huntingtown                 
  7  Lindsay Parks                 12 Northern-Cal                
  8  Katie Kampsen                 11 Northern-Cal                
  9  Kaceedra Mitchell             12 Thomas Stone                
 10  Julia Gray                     9 Northern-Cal                
 11  Lauren Fancella                9 Chopticon                   
 12  Kristen Bunn                  10 Huntingtown                 
 13  Arianna Maine                 11 Patuxent                    
Event 16  Boys 1600 Meter Run
SMAC  Record:  4:25.97  1/24/2009   Andrew Cerrito, Northern                   
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Nathan Smallhorn              11 Thomas Stone                
  2  Phillip N Hogan               11 Chopticon                   
  3  Colin McNulty                 12 La Plata                    
  4  Frankie Olmsted               10 McDonough                   
  5  Michael Windholz              11 Lackey                      
  6  Jacob Leapley                 11 McDonough                   
  7  Connor Wagner                 11 Lackey                      
  8  Billy Burch                   10 Thomas Stone                
  9  Bailee Campbell               10 Thomas Stone                
 10  Makiyah Gorman                10 Huntingtown                 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Zach Walker                   11 Calvert                     
  2  Ryan Morgan                   12 Leonardtown                 
  3  Dylan Cillo                   11 Patuxent                    
  4  Will Carpenter                10 Northern-Cal                
  5  Jacob Mitchell                10 Chopticon                   
  6  Jonathan Martinez             10 North Point                 
  7  Dalton Locklar                11 Great Mills                 
  8  Nicholas Summers              10 North Point                 
  9  Ian Madden                     9 Great Mills                 
 10  Noah Oster                    12 Patuxent                    
 11  Kevin O'Clair                 11 La Plata                    
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1  Scott Carpenter               12 Northern-Cal                
  2  Trent Herzog                  11 Patuxent                    
  3  Jordan Blankenship            11 Calvert                     
  4  Philip Brown                  11 Huntingtown                 
  5  Jereamy Hall                  11 Westlake                    
  6  Matt Bennett                  10 Northern-Cal                
  7  Jeffrey Henkel                12 Leonardtown                 
  8  James H Nelson                11 Chopticon                   
  9  Alejandro Smith               12 Huntingtown                 
 10  Justin Golba                  12 North Point                 
 11  Aaron Humphreys               11 Leonardtown                 
 12  Miles Smith                   10 La Plata                    
 13  Jacob McCullum                12 Calvert                     
Event 17  Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 5 Best Times
SMAC  Record:   8.30  1/24/2009   Shavon Briscoe, North Point                  
     Name                        Year School                      relim Time
Heat 1  Prelims
  1  Nicole Brown                  10 Chopticon                   
  2  Kayla Clark                   12 Patuxent                    
  3  Lillian Reese                 10 La Plata                    
  4  Sydney Williams                9 Lackey                      
  5  Carmen Rose                   11 Leonardtown                 
  6  Claire Woolen                 11 Calvert                     
  7  Megan Acker                   10 Great Mills                 
Heat 2  Prelims
  1  Alexi Buckler                 11 Chopticon                   
  2  Kailih Taylor                  9 Great Mills                 
  3  Sonyel Williams               11 Thomas Stone                
  4  Caasi Wynn                    11 North Point                 
  5  Naureen Rawlings              12 Huntingtown                 
  6  Alexis McCoy                  12 Patuxent                    
  7  Kristy Stine                   9 La Plata                    
Heat 3  Prelims
  1  Shelby Benton                 11 Chopticon                   
  2  Kendra Hill                   11 Great Mills                 
  3  Nikiya Mitchell                9 Lackey                      
  4  Jada Jackson                  11 Thomas Stone                
  5  Alyssa Lednum                 10 La Plata                    
  6  Ayanna Weems                  11 Leonardtown                 
  7  Kimberly Banker               11 Patuxent                    
  8  Aryanna Crockett              12 McDonough                   
Event 18  Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
SMAC  Record:   7.57  1/26/2013   Quajae Jones, Huntingtown                                       
     Name                        Year School                      relim Time
Heat 1  Prelims
  1  Tyler Jones                   10 Calvert                     
  2  Juan Roman                    10 Huntingtown                 
  3  Adrian Porter                 11 North Point                 
