Fun Stuff
Woodward Relays
Hosted By: Georgetown Prep
Bethesda, Maryland
Licensed to Walter Johnson High School Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 4/5/2009 08:09 PM
Judge CW Woodward Relays 200 - 4/4/2009
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Relay 4 required
Meet: % 3:17.06 1996 Robinson
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Langa, Nana Clarksburg 46.87% 4 2.5
2 Russell, Teresa Sherwood 51.30% 3 1.5
3 Belt, Brielle Clarksburg 51.84% 3 2.5
4 Peters, Susan Sherwood 52.33% 2 1.5
5 Ahearne, Megan South River 53.88% 3 2
6 Holian, Karie South River 54.87% 2 2
7 Gercken, Alyson South River 56.05% 4 2
8 White, Kasey Clarksburg 56.34% 1 2.5
9 Bobbin, Danielle South River 57.30% 1 2
10 Lederer, Allison Sherwood 57.44% 1 1.5
11 Claggett, Briani Clarksburg 58.27% 2 2.5
12 Witt, Emily Sherwood 1:02.39% 4 1.5
Girls 2000 Meter Steeplechase
Meet: % 5:22.80 4/14/2007 Ashlyn Sinclair, Blair HS
Name Year School Finals
1 Sumner, Lauren Clarksburg 8:03.47
2 Williams, Tnay C. H. Flower 8:05.00
3 Byrnes, Rachel St Marys Ryk 8:05.00
4 Allen, Courtney Walter Johns 8:05.00
5 Konyk, D. Chopticon HS 8:05.00
6 Hardgrove, Julia Bethesda-Che 8:05.00
7 Cap, Natalie Academy Of T 8:05.00
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
Meet: % 48.91 4/13/2002 Gaithersburg HS
Hill, Curtis,Marsh, Warren
School Finals H# Points
1 Gaithersburg Sr 50.68 3 10
2 C. H. Flowers 51.01 3 8
3 Clarksburg 51.63 3 6
4 John F Kennedy 51.73 3 4
5 Grace Brethren Christian 53.26 2 2
6 St.Johns College HS 53.45 2 1
7 Montgomery Blair 53.49 3
8 Northwood 53.67 2
8 Chopticon HS 53.67 1
10 Walter Johnson 54.68 2
11 Academy Of The Holy Cross 56.43 1
12 St Marys Ryken 56.85 1
13 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 59.39 2
-- Sherwood DQ 2 DQ 1st exchange befo
-- South River DQ 1 DQ 2nd exchange
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
Meet: % 1:44.26 1995 Paint Branch
School Finals H# Points
1 Gaithersburg Sr 1:47.43 3 10
2 C. H. Flowers 1:51.10 3 8
3 Clarksburg 1:51.49 3 6
4 John F Kennedy 1:51.81 3 4
5 Walter Johnson 1:53.47 1 2
6 Northwood 1:53.55 3 1
7 Grace Brethren Christian 1:54.73 2
8 St.Johns College HS 1:55.12 2
9 South River 1:56.25 3
10 Sherwood 1:59.84 2
11 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 2:02.21 2
12 St Marys Ryken 2:02.34 1
13 Academy Of The Holy Cross 2:05.02 1
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
Meet: % 4:02.27 1995 Watkins Mill
School Finals H# Points
1 C. H. Flowers 4:12.21 3 10
2 Clarksburg 4:19.16 3 8
3 Walter Johnson 4:21.20 1 6
4 South River 4:25.67 1 4
5 St.Johns College HS 4:29.87 1 2
6 Grace Brethren Christian 4:32.37 3 1
7 Sherwood 4:42.09 1
8 St Andrews Episcopal 4:44.44 1
9 John F Kennedy 4:55.38 1
10 Academy Of The Holy Cross 5:01.94 1
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
Meet: % 9:31.48 1997 Good Councel
School Finals Points
1 Walter Johnson 10:07.20 10
2 C. H. Flowers 10:09.10 8
3 Colzadok Magruder 11:03.60 6
4 Montgomery Blair 11:09.20 4
5 Sherwood 11:25.20 2
6 John F Kennedy 11:45.90 1
7 St.Johns College HS 12:33.71
Girls 4x1600 Meter Relay Seeded
Meet: % 22:10.00 1979 BCC
Browne, Fredrickson, Douglass, Hughes
School Finals Points
1 Walter Johnson 22:57.43 10
2 South River 23:55.87 8
3 Clarksburg 'B' x24:47.87
