Heat Sheets

Licensed to Oakton High School         Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 1/22/2014 11:33 AM
       2014 Concorde Indoor Track Championships - 1/24/2014 to 1/30/2014       
                                P.G. Sportsplex                                
                                 Meet Program                                  
Event 1  Girls Long Jump
 3 jumps, top 7 to finals
    DIST REC:  18-09.75  1/26/2012   Carina Peter, Herndon                     
    6A State:  17-08.75                                                        
    6A North:  16-04.75                                                        
           Name                        Year School            Seed Mark     Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1     94 Amna Nawaz                    12 Herndon            13-00.25 
  2    189 Kyra Ballard                  10 Oakton             13-01.00 
  3     41 Colleen Davidson              11 Chantilly          14-00.00 
  4    247 Melissa Eging                 12 Westfield          14-00.75 
  5      7 Seo Hee Im                    11 Centreville        14-02.25 
  6     42 Ciana Deveau                  12 Chantilly          14-04.50 
  7    148 Maria Muzzio                  10 James W. Rob       14-07.00 
Flight 2  Finals
  1     96 Delana Sobhani                12 Herndon            14-07.75 
  2    141 Hanna Hatfield                12 James W. Rob       14-09.00 
  3    200 Lauren Jeter                  10 Oakton             14-10.75 
  4    140 Alisha Harris                 10 James W. Rob       14-11.00 
  5    217 Jazmyne Williams              10 Oakton             14-11.00 
  6     56 Chloe Pantophlet              10 Chantilly          15-01.00 
  7    149 Uloma Nwaolu                  11 James W. Rob       15-02.75 
  8    250 Katie Freix                   12 Westfield          16-07.50 
Event 2  Boys Long Jump
 3 jumps top 7 to finals
 Oakton Provides Helpers
    DIST REC:  22-02.75  2/2/2007    Brandon Davis, CENTREVILLE                
    6A State:  21-10.75                                                        
    6A North:  20-08.50                                                        
           Name                        Year School            Seed Mark     Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1    129 Rivers Rodriguez              12 Herndon            15-05.00 
  2    127 Jj Murphy                     12 Herndon            15-05.25 
  3    230 Elias Lindsey                  9 Oakton             15-10.50 
  4    113 Ronald DeCastro               10 Herndon            16-02.25 
  5    241 Matt Vogel                    10 Oakton             16-05.00 
  6    175 Azunna Nwaolu                 10 James W. Rob       16-07.50 
  7    224 Paul Greenough                11 Oakton             18-04.50 
Flight 2  Finals
  1     27 Mikael Mantis                 12 Centreville        18-05.00 
  2    287 John Lim                      11 Westfield          19-00.00 
  3     64 Darren Almodiel               11 Chantilly          19-02.00 
  4     81 Andris Sturans                12 Chantilly          19-06.00 
  5     22 Young Bin Jin                 11 Centreville        19-08.00 
  6     83 Justin West                   11 Chantilly          20-04.00 
  7     30 Andrew Ridenour               11 Centreville        20-09.25 
  8    158 Caleb Andrews                 10 James W. Rob       20-11.00 
Event 3  Girls Triple Jump
 3 jumps, top 7 to finals
 Centreville Provides Helpers
    DIST REC:  39-01.75  2/15/1995   DESTYNE JONES, CENTREVILLE                
    6A State:  36-00.75                                                        
    6A North:  33-07.25                                                        
           Name                        Year School            Seed Mark     Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1    208 Kelsey McWilliams             11 Oakton                   ND 
  2     98 Smirti Subedi                 10 Herndon            26-11.75 
  3     96 Delana Sobhani                12 Herndon            29-00.50 
  4    200 Lauren Jeter                  10 Oakton             29-01.50 
  5     40 Mackenzie Cowne               11 Chantilly          29-10.50 
  6    148 Maria Muzzio                  10 James W. Rob       30-00.25 
  7     94 Amna Nawaz                    12 Herndon            30-02.75 
Flight 2  Finals
  1     42 Ciana Deveau                  12 Chantilly          30-09.75 
  2    247 Melissa Eging                 12 Westfield          31-10.25 
  3      7 Seo Hee Im                    11 Centreville        32-00.00 
  4     61 Mareshah Sowah                12 Chantilly          32-03.25 
  5    250 Katie Freix                   12 Westfield          33-06.00 
  6    217 Jazmyne Williams              10 Oakton             35-03.50 
  7    149 Uloma Nwaolu                  11 James W. Rob       37-02.75 
Event 4  Boys Triple Jump
 3 jumps top 7 to finals
 Oakton provides helpers
    DIST REC:  46-03.25  2/2/2012    Arthur McDuffy, Chantilly                 
    6A State:  44-04.75                                                        
    6A North:  42-05.50                                                        
           Name                        Year School            Seed Mark     Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1    241 Matt Vogel                    10 Oakton             33-06.50 
  2    124 Jacob Mills                   11 Herndon            34-11.25 
  3     78 Rostam Panjshiri              12 Chantilly          35-02.00 