  4  Shawn Ridenour                12 Patuxent                    
  5  Shane Martin                  11 Leonardtown                 
  6  Kenneth Barnes                10 Chopticon                   
Heat 2  Prelims
  1  Chris Carter                  12 Great Mills                 
  2  Makiyah Gorman                10 Huntingtown                 
  3  Nicholas Rehm                 11 La Plata                    
  4  Jalen Jackson                 11 Thomas Stone                
  5  William Chambers               9 Lackey                      
  6  Brant Butler                   9 McDonough                   
Heat 3  Prelims
  1  Hayden Wright                  9 La Plata                    
  2  Lucas McCullum                12 Calvert                     
  3  Casimir Tawiah                10 Great Mills                 
  4  Melton Campbell               10 North Point                 
  5  Josiah Bivins                 11 Lackey                      
  6  James Roberts                 11 Patuxent                    
Heat 4  Prelims
  1  William Kwenkeu               10 McDonough                   
  2  Ethan Short                   11 Patuxent                    
  3  Marquis Bundy                 11 Thomas Stone                
  4  Devon Gutrick                 11 North Point                 
  5  Chris Blanks                  11 Great Mills                 
  6  Aaron Hernandez                9 La Plata                    
  7  Todd West                      9 Calvert                     
Event 19  Girls 55 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 3 Best Times
SMAC  Record:   7.04  1/29/2011   Mercedes Jackson, Huntingtown                
SMAC  Record:   7.04  1/28/2012   Mercedes Jackson, Huntingtown                
     Name                        Year School                      relim Time
Heat 1  Prelims
  1  Mackeila Carlson              10 Patuxent                    
  2  Alexis Abney                  11 Northern-Cal                
  3  Ceyonna Hogue                 11 Chopticon                   
  4  Lorina Clemence               10 Leonardtown                 
  5  Destinee Mincy                12 Thomas Stone                
  6  Jessica Hightower             10 North Point                 
  7  Selena Willett                 9 Calvert                     
  8  Zhanae Murgia-Hobbs            9 La Plata                    
Heat 2  Prelims
  1  Marisha Addison               12 McDonough                   
  2  Emily Dixon                    9 La Plata                    
  3  Sienna Pollock                11 Great Mills                 
  4  Shaana Bishop                 11 Leonardtown                 
  5  Sydney Williams                9 Lackey                      
  6  Alexandra M Fincannon         12 Chopticon                   
  7  Nicki Pate                    12 Northern-Cal                
  8  Kirsi Arnesen                  9 Huntingtown                 
Heat 3  Prelims
  1  Shantel Rose                   9 Westlake                    
  2  Rachel Daugherty              10 Northern-Cal                
  3  Ashley Luton                  11 La Plata                    
  4  Taylor Erwin                  12 Patuxent                    
  5  Kyra Miller                   10 North Point                 
  6  Kailih Taylor                  9 Great Mills                 
  7  Lilia Cruz                     9 Leonardtown                 
  8  Kayla Little                  11 Thomas Stone                
Heat 4  Prelims
  1  London Proctor                 9 Westlake                    
  2  Naureen Rawlings              12 Huntingtown                 
  3  Joelle Tiller                 11 Thomas Stone                
  4  Aliah Cherry                  70 North Point                 
  5  Taja Griffin                  12 Great Mills                 
  6  Saeviah Conyers               11 Lackey                      
  7  Kailyn Hutchins               11 Calvert                     
Heat 5  Prelims
  1  Jenna Tanavage                 9 Chopticon                   
  2  Jasmine Harrison              11 McDonough                   
  3  Jada Cheek                    12 Westlake                    
  4  Shania Collins                12 Huntingtown                 
  5  Cierra Fenwick                12 Patuxent                    
  6  Ny'esha Reese                 11 North Point                 
  7  Marshe' Hill                  10 Lackey                      
Event 20  Boys 55 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 3 Best Times
SMAC  Record:   6.27  1/24/2009   Devon Smith, Westlake                        
     Name                        Year School                      relim Time
Heat 1  Prelims
  1  Grayton Walter                11 Leonardtown                 
  2  Cavon Whitfield               11 Lackey                      
  3  Booker Napoleon               12 Westlake                    
  4  Rashad Goldring               12 Great Mills                 
  5  Tyree Johnson                 12 Patuxent                    
  6  Nathan Stern                  12 Northern-Cal                
Heat 2  Prelims
  1  William Kwenkeu               10 McDonough                   