4 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 24:54.20 6
5 Colzadok Magruder 25:25.50 4
6 Sherwood 26:08.98 2
7 Colzadok Magruder 'B' x27:59.36
8 St Marys Ryken 'B' x28:07.45
9 Chopticon HS 28:29.55 1
Girls 1600 Sprint Medley
Meet: % 4:14.64 1996 Good Councel
School Finals H# Points
1 Gaithersburg Sr 4:24.82 2 10
2 Chopticon HS 4:33.62 2 8
3 C. H. Flowers 4:36.66 1 6
4 Montgomery Blair 4:40.47 2 4
5 South River 4:41.21 2 2
6 Colzadok Magruder 4:46.11 1 1
7 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 4:46.34 2
8 Sherwood 4:47.45 1
9 St Andrews Episcopal 4:50.58 1
10 Northwood 4:58.27 1
11 Clarksburg 5:05.59 1
12 John F Kennedy 5:11.59 2
13 Academy Of The Holy Cross 5:22.94 1
14 St Marys Ryken 5:42.08 2
Girls Distance Medley
Meet: % 12:40.90 1979 BCC
Cooney, Oberland, Douglass, Hughes
School Finals Points
1 Walter Johnson 13:23.41 10
2 South River 13:35.71 8
3 Clarksburg 14:20.33 6
4 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 14:36.00 4
5 Chopticon HS 14:42.75 2
6 Colzadok Magruder 14:43.84 1
7 C. H. Flowers 14:49.62
8 St Andrews Episcopal 14:57.35
9 Sherwood 15:02.83
10 Montgomery Blair 15:09.73
11 Grace Brethren Christian 15:55.82
12 St Marys Ryken 16:12.44
13 St.Johns College HS 16:39.89
Girls 4x100 Meter Shuttle Hurdle
Meet: % 1:06.29 2000 Good Councel
Outtz, Blausein, Heard, Thompson
School Finals H# Points
1 Clarksburg 1:15.48 3 10
2 Grace Brethren Christian 1:18.63 1 8
3 Sherwood 1:21.44 3 6
4 South River 1:24.50 2 4
Girls High Jump Relay 2 girl relay
Meet: % 10-07 4/3/2004 HS Paint Branch, Paint Branch
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Pickles, Cassidy Clarksburg 4-08.00 5
2 Sutton, Sierra Montgomery B 4-08.00 3
3 Freeman, Bailee Clarksburg 4-08.00 5
4 Lederer, Allison Sherwood 4-06.00 4
5 Holian, Karie South River 4-06.00 1
6 Reardon, Genevieve Sherwood 4-06.00 4
7 Brand, Molly Richard Mont 4-04.00 2
7 Smith, Samantha Richard Mont 4-04.00 2
9 Baldwin, Claire Montgomery B 4-02.00 3
10 Gercken, Alyson South River 4-00.00 1
10 Langer, Sarah St Marys Ryk 4-00.00 0.5
10 Griffin, Ca'ryn St Marys Ryk 4-00.00 0.5
-- Russell, no name given Chopticon HS NH
-- Chase, No name given Chopticon HS NH
-- Scretchen, Vanessa Northwood NH
-- Newby, Shaqwella Northwood NH
-- Graham, Lorraine C. H. Flower NH
-- Dorn, Tishana C. H. Flower NH
-- Nugent, Caroline Academy Of T NH
-- Coffay, Mary Ellen Colzadok Mag NH
-- Adjei, Mame Colzadok Mag NH
-- Hunt, Victoria Gaithersburg NH
-- Bethel, Lindsay Grace Brethr NH
-- Doherty, Cara Academy Of T NH
-- Rose, Lauren Gaithersburg NH
Girls Long Jump Relay 2 Girl relay
Meet: % 33-07.50 1985 Palmer, Evans, Magruder
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Graham, Lorraine C. H. Flower 17-01.25 4
2 Freeman, Bailee Clarksburg 16-02.75 5
3 Harris, Page Clarksburg 15-06.00 5
4 Pitman, JoAnne C. H. Flower 14-06.75 4
5 Morris, Brittanie John F Kenne 14-04.75 3
6 Brand, Molly Richard Mont 13-05.25 1
6 Howard, No name Given Chopticon HS 13-05.25 2
8 Rogers, Laria South River 13-04.25 0.5
9 Russell, no name given Chopticon HS 13-02.00 2
10 Ucheomumu, Dorthy John F Kenne 13-01.75 3
11 Smith, Samantha Richard Mont 13-01.00 1
12 Truong, Thu Hien Sherwood 13-00.50
13 Baldwin, Claire Montgomery B 12-10.25
14 Sutton, Sierra Montgomery B 11-09.00
