Tri Meet: Albert Einstein, Bethesda-CC, Winston Churchill 2015

Potomac, MD

Boys Results

 Winston Churchill High School                                      HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                       B-CC and Einstein at Churchill - 10/6/2015                        
                              Winston Churchill High School                              
                                  Last Completed Event                                   
Boys 5k Run CC
      Comp#  Name                            School                           Time Points
    1   115  Kannapell, Dylan                Bethesda-Chevy Chase         17:00.10      1
    2    18  Arias, Alejandro                Albert Einstein              17:03.10       
    3   239  Welter, Mitchell                Winston Churchill            17:09.30      2
    4   196  Grant, Jacob                    Winston Churchill            17:12.30      3
    5   111  Heinzerling, Lucas              Bethesda-Chevy Chase         17:14.60      4
    6   129  Nakasaka, Adam                  Bethesda-Chevy Chase         17:19.40      5
    7    44  Wilson, Tyler                   Albert Einstein              17:37.70       
    8    36  Mussie, Simeon                  Albert Einstein              17:38.50       
    9   228  Shefferman, Jason               Winston Churchill            17:39.40      6
   10   203  Hughes, Michael                 Winston Churchill            17:43.40      7
   11   109  Fry, Josh                       Bethesda-Chevy Chase         17:47.80      8
   12   240  Winkert, Thomas                 Winston Churchill            17:56.90      9
   13   194  Goldsmith, Matthew              Winston Churchill            17:57.80     10
   14   188  Dong, Grant                     Winston Churchill            18:09.70     11
   15   133  Rosenblum, Jonah                Bethesda-Chevy Chase         18:10.40     12
   16   131  Rains, Jacob                    Bethesda-Chevy Chase         18:12.70     13
   17   245  Zhang, Michael                  Winston Churchill            18:15.40       
   18    39  Ruskin, Jonah                   Albert Einstein              18:18.50       
   19   124  Masson, Philippe                Bethesda-Chevy Chase         18:23.80     14
   20   141  Tesfatsion, Hermon              Bethesda-Chevy Chase         18:37.90       
   21   107  Elwood-Dieu, Kai                Bethesda-Chevy Chase         19:00.30       
   22   198  Halverson, Matthew              Winston Churchill            19:00.90       
   23   126  McAuliffe, Kevin                Bethesda-Chevy Chase         19:03.90       
   24   226  Rudolph, Vicente                Winston Churchill            19:07.30       
   25   222  Mishra, Varun                   Winston Churchill            19:08.10       
   26   121  Leipold, Alex                   Bethesda-Chevy Chase         19:10.00       
   27   143  Weissfeld, Ari                  Bethesda-Chevy Chase         19:15.30       
   28   100  Bailey, Nick                    Bethesda-Chevy Chase         19:27.40       
   29   242  Yi, Daniel                      Winston Churchill            19:29.60       
   30    22  Cummings, Bryan                 Albert Einstein              19:30.60       
   31   105  Chance, Robert                  Bethesda-Chevy Chase         19:34.70       
   32   220  Mahan, Sean                     Winston Churchill            19:35.40       
   33   191  Forest, Aaron                   Winston Churchill            19:36.80       
   34   192  Freilich, Joshua                Winston Churchill            19:41.20       
   35   132  Richardson, Will                Bethesda-Chevy Chase         19:46.10       
   36   233  Tan-Fahed, Adrian               Winston Churchill            19:49.00       
   37   103  Bernal, Dario                   Bethesda-Chevy Chase         19:50.20       
   38   230  Stanish, Benjamin               Winston Churchill            19:50.50       
   39   212  La, Jordan                      Winston Churchill            19:50.80       
   40   186  Chan, William                   Winston Churchill            19:55.70       
   41   209  Kotsanos, George                Winston Churchill            20:06.40       
   42    23  David, Beyviel                  Albert Einstein              20:24.60       
   43   238  Wang, Simon                     Winston Churchill            20:27.20       
   44   127  McGreivy, James                 Bethesda-Chevy Chase         20:33.10       
   45   101  Batchelder, Cooper              Bethesda-Chevy Chase         20:36.70       
   46   235  Tong, George                    Winston Churchill            20:40.30       
   47   223  Murren, Ian                     Winston Churchill            20:41.90       
   48   106  Cobau, James                    Bethesda-Chevy Chase         20:46.10       
   49   219  Ma, Hollis                      Winston Churchill            20:47.40       
   50   138  Smith, Justin                   Bethesda-Chevy Chase         20:48.90       
   51    26  Eshete, Gabriel                 Albert Einstein              20:49.70       
   52   102  Berlinski, Nicolas              Bethesda-Chevy Chase         20:50.80       
   53   208  Kim, Noah                       Winston Churchill            21:00.40       
   54    27  Feit, Jonas                     Albert Einstein              21:01.10       
   55   137  Sinoro, Steve                   Bethesda-Chevy Chase         21:05.80       
   56   189  Eisler, Benjamin                Winston Churchill            21:10.90       
   57   185  Carter, William                 Winston Churchill            21:16.90       
   58   200  Ho, Kevin                       Winston Churchill            21:23.30       
   59    40  Simmons, Hunter                 Albert Einstein              21:24.90       
   60   104  Buron, Henry                    Bethesda-Chevy Chase         21:26.00       
   61   108  Fox, Evan                       Bethesda-Chevy Chase         21:26.70       
   62   207  Kidney, John                    Winston Churchill            21:31.30       
   63   195  Gordon, Alex                    Winston Churchill            21:36.70       
   64    20  Bue, Matt                       Albert Einstein              21:40.70       
   65   110  Gaffney, Justin                 Bethesda-Chevy Chase         21:41.90       