  4    119 Sayeed Khan                   12 Herndon            35-03.00 
  5    230 Elias Lindsey                  9 Oakton             35-03.50 
  6    121 Andy Lam                      12 Herndon            37-11.00 
  7    224 Paul Greenough                11 Oakton             40-00.50 
Flight 2  Finals
  1     27 Mikael Mantis                 12 Centreville        40-04.00 
  2    158 Caleb Andrews                 10 James W. Rob       40-04.00 
  3     22 Young Bin Jin                 11 Centreville        40-06.00 
  4    287 John Lim                      11 Westfield          41-02.00 
  5     64 Darren Almodiel               11 Chantilly          41-03.00 
  6     30 Andrew Ridenour               11 Centreville        42-01.00 
  7    175 Azunna Nwaolu                 10 James W. Rob       42-01.00 
Event 5  Girls High Jump
 Starting Height---4' 2" to 5'2" by 2" and 1" thereafter
 Herndon Provides Helpers
    DIST REC:   5-07  2/15/2002   BONNIE MEEKINS, OAKTON                       
    6A State:   5-02                                                           
    6A North:   4-10                                                           
           Name                        Year School            Seed Mark     Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1     90 Jessica Keys                   9 Herndon             4-02.00 
  2     40 Mackenzie Cowne               11 Chantilly           4-06.00 
  3    132 Jencia Allen                  11 James W. Rob        4-06.00 
  4    217 Jazmyne Williams              10 Oakton              4-06.00 
  5     54 Margaret O'Donnell            10 Chantilly           4-08.00 
  6    247 Melissa Eging                 12 Westfield           4-08.00 
  7    148 Maria Muzzio                  10 James W. Rob        5-00.00 
  8     36 Hannah Boehlert               10 Chantilly           5-00.00 
  9    250 Katie Freix                   12 Westfield           5-02.00 
 10    149 Uloma Nwaolu                  11 James W. Rob        5-06.00 
Event 6  Boys High Jump
 Opening height 5' 2" to 6'2" by 2" and 1" thereafter
 Herndon Provides Helpers
    DIST REC:   6-08  1/29/2011   Joey Muzzio, James W. Rob                    
    6A State:   6-02                                                           
    6A North:   5-11                                                           
           Name                        Year School            Seed Mark     Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1    281 Owen Glowacki                 11 Westfield                NH 
  2    282 Ryan Heick                    10 Westfield           5-04.00 
  3    175 Azunna Nwaolu                 10 James W. Rob        5-06.00 
  4    160 Daniel Byun                   11 James W. Rob        5-06.00 
  5     22 Young Bin Jin                 11 Centreville         5-06.00 
  6    165 Peter Frias                   11 James W. Rob        5-08.00 
  7     82 Nicholas Ullom                12 Chantilly           5-08.00 
  8     64 Darren Almodiel               11 Chantilly           5-08.00 
  9     81 Andris Sturans                12 Chantilly           5-10.00 
 10     74 Brandon McGorty                9 Chantilly           6-02.00 
Event 7  Girls Shot Put
 3 throws top 7 to finals
 Westfield Provides Helpers
    DIST REC:  39-10.25  1/26/2012   Chioma Onyekwere, James W. Rob            
    6A State:  35-11.75                                                        
    6A North:  32-04.25                                                        
           Name                        Year School            Seed Mark     Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1     93 Audreya Metz                  10 Herndon            20-02.50 
  2    195 Madeline Doane                10 Oakton             21-06.00 
  3     90 Jessica Keys                   9 Herndon            23-01.00 
  4     46 Isabelle Gautschi             10 Chantilly          24-10.00 
  5    260 Ariana Miller                 10 Westfield          25-03.00 
  6     39 Taylor Chapman                10 Chantilly          25-07.50 
Flight 2  Finals
  1    265 Morgan Tweddle                12 Westfield          25-10.00 
  2    199 Danny Hughes                  12 Oakton             25-10.00 
  3     48 Julianne Igbokwe              10 Chantilly          30-11.50 
  4    150 Hope Ononiwu                  12 James W. Rob       31-02.00 
  5    257 Danielle Little               10 Westfield          31-10.00 
  6    152 Seye Raymond                  11 James W. Rob       31-11.00 
  7    148 Maria Muzzio                  10 James W. Rob       39-07.50 
Event 8  Boys Shot Put
 3 throws top 7 to finals
 Westfield provides Helpers
    DIST REC:  52-01.75  2/15/1995   DAN MCGRATH, CENTREVILLE                  
    6A State:  48-09.75                                                        
    6A North:  44-10.75                                                        
           Name                        Year School            Seed Mark     Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1    223 Will Fisher                   10 Oakton             30-10.25 
  2    227 Josh Hwang                    11 Oakton             34-00.00 
  3    222 Zach Chhay                    11 Oakton             34-03.50 
  4    112 Juan Cruz                     12 Herndon            35-00.00 
  5     32 Adam Summers                  12 Centreville        35-03.50 
  6    125 James Morgan                  12 Herndon            36-05.00 
  7     13 Daniel Clements               10 Centreville        36-07.00 
