Complete Results

Landon School                                              HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                 Churchill HS, Sherwood HS @ Landon - 9/22/2009                  
                         The Landon School, Bethesda, MD                         
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Reams, Jackson     R         Sherwood              17:20.30    1             
  2 Weinstein, Zachary           Winston Churchill     17:25.00    2             
  3 Rheingold, Justin            Winston Churchill     17:30.50    3             
  4 Elhage, Tarek                Winston Churchill     17:55.10    4             
  5 Conway, Will                 Winston Churchill     17:58.50    5             
  6 Shannon, Luke                Winston Churchill     18:17.20    6             
  7 Tockman, Kyle                Sherwood              18:21.00    7             
  8 Masuoka, Sei                 Winston Churchill     18:22.70    8             
  9 Kim, Alex                    Winston Churchill     18:33.80    9             
 10 Hogan, Kevin       J         Sherwood              18:44.30   10             
 11 Kogan, Matt                  Winston Churchill     19:01.10                  
 12 Dougherty, Ryan              Landon                19:07.40   11             
 13 Rosenberg, Adam              Winston Churchill     19:14.90                  
 14 Brill, Adam                  Landon                19:16.10   12             
 15 Weston-Dawkes, William       Winston Churchill     19:16.80                  
 16 Thiyagarajan, Sushen         Winston Churchill     19:33.90                  
 17 Valero, Daniel               Winston Churchill     19:36.10                  
 18 Popeck, Alex                 Sherwood              19:40.20   13             
 19 Modarres, Ceena              Landon                19:41.20   14             
 20 Masuoka, So                  Winston Churchill     19:46.20                  
 21 Harvey, Duncan               Landon                20:01.30   15             
 22 Smith, Worth                 Landon                20:06.20   16             
 23 Zhu, Henry                   Landon                20:16.30   17             
 24 Falvey, Jack                 Landon                20:22.60   18             
 25 Liu, Brian                   Landon                20:28.70                  
 26 Abrams, Matt                 Sherwood              21:10.40   19             
 27 Keena, Kevin                 Landon                21:19.30                  
 28 Frens, John                  Sherwood              21:29.40   20             
 29 Portner, Daniel              Sherwood              21:35.50   21             
 30 Loughner, Oleg               Sherwood              22:02.50                  
 31 Heap, Loren                  Sherwood              22:03.10                  
 32 Wagner, Michael              Sherwood              22:58.00                  
 33 Brehm-Ginsburg, Robbie       Sherwood              24:05.60                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Winston Churchill            20    2    3    4    5    6    8    9          
      Total Time:  1:29:06.30                                                    
         Average:    17:49.26                                                    
   2 Sherwood                     50    1    7   10   13   19   20   21          
      Total Time:  1:35:16.20                                                    
         Average:    19:03.24                                                    
   3 Landon                       68   11   12   14   15   16   17   18          
      Total Time:  1:38:12.20                                                    
         Average:    19:38.44                                                    

 Landon School                                              HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                 Churchill HS, Sherwood HS @ Landon - 9/22/2009                  
                         The Landon School, Bethesda, MD                         
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 3  Boys 5k Run CC Junior Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Korpeck, Phil                Winston Churchill     19:26.40    1             
  2 Blum, Alex                   Winston Churchill     19:56.90    2             
  3 Bratschi, Adam               Winston Churchill     20:02.70    3             
  4 Bourg, Garrett               Winston Churchill     20:09.70    4             
  5 Tashayyod, Rustin            Winston Churchill     20:20.30    5             
  6 Silber, Sam                  Winston Churchill     20:21.50    6             
  7 Berger, Jeffrey              Sherwood              20:22.20    7             
  8 Draffin, Ben                 Winston Churchill     20:23.50    8             
  9 Mercado, Ryan        M       Sherwood              20:38.10    9             
 10 Ross, Seth                   Winston Churchill     20:49.40                  
 11 Townsend, Jacob              Winston Churchill     20:54.20                  
 12 Kuhn, William                Landon                20:55.70   10             
 13 Blum, James                  Winston Churchill     21:02.70                  
 14 Fisher, Brandon              Winston Churchill     21:03.90                  