15 Nghiem, Elaine Sherwood 11-07.00
16 Gercken, Alyson South River 11-06.50 0.5
17 Langer, Sarah St Marys Ryk 11-05.00
18 Griffin, Ca'ryn St Marys Ryk 11-04.75
-- Bruch, Caryolyn Northwood ND
-- Adjei, Mame Colzadok Mag ND
-- Coffay, Mary Ellen Colzadok Mag ND
-- Razeghi, Nikita Academy Of T ND
-- Aromolaron, Yeni Academy Of T ND
-- Morgan, Cherise Grace Brethr ND
-- Amayo, Flora Northwood ND
-- Johnson, Brija Grace Brethr ND
Girls Triple Jump Relay 2 girl relay
Meet: % 69-04 4/14/2007 Seton Keough, Seton Keough
Name Year School Finals Points
1 LaFond, Thea John F Kenne 36-07.50 5
2 Harris, Page Clarksburg 32-09.00 4
3 Hylton, Erin Richard Mont 31-09.75 3
4 Ucheomumu, Anna John F Kenne 31-05.50 5
5 Ryland, Charnay Clarksburg 30-06.00 4
6 Howard, No name Given Chopticon HS 29-04.75 2
7 Smith, Samantha Richard Mont 29-01.50 3
8 Sutton, Sierra Montgomery B 28-07.75 1
9 Griffin, Ca'ryn St Marys Ryk 27-07.75 0.5
10 Langer, Sarah St Marys Ryk 25-02.50 0.5
11 Russell, no name given Chopticon HS 25-01.50 2
12 Baldwin, Claire Montgomery B 24-09.50 1
-- Amayo, Flora Northwood ND
-- Bruch, Caryolyn Northwood ND
-- De Leon, Inna C Colzadok Mag ND
-- Price, Amy Colzadok Mag ND
-- Johnson, Brija Grace Brethr ND
Girls Shot Put Relay 2 girl relay
Meet: % 71-00 1984 Govenor Reeder, Howard
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Finley, Brelyn C. H. Flower 37-09.50 5
2 Johnson, Turquoia Clarksburg 33-08.00 4
3 Moore, Sharita C. H. Flower 30-03.50 5
4 Kierra, Bradly Richard Mont 28-09.00
5 Morrison, Natalia Clarksburg 27-11.00 4
6 Tadiff, Jackie Gaithersburg 27-05.50 2
7 Holton, A. Chopticon HS 26-03.00 3
8 McCombs, Danielle Grace Brethr 26-01.00 1
9 Watson, Ra-na St.Johns College 25-07.00 0.5
10 Florian, Katie Sherwood 25-06.50
11 Eaton, T. Chopticon HS 23-11.50 3
12 Appleyby, Sam Colzadok Mag 22-11.50
13 Stonestreet, Megan Academy Of T 22-05.00
14 Bayoh, Cece Northwood 22-04.50
15 Patton, Ashley Montgomery B 21-09.50
16 Burns, Belinda St.Johns College 20-05.00 0.5
17 Morgan, Cherise Grace Brethr 20-01.00 1
18 Ezeonyebuchi, Ijeoma St Marys Ryk 19-07.50
19 Hooks, Kayla Gaithersburg 19-06.50 2
20 Shlemon, Sarah Northwood 19-01.50
21 Cap, Natalie Academy Of T 18-08.00
22 Sizemore, Jessica St Marys Ryk 18-00.00
23 Evans, Jesica Walter Johns 17-07.00
24 Meltzer, Rachel Bethesda-Che 17-05.50
24 Berman, Lily Bethesda-Che 17-05.50
26 Dunn, Olivia Sherwood 17-03.00
Girls Discus Throw Relay 2 girl relay
Meet: % 222-11.50 2002 Lucus, Spurrier, Thomas Johnson
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Finley, Brelyn C. H. Flower 86-11 5
2 Moore, Sharita C. H. Flower 80-09 5
3 Appleyby, Sam Colzadok Mag 74-09
4 Opiekun, Christie Clarksburg 72-10 4
5 McCombs, Danielle Grace Brethr 67-05 3
6 Kierra, Bradly Richard Mont 63-06
7 Morrison, Natalia Clarksburg 62-10 4
8 O'Reilly, Erin St.Johns College 59-04 2
9 Florian, Katie Sherwood 58-06 1
10 Ezeonyebuchi, Ijeoma St Marys Ryk 56-10
11 Neil, Jennyeka Walter Johns 56-06
12 Tadiff, Jackie Gaithersburg 55-06 0.5
13 Eaton, T. Chopticon HS 51-09
14 Scanlon, Elizabeth Sherwood 50-10 1
15 Watson, Ra-na St.Johns College 50-09 2
16 Holton, A. Chopticon HS 50-07
17 Morgan, Cherise Grace Brethr 47-06 3
18 Jesperson, Alyssa Gaithersburg 47-05 0.5
19 Sizemore, Jessica St Marys Ryk 44-11