  8    128 Jackson Phipps                11 Herndon            36-08.50 
  9     63 Akinwunmi Abisogun            11 Chantilly          39-08.75 
 10     18 Garrett Friendy               11 Centreville        39-11.00 
 11    270 Andrew Banick                 12 Westfield          40-00.00 
Flight 2  Finals
  1    279 Ryan Fradj                    11 Westfield          41-02.00 
  2     76 Tristian Ngo                  11 Chantilly          41-02.50 
  3    297 Isaac Rodriguez               11 Westfield          43-02.00 
  4    275 Nick Collins                  12 Westfield          43-04.00 
  5    269 Andrew Allen                  12 Westfield          43-11.00 
  6    278 Brandon Flores                11 Westfield          44-05.00 
  7    178 Jonathan Rodriguez            12 James W. Rob       45-00.00 
  8    168 Shaquan Jackson               12 James W. Rob       47-01.00 
  9    300 Ryan Szymanski                12 Westfield          47-01.50 
 10     79 Jeff Paska                    11 Chantilly          47-01.75 
 11    186 Garrett Weatherbee            11 James W. Rob       53-04.00 
Event 9  Girls Pole Vault
 Starting Height---6' 3" going 6" to 9'9" and 3" thereafter
 Chantilly provide helpers
    DIST REC:  11-06  2/15/2000   CHARLOTTE LAROCHE, CENTREVILLE               
    6A State:   9-03                                                           
    6A North:   8-05                                                           
           Name                        Year School            Seed Mark     Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1    209 Judy Nguyen                   10 Oakton                   NH 
  2     35 Cynthia Biggar                10 Chantilly                NH 
  3     93 Audreya Metz                  10 Herndon                  NH 
  4    137 Sara Groth                     9 James W. Rob        6-00.00 
  5    143 Alexia Hsu                    10 James W. Rob        6-06.00 
  6     57 Jacqueline Plummer            11 Chantilly           6-06.00 
  7     85 Leclaire Beres                12 Herndon             7-00.00 
  8     90 Jessica Keys                   9 Herndon             7-00.00 
  9    198 Janine Gaspari                11 Oakton              7-00.00 
 10     44 Grace Florjancic              11 Chantilly           7-06.00 
 11    205 Taylor Manley                 12 Oakton              8-00.00 
 12    151 Lisa Queen                    10 James W. Rob        8-00.00 
 13    250 Katie Freix                   12 Westfield          10-06.00 
Event 10  Boys Pole Vault
 Starting Height--9'0" going 6" to 12'6" and 3" thereafter
 Chantilly provide helpers
    DIST REC:  15-01  2/15/2001   DAVID SULLIVAN, CENTREVILLE                  
    6A State:  12-08                                                           
    6A North:  11-09                                                           
           Name                        Year School            Seed Mark     Finals
Flight 1  Finals
  1    229 Evan Liebl                    10 Oakton                   NH 
  2    238 James Seal                    11 Oakton                   NH 
  3    120 Joe La Rosa                    9 Herndon                  NH 
  4    236 Daniel Ro                     10 Oakton                   NH 
  5     68 Chandler Henderson            10 Chantilly           8-00.00 
  6    166 Will Harris                   11 James W. Rob        8-06.00 
  7    280 Sam Geremew                   12 Westfield           9-00.00 
  8    122 Matt Larossa                  11 Herndon             9-00.00 
  9    173 Eric Moreira-Ibar             10 James W. Rob        9-00.00 
 10    163 Andrew Davis                  11 James W. Rob       10-00.00 
 11    272 Nick Benedetto                12 Westfield          11-00.00 
 12    130 James Tourtellotte            11 Herndon            11-06.00 
 13     65 Jose Diego Almodiel           10 Chantilly          12-00.00 
 14    292 Adam Nugent                   12 Westfield          12-06.00 
 15     81 Andris Sturans                12 Chantilly          12-08.00 
Event 11  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    DIST REC:  9:27.68  2/15/2006   WESTFIELD, WESTFIELD                       
                        Sevacho, Hartman, Potasinski, Bani                
    6A State:  9:40.93                                                         
    6A North:  9:50.10                                                         
     School                                                  Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  James W. Robinson  'A'                               9:53.04 
  2  Westfield  'A'                                      10:09.04 
  3  Oakton  'A'                                          9:35.67 
  4  Centreville  'A'                                    10:25.17 
  5  Chantilly  'A'                                      10:20.14 
  6  Herndon  'A'                                        10:38.78 
Event 12  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    DIST REC:  8:03.78  2/7/2002    South Lakes, South Lakes                   
                        Gorbahnd, Greenspan, Haber, Smith                 
    6A State:  8:11.12                                                         
    6A North:  8:21.74                                                         
     School                                                  Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Chantilly  'A'                                       8:21.96 
  2  Herndon  'A'                                         8:53.63 