   66    50  Zimmer, Frank                   Albert Einstein              21:48.40       
   67    42  Sintayehu, Noah                 Albert Einstein              21:57.70       
   68    38  Rayburn, Logan                  Albert Einstein              22:02.90       
   69   205  Jordan, Ashton                  Winston Churchill            22:06.80       
   70   139  Spellmeyer, Brennan             Bethesda-Chevy Chase         22:07.60       
   71   193  Ge, Frank                       Winston Churchill            22:08.20       
   72   128  McManus, Joseph                 Bethesda-Chevy Chase         22:08.50       
   73   134  Saguil, Caleb                   Bethesda-Chevy Chase         22:09.40       
   74    32  McCaul, Aidan                   Albert Einstein              22:10.80       
   75   231  Suh, Matthew                    Winston Churchill            22:13.40       
   76   112  Hemley, Emerson                 Bethesda-Chevy Chase         22:15.60       
   77   199  Hill, Coleridge                 Winston Churchill            22:22.50       
   78   117  Kelley, Conor                   Bethesda-Chevy Chase         22:28.80       
   79   130  Novak, Max                      Bethesda-Chevy Chase         22:29.90       
   80   215  Levitt, Spencer                 Winston Churchill            22:32.90       
   81    28  Fulton, Tom                     Albert Einstein              22:34.50       
   82   211  Kupferschmid, Matthew           Winston Churchill            22:39.30       
   83   122  Lucas, Steven                   Bethesda-Chevy Chase         22:40.20       
   84   202  Hua, Hugo                       Winston Churchill            23:03.30       
   85   140  Spiro, Andrew                   Bethesda-Chevy Chase         23:13.50       
   86   120  Lagarde, Kaleb                  Bethesda-Chevy Chase         23:16.90       
   87   224  Pyo, Daniel                     Winston Churchill            23:18.30       
   88    46  Young, Chase                    Albert Einstein              23:23.10       
   89   183  Arfa Russo, Sean                Winston Churchill            23:27.40       
   90   119  Krause, Miles                   Bethesda-Chevy Chase         23:30.50       
   91   118  Krause, Dexter                  Bethesda-Chevy Chase         23:32.60       
   92   197  Greenstein, Ethan               Winston Churchill            23:37.70       
   93   237  Wang, Kevin                     Winston Churchill            23:40.70       
   94   201  Holy, Benjamin                  Winston Churchill            23:42.60       
   95   241  Won, Lancelot                   Winston Churchill            23:49.60       
   96   243  Yin, Jeffrey                    Winston Churchill            23:53.30       
   97   225  Rojas, Marcos                   Winston Churchill            23:56.40       
   98    34  Merlos, Andres                  Albert Einstein              23:59.50       
   99   216  Liakakis, Nikolas               Winston Churchill            24:00.00       
  100    37  Nguyen, Brian                   Albert Einstein              24:02.50       
  101    25  Eisen, Lennard                  Albert Einstein              24:03.90       
  102    47  Yuen, Albert                    Albert Einstein              24:04.40       
  103   116  Keeling, JP                     Bethesda-Chevy Chase         24:07.30       
  104    33  Mcskeane, Gavin                 Albert Einstein              24:10.30       
  105   204  Hwang, Benjamin                 Winston Churchill            24:14.40       
  106   246  Zhao, Jack                      Winston Churchill            24:16.60       
  107   187  Chen, William                   Winston Churchill            24:21.90       
  108   135  Saguil, Philip                  Bethesda-Chevy Chase         24:26.80       
  109   221  Mason, Nicholas                 Winston Churchill            24:33.20       
  110    24  Doan, Ryan                      Albert Einstein              24:59.80       
  111   217  Lin, Benjamin                   Winston Churchill            25:13.30       
  112   214  Lee, Daniel                     Winston Churchill            25:19.60       
  113   184  Assaf, George                   Winston Churchill            25:42.80       
  114    21  Bui, Richard                    Albert Einstein              27:28.00       
  115    43  Turner, Ruben                   Albert Einstein              34:44.80       

 Winston Churchill High School                              HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                   B-CC and Einstein at Churchill - 10/6/2015                    
                          Winston Churchill High School                          
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
Albert Einstein vs Bethesda-Chevy Chase                                          
   1 Bethesda-Chevy Chase         23    1    3    4    7    8    9   11          
      Total Time:  1:27:32.30                                                    
         Average:    17:30.46                                                    
   2 Albert Einstein              35    2    5    6   10   12   13   14          
      Total Time:  1:30:08.40                                                    
         Average:    18:01.68                                                    
Albert Einstein vs Winston Churchill                                             
   1 Winston Churchill            26    2    3    6    7    8    9   10          
      Total Time:  1:27:41.30                                                    
         Average:    17:32.26                                                    
   2 Albert Einstein              33    1    4    5   11   12   13   14          
      Total Time:  1:30:08.40                                                    
         Average:    18:01.68                                                    
Bethesda-Chevy Chase vs Winston Churchill                                        
   1 Winston Churchill            27    2    3    6    7    9   10   11          
      Total Time:  1:27:41.30                                                    
         Average:    17:32.26                                                    
   2 Bethesda-Chevy Chase         30    1    4    5    8   12   13   14          
      Total Time:  1:27:32.30                                                    
         Average:    17:30.46