20 Pastis, Crystal Academy Of T 41-10.50
21 Evans, Jesica Walter Johns 33-00
-- Patton, Ashley Montgomery B ND
-- Seals, Amber Montgomery B ND
-- Shepheard, Talia A Colzadok Mag ND
-- Meltzer, Rachel Bethesda-Che ND
-- McCants, Monique Academy Of T ND
-- Nurse, Lauren Richard Mont ND
-- Miller, Jasmin Bethesda-Che ND
-- Adams, Tiara St.Johns College ND
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Relay
Meet: % 2:42.40 1994 Churchill
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Rodrigues, Andrew Richard Mont 41.16% 4 1
2 Kallay, Alimamy Gaithersburg 42.38% 4 2.5
3 Zietoon, Tareq Clarksburg 42.59% 7 2
4 Moreno, Devin Clarksburg 42.75% 7 2
5 Garica, Andres Gaithersburg 42.78% 5 2.5
6 Wells, Colt Gaithersburg 42.84% 3 2.5
7 Kim, Chris Y Sherwood 43.13% 7 1.5
8 Hirakawa, Joshua South River 43.87% 4 0.2
9 Hang, Zimin Richard Mont 44.31% 2 1
10 Bailey, Chris Gaithersburg 44.67% 5 2.5
11 Furlow, Caleb Montgomery B 45.17% 3 0.5
12 Eckroade, Nolan Sherwood 45.28% 6 1.5
13 Witt, Josh Sherwood 45.49% 5 1.5
14 Wong, Robbie Clarksburg 45.59% 5 2
15 Mudimbi, Assani Montgomery B 46.28% 6 0.5
16 Thareja, Justin Sherwood 46.36% 7 1.5
17 Paulos, Amanuel Montgomery B 47.10% 6 0.5
18 Beltran, Estefan Clarksburg 47.51% 6 2
19 Hu, Nick Richard Mont 47.54% 3 1
20 Kanga, Justin Montgomery B 47.93% 4 0.5
21 Dove, Donny South River 48.15% 2 0.2
22 Xydis, Nick Richard Mont 48.32% 1 1
23 Sanchez, Andrew South River 48.54% 1 0.2
24 Santoro, Giovanni South River 48.81% 1 0.2
25 Johnson, Trey Georgetown P 50.53% 2
26 McGuire, Nick Georgetown P 50.98% 4
27 Phillips, Paul Georgetown P 51.36% 1
28 Hane, Matthew St Marys Ryk 51.57% 4
29 McGarry, William Georgetown P 51.71% 2
30 Park, Jung Bok St Marys Ryk 53.52% 1
31 Fedorchak, Brian St Marys Ryk 53.97% 7
32 Stabile, John St Marys Ryk 58.51% 3
Boys 2000 Meter Steeplechase
Meet: % 4:28.60 1982 J.Camp, Woodward
Name Year School Finals
1 Berry, John Georgetown P 7:12.88
2 Shriver, Phillip Walter Johns 7:14.41
3 Hicks, Michael Richard Mont 7:18.50
4 Glynn, Ryan South River 7:24.25
5 Guwani, David John F Kenne 7:37.70
6 Dorsey, Julien Bethesda-Che 7:59.83
7 Pepelnjak, John Georgetown P 8:00.28
8 Abdool, Daniel Colzadok Mag 8:23.39
9 Zietoon, Naseem Clarksburg 8:38.30
10 Miles, Zachery St Marys Ryk 9:04.05
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
Meet: % 42.66 4/13/2002 Gaithersburg HS
Richardson, Gibson, Canton, Motomba
School Finals H# Points
1 Montgomery Blair 44.76 1 10
2 St.Johns College HS 44.78 3 8
3 C. H. Flowers 45.83 2 6
4 John F Kennedy 45.96 3 4
5 Walter Johnson 46.17 2 2
6 Colzadok Magruder 46.25 2 1
7 Georgetown Prep 46.47 3
8 Sherwood 46.86 2
9 Richard Montgomery 47.17 1
10 St Marys Ryken 47.93 2
11 Gaithersburg Sr 48.03 3
12 South River 48.92 3
13 Clarksburg 49.77 3
14 Northwood 50.15 1
15 Chopticon HS 50.95 1
16 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 51.78 2
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
Meet: % 1:29.66 1985 Kennedy
Johnson, Walker, Russel, LeMone
School Finals H# Points
1 St.Johns College HS 1:34.10 1 10
2 Richard Montgomery 1:34.93 2 8
3 John F Kennedy 1:35.39 2 6
4 C. H. Flowers 1:36.74 2 4
5 Walter Johnson 1:36.94 3 2
6 Georgetown Prep 1:37.20 3 1
7 Sherwood 1:40.24 3
8 St Marys Ryken 1:41.20 3
9 Gaithersburg Sr 1:41.25 2
