Meet Information
Date: May 11, 2016 at 3:00 p.m.
Participating: Entries limited to first 13 teams
Scoring: Scoring will be done according to the NFHS Rulebook (10-8-6-4-2-1)
Trophies will be awarded to the top 2 boys and girls teams, as well as the top combined team score. Medals will be given for the top 3 in each individual event, and ribbons will be awarded to the 4th-6th place finishers.
Entries: There will be an entry fee of $150 due on April 16, 2016. All checks must be made payable to Kent Island High School and sent to the following contact person:
Justin Holland
Kent Island High School
900 Love Point Road
Stevensville, MD 21666
Phone (W) 410-604-2070
(C) 410-903-5969
All entries must be received prior to May 9, 2016 in order for your athletes to be seeded.
Event Information
1. You must enter the meet using Same process that is used for the Maryland regional state meets.
2. Only 2 athletes may be entered into each individual event and 1 team per relay event. In addition, each team can use a maximum of 3 wildcards, which can be entered (in addition to the 2 entered athletes) into any individual events. You may use a wild card to enter a B Team in any relay.
3. Only 3 athletes per team may score in an event. However, A and B relay teams will
4. Athletes may be entered into a maximum of 4 events, including relays.
5. All events will be seeded according to the entries submitted by the coach. Not submitting entries will result in a No Time and will subsequently be seeded into the slowest heat.
6. Each athlete will receive 3 attempts in the long jump, triple jump, shot put, and discus.
The top 7 athletes will then receive 3 additional attempts in the finals.
7. Pole vault and high jump opening heights will be determined at the coaches meeting.
8. The meet will be timed using an FAT system.
4x800m Relay
100m Hurdles Finals
110m Hurdles Finals
100m Finals
4x200m Relay
300m Hurdles
200m Finals
4x100m Relay
4x400m Relay
The following field events will start first:
Boys Shot Put
Boys Triple Jump
Girls Discus
Girls Pole Vault
Girls High Jump
Girls Long Jump
Date: May 11, 2016 at 3:00 p.m.
Participating: Entries limited to first 13 teams
Scoring: Scoring will be done according to the NFHS Rulebook (10-8-6-4-2-1)
Trophies will be awarded to the top 2 boys and girls teams, as well as the top combined team score. Medals will be given for the top 3 in each individual event, and ribbons will be awarded to the 4th-6th place finishers.
Entries: There will be an entry fee of $150 due on April 16, 2016. All checks must be made payable to Kent Island High School and sent to the following contact person:
Justin Holland
Kent Island High School
900 Love Point Road
Stevensville, MD 21666
Phone (W) 410-604-2070
(C) 410-903-5969
All entries must be received prior to May 9, 2016 in order for your athletes to be seeded.
Event Information
1. You must enter the meet using Same process that is used for the Maryland regional state meets.
2. Only 2 athletes may be entered into each individual event and 1 team per relay event. In addition, each team can use a maximum of 3 wildcards, which can be entered (in addition to the 2 entered athletes) into any individual events. You may use a wild card to enter a B Team in any relay.
3. Only 3 athletes per team may score in an event. However, A and B relay teams will
4. Athletes may be entered into a maximum of 4 events, including relays.
5. All events will be seeded according to the entries submitted by the coach. Not submitting entries will result in a No Time and will subsequently be seeded into the slowest heat.
6. Each athlete will receive 3 attempts in the long jump, triple jump, shot put, and discus.
The top 7 athletes will then receive 3 additional attempts in the finals.
7. Pole vault and high jump opening heights will be determined at the coaches meeting.
8. The meet will be timed using an FAT system.
4x800m Relay
100m Hurdles Finals
110m Hurdles Finals
100m Finals
4x200m Relay
300m Hurdles
200m Finals
4x100m Relay
4x400m Relay
The following field events will start first:
Boys Shot Put
Boys Triple Jump
Girls Discus
Girls Pole Vault
Girls High Jump
Girls Long Jump