
Bohemia Manor High School

Address: 2755 Augustine Herman Highway, Chesapeake City, MD 21915

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2025-04-01 C.M. Wright/Joppatowne @Bo Manor
2024-04-18 Cecil County Championship
2024-04-12 Maryland Track 'No Trail' Invitational
2023-04-21 MD Track 'No' Trail Invitational
2023-04-12 Aberdeen, Rising Sun @ Bohemia Manor
2023-03-22 Fallston, North East @ Bohemia Manor
2022-05-10 Rising Sun @ Bo Manor
2022-04-14 Cecil County Invitational
2022-04-06 CMW, Bo Manor, Aberdeen
2022-04-01 Maryland Track "No" Trail Invitational
2021-06-14 1A East Regional Championships
2021-05-27 Cecil County Championships
2021-05-20 Elkton, Perryville @ Bo Manor
2021-04-16 Rising Sun @ Bo Manor
2021-04-16 Rising Sun @ Bo Manor
2021-04-16 Rising Sun @ Bo Manor
2021-04-08 Perryville @ Bo Manor
2020-03-24 Elkton + HDG @ Bohemia Manor
2019-04-23 North East, CMW, Bo Manor
2019-04-23 CMW, NE @BMHS
2019-04-17 Chesapeake Division Championships
2019-04-09 Cecil County Invitational
2019-03-27 Edgewood, Fallston @Bo Manor
2018-09-18 Meet at Bohemia Manor
2018-05-08 Edgewood, Perryville @ Bohemia Manor
2018-04-13 Aberdeen, Bel Air @ Bohemia Manor
2018-03-27 Bohemia Manor Triangular
2018-03-27 Rising Sun, Fallston @ Bohemia Manor
2018-03-22 Aberdeen, Bel Air @ Bohemia Manor
2017-04-27 Fallston, North East, North Harford @ Bohemia Manor
2017-04-24 NH/Fallston@BMHS
2017-04-11 Cecil County Invitational
2016-10-11 Edgewood, Aberdeen @ Bo Manor
2016-03-21 Aberdeen, Perryville @ Bohemia Manor
2015-10-20 Cecil County Invitational
2015-09-29 Tri Meet: Aberdeen, Bel Air, Bohemia Manor
2015-03-24 Bohemia Manor Triangular
2014-10-14 Cecil County Invite
2014-09-30 Bo Manor Quad
2014-04-01 North Harford, Harford Tech @ Bo Manor
2014-03-27 Aberdeen, Bo Manor and Perryville
2014-02-28 Anne Arundel All-Comers Meet
2013-05-16 2A East Regional Championship
2013-04-04 UCBAC Chesapeake Division Championship
2012-10-02 BoManor Bel Air CMWright
2012-09-25 Cecil County Invitational
2012-04-19 UCBAC Chesapeake Division Championship
2011-09-27 Cecil County Invitational
2011-09-06 BoManor, RisingSun, BelAir, Aberdeen
2010-10-14 UCBAC Chesapeake Division Championships

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00