The girls\' varsity race was suspenseful to the end. A tightly clustered lead pack of six, led by Laura Paulsen of the Bryn Mawr School, separated themselves from the peloton with a brisk opening mile. By the two-mile post, Northern\'s Katie Ogden had opened a gap of nearly five meters but failed to discourage her five pursuing rivals, who remained organized and on the chase. Entering the finish area with 400 meters to go, Northwest teammates Rachel Forcino and Emma Eckerstrom had nearly closed the gap, but Ogden sparkled over the final stretch, putting paid to their ambitions with a 19:38 winning effort and a three-second margin of victory over Forcino. In the team scoring, a very strong Northwest contingent won easily over Fairfax, 45-106.
On the boys\' side, Magruder\'s Alec Triantos, Erik Anderson of Archbishop Curley (home of the \"Curley Friars\"), and Nick Bax of St. Albans School forged an early lead, followed most closely by Rob Kelvey of Westminster and Whitman\'s Will Palmer, four and five seconds in arrears at the mile-and-a quarter mark. At this point Bax pushed the pace and quickly forged a lead he would not relinquish. He triumphed by eight seconds over Kelvey, 16:29 to 16:37. The other early pursuers followed in 4th, 3rd, and 6th, respectively, with Gonzaga\'s Matt Chandler getting in there for 5th. In team scoring, St Alban\'s won a close one over Quince Orchard, 97-107 on the strength of their three finishers in the top eleven.
Quince Orchard and Walt Whitman showed good overall strength, QO finishing 2nd and 3rd in the boys\' and girls\' varsity races, respectively, and Whitman garnering a pair of fifths.