Varsity Boys 1 Mile Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Garrett Suhr 11 Richard Montgomery 4:27.8hPR
2 John Kettula 11 South Carroll 4:35.8hPR
3 Mateus Kelly 12 Clarksburg 4:43.0hPR
4 Jake Beaumier 11 Liberty 4:43.3hPR
5 Woodrow Kashima 11 Liberty 4:50.6hPR
6 Lucas Fernandez 12 Clarksburg 4:51.3hPR
7 Joe Raza 9 Georgetown Prep 4:52.2hPR
8 Christopher Stallard 10 Poolesville Sr 4:52.9hPR
9 Brendan Cave 11 South Carroll 4:53.2hPR
10 Ethan Li 12 Winston Churchill 4:55.6hPR
11 Omar Aly 12 Winston Churchill 4:56.0hPR
12 Nico Altamar 11 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 4:57.9hPR
13 Eamon Plante 11 Sherwood 4:58.7hPR
14 Jairo Huaylinos 12 Poolesville Sr 4:59.2hPR
15 Jake McCarty 10 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 4:59.6hPR
16 Jack Anderson 10 Sherwood 5:08.4hPR
17 Lindon Luu 11 Col. Zadok Magruder 5:19.9hPR
18 Ben Kwiatkowski 10 Col. Zadok Magruder 5:43.2hPR
Varsity Boys 300m Hurdles Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Freddie Oke 12 Gaithersburg 40.1hSR
2 Zachary Jones 12 Gaithersburg 40.7h
3 Kevin Monroe, Jr. 12 Clarksburg 41.3hPR
4 Luke Anderson 11 South Carroll 41.6hPR
5 Josh Federici 12 South Carroll 43.9hPR
6 Ben Spiess 12 Clarksburg 44.2hPR
7 Alex Spratt 12 Liberty 44.3hPR
8 Andreas Christofides 12 Walt Whitman 45.1h
9 Hazael Magino 9 Walter Johnson 45.3hPR
10 John Edward Adjani-Aldrin 12 Quince Orchard 45.4hSR
11 Robbie Cooper 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 45.7h
12 William Stephenson 10 Richard Montgomery 46.7hPR
13 Jabari Rudd 10 Poolesville Sr 47.2hPR
14 Declan Stablow 11 Walter Johnson 47.7hPR
15 Justin Risher 10 Sherwood 47.7hPR
16 Brandon Cohen 11 Sherwood 47.8hPR
17 Owen Recklaus 10 Richard Montgomery 48.7hPR
18 Matthew Humphries 9 Winston Churchill 48.8hPR
19 Luke Petenbrink 10 Liberty 49.4hPR
20 Ted Wiese 10 Walt Whitman 49.5h
21 Shjon Drew 11 Quince Orchard 50.7hPR
22 Christian Regis 10 John F Kennedy 52.4hPR
Varsity Boys 4x100m Finals
Team Time
1 Gaithersburg 42.5h
2 St Frances 42.6h
3 Sherwood 43.6h
Eddie DumasToy TriceTyrese WilliamsJacob Kamara
4 Richard Montgomery 44.7h
5 South Carroll 45.1h
6 Poolesville Sr 46.1h
7 Col. Zadok Magruder 46.3h
8 Winston Churchill 46.4h
8 Walt Whitman 46.4h
10 Liberty 46.6h
11 Quince Orchard 47.3h
12 Clarksburg 49.2h
13 Walter Johnson 52.2h
-- John F Kennedy DQ
Varsity Boys 4x200m Finals
Team Time
1 Gaithersburg 1:30.8h
2 St Frances 1:30.9h
3 Georgetown Prep 1:31.5h
4 Sherwood 1:32.4h
Eddie DumasForon PansToy TriceJacob Kamara
5 Winston Churchill 1:33.0h
6 Clarksburg 1:33.1h
7 Richard Montgomery 1:33.2h
8 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 1:35.4h
9 Walt Whitman 1:36.5h
10 Liberty 1:36.8h
11 Walter Johnson 1:36.9h
12 John F Kennedy 1:38.9h
13 South Carroll 1:39.2h
14 Quince Orchard 1:42.1h
15 Col. Zadok Magruder 1:50.9h
-- Poolesville Sr DQ