  2  Devon Wilson                  12 La Plata                    
  3  Trevon Howard                 10 Northern-Cal                
  4  Keiron Morsell                12 Thomas Stone                
  5  Malachi Sheppard              12 North Point                 
  6  Keith Brown                   10 Great Mills                 
  7  Jacob Roberts                 12 Calvert                     
Heat 3  Prelims
  1  Jalen Mack                    12 Thomas Stone                
  2  Austin Herbert                11 Patuxent                    
  3  Cortrelle Simpson             11 Lackey                      
  4  Michael Williams              11 North Point                 
  5  Cameron Edmonds               10 Calvert                     
  6  Robert Spruill                11 Westlake                    
  7  Tremaine Robinson             10 La Plata                    
Heat 4  Prelims
  1  Chad Cartwright               10 Leonardtown                 
  2  Donnie Demarr                 10 Patuxent                    
  3  Xavier Williams                9 North Point                 
  4  Juwuan Briscoe                11 Thomas Stone                
  5  Dorrien Lewis                 10 La Plata                    
  6  Grant Thompson                12 McDonough                   
  7  Raphion Johnson                9 Calvert                     
Heat 5  Prelims
  1  Kenneth Campbell              10 McDonough                   
  2  Markus Childress              12 Westlake                    
  3  Casimir Tawiah                10 Great Mills                 
  4  DeSean White                  12 North Point                 
  5  Eriq Fadahunsi                11 Lackey                      
  6  Brandon Creek                 12 Northern-Cal                
  7  Shawn Makell                   9 Huntingtown                 
Event 21  Girls 500 Meter Dash
SMAC  Record:  1:18.49  1/28/2012   Mercedes Tillman, North Point              
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Briana Bledsoe                 9 McDonough                   
  2  Sarah Gough                    9 La Plata                    
  3  Megan Acker                   10 Great Mills                 
  4  Isabelle Browning             12 McDonough                   
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Ayana Foreman                  9 Great Mills                 
  2  Tatiana Pfalz                 10 Huntingtown                 
  3  Kristy Stine                   9 La Plata                    
  4  Emily McGuigan                10 Patuxent                    
  5  Kiera Tyree                   10 Lackey                      
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1  Carolyn Burgess               11 McDonough                   
  2  Skye Cummings                  9 Westlake                    
  3  Nicole Brown                  10 Chopticon                   
  4  Kirsi Arnesen                  9 Huntingtown                 
  5  Megan Cenate                  11 Chopticon                   
  6  Kirsten Southan               10 Northern-Cal                
Section 4  Timed Finals
  1  Oliva Sbrocco                 12 Calvert                     
  2  Kylie Egan                    10 Leonardtown                 
  3  Brianna Hite                  12 Calvert                     
  4  Shelby Benton                 11 Chopticon                   
  5  Emily Clark                   10 La Plata                    
  6  Mackeila Carlson              10 Patuxent                    
Section 5  Timed Finals
  1  Adia Dobbs                    11 North Point                 
  2  Tiffany Ludke                 12 Patuxent                    
  3  Sheila Strickland             12 Lackey                      
  4  Sophie Thon                   10 Northern-Cal                
  5  Sonyel Williams               11 Thomas Stone                
  6  Cameron Honeycutt             10 Calvert                     
Section 6  Timed Finals
  1  Kendrah Bullock               10 North Point                 
  2  Madison Day                   12 Leonardtown                 
  3  Valencia McDowell             10 North Point                 
  4  Kaliyah Gorman                45 Huntingtown                 
  5  Adrienne Minor                12 Westlake                    
  6  Elizabeth Wolfe               10 Leonardtown                 
Event 22  Boys 500 Meter Dash
SMAC  Record:  1:07.28  1/24/2009   DeAndre Robinson, Westlake                 
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Michael Dorsey                11 Thomas Stone                
  2  Aleczander DeJesus            10 McDonough                   
  3  Grant Thompson                12 McDonough                   
  4  Melvin Jones                  11 North Point                 
  5  Andrew Moore                  12 Lackey                      
  6  Benjamin Booker               10 North Point                 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Deyvon Howell                 12 Lackey                      
  2  Corterris Simpson             10 Lackey                      
  3  Andrew Fisher                 12 Chopticon                   
  4  Tyler Jones                   10 Calvert                     