10 South River 1:42.96 1
11 Clarksburg 1:43.37 3
-- Bethesda-Chevy Chase DQ 2
-- Montgomery Blair DQ 3
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
Meet: % 3:24.15 1992 Springbrook
Brown, Marsh, Marshall, Mondy
School Finals H# Points
1 Montgomery Blair 3:29.11 3 10
2 Walter Johnson 3:31.28 2 8
3 C. H. Flowers 3:31.48 3 6
4 Richard Montgomery 3:31.50 3 4
5 Georgetown Prep 3:35.46 3 2
6 St.Johns College HS 3:36.43 3 1
7 Colzadok Magruder 3:36.57 2
8 Chopticon HS 3:42.13 2
9 St Andrews Episcopal 3:42.64 2
10 Gaithersburg Sr 3:43.30 1
11 John F Kennedy 3:49.86 1
12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 3:50.15 2
13 Clarksburg 3:50.22 2
14 South River 3:59.52 1
15 Grace Brethren Christian 4:06.63 1
16 St Marys Ryken 4:15.60 3
17 Northwood 4:45.00 1
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
Meet: % 7:55.38 1992 Quince Orchard
Virmani, Harry, Birdsell, Luko
School Finals Points
1 Walter Johnson 8:15.50 10
2 C. H. Flowers 8:16.32 8
3 Georgetown Prep 8:24.17 6
4 Richard Montgomery 8:41.64 4
5 Montgomery Blair 8:49.37 2
6 Gaithersburg Sr 8:51.05 1
7 Clarksburg 8:59.00
8 Colzadok Magruder 8:59.12
9 Sherwood 8:59.82
10 St.Johns College HS 9:29.42
11 Chopticon HS 9:40.88
12 St Marys Ryken 9:46.18
Boys 4x1600 Meter Relay Seeded
Meet: % 18:04.60 1979 Landon
Spencer, Parker, Schlep, Kerwin
School Finals Points
1 Walter Johnson 19:01.88 10
2 Georgetown Prep 19:17.78 8
3 Richard Montgomery 19:21.30 6
4 Sherwood 19:58.83 4
5 Colzadok Magruder 20:23.64 2
6 St Andrews Episcopal 20:38.52 1
7 Gaithersburg Sr 20:49.31
8 Clarksburg 20:51.64
9 Georgetown Prep 'B' x21:23.49
10 St.Johns College HS 21:27.55
Boys 1600 Sprint Medley
Meet: % 3:31.60 1977 Georgetown Prep
Plank, Maier, Saunders, Donegan
School Finals H# Points
1 Montgomery Blair 3:44.08 2 10
2 Gaithersburg Sr 3:46.47 3 8
3 Colzadok Magruder 3:48.40 3 6
4 Richard Montgomery 3:49.64 1 4
5 St Andrews Episcopal 3:50.40 2 2
6 Chopticon HS 3:51.44 3 1
7 John F Kennedy 3:54.71 3
8 Walter Johnson 3:56.08 2
9 Clarksburg 3:56.76 2
10 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 3:57.26 2
11 South River 4:00.14 3
12 Northwood 4:00.56 3
13 C. H. Flowers 4:03.96 1
14 Sherwood 4:05.19 1
15 St.Johns College HS 4:09.56 1
16 St Marys Ryken 4:15.67 1
-- Georgetown Prep DQ 2
Boys Distance Medley
Meet: % 10:17.60 1979 Landon
Schlep, Aikeu, Kerwin, Parker
School Finals Points
1 Georgetown Prep 10:56.55 10
2 Walter Johnson 11:15.77 8
3 St Andrews Episcopal 11:25.95 6
4 Sherwood 11:31.63 4
5 Chopticon HS 11:38.68 2
6 C. H. Flowers 11:41.93 1
7 Clarksburg 11:42.53
8 John F Kennedy 11:46.18
9 South River 11:51.35
10 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 11:54.97
11 Richard Montgomery 12:00.06
12 Gaithersburg Sr 12:01.54
13 Colzadok Magruder 12:03.46
14 St Marys Ryken 12:29.31
15 Montgomery Blair 12:31.62
16 St.Johns College HS 13:46.92
17 Northwood 13:54.65
Boys 4x110 Meter Shuttle Hurdle
Meet: % 1:01.30 1983 Good Councel
Eisle, Rubama, Owens, Thompson
School Finals H# Points
1 Gaithersburg Sr 1:04.40 3 10
2 Sherwood 1:12.70 3 8
3 South River 1:16.90 1 6
4 Clarksburg 1:17.73 3 4
5 Montgomery Blair 1:18.24 1 2
Boys High Jump Relay 3 man relay
Meet: % 18-10 1979 Wetmac,Moxley, Mcgorty, Gaithersburg
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Cain, Owen Gaithersburg 6-02.00 3.33333