Varsity Boys 4x400m Finals
Team Time
1 Gaithersburg 3:32.8h
2 Georgetown Prep 3:34.1h
3 Richard Montgomery 3:35.7h
4 Sherwood 3:38.0h
Foron PansIan GormleyAlberto Covaliu-FuentesElias Daniel
5 Winston Churchill 3:40.8h
6 Walt Whitman 3:41.1h
7 Clarksburg 3:42.5h
8 Liberty 3:44.6h
9 Poolesville Sr 3:49.3h
10 South Carroll 3:51.8h
11 Quince Orchard 3:52.1h
12 Col. Zadok Magruder 4:03.1h
Varsity Boys 4x800m Finals
Team Time
1 Gaithersburg 8:17.9h
2 Winston Churchill 8:18.6h
3 Walter Johnson 8:28.84h
3 Walter Johnson 8:29.9h
4 Walt Whitman 8:38.5h
5 Sherwood 8:47.9h
Vincent BonsbyNick HermosillaAlberto Covaliu-FuentesIan Gormley
6 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 8:56.7h
7 Poolesville Sr 8:57.2h
8 Clarksburg 8:59.5h
9 Richard Montgomery 9:04.2h
10 Liberty 9:05.4h
11 Richard Montgomery 9:11.2h
12 Georgetown Prep 9:24.6h
13 South Carroll 9:35.6h
14 Col. Zadok Magruder 9:41.3h
15 John F Kennedy 10:58.8h
Varsity Boys SMR 1600m Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Relay Team Clarksburg 3:45.7h
2 Relay Team Bethesda-Chevy Chase 3:47.0h
3 Relay Team Gaithersburg 3:51.0h
4 Relay Team Winston Churchill 3:53.2h
5 Relay Team South Carroll 3:54.5h
6 Relay Team Richard Montgomery 3:56.1h
7 Relay Team Liberty 3:58.6h
8 Relay Team Georgetown Prep 3:59.4h
9 Christian GillmoreJacob K Sherwood 4:01.1h
10 Relay Team Walter Johnson 4:03.2h
11 Relay Team Poolesville Sr 4:07.4h
12 Relay Team Col. Zadok Magruder 4:10.6h
13 Relay Team Walt Whitman 4:11.4h
14 Relay Team John F Kennedy 4:13.3h
15 Relay Team Quince Orchard 4:13.8h
Varsity Boys Distance Medley Relay Finals
Team Time
1 Archbishop Spalding 10:42.7h
2 Winston Churchill 11:05.3h
3 Walter Johnson 11:09.5h
4 Clarksburg 11:14.7h
5 Liberty 11:38.3h
6 Richard Montgomery 11:38.9h
7 Gaithersburg 11:39.5h
8 Walt Whitman 11:39.9h
9 South Carroll 11:52.1h
10 Sherwood 11:55.9h
Eamon PlanteForon PansNick HermosillaSean Enright
11 Poolesville Sr 12:08.1h
12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 12:11.0h
13 Georgetown Prep 12:25.3h
14 Quince Orchard 12:29.3h
Varsity Boys 4x110 Shuttle Hurdles Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Relay Team Gaithersburg 1:05.1h
2 Relay Team Clarksburg 1:10.7h
3 Relay Team Liberty 1:16.4h
4 Relay Team South Carroll 1:16.5h
5 Brandon CohenCalvin LeJus Sherwood 1:17.1h
6 Relay Team Richard Montgomery 1:18.1h
7 Relay Team Walt Whitman 1:20.8h
8 Relay Team Walter Johnson 1:23.9h
Varsity Boys Shot Put Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Mason Breeze 10 Liberty 42-09.50PR
2 Jonathan Guglielmone 12 Clarksburg 42-06.00PR
3 Ahmahn Cabaniss 11 Liberty 41-02.50PR
4 Steven Williams 11 Quince Orchard 40-11.75PR
5 Kevon Carter-Hackey 12 Quince Orchard 40-02.00
6 Joseph Nazzaro 12 Sherwood 39-05.00PR
7 Abubakar Audu 12 Richard Montgomery 39-02.00PR
8 Simon Abedi Mungu 12 Richard Montgomery 38-00.25PR