  5  Grayton Walter                11 Leonardtown                 
  6  Josh Singshinsuk              12 Northern-Cal                
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1  Kyle Dexter                   11 Great Mills                 
  2  Lucas McCullum                12 Calvert                     
  3  Andrew Bowling                12 La Plata                    
  4  Jack Prewitt                  11 Chopticon                   
  5  Devonte Simpson                9 Westlake                    
  6  Tyler Williams                12 Chopticon                   
Section 4  Timed Finals
  1  Myckell Ronquillo             10 Great Mills                 
  2  Sadiq Rose                    10 Westlake                    
  3  Kevin Krelick                 12 La Plata                    
  4  Joseph Garner                 12 Great Mills                 
  5  Reginald Briscoe              10 McDonough                   
  6  Decorey Gray                  10 Thomas Stone                
Section 5  Timed Finals
  1  Jalen Elliot                  11 Westlake                    
  2  Aaron Holliday                10 Thomas Stone                
  3  Adam Oster                    12 Patuxent                    
  4  Shea Kelly                    12 Leonardtown                 
  5  John Snee                     11 La Plata                    
  6  Justin Frankle                10 Huntingtown                 
Section 6  Timed Finals
  1  Gordon Thompson               12 Northern-Cal                
  2  Shawn Ridenour                12 Patuxent                    
  3  Mitchell McCall               12 Huntingtown                 
  4  Michael Rollins               11 North Point                 
  5  Noah Junge                    12 Leonardtown                 
  6  Turner Chaundy                11 Patuxent                    
Event 23  Girls 3200 Meter Run
SMAC  Record:  11:29.34  2006        Katie Ogden, Northern                     
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Kristen Miluski               11 Leonardtown                 
  2  Kayla Emerson                 11 Northern-Cal                
  3  Danielle Fancella              9 Chopticon                   
  4  Lauren Fancella                9 Chopticon                   
  5  Jaymie Scrivener              10 Huntingtown                 
  6  Haley Hough                    9 Northern-Cal                
  7  Katherine Tyo                  9 La Plata                    
  8  Margaret Arocho               10 Huntingtown                 
  9  Hannah Pulley                 11 Patuxent                    
 10  Madison Truby                 11 Thomas Stone                
 11  Aryanna Crockett              12 McDonough                   
 12  Kristen Bunn                  10 Huntingtown                 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Hayley Jackson                 9 Patuxent                    
  2  Hannah Aris                   12 Calvert                     
  3  Courtney Mattson              12 Calvert                     
  4  Gabrielle Leget               11 Leonardtown                 
  5  Elizabeth Hite                10 Calvert                     
  6  Karson Harris                  9 Leonardtown                 
  7  Teghan Simonton               11 North Point                 
  8  Elizabeth Allison             12 Patuxent                    
  9  Julianne Ogden                11 Northern-Cal                
 10  Lauren Gibbs                  10 North Point                 
 11  Marissa Mccormick             11 Calvert                     
Event 24  Boys 3200 Meter Run
SMAC  Record:  9:43.24  2001        William Christian, Great Mills             
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Shaun Hange                    9 Lackey                      
  2  Raymond Hawkins               12 Great Mills                 
  3  Frankie Olmsted               10 McDonough                   
  4  Nathan Smallhorn              11 Thomas Stone                
  5  Kane Wagner                   12 Calvert                     
  6  Caleb Barker                  10 Great Mills                 
  7  Michael Mattson               10 Calvert                     
  8  Sembhav Devkota               12 North Point                 
  9  Ryan Webster                   9 Chopticon                   
 10  Dominic Fawls                 10 La Plata                    
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Devin Brown                   11 North Point                 
  2  Chandler Hancock              12 Huntingtown                 
  3  Jacob Mitchell                10 Chopticon                   
  4  Jerry Brownell                12 Westlake                    
  5  Zach Cousino                  10 Calvert                     
  6  Kollin Baer                   10 Northern-Cal                
  7  Richard Bosmans               10 Huntingtown                 
  8  Andrew Thach                  12 Great Mills                 
  9  Colin Amato                   11 La Plata                    
 10  Colin McNulty                 12 La Plata                    
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1  Jereamy Hall                  11 Westlake                    