2 Price, James Chopticon HS 5-08.00 2.66666
2 Kallay, Alimamy Gaithersburg 5-08.00 3.33333
2 Hatton, Alonzo Chopticon HS 5-08.00 2.66666
5 Herbert, Paul Chopticon HS 5-06.00 2.66666
6 Pierre-Louis, Michael Gaithersburg 5-04.00 3.33333
7 Hirakawa, Joshua South River 5-00.00
7 Boyd, Jonathan St Marys Ryk 5-00.00
-- Williams, David Bethesda-Che NH
-- Collins, Sam Clarksburg NH
-- Graham, Avery Clarksburg NH
-- Olsen, Robert Sherwood NH
-- Philliou, Dimitrios Montgomery B NH
-- Sanchez, Andrew South River NH
-- Charles, Gabriel Sherwood NH
-- Givens, Damani Grace Brethr NH
-- Campbell, Taylor Grace Brethr NH
-- Gondor, Peter Montgomery B NH
-- Furlow, Caleb Montgomery B NH
-- Prince, Cody Bethesda-Che NH
-- Ribiero, Randy Sherwood NH
-- Ndiaye, Mor Colzadok Mag NH
-- Pulley, Wesley Colzadok Mag NH
-- Mack, Christen St.Johns College NH
-- Johnson, Jaylen St.Johns College NH
-- McClurkin, Randy Georgetown P NH
-- St.John, Name St.Johns College NH
-- Stabile, John St Marys Ryk NH
-- Jarmon, Jamal C. H. Flower NH
-- Clark, Ace Clarksburg NH
-- Rawlings, Joshua St Marys Ryk NH
-- Springer, Kaleb Colzadok Mag NH
-- Brou, Paul-Marie Bethesda-Che NH
-- Kleintank, Ryan South River NH
Boys Long Jump Relay 3 man relay
Meet: % 63-03 1990 Moye,Jones,Pendervaris, Good Counsel
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Powell, Dwayne C. H. Flower 20-09.00 3.33333
2 Jarmon, Jamal C. H. Flower 19-08.00 3.33333
3 Stennett, Michael C. H. Flower 19-00.75 3.33333
4 Henderson, Justin Richard Mont 18-08.00 2
5 Brown, Steven St.Johns College 18-01.50 .333333
6 Graham, Avery Clarksburg 18-00.00 2.66666
6 Price, James Chopticon HS 18-00.00 .666666
8 Beltran, Estefan Clarksburg 17-07.00 2.66666
9 Prince, Tevin Northwood 17-04.50 1.33333
10 Quinn, Fonati Richard Mont 17-03.00 2
10 Oluyemi, Sam Clarksburg 17-03.00 2.66666
12 Maranaccio, Will Northwood 17-02.50 1.33333
13 Brou, Paul-Marie Bethesda-Che 16-06.75
14 Herbert, Paul Chopticon HS 16-06.00 .666666
15 Thomas, Leland Chopticon HS 16-04.75 .666666
15 Ndikumana, Giscard Northwood 16-04.75 1.33333
17 Gonzalez, Joshua South River 16-02.25
17 Hu, Nick Richard Mont 16-02.25 2
19 Ribiero, Randy Sherwood 15-11.50
20 Williams, Brandon St.Johns College 15-08.50 .333333
21 Houston, Jonathan St Marys Ryk 15-02.50
21 Herndon, Michael Gaithersburg 15-02.50
23 Johnson, Lenzy Sherwood 14-06.50
23 Donnelly, John St Marys Ryk 14-06.50
25 Cross, Khare Gaithersburg 14-05.75
26 Brown, Demitrick Gaithersburg 14-04.00
27 Gondor, Peter Montgomery B 14-01.00
28 Miles, Justin South River 13-10.00
29 Ginsburg, Robbie Sherwood 13-08.00
30 Hills, Kevin St Marys Ryk 13-07.25
31 Santoro, Giovanni South River 13-07.00
32 King, Aaron Montgomery B 13-05.25
33 Orbe, Carlos St.Johns College 12-05.00 .333333
-- Ferguson, Jr., Darrell Grace Brethr ND
-- Garary, Daniel Walter Johns ND
-- McCurry, Will Walter Johns ND
-- Sangare, Sekou Montgomery B ND
-- Okeyo, Paul Walter Johns ND
-- Springer, Kaleb Colzadok Mag ND
-- Simon-Chapman, Amani Bethesda-Che ND
-- Givens, Damani Grace Brethr ND
-- Ha, Steven Colzadok Mag ND
-- Davis, Owen Georgetown P ND
-- Nieto, Javier Colzadok Mag ND
Boys Triple Jump Relay 3 man relay
Meet: % 132-11 1986 Barnhill, Downs, Brown, Carroll