9 Alpha Bah 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 37-05.00PR
10 Jelani Watties Gaithersburg 36-09.00
11 Seins Burdt 11 South Carroll 36-00.50PR
12 Shariff Munn 11 Walter Johnson 35-08.50PR
13 George Siarkkas 12 Sherwood 35-08.00PR
14 Jeffrey Appiah Gaithersburg 35-03.00
15 Joshua Perez 12 Winston Churchill 35-02.00PR
16 Johannes Jarrett 12 John F Kennedy 34-08.75PR
17 Kaden D’ambrosio 12 South Carroll 34-07.00PR
18 Sabio Amah 12 Col. Zadok Magruder 34-00.50PR
19 Christopher Ramirez 10 Walter Johnson 31-06.00
20 Henry Buron 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 29-01.75PR
21 Elijah Schiff 10 Winston Churchill 29-01.00PR
22 Jacob Glass 11 Walt Whitman 26-08.00
23 Anthony Romero 12 Col. Zadok Magruder 26-05.50
24 Erick Mei 9 Clarksburg 26-02.50
25 Jaylen Riggs 9 Poolesville Sr 26-01.00PR
26 Ben Mickum 12 Walt Whitman 25-11.75
27 Elder Pesquera 10 John F Kennedy 24-08.50PR
Varsity Boys Discus Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Mason Breeze 10 Liberty 139-02PR
2 Joseph Nazzaro 12 Sherwood 128-09PR
3 Jon Guglielmone 12 Clarksburg 117-03PR
4 Seins Burdt 11 South Carroll 116-08PR
5 Josh Ayres 11 Sherwood 109-11SR
6 Foster Holmquist 11 Poolesville Sr 109-01SR
7 Kevon Carter-Hackey 12 Quince Orchard 108-06PR
8 Sabio Amah 12 Col. Zadok Magruder 106-05PR
9 Kaden D’ambrosio 12 South Carroll 102-09PR
10 Noah Fein 12 Richard Montgomery 98-02SR
11 Eric Carter 10 Gaithersburg 97-07
12 Wesley Bright 12 Gaithersburg 96-05
13 Abubakar Audu 12 Richard Montgomery 90-00
14 Joseph Ripple 11 Quince Orchard 87-00PR
15 Alpha Bah 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 83-05
16 Camilo Montoya 11 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 80-06
17 Erick Mei 9 Clarksburg 80-00PR
17 Dimitri Bratsakis 11 Liberty 80-00
19 Charley Burns 11 Georgetown Prep 79-04PR
20 Christopher Ramirez 10 Walter Johnson 78-04
21 Shariff Munn 11 Walter Johnson 76-04
22 Jacob Glass 11 Walt Whitman 75-04PR
23 Devin Jekat 9 Winston Churchill 73-05PR
24 Johannes Jarrett 12 John F Kennedy 72-10PR
25 Daniel Kalai 11 Col. Zadok Magruder 69-08
26 Elijah Schiff 10 Winston Churchill 64-09
27 Ben Mickum 12 Walt Whitman 54-02
28 Christian Regis 10 John F Kennedy 46-02PR
Varsity Boys High Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Glenith Calvin 12 Gaithersburg 5-10.00PR
2 Christian Lewis 12 Gaithersburg 5-08.00
2 Josh Federici 12 South Carroll 5-08.00PR
2 Daequan McAdam 11 Clarksburg 5-08.00PR
2 Brady Keeley 10 South Carroll 5-08.00SR
2 Ben Spiess 12 Clarksburg 5-08.00PR
7 Desmond Brown 10 Poolesville Sr 5-06.00SR
8 Trevon Marshall 9 Georgetown Prep 5-02.00PR
8 Henry Kaye 9 Richard Montgomery 5-02.00
8 Aaron Milton 10 Georgetown Prep 5-02.00PR
-- Teetuch Chumjit 11 Liberty NH
-- Colin Apellaniz 9 Liberty NH