  2  Trent Herzog                  11 Patuxent                    
  3  Tyler Perdue                  12 North Point                 
  4  Matt Bennett                  10 Northern-Cal                
  5  Joshua Hall                   11 Westlake                    
  6  Jeffrey Henkel                12 Leonardtown                 
  7  Samuel Bly                    10 Leonardtown                 
  8  James H Nelson                11 Chopticon                   
  9  Turner Chaundy                11 Patuxent                    
 10  Adam Oster                    12 Patuxent                    
 11  Dylan Weamert                 10 Northern-Cal                
 12  Adam Scrivener                11 Huntingtown                 
 13  Michael Bussell               11 Leonardtown                 
Event 25  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
SMAC  Record:  1:45.84  1/24/2009   Henry E. Lackey, Henry E. Lackey           
                        J Benbow, S Brown, J Wade, L Yelder               
     School                                                           Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Calvert  'A'                                                 
  2  McDonough  'A'                                               
  3  Westlake  'A'                                                
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Chopticon  'A'                                               
  2  La Plata  'A'                                                
  3  Great Mills  'A'                                             
  4  Northern-Cal  'A'                                            
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1  Patuxent  'A'                                                
  2  Huntingtown  'A'                                             
  3  North Point  'A'                                             
  4  Leonardtown  'A'                                             
  5  Lackey  'A'                                                  
  6  Thomas Stone  'A'                                            
Event 26  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
SMAC  Record:  1:31.30  1/24/2009   Westlake, Westlake                         
                        J Blair, J Harper, C Jarvis, D Smith              
     School                                                           Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Leonardtown  'A'                                             
  2  Northern-Cal  'A'                                            
  3  Patuxent  'A'                                                
  4  Westlake  'A'                                                
  5  Calvert  'A'                                                 
  6  McDonough  'A'                                               
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Huntingtown  'A'                                             
  2  Great Mills  'A'                                             
  3  North Point  'A'                                             
  4  Lackey  'A'                                                  
  5  Thomas Stone  'A'                                            
  6  La Plata  'A'                                                
Event 27  Girls 800 Meter Run
SMAC  Record:  2:19.04  2006        Keely Murphy, Northern                     
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Amita McDonald                 9 North Point                 
  2  Arianna Maine                 11 Patuxent                    
  3  Emily McGuigan                10 Patuxent                    
  4  Katherine Tyo                  9 La Plata                    
  5  Peyton Boelke                  9 Thomas Stone                
  6  Kim Gerber                    10 Calvert                     
  7  Katherine Snee                12 La Plata                    
  8  Hannah Russell                10 Huntingtown                 
  9  Emily Clark                   10 La Plata                    
 10  Isabelle Browning             12 McDonough                   
 11  Gabby James                   10 Northern-Cal                
 12  Hannah Aris                   12 Calvert                     
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Liane Porter                  10 Calvert                     
  2  Valencia McDowell             10 North Point                 
  3  Hayley Jackson                 9 Patuxent                    
  4  Kaliyah Gorman                45 Huntingtown                 
  5  Emily Plunkett                12 Leonardtown                 
  6  Bridgett Redding              10 Huntingtown                 
  7  Joslyn Brodfuehrer             9 Leonardtown                 
  8  Tatiana Ogundeko              10 North Point                 
  9  Michelle Sutherland           12 Leonardtown                 
 10  Jessica Raney                 10 Northern-Cal                
 11  Julia Gray                     9 Northern-Cal                
Event 28  Boys 800 Meter Run
SMAC  Record:  2:00.21  1/23/2010   Ryan O'Connor, Northern                    