  3  Centreville  'A'                                     8:27.41 
  4  James W. Robinson  'A'                               8:20.98 
  5  Westfield  'A'                                       8:32.49 
  6  Oakton  'A'                                          8:10.91 
Event 13  Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    DIST REC:   8.24  2/15/1998   NACCOLE GUINN, JEFFERSON                     
    6A State:   8.57                                                           
    6A North:   9.17                                                           
           Name                        Year School                 Seed relim Time
Heat 1  Prelims
  1    148 Maria Muzzio                  10 James W. Rob          10.64 
  2    154 Amanda Stuchel                12 James W. Rob          10.34 
  3      7 Seo Hee Im                    11 Centreville           10.14 
  4    216 Jackie Toye                   11 Oakton                 9.78 
  5      3 Sammy Belso                   10 Centreville            9.91 
  6    188 Sydney Applegate              11 Oakton                10.15 
  7    267 Samantha Wilkinson            11 Westfield             10.44 
  8     45 Emily Garcia-Montes           11 Chantilly             10.74 
Heat 2  Prelims
  1    155 Caitlyn Warner                11 James W. Rob          10.64 
  2     49 Johanna Le                    11 Chantilly             10.24 
  3    264 Juliann Sutherland            10 Westfield             10.13 
  4      5 Lisa Dinschel                 11 Centreville            9.71 
  5    192 Margaret Corgnati             11 Oakton                10.09 
  6    246 Elizabeth Doherty             12 Westfield             10.15 
  7     98 Smirti Subedi                 10 Herndon               10.54 
  8     59 Elizabeth Ren                 10 Chantilly             10.84 
Event 14  Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    DIST REC:   7.50  2/15/1999   RICKY HARRIS, CENTREVILLE                    
    6A State:   7.88                                                           
    6A North:   8.08                                                           
           Name                        Year School                 Seed relim Time
Heat 1  Prelims
  2    235 David Nguyen                  10 Oakton                10.24 
  3     68 Chandler Henderson            10 Chantilly              8.64 
  4     22 Young Bin Jin                 11 Centreville            8.25 
  5    171 Philip Lim                    11 James W. Rob           8.44 
  6    102 Yusef Ahmed                   11 Herndon                8.94 
  7    285 Isaiah Johnson                12 Westfield              9.11 
Heat 2  Prelims
  2    218 Nathan Acquah                 12 Oakton                 9.27 
  3     67 Arvin Daneshmand              12 Chantilly              8.46 
  4    277 Nick Falatko                  12 Westfield              8.18 
  5    158 Caleb Andrews                 10 James W. Rob           8.45 
  6    106 Bryan Blanco                  12 Herndon                9.27 
  7     14 Andrew Cowen                  11 Centreville            9.93 
Heat 3  Prelims
  2    122 Matt Larossa                  11 Herndon               10.02 
  3    240 Daniel Ta                     12 Oakton                 8.48 
  4     73 Peyton Mcclintock             11 Chantilly              8.01 
  5     11 Kevin Bishop                  11 Centreville            8.62 
  6    184 Blake Vogel                   12 James W. Rob           9.14 
Event 15  Girls 55 Meter Dash
    DIST REC:   7.0h  2/15/1995   DESTYNE JONES, CENTREVILLE                   
    6A State:   7.28                                                           
    6A North:   7.43                                                           
           Name                        Year School                 Seed relim Time
Heat 1  Prelims
  2      5 Lisa Dinschel                 11 Centreville            7.91 
  3    217 Jazmyne Williams              10 Oakton                 7.77 
  4    140 Alisha Harris                 10 James W. Rob           7.61 
  5    258 Natalie Lott                   9 Westfield              7.67 
  6     36 Hannah Boehlert               10 Chantilly              7.99 
  7     90 Jessica Keys                   9 Herndon                8.52 
Heat 2  Prelims
  2      2 Tyra Baptiste                 11 Centreville            7.90 
  3     42 Ciana Deveau                  12 Chantilly              8.44 
  4    197 Jordan Fitzgerald              9 Oakton                 7.54 
  5    152 Seye Raymond                  11 James W. Rob           7.64 
  6    256 Ashley Little                 12 Westfield              8.01 
  7     99 Jeannie Taylor                10 Herndon                8.84 
Heat 3  Prelims
  2     37 Morgan Carson                 11 Chantilly              8.14 
  3    254 Asia Jackson                   9 Westfield              8.30 
  4    200 Lauren Jeter                  10 Oakton                 7.46 
  5    132 Jencia Allen                  11 James W. Rob           7.92 
  6     85 Leclaire Beres                12 Herndon                8.05 
Event 16  Boys 55 Meter Dash
    DIST REC:   6.42  2/15/2003   JOHN SCHENCK, WESTFIELD                      
    6A State:   6.53                                                           
    6A North:   6.66                                                           
           Name                        Year School                 Seed relim Time
Heat 1  Prelims
  2    103 Ferry Akbar                   12 Herndon                7.30 