Varsity Boys Pole Vault Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Darren Rodoff 12 Liberty 12-06.00PR
2 Mike Broom 11 Liberty 12-00.00PR
3 Trevor Swope 10 South Carroll 11-06.00PR
4 Calvin Courbois 10 Quince Orchard 10-06.00PR
5 Sam Lape 10 South Carroll 10-00.00PR
6 Peyton Thomas 9 South Carroll 9-06.00PR
6 Chris Marquis 9 Liberty 9-06.00PR
8 Andrew Miller 10 South Carroll 8-06.00PR
8 Clark Didavi Gaithersburg 8-06.00PR
-- Tyler Smith 9 South Carroll NH
-- Steven Paul 10 South Carroll NH
-- Dante De La Vega-Rodrigue 10 Richard Montgomery NH
Varsity Boys Long Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Tyrese Williams 12 Sherwood 21-00.50PR
2 Christian Lewis 12 Gaithersburg 20-03.50
3 Isaiah Addison 11 St Frances 19-07.50PR
4 Nick Aiello 10 Georgetown Prep 19-06.50PR
5 Alfred Mevo 12 Quince Orchard 19-04.50PR
6 Blake Corum 11 St Frances 19-00.00PR
7 Zachary Jones 12 Gaithersburg 18-10.50PR
8 Jeremiah Baxter 11 Col. Zadok Magruder 18-10.00
9 Zachary Walker-Liang 11 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 18-06.50
10 Arun Sen 10 Walter Johnson 18-03.50
11 Casey McKinney 11 Clarksburg 18-02.50PR
12 Jalen Stubbs 12 Richard Montgomery 18-01.00SR
13 Eddie Dumas III 11 Sherwood 17-11.50
14 Matthew Little 12 Richard Montgomery 17-11.00PR
15 Olisaneme Okonkwo 11 Poolesville Sr 17-05.00PR
16 Jonathan Monyeh 11 John F Kennedy 17-04.50PR
16 Paul Vance III 9 Clarksburg 17-04.50PR
18 Mason David 11 Col. Zadok Magruder 17-02.00PR
19 Maxwell Teixeira 11 Winston Churchill 17-01.00
20 Brady Keeley 10 South Carroll 16-09.00PR
21 Kaden D’ambrosio 12 South Carroll 16-03.50PR
22 Teetuch Chumjit 11 Liberty 16-02.50SR
23 Eliezar Jimenez 10 Liberty 15-07.50
23 Joshua Carter 11 Walt Whitman 15-07.50SR
25 Sidney Flumbaum 10 Walter Johnson 15-03.50
26 Johannes Jarrett 12 John F Kennedy 14-08.50
27 Willem DeValk 11 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 14-01.00
28 Ian Lee 9 Quince Orchard 13-10.00PR
-- Odera Nweke 12 Georgetown Prep ND
-- Max Ehrlich 10 Walt Whitman ND
Varsity Boys Triple Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Christian Lewis 12 Gaithersburg 42-02.50SR
2 Ibrahim Toure 11 Clarksburg 39-09.25SR
3 Jeremiah Baxter 11 Col. Zadok Magruder 39-08.00
4 Ben Spiess 12 Clarksburg 39-01.00
5 Arjun Akwei 11 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 39-00.00
6 Alfred Mevo 12 Quince Orchard 38-02.00SR
7 Luke Anderson 11 South Carroll 37-09.00SR
8 Jalen Stubbs 12 Richard Montgomery 36-09.75
9 Brady Keeley 10 South Carroll 36-06.00PR
10 John Obajemu 10 Col. Zadok Magruder 36-00.50PR
11 Eliezar Jimenez 10 Liberty 35-11.50
12 Seth Lassiter 10 Liberty 33-06.00PR
13 Ian Lee 9 Quince Orchard 30-00.00PR
14 Henry Buron 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 27-02.00SR
-- Jessie Ibezim 11 Gaithersburg ND
-- Maxwell Teixeira 11 Winston Churchill ND