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Cain, Owen Gaithersburg 43-09.00 3.33333
2 Kallay, Alimamy Gaithersburg 37-09.75 3.33333
3 Quinn, Fonati Richard Mont 37-08.50 2
4 Herbert, Paul Chopticon HS 37-08.00 2.66666
5 Carroll, Trevon Gaithersburg 37-03.50 3.33333
6 Hatton, Alonzo Chopticon HS 37-02.25 2.66666
7 Beltran, Estefan Clarksburg 36-09.50 1.33333
8 Ramesh, Ricku Sherwood 36-08.50
9 Price, James Chopticon HS 36-07.75 2.66666
10 Ribiero, Randy Sherwood 36-04.00
11 Mariko, Shahidou Richard Mont 35-04.25 2
12 Xydis, Nick Richard Mont 33-01.50 2
13 Mamud, Samkkoh Clarksburg 32-00.50 1.33333
14 Donnelly, John St Marys Ryk 31-02.25
15 Wong, Robbie Clarksburg 30-05.50 1.33333
16 Gondor, Peter Montgomery B 29-08.75
17 Hills, Kevin St Marys Ryk 29-05.00
18 King, Aaron Montgomery B 28-00.00
-- Maranaccio, Will Northwood ND
-- Johnson, Andre Northwood ND
-- Ndikumana, Giscard Northwood ND
-- Givens, Damani Grace Brethr ND
-- Sangare, Sekou Montgomery B ND
-- Fritz, Jackson Bethesda-Che ND
-- Mulchandani, Alex Georgetown P ND
-- Pittsenberger, Michael Walter Johns ND
-- Li, Michael Walter Johns ND
-- Okeyo, Paul Walter Johns ND
-- Springer, Kaleb Colzadok Mag ND
-- Dorsey, Julien Bethesda-Che ND
-- Ha, Steven Colzadok Mag ND
-- Houston, Jonathan St Marys Ryk ND
-- Nieto, Javier Colzadok Mag ND
-- Johnson, Lenzy Sherwood FOUL
Boys Shot Put Relay 3 man relay
Meet: % 159-03.25 1977 Jawish,Peirce,Haley, Georgetown Prep
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Stanley, Sean Gaithersburg 54-01.50 2
2 Graham, Avery Clarksburg 50-07.00 3.33333
3 Smith, Christian Clarksburg 45-09.50 3.33333
4 Thompson, Rob Clarksburg 43-09.00 3.33333
5 White, Pete St.Johns College 43-02.50 2.66666
6 Monroe, Andre St.Johns College 40-02.50 2.66666
7 Jackson, Kortland St.Johns College 40-01.00 2.66666
8 Rogers, Lamar South River 39-03.00 1.33333
9 Butler, Jordon Chopticon HS 38-10.00 .666666
10 Chase, Ty Richard Mont 37-06.75
11 Ganbin, Brendon Sherwood 37-05.50
12 Kamerow, Eli Bethesda-Che 37-05.00
13 Johnson, Edwin Gaithersburg 37-03.50 2
14 Tisdale, Brandon Georgetown P 36-06.00 .333333
15 Olney, Martin Northwood 36-00.50
16 Green, Julian Georgetown P 36-00.00 .333333
17 Boyd, Jonathan St Marys Ryk 35-04.50
18 Awe, Busaiyo Richard Mont 34-11.00
19 Garcia, Joseph South River 34-09.00 1.33333
20 Popielarcheck, Jordon Chopticon HS 34-04.75 .666666
21 Banks, Charles Bethesda-Che 34-01.00
22 Phillips, Paul Georgetown P 32-11.00 .333333
23 Altman, Brian Bethesda-Che 32-09.00
23 Petito, Chris St Andrews E 32-09.00
25 Johns, Lucas Richard Mont 32-08.00
26 Yates, Joseph Chopticon HS 32-06.00 .666666
27 Thomas, Duncan South River 32-03.00 1.33333
28 Bailey, Chris Gaithersburg 31-08.75 2
29 Andele, Rodrique John F Kenne 31-08.50
30 Kane, Thomas Northwood 31-04.50
31 Kamel, Mustafa Sherwood 30-05.00
32 Agbermbai, Inongo John F Kenne 30-04.75
33 Harriot, Holden Grace Brethr 29-04.00
34 Lindsay, Taurus Grace Brethr 28-02.50
35 Loyd, Daniel Grace Brethr 28-00.00
36 Edgar, Alexander St Marys Ryk 27-11.00
37 Johnston, Michael St Marys Ryk 27-10.50
38 Cowan, Travis St Andrews E 27-01.50
39 Fomengiu, Kevin John F Kenne 27-01.00
40 Wossenseged, Mered Northwood 25-11.25
41 Opara, Emeka Sherwood 25-02.50
42 Portillo, Bladimir Colzadok Mag 24-04.50