  3    162 Shane Crean                   12 James W. Rob           6.94 
  4     30 Andrew Ridenour               11 Centreville            6.76 
  5     83 Justin West                   11 Chantilly              6.79 
  6    291 Alex Moses                    12 Westfield              6.96 
  7    219 David Allely                  11 Oakton                 7.14 
Heat 2  Prelims
  2    111 Jonathan Cruz                 12 Herndon                7.14 
  3     64 Darren Almodiel               11 Chantilly              6.95 
  4    164 Marcus Denham                 11 James W. Rob           6.76 
  5    224 Paul Greenough                11 Oakton                 6.86 
  6    268 Elias Alhussaini              10 Westfield              7.02 
  7     27 Mikael Mantis                 12 Centreville            7.17 
Heat 3  Prelims
  2     33 James Warajuntano             11 Centreville            7.26 
  3    288 Caleb McClain                 11 Westfield              6.90 
  4     80 Eason Recto                   12 Chantilly              6.61 
  5    159 Yahya Biramane                12 James W. Rob           6.84 
  6    237 Abdelrahman Said Abdalla      11 Oakton                 7.05 
  7    129 Rivers Rodriguez              12 Herndon                7.38 
Event 17  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
 3 turn stagger will be used
    DIST REC:  1:46.10  2/10/2005   Chantilly, Chantilly                       
                        Geldermann, Nelson, Abisogun, Kanamine            
    6A State:  1:47.16                                                         
    6A North:  1:50.06                                                         
     School                                                  Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Centreville  'A'                                     1:58.00 
  2  Oakton  'A'                                          1:51.52 
  3  James W. Robinson  'A'                               1:48.75 
  4  Westfield  'A'                                       1:49.99 
  5  Chantilly  'A'                                       1:54.73 
  6  Herndon  'A'                                         1:58.19 
Event 18  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
 3 turn stagger will be used
    DIST REC:  1:32.60  2/15/2002   CENTREVILLE, CENTREVILLE                   
    6A State:  1:32.55                                                         
    6A North:  1:34.42                                                         
     School                                                  Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Oakton  'A'                                          1:37.78 
  2  Centreville  'A'                                     1:35.25 
  3  Chantilly  'A'                                       1:33.44 
  4  Westfield  'A'                                       1:34.33 
  5  James W. Robinson  'A'                               1:35.50 
  6  Herndon  'A'                                         1:41.56 
Event 19  Girls 1600 Meter Run
 Last 4 to the outside alley at the start
    DIST REC:  4:59.18  2/1/2013    Allie Klimkiewicz, Oakton                  
    6A State:  5:08.95                                                         
    6A North:  5:12.11                                                         
           Name                        Year School                 Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1     51 Ana Morris                     9 Chantilly           5:34.73 
  2     10 Colette Rizzi                 10 Centreville         5:53.54 
  3    263 McKinsey Smith                11 Westfield           5:50.44 
  4    100 Hannah Wolfe                  10 Herndon             5:37.92 
  5     87 Lauren Butler                 10 Herndon             5:39.47 
  6     53 Christie Murray               10 Chantilly           5:28.31 
  7    252 Roshni Gill                   11 Westfield           5:42.18 
  8     95 Victoria Parodi               10 Herndon             6:17.10 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1    134 Lauren Berman                 11 James W. Rob        5:20.37 
  2    202 Casey Kendall                  9 Oakton              5:15.85 
  3    213 Leya Salis                     9 Oakton              5:18.08 
  4    142 Courtney Holleran             12 James W. Rob        5:28.15 
  5    251 Sara Freix                    10 Westfield           5:21.26 
  6      9 Jackie O'Shea                 11 Centreville         5:27.20 
  7    204 Allie Klimkiewicz             11 Oakton              5:17.29 
  8    196 Hailey Dougherty              12 Oakton              5:13.64 
  9     47 Xaveria Hawvermale            11 Chantilly           5:20.04 
 10    153 Macey Schweikert              12 James W. Rob        5:02.94 
Event 20  Boys 1600 Meter Run
 Last 4 to the outside alley at the start
    DIST REC:  4:11.52  2/1/2013    Sean McGorty, Chantilly                    
    6A State:  4:24.94                                                         
    6A North:  4:29.16                                                         
           Name                        Year School                 Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1     21 Dan Horoho                     9 Centreville         4:50.80 
  2    126 Jack Morris                   11 Herndon             4:56.13 
  3     25 Kyle Lyons                    11 Centreville         4:52.83 
  4     84 Christopher Wigle             10 Chantilly           4:52.46 