Varsity Girls 1 Mile Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Grace Siehler 10 South Carroll 5:24.7hPR
2 Emma Wolf 10 Richard Montgomery 5:31.9hPR
3 Anjali Iyer 11 Winston Churchill 5:38.0hPR
4 Rosalind Van der does de 11 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 5:52.2hPR
5 Jessica Bowen 11 Winston Churchill 5:58.2hPR
6 Martha Hrdy 12 Academy Of The Holy Cross 6:04.4hPR
7 Nina Morris 9 Col. Zadok Magruder 6:05.3hPR
8 Claire Marin 10 Col. Zadok Magruder 6:06.1hPR
9 Rachel Wilson 10 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 6:09.1hPR
10 Kathrine Weaver 11 Walter Johnson 6:09.6hSR
11 Brenna Henderson 10 Sherwood 6:16.1hPR
12 Grace Bodmer 12 Poolesville Sr 6:29.1hPR
13 Helen Craig 9 Clarksburg 6:36.4hPR
14 Alexandra Burdette 9 Sherwood 6:38.0hPR
15 Kayla Sadd 12 Clarksburg 6:56.7hPR
16 Rose Tierney 10 Academy Of The Holy Cross 7:41.9hPR
Varsity Girls 300m Hurdles Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Brooke Flanigan 11 South Carroll 47.0h
2 Fiona Kelleher 11 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 47.2hPR
3 Liana Wilkinson 11 Walter Johnson 48.6hPR
4 Jasmine Williams 11 Clarksburg 49.0hSR
5 Joelle Sadd 10 Clarksburg 49.5hSR
6 Imani Lynn 12 Gaithersburg 49.7hPR
7 Maya Dubensky 11 Richard Montgomery 49.9hPR
8 Georgia Headley 11 Walt Whitman 50.0hPR
9 Isabelle Senfaute 9 Walter Johnson 50.8hPR
10 Serena Landsman 10 Winston Churchill 50.8hPR
11 Mary James 10 Winston Churchill 51.4hSR
12 Christina Addison 10 Gaithersburg 51.8hPR
13 Monica Kuether 11 Liberty 52.0hPR
14 Danejah Kyle 10 Quince Orchard 52.1hPR
15 Grace Dear 11 Quince Orchard 52.4hSR
16 Zelda Hirsch 10 South Carroll 52.4hPR
17 Madison Colonna 11 Walt Whitman 53.8hSR
18 Najai Hall 12 John F Kennedy 58.7hSR
19 Ashley Kraekel 11 Poolesville Sr 59.8hSR
20 Ashley Landreth 10 Sherwood 1:00.2h
21 Brianna Byrd 9 Academy Of The Holy Cross 1:00.8hPR
22 Caroline Hermosilla 10 Sherwood 1:00.8hPR
23 Taylor Chao 9 Richard Montgomery 1:04.3h
-- Victoria Kidder 10 Col. Zadok Magruder NT
-- Angelica Braswell 9 Academy Of The Holy Cross NT
Varsity Girls 4x100m Finals
Team Time
1 Quince Orchard 49.2h
2 Gaithersburg 49.4h
3 Richard Montgomery 50.2h
4 Poolesville Sr 51.9h
5 South Carroll 52.5h
6 Walt Whitman 52.9h
7 Academy Of The Holy Cross 53.0h
8 John F Kennedy 53.2h
9 Liberty 53.5h
10 Sherwood 53.5h
Nana KwagyanAlisa MusumeciReagan YatesLindsey Moris
11 Clarksburg 53.7h
12 Winston Churchill 54.1h
13 Walter Johnson 54.4h
14 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 54.5h
15 Col. Zadok Magruder 59.2h
Varsity Girls 4x200m Finals
Team Time
1 Gaithersburg 1:42.8h
2 Quince Orchard 1:46.3h
3 South Carroll 1:49.7h
4 Richard Montgomery 1:50.0h
5 Walter Johnson 1:52.1h
6 Walt Whitman 1:52.2h
7 Poolesville Sr 1:52.9h
8 John F Kennedy 1:53.5h
9 Sherwood 1:53.6h
Alisa MusumeciFatima KoromaSofia GrossmanNana Kwagyan
10 Liberty 1:54.1h
11 Clarksburg 1:56.1h
