Meet Information
Director: Kate Cassidy, Loudoun County HS Cell: 541-439-0991
Assist Director: Bruce Sheppard, Loudoun County HS
Date: Thursday, February 1, 2018 Loudoun County High School
Events: LJ/TJ
3:00 PM
Please note: Based on weather forecast jumping we may move to take place anywhere between Tuesday, January 30 and Saturday, February 3.
Friday, February 2, 2018 Hagerstown Community College
Doors open at 12:00. Meet starts at 12:45
Events: Running, SP and HJ
The Dulles District Meet will be run concurrently with the Northwest 3 District and Northwest 4 District schools at Hagerstown CC. Separate heats/flights will be run for each district. The only exception will be the 3200-meter run.
Eligibility: Two athletes per event. More than two may be entered if ALL athletes meet the district qualifying standard. See below. One relay team per school.
Admission: $6 for Friday
Passes: VHSCA, VHSL, VIAAA, VATA, VSBA, and VHSL Principal
Officials: Key officials (referee, starter, finish line, FAT) will be VHSL certified officials. Each team is asked to provide one coach to assist with relay exchanges, turn judging, and field event assistance. Three coaches and the starter will act as the jury of appeals
Scoring: 8 places (10-8-7-6-4-3-2-1) for all events, including relays.
Field Events: Jumps four jumps and no finals. Starting Heights: Girls 42/Boys 54
Throws four throws no finals.
Region 4C: Friday, February 9, 2018
Hagerstown Community College
Meet Director: Craig Woshner, James Wood High School
Region Qualifiers: (1) Top 6 places in individual events and top 3 relays at the district meet.
(2) If an athlete or relay has met region/state standard in a 3 or more team meet and who is listed on milestat.
(3) If an athlete or relay has meet the region/state standard not listed on milestat, the coach must email meet results and VHSL region/state qualifying form to Craig Woshner (Region Meet Director) no later than 1 day after the district championship meet.
Hospitality: Small hospitality will be available for event workers.
Facility rules: No spikes or hard plastic plates of any kind are allowed to be worn at HCC.
Shoes will be inspected at the bullpen.
All team personnel including managers, scorekeepers, etc, must enter with the team and stay in the track area or the hallways adjacent to the track.
Entries: Due no later than Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 9:59PM on
Triad Timing will be running the FAT.
You will be entering the meet twice, once on the VHSL entry form and again on milestat. You must state the meet and the date of each performance. VHSL entry forms must be emailed to Kate Cassidy.
Your milestat entries will be uploaded into the district meet. If there is a conflict with the milestat and VHSL entries that cannot be resolved, the VHSL entry will override the milestat performance (I will attempt to contact the coach first). Early VHSL entries will be most appreciated!
Remember to include names of potential alternate relay runners who are not participating in an individual event.
Milestat entries are FINAL. Relay team members are NOT FINAL until the relay card is turned into the clerk.
Since this is a one day meet, any athlete entered in the 3200-meter run is only allowed to run one other running event.
Please email VHSL entry forms and sportsmanship/equipment certification form to .
Scratches: Must be emailed by noon on Thursday, February 1, 2018.
Email Tom Grim,
Team Food No outside food or drink is permitted into the facility.
Absolutely no food or drinks will be allowed on or inside the track or at the pole vault venue.
Coaches Box Field event boxes will be described at coaches meeting. Other than coaches box, only head coaches are permitted on the infield.
12:00 PM Teams may enter facility
12:10 PM Coaches meeting on infield (scratches and other items)
12:45 PM Womens Shot Put followed by Mens Shot Put
Womens HJ followed by Mens high jump (five alive)*
*opening heights subject to change by the games committee/meet director
12:45 PM Womens 3200 Meter Relay
Mens 3200 Meter Relay
Womens 55 Meter Hurdles Finals
Mens 55 Meter Hurdles Finals
Womens 55 Dash Finals
Mens 55 Dash Finals
Womens 800 Meter Relay Finals (Sections on Time)
Mens 800 Meter Relay Finals (Sections on Time)
Womens 1600 Meter Run Finals (Sections on Time)
Mens 1600 Meter Run Finals (Sections on Time)
Womens 500 Meter Dash Finals (Sections on Time)
Mens 500 Meter Dash Finals (Sections on Time)
Womens 1000 Meter Run Finals (Sections on Time)
Mens 1000 Meter Run Finals (Sections on Time)
Womens 300 Meter Dash Finals (Sections on Time)
Mens 300 Meter Dash Finals (Sections on Time)
Womens 3200 Meter Run Finals (Sections on Time) **
Mens 3200 Meter Run Finals (Sections on Time) **
Womens 1600 Meter Relay Finals (Sections on Time)
Mens 1600 Meter Relay Finals (Sections on Time)
** 3200 Meter Run likely be combined with the other districts. Two sections per gender