  5    169 Dustin Jutras                 12 James W. Rob        4:39.76 
  6    109 Logan Burns                   11 Herndon             5:18.24 
  7     70 Miraj Khan                    12 Chantilly           4:49.94 
  8    283 Jake Hernandez                10 Westfield           5:02.14 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1    295 Johnny Pace                   11 Westfield           4:28.00 
  2    293 Nick O'Connell                12 Westfield           4:26.13 
  3    239 John Stoney                   12 Oakton              4:25.08 
  4     75 Ryan McGorty                  11 Chantilly           4:32.14 
  5    181 Luke Sharkey                  12 James W. Rob        4:28.87 
  6    183 John Tolbert                  12 James W. Rob        4:27.12 
  7    228 Simon Iyob                    11 Oakton              4:34.40 
  8    225 Isamu Hosokawa                12 Oakton              4:33.67 
  9     16 Bobby Dunn                    11 Centreville         4:26.70 
 10    115 Andrew Goldman                12 Herndon             4:20.97 
Event 21  Girls 500 Meter Dash
 2 turn stagger
    DIST REC:  1:17.08  2/2/2012    Genamarie McCant, James W. Robinson        
    6A State:  1:17.37                                                         
    6A North:  1:19.43                                                         
           Name                        Year School                 Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  2    144 Hannah Jefson                 11 James W. Rob        1:33.82 
  3     89 Caroline Glazier               9 Herndon             1:29.77 
  4    248 Becky Fitzgerald              10 Westfield           1:32.24 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1     92 Seara Mainor                  10 Herndon             1:29.12 
  2     43 Amanda Filipek                11 Chantilly           1:27.46 
  3     58 Kendall Raher                 12 Chantilly           1:25.55 
  4    191 Angie Cherikos                 9 Oakton              1:26.24 
  5     55 Sofia Oliveira                 9 Chantilly           1:27.54 
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1    215 Sarah Sheridan                11 Oakton              1:23.71 
  2    138 Brooke Hagen                   9 James W. Rob        1:23.24 
  3    156 Kacey Wheeler                 12 James W. Rob        1:18.38 
  4    242 Taunysha Bailey               12 Westfield           1:20.67 
  5    266 Arianna Wakefield             12 Westfield           1:23.53 
  6    214 Tess Sapone                   10 Oakton              1:24.53 
Event 22  Boys 500 Meter Dash
 2 turn stagger
    DIST REC:  1:05.36  2/1/2013    Nathan Kiley, Westfield                    
    6A State:  1:06.70                                                         
    6A North:  1:07.95                                                         
           Name                        Year School                 Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1    101 David Acton                   12 Herndon             1:23.77 
  2     29 Fernando Muzo                 12 Centreville         1:15.42 
  3     15 Dean Dickinson                12 Centreville         1:15.01 
  4    105 Angel Becerril                11 Herndon             1:15.17 
  5    290 Bereket Mela                  10 Westfield           1:16.94 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1    276 Kevin Deely                   11 Westfield           1:14.14 
  2    185 Aidan Walter                  12 James W. Rob        1:12.74 
  3    104 Mark Anderson                 12 Herndon             1:10.24 
  4    299 Kahlil Shepard                12 Westfield           1:11.31 
  5    177 Myckel Richmond               11 James W. Rob        1:13.34 
  6     12 Michael Bishop                11 Centreville         1:14.78 
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1     67 Arvin Daneshmand              12 Chantilly           1:09.13 
  2    232 Matt Livingston               12 Oakton              1:08.83 
  3     81 Andris Sturans                12 Chantilly           1:08.27 
  4    179 Jonathan Roof                 11 James W. Rob        1:08.64 
  5     74 Brandon McGorty                9 Chantilly           1:09.01 
  6    226 Phillip Hrinko                11 Oakton              1:10.24 
Event 23  Girls 1000 Meter Run
 Last 4 to the outside alley at the start
    DIST REC:  2:58.06  2/3/2007    Kerry Hartman, WESTFIELD                   
    6A State:  3:01.54                                                         
    6A North:  3:03.80                                                         
           Name                        Year School                 Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1    147 Mary Katherine Masteler       10 James W. Rob        3:22.50 
  2      4 Kayley Bogemann               10 Centreville         3:22.15 
  3      8 Natalie King                  11 Centreville         3:27.39 
  4     91 Lauren Lamoglia               11 Herndon             3:29.13 
  5    100 Hannah Wolfe                  10 Herndon             3:21.91 
  6     60 Bianca San                    11 Chantilly           3:23.41 
  7     86 Gabby Bustamante              11 Herndon             3:27.04 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1    196 Hailey Dougherty              12 Oakton              3:06.88 
  2    253 Meghan Heick                  12 Westfield           3:17.39 
  3    261 Grace Okoroafor               10 Westfield           3:17.24 
  4    251 Sara Freix                    10 Westfield           3:13.24 