12 Winston Churchill 1:58.7h
13 Col. Zadok Magruder 2:06.6h
14 Academy Of The Holy Cross 2:09.6h
-- Bethesda-Chevy Chase DQ
Varsity Girls 4x400m Finals
Team Time
1 Gaithersburg 4:09.6h
2 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 4:13.0h
3 Walter Johnson 4:16.6h
4 Richard Montgomery 4:17.1h
5 Liberty 4:17.9h
6 South Carroll 4:19.6h
7 Poolesville Sr 4:20.0h
8 Sherwood 4:24.1h
Katie FeeneySinead ClaffeyFatima KoromaOlivia Miller
9 Winston Churchill 4:36.9h
10 Clarksburg 4:38.3h
11 Quince Orchard 4:41.6h
12 Academy Of The Holy Cross 4:44.9h
Varsity Girls 4x800m Finals
Team Time
1 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 9:52.2h
2 Walter Johnson 9:58.3h
3 Walt Whitman 10:07.2h
4 Sherwood 10:22.5h
Olivia MillerSinead ClaffeyKatie KanekoChristy Trang
5 Winston Churchill 10:45.4h
6 Gaithersburg 10:51.0h
7 Clarksburg 10:52.6h
8 Liberty 11:25.5h
9 Col. Zadok Magruder 11:39.2h
10 South Carroll 11:54.2h
11 Poolesville Sr 12:01.0h
12 Richard Montgomery 12:17.5h
13 Academy Of The Holy Cross 12:33.3h
Varsity Girls SMR 1600m Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Relay Team South Carroll 4:28.8h
2 Relay Team Winston Churchill 4:31.3h
3 Relay Team Clarksburg 4:31.7h
4 Relay Team Quince Orchard 4:34.3h
5 Relay Team Walt Whitman 4:39.1h
6 Alisa MusumeciReagan Yate Sherwood 4:39.9h
7 Relay Team Gaithersburg 4:42.2h
8 Relay Team Bethesda-Chevy Chase 4:43.7h
9 Relay Team Richard Montgomery 4:47.3h
10 Relay Team John F Kennedy 5:02.8h
11 Relay Team Poolesville Sr 5:34.0h
12 Relay Team Col. Zadok Magruder 5:41.7h
13 Relay Team Academy Of The Holy Cross 6:05.4h
Varsity Girls Distance Medley Relay Finals
Team Time
1 Walter Johnson 13:07.6h
2 Walt Whitman 13:52.0h
3 Gaithersburg 14:15.3h
4 Sherwood 14:27.8h
Emily GravellAnna TovchigrechkoChristy TrangBrenna Henderson
5 Winston Churchill 14:31.5h
6 Liberty 15:04.8h
7 South Carroll 15:14.1h
8 Clarksburg 15:22.5h
9 Poolesville Sr 15:43.5h
10 Richard Montgomery 15:50.6h
11 Academy Of The Holy Cross 16:50.3h
Varsity Girls 4x100 Shuttle Hurdles Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Relay Team South Carroll 1:09.1h
2 Relay Team Clarksburg 1:10.1h
3 Relay Team Winston Churchill 1:13.9h
4 Relay Team Richard Montgomery 1:14.5h
5 Relay Team Quince Orchard 1:16.1h
6 Relay Team Walt Whitman 1:19.9h
7 Caroline HermosillaAshley Sherwood 1:20.9h
8 Relay Team Academy Of The Holy Cross 1:36.7h
Varsity Girls Shot Put Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Ayana Antoine 11 Sherwood 31-01.25
2 Megan Plummer 12 South Carroll 30-02.25
3 Princella Allieu 11 Richard Montgomery 29-09.00SR
4 Jade Skok 11 Quince Orchard 28-05.00PR
5 Zaida Bright 10 Quince Orchard 27-06.00PR
6 Jazzlyn Pegram 10 Clarksburg 27-02.00PR
7 Binta Sanyang 11 Sherwood 26-11.00
8 Pauline Deutcheu 12 Clarksburg 26-08.00PR
9 Gina Miller 10 Poolesville Sr 26-03.00PR
