
Century High School

Address: 355 Ronsdale Road, Sykesville, MD 21784

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-05-15 MPSSAA 2A West Region Championships
2024-05-09 Carroll County Championships
2024-04-15 Boonsboro, Catoctin, Williamsport at Century
2024-04-10 Liberty Road Challenge
2023-04-12 Liberty Road Challenge
2022-06-11 Maryland AAU District Track & Field Championships
2022-05-16 Freedom Fliers Youth T&F Invite
2022-04-11 Liberty Road Challenge
2021-06-12 2A West Regional Championship
2021-06-07 2A West Divisional I Championship
2021-05-22 Key, Westminster @ Century
2021-05-15 Key, Manchester Valley, South Carroll @ Century
2021-01-30 Key, Westminster @ Century
2021-01-23 Liberty, South Carroll @ Century
2021-01-16 Key, Westminster @ Century
2021-01-09 Liberty, South Carroll @ Century
2020-05-05 Carroll County Championships
2019-04-10 Liberty Road Challenge
2018-04-25 Tri Meet - Century, Boonsboro, Walkersville
2018-04-04 Quad Meet - Catoctin, Century, Oakdale, Urbana
2017-05-21 CCC Throws Meet
2017-05-18 MPSSAA 2A West Region Meet
2017-05-11 Carroll County Championships
2016-05-19 MPSSAA 2A West Region Meet
2016-05-12 Carroll County Championship
2016-04-06 Quad Meet - Catoctin, Century, Oakdale, Urbana
2015-04-22 Century Triangular
2015-03-24 Edgewood Triangular
2013-05-08 Carroll County Championship
2012-05-09 Carroll County Championship
2012-03-28 Liberty Road Challenge Battle for Corridor 26
2010-10-22 Liberty, Winters Mill @ Century
2007-09-05 SC/West/Cent/FSK
2007-04-04 Liberty Road Challenge
2006-05-10 Carroll County Championships
2006-04-26 Walkersville, NC, SC @ Century
2005-04-13 Westminster, Liberty @ Century
2005-04-06 Century Quad

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00