 15 Kleyman, Michael             Winston Churchill     21:06.00                  
 16 Calendar, Michael            Winston Churchill     21:07.40                  
 17 Kang, Dustyn                 Sherwood              21:08.10   11             
 18 Strabo, Mark                 Landon                21:15.70   12             
 19 Shin, Soohwan                Winston Churchill     21:43.70                  
 20 Berry, Ryan Pratick          Sherwood              21:44.00   13             
 21 Bachrach, Kevin              Winston Churchill     21:48.70                  
 22 Siberry, Vick                Sherwood              21:53.40   14             
 23 Haskins, Drew                Winston Churchill     22:00.40                  
 24 Gura, Colin                  Winston Churchill     22:10.00                  
 25 Ahn, Stephen                 Winston Churchill     22:12.10                  
 26 Lee, Jonathan                Winston Churchill     22:16.00                  
 27 Lum, Everett                 Winston Churchill     22:16.80                  
 28 Gavett, William     S        Sherwood              22:17.20   15             
 29 Spielman, Benjamin           Winston Churchill     22:24.20                  
 30 Traynor, Michael     P       Sherwood              22:25.50   16             
 31 Zidar, Eric                  Winston Churchill     22:28.10                  
 32 Saunders, Hayden             Winston Churchill     22:33.40                  
 33 Jagannathan, Pavan           Landon                22:42.90   17             
 34 Lu, Matthew                  Winston Churchill     22:46.20                  
 35 Wilson, Matt                 Winston Churchill     22:52.70                  
 36 Blooston, Leo                Winston Churchill     22:56.00                  
 37 Harris, Ben                  Winston Churchill     22:57.90                  
 38 Henry, Mark                  Winston Churchill     23:04.30                  
 39 Na, Matthew Hyung            Sherwood              23:10.20                  
 40 Papazain, Arlen              Landon                23:17.70   18             
 41 O'Brian, Carter              Landon                23:18.40   19             
 42 Hallock, Scott               Winston Churchill     23:25.90                  
 43 Burr, Patrick                Landon                23:42.30   20             
 44 Lee, Christian               Winston Churchill     23:48.10                  
 45 Zhou, Roy                    Winston Churchill     23:48.50                  
 46 Peters, Alex        T        Sherwood              23:49.10                  
 47 Pereles, Luke                Winston Churchill     24:04.10                  
 48 Franceski, John              Winston Churchill     24:13.30                  
 49 Larijani, Kian               Winston Churchill     24:14.00                  
 50 Chen, Lyon                   Winston Churchill     24:19.10                  
 51 Hein, John                   Winston Churchill     24:22.60                  
 52 Goldman, Harry               Winston Churchill     24:24.90                  
 53 Leszczynski, Johnny          Winston Churchill     24:33.10                  
 54 Koneful, Zachary             Sherwood              24:44.80                  
 55 Saltzberg, Jared             Winston Churchill     24:52.80                  
 56 Park, Max                    Winston Churchill     25:06.90                  
 57 Hunsinger, Justin            Winston Churchill     25:08.40                  
 58 Lamas, Jose                  Winston Churchill     25:18.10                  
 59 Strang, Garrett              Winston Churchill     25:21.10                  
 60 Tapparo, Robert              Landon                25:25.80   21             
 61 Vargo, Andrew                Winston Churchill     25:31.10                  
 62 Kerns, Bretton     N         Sherwood              25:31.40                  
 63 Minor, Matthew     B         Sherwood              25:35.60                  
 64 Fuss, Kevin       A          Sherwood              25:45.10                  
 65 Mazur, Matthew     J         Sherwood              25:54.90                  
 66 Powers, Mike                 Landon                26:07.90                  
 67 Gilman, Sam                  Winston Churchill     26:19.60                  
 68 Liss, Jared                  Winston Churchill     26:24.20                  
 69 Maizlish, Evan               Winston Churchill     26:25.40                  
 70 McGee, Tim                   Sherwood              26:41.70                  
 71 Kim, Brian                   Winston Churchill     26:53.20                  
 72 Herrera, Joshua      M       Sherwood              27:00.70                  
 73 Mendelsohn, Ben              Winston Churchill     27:01.10                  
 74 Lutschaunig, Nicholas        Sherwood              27:05.20                  
 75 Perry, Mark                  Landon                28:15.50                  
 76 Calhoun, Tyler               Sherwood              29:02.60                  
 77 Maxham, Scott       D        Sherwood              29:16.60                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Winston Churchill            15    1    2    3    4    5    6    8          