  5    204 Allie Klimkiewicz             11 Oakton              3:09.88 
  6    202 Casey Kendall                  9 Oakton              3:10.24 
  7     62 Megan Toole                   12 Chantilly           3:16.94 
  8     50 Hannah Lull                   11 Chantilly           3:18.48 
  9    134 Lauren Berman                 11 James W. Rob        3:09.78 
 10    153 Macey Schweikert              12 James W. Rob        2:57.15 
Event 24  Boys 1000 Meter Run
 Last 4 to the outside alley at the start
    DIST REC:  2:29.05  2/2/2012    Michael McNamee, Oakton                    
    6A State:  2:34.98                                                         
    6A North:  2:37.15                                                         
           Name                        Year School                 Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1     17 Ryan French                   10 Centreville         2:59.54 
  2    293 Nick O'Connell                12 Westfield           2:47.94 
  3    295 Johnny Pace                   11 Westfield           2:51.24 
  4    114 Dylan Ellis                   10 Herndon             2:54.77 
  5     66 Evan Compton                  11 Chantilly           2:50.84 
  6    123 Jeremy Levine                 10 Herndon             2:54.47 
  7    296 Marshall Pittman              12 Westfield           2:54.62 
  8     23 Alex Jung                     10 Centreville         2:55.82 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1    221 Thomas Burns                  11 Oakton              2:47.05 
  2    234 Isaac Mills                   11 Oakton              2:41.12 
  3    180 Nathan Schulte                12 James W. Rob        2:33.73 
  4     69 Adam Huff                     12 Chantilly           2:43.78 
  5    182 Reid Sharkey                  10 James W. Rob        2:44.94 
  6    115 Andrew Goldman                12 Herndon             2:40.04 
  7    233 Matthew Mckew                 12 Oakton              2:43.52 
  8     71 Dakota Lange                  11 Chantilly           2:40.63 
  9     20 Chase Heiner                  12 Centreville         2:37.34 
 10    174 Patrick Myers                 11 James W. Rob        2:44.26 
Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Dash
 lanes the entire way
    DIST REC:  40.28  2/2/2012    Genamarie McCant, James W. Robinson          
    6A State:  40.93                                                           
    6A North:  42.27                                                           
           Name                        Year School                 Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  2     98 Smirti Subedi                 10 Herndon               51.26 
  3     94 Amna Nawaz                    12 Herndon               46.69 
  4     85 Leclaire Beres                12 Herndon               47.34 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1    256 Ashley Little                 12 Westfield             46.24 
  2    258 Natalie Lott                   9 Westfield             45.44 
  3    140 Alisha Harris                 10 James W. Rob          44.35 
  4    197 Jordan Fitzgerald              9 Oakton                44.63 
  5     58 Kendall Raher                 12 Chantilly             46.01 
  6     43 Amanda Filipek                11 Chantilly             46.40 
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1     41 Colleen Davidson              11 Chantilly             43.99 
  2    200 Lauren Jeter                  10 Oakton                43.40 
  3    156 Kacey Wheeler                 12 James W. Rob          41.49 
  4    242 Taunysha Bailey               12 Westfield             41.98 
  5    152 Seye Raymond                  11 James W. Rob          43.97 
  6    217 Jazmyne Williams              10 Oakton                44.03 
Event 26  Boys 300 Meter Dash
 lanes the entire way
    DIST REC:  35.22  2/15/2002   DANIEL BAILEY, CENTREVILLE                   
    6A State:  35.77                                                           
    6A North:  36.64                                                           
           Name                        Year School                 Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  2    108 Andrew Bui                    12 Herndon               43.01 
  3    131 Phillip Warner                12 Herndon               40.70 
  4    107 Alexander Bohnslav             8 Herndon               42.36 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  2     31 Fred Stoney                    9 Centreville           39.65 
  3    240 Daniel Ta                     12 Oakton                39.44 
  4    237 Abdelrahman Said Abdalla      11 Oakton                39.56 
  5     27 Mikael Mantis                 12 Centreville           39.74 
Section 3  Timed Finals
  1    287 John Lim                      11 Westfield             39.04 
  2     22 Young Bin Jin                 11 Centreville           38.14 
  3     81 Andris Sturans                12 Chantilly             37.19 
  4    179 Jonathan Roof                 11 James W. Rob          37.67 
  5    187 Ryan Witter                   12 James W. Rob          38.72 
  6    284 Alex Humphrey                 12 Westfield             39.14 
Section 4  Timed Finals
  1    299 Kahlil Shepard                12 Westfield             36.95 
  2     80 Eason Recto                   12 Chantilly             36.24 
  3     73 Peyton Mcclintock             11 Chantilly             35.94 