9 Anna Armoza 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 26-03.00PR
11 Fatmata Jalloh 11 John F Kennedy 26-00.75
12 Zeinab Koita 12 John F Kennedy 25-08.50
13 Sofie Leusch 12 Academy Of The Holy Cross25-02.50SR
14 Trinity Hill 9 Walter Johnson 23-05.50
15 Sarah Cobau 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 23-03.00SR
16 Kelly Fields 11 South Carroll 22-11.25
17 Desiree Lockhart 12 Richard Montgomery 22-07.00
18 KaRicha Dorsett 10 Col. Zadok Magruder 22-05.00
18 Bobbie Lawrence 11 Col. Zadok Magruder 22-05.00PR
20 Georgia Headley 11 Walt Whitman 22-03.50PR
21 Schuyler Hooker 9 Walter Johnson 22-01.00PR
22 Ashley Alarcon Peraza 9 Winston Churchill 20-08.00PR
23 Grace Clark 12 Poolesville Sr 18-11.00
23 Madison Colonna 11 Walt Whitman 18-11.00
25 Elizabeth Sefen 9 Winston Churchill 18-09.50PR
26 Katlyn Biseggar 10 Liberty 18-05.00PR
27 Zoe Batten 9 Liberty 17-08.00PR
28 Maria Hall 9 Academy Of The Holy Cross 15-01.50
Varsity Girls Discus Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Megan Plummer 12 South Carroll 97-01
2 Jennie Hudson Gaithersburg 89-07
3 Princella Allieu 11 Richard Montgomery 86-09PR
4 Lauren Habighorst 11 South Carroll 80-04
5 Jazzlyn Pegram 10 Clarksburg 76-08
6 Rylie Johnson 12 Sherwood 76-03
7 Logan Turner-Mannix 11 Richard Montgomery 75-05
8 Jade Skok 11 Quince Orchard 74-06PR
9 Binta Sanyang 11 Sherwood 72-00
10 Zeinab Koita 12 John F Kennedy 69-07PR
11 Alex Makogon 12 Gaithersburg 69-01SR
12 Gina Miller 10 Poolesville Sr 67-01PR
13 Kathrine Weaver 11 Walter Johnson 66-05PR
14 Maysa Dieng 9 Clarksburg 65-00PR
15 Stacia Thompson 11 John F Kennedy 64-05
16 Trinity Hill 9 Walter Johnson 63-11
17 Grace Clark 12 Poolesville Sr 62-04SR
18 Sarah Cobau 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 61-02
19 Anna Armoza 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 56-07
20 Lauren Barclay 12 Academy Of The Holy Cross 52-05SR
21 KaRicha Dorsett 10 Col. Zadok Magruder 50-10
22 Kathryn Dunda 9 Quince Orchard 50-06
23 Tayshyra Haynes 12 Col. Zadok Magruder 45-10PR
24 Ashley Alarcon Peraza 9 Winston Churchill 45-07PR
25 Elizabeth Sefen 9 Winston Churchill 44-11
26 Katlyn Biseggar 10 Liberty 44-04PR
27 Isabella Pla 9 Academy Of The Holy Cross 37-07
28 Zoe Batten 9 Liberty 34-07PR
Varsity Girls High Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Arianecain Bikim 10 Quince Orchard 5-00.00PR
1 Sofia Grossman 12 Sherwood 5-00.00SR
3 Brianna McAdam 12 Clarksburg 4-10.00
3 Maeve Smith 11 Quince Orchard 4-10.00
5 Imani Lynn 12 Gaithersburg 4-08.00PR
5 Liana Wilkinson 11 Walter Johnson 4-08.00SR
5 Katia Abedi Heri Sifa 12 Clarksburg 4-08.00PR
5 Dina Mohseni 9 Winston Churchill 4-08.00PR
5 Katie Feeney 10 Sherwood 4-08.00SR
10 Theresa Kumazah Gaithersburg 4-06.00SR
10 Alexis Abrigo 12 Poolesville Sr 4-06.00PR
10 Sofia Rehrig 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 4-06.00