     Name                        Year School                          Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Wesley Lancaster              10 Chopticon                   
  2  Sean Perkins                  11 McDonough                   
  3  Eric Graves                   11 Thomas Stone                
  4  Jacob McCullum                12 Calvert                     
  5  Dalton Locklar                11 Great Mills                 
  6  Billy Burch                   10 Thomas Stone                
  7  Bailee Campbell               10 Thomas Stone                
  8  Kevin O'Clair                 11 La Plata                    
  9  Cyle Martin                   10 Lackey                      
 10  John Snee                     11 La Plata                    
 11  Dylan Cillo                   11 Patuxent                    
 12  Kyle Williams                 11 Lackey                      
 13  Jacob Leapley                 11 McDonough                   
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Nathan Vaughn                  9 Northern-Cal                
  2  Zach Walker                   11 Calvert                     
  3  Miles Smith                   10 La Plata                    
  4  Randall Kirby                 11 Lackey                      
  5  Kyle Kent                     10 Great Mills                 
  6  Phillip N Hogan               11 Chopticon                   
  7  Alex Bocchi                   12 Northern-Cal                
  8  Dequan Warren                 12 Westlake                    
  9  Ian Madden                     9 Great Mills                 
 10  Reginald Briscoe              10 McDonough                   
 11  Michael O'Connor              10 Patuxent                    
 12  Derek Welch                    9 Chopticon                   
 13  Thomas Parks                   9 Patuxent                    
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1  Scott Carpenter               12 Northern-Cal                
  2  Michael Rollins               11 North Point                 
  3  Will Liebler                  12 Leonardtown                 
  4  David Gorman                  11 Huntingtown                 
  5  Anthony Fontaine              12 Westlake                    
  6  Alejandro Smith               12 Huntingtown                 
  7  Philip Brown                  11 Huntingtown                 
  8  Jordan Blankenship            11 Calvert                     
  9  Connor Dittmar                12 Leonardtown                 
 10  Braxton Hammock               10 North Point                 
 11  Tyler Perdue                  12 North Point                 
 12  Troy Mclaughlin               12 Leonardtown                 
Event 29  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
SMAC  Record:  4:07.46  1/26/2013   Thomas Stone, Thomas Stone                 
                        M Wood, J Daniels, K Sims, R Halmon                              
     School                                                           Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  McDonough  'A'                                               
  2  Great Mills  'A'                                             
  3  Thomas Stone  'A'                                            
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Westlake  'A'                                                
  2  Calvert  'A'                                                 
  3  La Plata  'A'                                                
  4  Chopticon  'A'                                               
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1  Patuxent  'A'                                                
  2  Lackey  'A'                                                  
  3  Huntingtown  'A'                                             
  4  North Point  'A'                                             
  5  Leonardtown  'A'                                             
  6  Northern-Cal  'A'                                            
Event 30  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
SMAC  Record:  3:31.64  2001        Westlake, Westlake                         
     School                                                           Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  McDonough  'A'                                               
  2  Great Mills  'A'                                             
  3  Chopticon  'A'                                               
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1  Thomas Stone  'A'                                            
  2  Northern-Cal  'A'                                            
  3  Leonardtown  'A'                                             
  4  Calvert  'A'                                                 
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1  Westlake  'A'                                                
  2  La Plata  'A'                                                
  3  Lackey  'A'                                                  
  4  North Point  'A'                                             
  5  Huntingtown  'A'                                             
  6  Patuxent  'A'