-- Toussaint, Brendan St Andrews E ND
-- Brooks, Kalil Colzadok Mag ND
-- Villegas, Edgar Colzadok Mag ND
-- Li, Kenny Montgomery B ND
-- Tsapdong, Arthur Montgomery B ND
-- Wang, Victor Montgomery B ND
-- McCurry, Will Walter Johns ND
-- Garary, Daniel Walter Johns ND
-- Okeyo, Paul Walter Johns ND
Boys Discus Throw Relay 3 man relay
Meet: % 434-03.50 1977 Hiedel, Sagerholm, Holloway, Churchill
Name Year School Finals Points
1 Kinney, Marcus Clarksburg 125-00 2.66666
2 Stanley, Sean Gaithersburg 120-00 3.33333
3 Palomo, Lorenzo Gaithersburg 116-02 3.33333
4 Awe, Busaiyo Richard Mont 106-07 .666666
5 Butler, Jordon Chopticon HS 106-02 2
6 Boyd, Jonathan St Marys Ryk 104-03 .333333
7 Bailey, Chris Gaithersburg 102-09 3.33333
8 Thompson, Rob Clarksburg 102-06 2.66666
9 Faunce, Tyler Chopticon HS 101-06 2
10 Quevison, Kuevi Clarksburg 101-02 2.66666
11 White, Pete St.Johns College 100-06 1.33333
12 Garary, Daniel Walter Johns 96-11
13 Ganbin, Brendon Sherwood 92-02
14 Villegas, Edgar Colzadok Mag 91-08
15 Thomas, Duncan South River 86-00
16 Jose, Ray Richard Mont 85-09 .666666
17 Oelschlaeger, Keith Sherwood 85-00
17 Garcia, Joseph South River 85-00
19 Jones, Travis Chopticon HS 84-05 2
20 Monroe, Andre St.Johns College 83-01 1.33333
21 Kamel, Mustafa Sherwood 80-05
22 Walsh, Brendan St Marys Ryk 80-03 .333333
23 Altman, Brian Bethesda-Che 79-04
24 Barahonai, Jose St.Johns College 79-03 1.33333
25 Banks, Charles Bethesda-Che 77-04
26 Greon, Julien Georgetown P 77-03
27 Olney, Martin Northwood 76-00
28 Agbermbai, Inongo John F Kenne 75-10
29 Dixon, James St Marys Ryk 73-05 .333333
30 Budgen, Ryan Georgetown P 72-07
31 Warfield, Chris Georgetown P 71-10
32 Kebrab, Ezra Richard Mont 70-04 .666666
33 Kamerow, Eli Bethesda-Che 69-02
34 Pineda, Richard South River 64-05
35 Kane, Thomas Northwood 60-10
36 Wossenseged, Mered Northwood 49-03
-- Tsapdong, Arthur Montgomery B ND
-- Li, Kenny Montgomery B ND
-- Brooks, Kalil Colzadok Mag ND
-- Loyd, Daniel Grace Brethr ND
-- Portillo, Bladimir Colzadok Mag ND
-- Campbell, Taylor Grace Brethr ND
-- Wang, Victor Montgomery B ND
-- McClure, Jovan Grace Brethr ND
Mixed 1200 Sprint Medley Co-Ed Relay
Meet: % 2:42.39 1994 Gaithersburg
McFarlane, Addson, Cody, Wermeil
School Finals H# Points
1 South River 2:48.30 1
2 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 2:52.48 1
3 Colzadok Magruder 2:52.57 1
4 Clarksburg 2:55.75 1
5 St Marys Ryken 3:01.55 1
6 Walter Johnson 3:07.72 1
7 Georgetown Prep 3:10.04 1
8 St.Johns College HS 3:41.50 2
Women - Team Rankings - 14 Events Scored
1) Clarksburg 90 2) C. H. Flowers 68
3) Walter Johnson 38 4) South River 37
5) Gaithersburg Sr 35 6) Sherwood 26
7) John F Kennedy 25 7) Chopticon HS 25
9) Grace Brethren Christian 19 10) Montgomery Blair 16
11) Richard Montgomery 12 11) Colzadok Magruder 12
13) Bethesda-Chevy Chase 10 14) St.Johns College HS 8
15) St Marys Ryken 2 16) Northwood 1
Men - Team Rankings - 14 Events Scored
1) Gaithersburg Sr 65 2) Richard Montgomery 44
3) Clarksburg 42 4) Walter Johnson 40
5) Montgomery Blair 36 6) C. H. Flowers 35
7) St.Johns College HS 32 8) Chopticon HS 29
9) Georgetown Prep 28 10) Sherwood 22
11) South River 11 12) John F Kennedy 10
13) Colzadok Magruder 9 13) St Andrews Episcopal 9
15) Northwood 4 16) St Marys Ryken 1