IAC/ISL/MAC Championships 2004

North Bethesda, MD

Varsity B Boys MAC

 IAC/ISL/MAC High School Cross-Country Championships
              November 13, 2004  Hosted By: St. Albans School
                  At Georgetown Prep.  North Bethesda, MD

        Timing and Scoring By: Montgomery County Road Runners Club

                  Individual Results: MAC Varsity B Boys

Place Num   Name                  S Gr School                   Time  
===== ===== ===================== = == ======================== ===== 
    1   204 Nico Staple           M 11 Georgetown Day School    18:39 
    2   185 Brian Fung            M 11 Georgetown Day School    18:59 
    3   192 Alex Masurovsky       M 11 Georgetown Day School    19:06 
    4   504 Nick Dugan            M  9 St. Andrew's             19:33 
    5   378 Kenzan Tanabe         M 10 Potomac                  20:01 
    6   523 Chris Stokes          M 10 St. Andrew's             20:18 
    7   190 Lightning Jay         M 12 Georgetown Day School    20:23 
    8   176 Eli Blum              M 10 Georgetown Day School    20:32 
    9   373 Nick Nassikas         M 12 Potomac                  20:35 
   10   188 Julian Grove          M 11 Georgetown Day School    20:36 
   11   203 Max St. John          M  9 Georgetown Day School    20:38 
   12   508 Kent Henry            M 10 St. Andrew's             20:43 
   13   202 Edward Simmens        M  9 Georgetown Day School    20:46 
   14   518 Charlie Pfeifer       M 12 St. Andrew's             20:49 
   15   408 Peter Souders         M  9 Sidwell Friends          20:52 
   16   207 Zachary Valazquez     M 11 Georgetown Day School    20:53 
   17   177 Matt Bradley          M 11 Georgetown Day School    20:55 
   18   206 Peter Tung            M 12 Georgetown Day School    20:58 
   19   367 Keishi Hashimoto      M 11 Potomac                  21:09 
   20   183 Charlie Effron        M 11 Georgetown Day School    21:10 
   21   413 C.j. Uy               M  9 Sidwell Friends          21:12 
   22   393 Galen Degraf          M 12 Sidwell Friends          21:18 
   23   400 Jason Kleban          M 10 Sidwell Friends          21:20 
   24   372 Andrew Metcalf        M 10 Potomac                  21:23 
   25   509 Chris Heywood         M 12 St. Andrew's             21:24 
   26   411 Jonathan Tayler       M 12 Sidwell Friends          21:24 
   27   496 Matt Amling           M 12 St. Andrew's             21:29 
   28   182 Phillip Cohen         M 11 Georgetown Day School    21:32 
   29   500 Tom Davis             M 11 St. Andrew's             21:37 
   30   187 Robbie Grace          M 10 Georgetown Day School    21:37 
   31   200 Nick Pastan           M 12 Georgetown Day School    21:38 
   32   193 Adam Masurovsky       M  9 Georgetown Day School    21:38 
   33   505 Chase Felker          M  9 St. Andrew's             21:44 
   34   198 David Orellano        M 12 Georgetown Day School    21:45 
   35   196 Alex Muroyama         M  9 Georgetown Day School    21:45 
   36   414 David Winton          M  9 Sidwell Friends          21:48 
   37   525 Matt Vaveris          M  9 St. Andrew's             21:50 
   38   174 Nicky Baer            M  9 Georgetown Day School    21:55 
   39   189 Adam Hemmer           M  9 Georgetown Day School    22:00 
   40   520 Robin Robinson        M  9 St. Andrew's             22:00 
   41   194 Colin Miller          M 12 Georgetown Day School    22:13 
   42   524 John Taylor           M 10 St. Andrew's             22:20 
   43   376 Matt Shannon          M 10 Potomac                  22:20 
   44   499 Jason Christian       M 11 St. Andrew's             22:23 
   45   377 Charlie Sullivan      M  9 Potomac                  22:27 
   46   370 Andrew Kilberg        M 11 Potomac                  22:28 
   47   507 Colin Gray            M  9 St. Andrew's             22:28 
   48   403 Derek Mazique         M 12 Sidwell Friends          22:40 
   49   364 Stephen Dobeck        M 11 Potomac                  22:41 
   50   180 Philip Castiel        M  9 Georgetown Day School    22:44 
                                                                      Page 2
            IAC/ISL/MAC High School Cross-Country Championships
              November 13, 2004  Hosted By: St. Albans School
                  At Georgetown Prep.  North Bethesda, MD

