
Hammond High School

Address: 8800 Guilford Road, Columbia, MD 21046

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2025-04-22 Howard County League Meet 4A
2024-09-11 River Hill, Long Reach @ Hammond HS
2023-10-04 Glenelg, Atholton @ Hammond
2023-04-19 HOW, OM, GLEN, LR, MR @ Hammond
2023-04-11 HoCo League Meet #1A @ Hammond
2022-09-14 HoCo XC League Meet: Howard/Glenelg @ Hammond
2022-04-08 Hammond Golden Bear Challenge
2019-04-03 6-Team Meet at Hammond
2018-09-12 Reservoir, Glenelg @ Hammond
2017-09-13 Centennial, Glenelg, & Hammond
2016-04-13 Howard, Oakland Mills @ Hammond
2015-09-30 Tri Meet: Atholton, Centennial, Hammond
2015-04-23 Hammond Triangular
2014-09-18 Oakland Mills, Reservoir @ Hammond
2011-07-29 HoCo Striders XC Series
2006-04-05 OM, RES @ Hammond

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00