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Now the Maryland State Championships are over, time to think about what's next! Well its the DMV Meet of the Elite! That is next event that should be on everyone's calendar! This first year event is coming together very well with plenty of elite talent as well as numbers of teams and athletes planning to compete on Saturday, June 11th at Patriot High School in Nokesville, Virginia. Meet kicks off at 4 PM.
The goal of this event is provide another post-season meet opportunity for high school track athletes in the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area and beyond. We want to bring all the top talent together to face head to head that get unfortunately watered down and spread apart from facing each other in championship season with the multiple classifications or separated by state borders. State champions vs. state champions. Maryland's best vs. Virginia's best. Lets create more and more of these matchups in every event!
The event atmosphere should be fun, energetic, and loose. The vibe at this meet will definitely not be tense and sometimes too serious setting found at many of the in-season championship meet's at season end. We will be playing music during races. Uniform and jewelry rules relaxed with a very pro-athlete friendly meet setup.
This meet will also be LIVE streamed on and be showcased nationally! WATCH HERE >
Below can find answers to some frequently asked questions for the DMV Meet of the Elite.
Who can compete in this meet?
Anyone that is a high school athlete from this past season or competitive 7th & 8th grade athletes. There is no entry standard for this meet, so whether you are a state champion and All-American athlete or a JV athlete, we got an open invitation for you in this meet! You don't have to live in the DMV to compete in this meet either! We'll accept long distance travels and competition from other states!
No college or post-collegiate athletes are allowed to compete in this meet. This meet is strictly for class of 2016 high school athletes and younger.
Who is the meet sanctioned by?
The meet is sanctioned and insured by the USATF. Meet is similar as far as rules that apply for high school athletes and coaches in the workarounds to competing in other post-season meets such as New Balance Nationals and Foot Locker & NXN Regionals.
Where is this meet held at?
The meet will be held at Patriot High School's outstanding rubberized track and stadium in Nokesville, Virginia located in Prince William County. Within a 90 minute drive for most in the state of Maryland. Address is 10504 Kettle Run Rd, Nokesville, VA 20181.
What events are offered at this meet?
Only running events for this year. Next year, we plan to add field events, but the costs of getting first year off the ground thought it would be wise to stay with running events.
Individual running events include 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, 400 meter dash, 800 meter run, 1500 meter run, 5000 meter run, 100/110 meter hurdles, and 300 meter hurdles.
Relay events include 4x200 meter relay, 4x400 meter relay, 4x800 meter relay, 800 meter SMR, and distance medley relay.
When does meet start and order of events?
Meet is scheduled to start at 4:00 PM on Saturday, June 11th and end around 9:30 PM. Depending on number of final meet entries, we may slightly adjust start time if necessitates, but should be in close proximity and likely unchanged.
Order of events can be found below:
Girls 4x800
Boys 4x800
Girls 4x200
Boys 4x200
Girls 100m Hurdles
Boys 110m Hurdles
Girls 100m Dash
Boys 100m Dash
Girls 1500m Run
Boys 1500m Run
Girls 400m Dash
Boys 400m Dash
Girls 300m Hurdles
Boys 300m Hurdles
Girls 800m Run
Boys 800m Run
Girls 200m Dash
Boys 200m Dash
Girls 5000m Run
Boys 5000m Run
Girls 800 SMR (100-100-200-400) - All-Star, Club Or HS Teams May Enter
Boys 800 SMR (100-100-200-400) - All-Star, Club Or HS Teams May Enter
Girls DMR (1200-400-800-1600) - All-Star, Club Or HS Teams May Enter
Boys DMR (1200-400-800-1600) - All-Star, Club Or HS Teams May Enter
Girls 4x400
Boys 4x400

Who can run on relays?
The relays can be comprised of athletes on the same high school or could be club/all-star relays of athletes from different high schools.
If planning on organizing a club/all-star relay, you will need to have a club page setup on MileSplit (email us) and someone will need to be in charge of entering the relay online and paying entry fee before the Tuesday, June 7th entry deadline at midnight whether its the club coach, parent, or athlete.
We encourage All-Star relays at this meet to have fun with loading up squads with a collection of top talent from area or neighboring high schools in a town, county, region, or classification.
How do we enter?
Register by visiting the MileSplit meet page and click on the green Register Online Now link. Three options to enter including enter as team, enter as club, and enter as individual. Direct link.
Enter as a team if you are a high school coach and entering multiple athletes or relays from your high school and will be paying the team's whole entry fee of total entrants.
Enter as a club if you are a club coach or organizing All-Star relays for the meet and need to enter individuals or relays with your club name affiliation. Will be paying the club's whole entry fee of total entrants.
Enter as an individual if your an athlete or the athlete's parent registering them to compete in the meet as unattached individual and will be responsible for paying for your own entry fee.
You will need to claim your athlete profile page if entering as an individual. Once you do that, immediately email us at to let us know of your pending approval so that we can process your profile claim sooner and you can begin entering the meet.
How much does it cost to enter?
The entry fee is $15 per athlete (regardless of # of events) and $25 per relay if register AND pay online by midnight on Thursday, June 2nd. At 12:01 AM on Friday, June 3rd, the entry fees raise $5 to $20 per athlete and $30 per relay. Definitely encourage you to register this week and save $5!
So when is the entry deadline?
There are two entry deadlines. An early deadline for Thursday, June 2nd at midnight with rate of $15 per athlete and $25 per relay as well as the late/final entry deadline for Tuesday, June 7th at midnight with rate of $20 per athlete and $30 per relay.
How can we pay entry fees?
All entry fees must be paid online at time of final entry deadline at midnight on Tuesday, June 7th. We will not be accepting checks or any day of the meet payments for this meet. No entry fee paid at time of deadline will mean the athlete/relay is not declared from the meet and will be scratched unless notify meet director of reason why entry fee hasn't been paid online at time of deadline.
What will the awards be?
The top 3 finishers in every event will receive a DMV Elite headbands that they can feel free to wear whenever they like! Better than a medal and you will wear it proudly more often! Headband design to be shared soon!
Where there will be t-shirts sold?
Yes. We will be selling black DMV Meet of the Elite tank tops for $15 on-site. We will be taking pre-orders early next week and will also have a sample design to share then!
What is the cost of admissions?
$5 admission fee for all spectators.
More questions?
Contact meet director Brandon Miles at