        Timing and Scoring By: Montgomery County Road Runners Club

                  Individual Results: MAC Varsity B Boys

Place Num   Name                  S Gr School                   Time  
===== ===== ===================== = == ======================== ===== 
   51   371 Phinney Mcintire      M 11 Potomac                  22:51 
   52   522 Taylor Stemerman      M  9 St. Andrew's             22:55 
   53   360 Marshall Ball         M 11 Potomac                  22:57 
   54   362 Alex Brandt           M  9 Potomac                  23:01 
   55   181 Amandeep Chhabra      M 12 Georgetown Day School    23:11 
   56   410 Asawin Suebsaeng      M 10 Sidwell Friends          23:14 
   57   208 Alex Zeldin           M  9 Georgetown Day School    23:23 
   58   521 Andy Schniderman      M 11 St. Andrew's             23:28 
   59   415 Robert Wise           M 11 Sidwell Friends          23:39 
   60   397 Micah Hendler         M 10 Sidwell Friends          23:41 
   61   392 Alex Cohn             M 10 Sidwell Friends          23:47 
   62   173 Jacob Ansbacher       M  9 Georgetown Day School    23:57 
   63   201 Jake Sendar           M  9 Georgetown Day School    23:59 
   64   178 Philip Bronstein      M  9 Georgetown Day School    24:09 
   65   172 Nat Ahlers            M 11 Georgetown Day School    24:12 
   66   402 Ross Macavoy          M  9 Sidwell Friends          24:12 
   67   501 Colin Densford        M 11 St. Andrew's             24:53 
   68   326 Jarred Hill           M 11 Maret                    25:11 
   69   515 Nat Nash              M 11 St. Andrew's             25:16 
   70   519 Tim Platt             M 11 St. Andrew's             25:17 
   71   327 David Murray          M 10 Maret                    25:37 
   72   319 Mike Davitt           M  9 Maret                    26:27 
   73   502 Jed Di Laura          M  9 St. Andrew's             26:27 
   74   317 Jamie Block           M 10 Maret                    26:36 
   75   320 Wilmer Delcid         M 10 Maret                    26:55 
   76   323 Doug Eacho            M 10 Maret                    29:03 
   77   514 Chris Mcelvey         M 12 St. Andrew's             29:15 

                     Team Results, MAC Varsity B Boys

  1.    21  GEORGETOWN DAY SCHOOL    (  19:32  1:37:39)
  1      1  NICO STAPLE          M   18:39
  2      2  BRIAN FUNG           M   18:59
  3      3  ALEX MASUROVSKY      M   19:06
  4      7  LIGHTNING JAY        M   20:23
  5      8  ELI BLUM             M   20:32
  6   ( 10) JULIAN GROVE         M   20:36
  7   ( 11) MAX ST. JOHN         M   20:38

  2.    55  ST. ANDREW'S             (  20:34  1:42:47)
  1      4  NICK DUGAN           M   19:33
  2      6  CHRIS STOKES         M   20:18
  3     12  KENT HENRY           M   20:43
  4     13  CHARLIE PFEIFER      M   20:49
  5     20  CHRIS HEYWOOD        M   21:24
  6   ( 22) MATT AMLING          M   21:29
  7   ( 23) TOM DAVIS            M   21:37

  3.    73  POTOMAC                  (  21:06  1:45:28)
  1      5  KENZAN TANABE        M   20:01
  2      9  NICK NASSIKAS        M   20:35
  3     15  KEISHI HASHIMOTO     M   21:09
  4     19  ANDREW METCALF       M   21:23
  5     25  MATT SHANNON         M   22:20
  6   ( 26) CHARLIE SULLIVAN     M   22:27
  7   ( 27) ANDREW KILBERG       M   22:28

  4.    86  SIDWELL FRIENDS          (  21:14  1:46:06)
  1     14  PETER SOUDERS        M   20:52
  2     16  C.J. UY              M   21:12
  3     17  GALEN DEGRAF         M   21:18
  4     18  JASON KLEBAN         M   21:20
  5     21  JONATHAN TAYLER      M   21:24
  6   ( 24) DAVID WINTON         M   21:48
  7   ( 28) DEREK MAZIQUE        M   22:40

  5.   155  MARET                    (  26:10  2:10:46)
  1     29  JARRED HILL          M   25:11
  2     30  DAVID MURRAY         M   25:37
  3     31  MIKE DAVITT          M   26:27
  4     32  JAMIE BLOCK          M   26:36
  5     33  WILMER DELCID        M   26:55
  6   ( 34) DOUG EACHO           M   29:03