      Total Time:  1:39:56.00                                                    
         Average:    19:59.20                                                    
   2 Sherwood                     54    7    9   11   13   14   15   16          
      Total Time:  1:45:45.80                                                    
         Average:    21:09.16                                                    
   3 Landon                       76   10   12   17   18   19   20   21          
      Total Time:  1:51:30.40                                                    
         Average:    22:18.08                                                    

 Landon School                                              HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                 Churchill HS, Sherwood HS @ Landon - 9/22/2009                  
                         The Landon School, Bethesda, MD                         
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 1  Girls 5k Run CC Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Fikri, Maryam                Winston Churchill     21:24.40    1             
  2 Giedd, Alex                  Winston Churchill     21:26.40    2             
  3 Kendall, Kelly               Sherwood              22:29.30    3             
  4 Bourg, Charlotte             Winston Churchill     22:44.10    4             
  5 Iacangelo, Abigail     M     Sherwood              22:57.50    5             
  6 Cronin, Teresa               Sherwood              23:01.90    6             
  7 Russell, Teresa      M       Sherwood              23:35.70    7             
  8 Jacobson, Sophie             Winston Churchill     23:40.00    8             
  9 Barnard, Tyler               Sherwood              23:45.00    9             
 10 Scanlan, Erin                Winston Churchill     23:52.50   10             
 11 Suttora, Hannah              Winston Churchill     24:03.50   11             
 12 Tomlinson, Amanda            Sherwood              24:07.70   12             
 13 Tosatto, Gillian     L       Sherwood              24:08.70   13             
 14 Chevat, Caroline             Winston Churchill     24:23.80   14             
 15 Reitzes, Sarah               Winston Churchill     24:30.30                  
 16 Ho, Mellownie                Sherwood              24:36.40                  
 17 Siegel, Gabby                Winston Churchill     24:43.50                  
 18 Perthel, Jeanette            Winston Churchill     25:01.50                  
 19 DaMayo, Jessica              Winston Churchill     25:04.00                  
 20 McCotter, Catherine          Winston Churchill     25:07.60                  
 21 McCue, Caroline    T         Sherwood              25:25.50                  
 22 Mahlmann, Ariel              Sherwood              25:45.00                  
 23 Jaschke, Michelle            Sherwood              26:10.90                  
 24 Osborne, Morgan      M       Sherwood              26:15.60                  
 25 Witt, Emily       C          Sherwood              26:39.20                  
 26 Hitz, Emily                  Winston Churchill     26:49.90                  
 27 Abdullahi, Zara              Winston Churchill     26:51.80                  
 28 Bell, Amanda                 Sherwood              27:28.70                  
 29 Lin, Dora                    Winston Churchill     28:12.80                  
 30 Sickels, Julia               Winston Churchill     28:24.40                  
 31 Ben-Yosef, Daniella          Sherwood              28:25.40                  
 32 Dmitriev, Dora               Winston Churchill     28:27.40                  
 33 Fish, Michelle               Winston Churchill     28:48.00                  
 34 Beiser, Rachel               Winston Churchill     29:27.00                  
 35 Boukhvaklova, Alex           Winston Churchill     29:48.70                  
 36 Newburger, Hannah            Winston Churchill     29:53.90                  
 37 Parikh, Nisha                Winston Churchill     30:10.70                  
 38 Morenoff, Rachel             Winston Churchill     30:21.60                  
 39 Valero, Mercedes             Winston Churchill     30:24.50                  
 40 Smith, Kathryn               Winston Churchill     30:36.60                  
 41 Murray, Hannah               Winston Churchill     30:37.80                  
 42 Malament, Nicole             Winston Churchill     30:42.50                  
 43 Hanlon, Katherine   J        Sherwood              31:04.00                  
 44 Thiran, Kaeshini             Winston Churchill     31:12.00                  
 45 Winkert, Rebecca             Winston Churchill     31:33.50                  
 46 Chaudhri, Subhana            Winston Churchill     31:33.70                  
 47 Mc Neace, Jessica            Sherwood              34:02.00                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Winston Churchill            25    1    2    4    8   10   11   14          
      Total Time:  1:53:07.40                                                    
         Average:    22:37.48                                                    
   2 Sherwood                     30    3    5    6    7    9   12   13          
      Total Time:  1:55:49.40                                                    
         Average:    23:09.88