  4     83 Justin West                   11 Chantilly             36.04 
  5    164 Marcus Denham                 11 James W. Rob          36.34 
  6    231 Miles Lindsey                 12 Oakton                36.98 
Event 27  Girls 3200 Meter Run
 Last 4 to the outside alley at the start
    DIST REC:  10:52.12  2/15/2008   LIA DIVALENTIN, CHANTILLY                 
    6A State:  11:13.13                                                        
    6A North:  11:22.70                                                        
           Name                        Year School                 Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1    153 Macey Schweikert              12 James W. Rob       10:57.71 
  2     47 Xaveria Hawvermale            11 Chantilly          11:14.02 
  3    134 Lauren Berman                 11 James W. Rob       11:11.64 
  4    147 Mary Katherine Masteler       10 James W. Rob       11:42.54 
  5    213 Leya Salis                     9 Oakton             11:29.56 
  6    196 Hailey Dougherty              12 Oakton             11:03.00 
  7     53 Christie Murray               10 Chantilly          11:27.55 
  8     97 Amy Spohn                     12 Herndon            14:11.24 
  9    204 Allie Klimkiewicz             11 Oakton             10:53.64 
 10     87 Lauren Butler                 10 Herndon            11:58.14 
 11      9 Jackie O'Shea                 11 Centreville        11:38.77 
 12    244 Ameena Benselloum              9 Westfield          12:37.27 
 13     38 Patricia Cason                12 Chantilly          12:42.14 
 14    249 Karina Frank                  11 Westfield          13:03.24 
 15    251 Sara Freix                    10 Westfield          11:35.24 
 16     88 Abby Frazer                   12 Herndon            12:54.44 
 17    202 Casey Kendall                  9 Oakton             11:11.20 
Event 28  Boys 3200 Meter Run
 Last 4 to the outside alley at the start
    DIST REC:  8:55.38  2/1/2013    Sean McGorty, Chantilly                    
    6A State:  9:39.10                                                         
    6A North:  9:46.68                                                         
           Name                        Year School                 Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1    273 Tim Boyles                    12 Westfield          10:32.55 
  2    228 Simon Iyob                    11 Oakton              9:55.37 
  3    117 Sean Hagerup                  10 Herndon            11:24.16 
  4    220 David Atkinson                12 Oakton              9:57.23 
  5     66 Evan Compton                  11 Chantilly          10:16.49 
  6     21 Dan Horoho                     9 Centreville        10:26.84 
  7     17 Ryan French                   10 Centreville        10:25.90 
  8    110 Tommie Cecil                  10 Herndon            10:53.94 
  9    169 Dustin Jutras                 12 James W. Rob        9:55.64 
Section 2  Timed Finals
  1    239 John Stoney                   12 Oakton              9:36.83 
  2    293 Nick O'Connell                12 Westfield           9:52.95 
  3    295 Johnny Pace                   11 Westfield           9:45.78 
  4    115 Andrew Goldman                12 Herndon             9:33.78 
  5     75 Ryan McGorty                  11 Chantilly           9:28.24 
  6    183 John Tolbert                  12 James W. Rob        9:31.44 
  7    181 Luke Sharkey                  12 James W. Rob        9:38.34 
  8    225 Isamu Hosokawa                12 Oakton              9:54.31 
  9    174 Patrick Myers                 11 James W. Rob        9:52.04 
 10     16 Bobby Dunn                    11 Centreville         9:38.56 
 11     71 Dakota Lange                  11 Chantilly           9:32.14 
 12    167 Nicolas Hite                  11 James W. Rob        9:53.34 
Event 29  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
 2 turn stagger will be used
    DIST REC:  4:05.63  2/10/2005   Centreville, Centreville                   
                        Demby, Collins, Finch, Tisinger                   
    6A State:  4:05.15                                                         
    6A North:  4:13.26                                                         
     School                                                  Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Centreville  'A'                                     4:35.29 
  2  Chantilly  'A'                                       4:20.10 
  3  James W. Robinson  'A'                               4:06.95 
  4  Westfield  'A'                                       4:13.08 
  5  Oakton  'A'                                          4:24.27 
  6  Herndon  'A'                                         4:35.88 
Event 30  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
 2 turn stagger will be used
    DIST REC:  3:27.73  2/12/2004   WESTFIELD, WESTFIELD                       
    6A State:  3:30.21                                                         
    6A North:  3:34.29                                                         
     School                                                  Seed     Finals
Section 1  Timed Finals
  1  Westfield  'A'                                       3:40.33 
  2  Oakton  'A'                                          3:33.09 
  3  Centreville  'A'                                     3:29.40 
  4  James W. Robinson  'A'                               3:29.73 
  5  Chantilly  'A'                                       3:35.01 
  6  Herndon  'A'                                         3:54.84