13 Isabelle Senfaute 9 Walter Johnson 4-04.00PR
13 Petra Baggili 9 Winston Churchill 4-04.00PR
13 Ella Ready 9 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 4-04.00
16 Tess Vaccarino 9 Liberty 4-02.00PR
17 Lexie Hardesty 10 South Carroll 4-00.00PR
17 Jacquelyn Bruning 11 South Carroll 4-00.00PR
-- Liana Marciante 10 Liberty NH
Varsity Girls Pole Vault Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Zelda Hirsch 10 South Carroll 9-06.00PR
2 Sara Mercer 11 Quince Orchard 8-06.00PR
3 Sarah Cobau 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 7-06.00SR
4 Evelyn Orellana 10 Richard Montgomery 6-06.00PR
5 Sophia Echevarria 9 Liberty 6-00.00PR
-- Victoria Rivera 11 Liberty NH
-- Alex Makogon 12 Gaithersburg NH
-- Sophia Smithson 9 South Carroll NH
-- Khyla Aguirre 11 South Carroll NH
Varsity Girls Long Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 Brooke Shields 12 Clarksburg 15-04.50SR
2 Lindsey Moris 11 Sherwood 15-01.00SR
3 Tamia Howard 12 John F Kennedy 14-10.00PR
4 Lilyrose Griebl 12 Walter Johnson 14-08.50
5 Kierra Marshall 11 Academy Of The Holy Cross14-08.00PR
6 Kelsey Evans 12 Walter Johnson 14-03.50SR
7 Lindsey Faucher 11 Quince Orchard 14-01.00SR
8 Maya Dubensky 11 Richard Montgomery 14-00.00
9 Julia Mencher 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 13-10.50
10 Maissa Keita 11 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 13-08.00
11 Abigail Potter 11 Liberty 13-07.50
12 Sarah Langille 12 South Carroll 13-03.00SR
13 Flora Navares 10 Winston Churchill 12-10.00
14 Brooke Freeman 10 Clarksburg 12-08.50
15 Lucy Lin 10 Winston Churchill 12-08.00
16 Manie Mevo 9 Quince Orchard 12-03.00
17 Lauren Habighorst 11 South Carroll 12-01.50
18 Olivia Miller 11 John F Kennedy 11-09.50
19 Tess Vaccarino 9 Liberty 11-07.00PR
20 Fatima Koroma 12 Sherwood 10-06.00
21 Maria Hall 9 Academy Of The Holy Cross 9-00.50
-- Lanaij Gannaly Richard Montgomery FOUL
Varsity Girls Triple Jump Finals
Athlete Yr Team Mark
1 K.C. Ashiogwu 11 Gaithersburg 36-10.00SR
2 Brooke Shields 12 Clarksburg 33-10.00SR
3 Jasmine Williams 11 Clarksburg 32-01.00PR
4 Kelsey Evans 12 Walter Johnson 31-04.00
5 Lilyrose Griebl 12 Walter Johnson 31-02.00SR
6 Manie Mevo 9 Quince Orchard 30-10.00
7 Sarah Langille 12 South Carroll 30-09.50SR
8 Julia Mencher 12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 30-08.00
9 Flora Navares 10 Winston Churchill 30-02.00
10 Lindsey Faucher 11 Quince Orchard 29-11.00SR
11 Margaret Spencer 12 Richard Montgomery 29-10.00SR
12 Maya Dubensky 11 Richard Montgomery 29-08.00PR
13 Jimena Moreno Chaza 10 Winston Churchill 29-07.50
14 Abigail Potter 11 Liberty 29-06.00
15 Annabel Kaufman 11 Gaithersburg 28-10.00SR
16 Lauren Habighorst 11 South Carroll 26-11.00SR
17 Ella Ready 9 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 25-00.00