Battle of the Potomac 2012

Gaithersburg, MD

Seeded Girls



Nov. 17, 2012

Results by

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PLACE TEAM                POINTS  PLACES OF FINISHERS                             AVG. TIME SPREAD

  1 Virginia                 88    3    4    5    6    7    8   10   11   14   20    20:10    1:46
  2 Maryland                122    1    2    9   12   13   15   16   17   18   19    20:26    2:29
  ID#  PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. Virginia
 1122     3  Madeline Wittich           19:34    6:19
 1130     4  Amber Hawkins              19:35    6:19
 1154     5  Jennifer Flack             19:38    6:20
 1324     6  Bailey Kolonich            19:49    6:23
 1310     7  Elizabeth Long             20:01    6:27
 1355     8  Hannah Lowery              20:04    6:28
 1335    10  Jordan Angers              20:30    6:37
 1177    11  Katie Kennedy              20:31    6:37
 1088    14  Amanda Swaak               20:38    6:39
 1129    20  Abby Halm                  21:19    6:53
Total Time = 3:21:35     Total Places = 88

2. Maryland
 1432     1  Ellie Gonzalez             18:49    6:04
 1444     2  Caroline Beakes            19:10    6:11
 1010     9  Caroline Reiser            20:25    6:35
 1342    12  Courtney Mattson           20:33    6:38
 1065    13  Abbey Daley                20:38    6:39
 1422    15  Laura Nakasaka             20:43    6:41
 1375    16  Lucie Noall                20:45    6:41
 1450    17  Isabelle Latour            20:51    6:43
 1082    18  Satowa Kinoshita           21:12    6:50
 1079    19  Charde Barnes              21:17    6:52
Total Time = 3:24:18     Total Places = 122
              TEAM                                  1M          2M        FINAL
  ID#  PLACE SCORE           FINISHER             TIME     TIME      TIME      PACE        TEAM


 1432     1     1  Ellie Gonzalez                  5:56       12:16    18:49    6:04  Maryland             
 1444     2     2  Caroline Beakes                 5:58       12:25    19:10    6:11  Maryland             
 1122     3     3  Madeline Wittich                6:00       12:29    19:34    6:19  Virginia             
 1130     4     4  Amber Hawkins                   5:56       12:32    19:35    6:19  Virginia             
 1154     5     5  Jennifer Flack                  5:59       12:30    19:38    6:20  Virginia             
 1324     6     6  Bailey Kolonich                 6:14       12:51    19:49    6:23  Virginia             
 1310     7     7  Elizabeth Long                  6:09       12:57    20:01    6:27  Virginia             
 1355     8     8  Hannah Lowery                   5:58       12:43    20:04    6:28  Virginia             
 1010     9     9  Caroline Reiser                 6:03       13:00    20:25    6:35  Maryland             
 1335    10    10  Jordan Angers                   6:12       13:07    20:30    6:37  Virginia             
 1177    11    11  Katie Kennedy                   6:24       13:16    20:31    6:37  Virginia             
 1342    12    12  Courtney Mattson                6:10       13:14    20:33    6:38  Maryland             
 1065    13    13  Abbey Daley                     6:02       13:10    20:38    6:39  Maryland             
 1088    14    14  Amanda Swaak                    6:19       13:19    20:38    6:39  Virginia             
 1422    15    15  Laura Nakasaka                  6:21       13:23    20:43    6:41  Maryland             
 1375    16    16  Lucie Noall                     6:08       13:16    20:45    6:41  Maryland             
 1450    17    17  Isabelle Latour                 6:06       13:15    20:51    6:43  Maryland             
 1009    18        Polly Terzian                   6:12       13:32    21:12    6:50  Washington, Dc       
 1082    19    18  Satowa Kinoshita                6:24       13:34    21:12    6:50  Maryland             
 1079    20    19  Charde Barnes                   6:07       13:28    21:17    6:52  Maryland             
 1129    21    20  Abby Halm                       6:20       13:34    21:19    6:53  Virginia             
 1284    22        Sophia Passacantando            6:34       13:50    21:24    6:54  Virginia             
 1076    23        Brianna Stewart                 6:23       13:47    21:25    6:54  Maryland             
 1084    24        Mary Reiser                     6:04       13:16    21:25    6:54  Maryland             
 1262    25        Mary Cate Scully                6:17       13:36    21:28    6:55  Virginia             
 1179    26        Rachel Herzog                   6:25       13:47    21:30    6:56  Maryland             
 1389    27        Kiernan Keller                  6:13       13:51    21:31    6:56  Maryland             
 1069    28        Kat McNeill                     6:36       13:57    21:34    6:57  Maryland             
 1391    29        Julia Pitts                     6:14       13:51    21:34    6:57  Maryland             
 1368    30        Hannah Aris                     6:20       13:42    21:34    6:57  Maryland             
 1339    31        Erin Falk                       6:34       13:50    21:37    6:58  Virginia             

Pace: 7:00 | Top
 1398    32        Marie Caspard                   6:35       13:58    21:45    7:01  Maryland             
 1412    33        Morgana D'Ottavi                6:13       13:47    21:46    7:01  Maryland             
 1407    34        Abigail Levine                  6:30       13:56    21:47    7:01  Maryland             
 1283    35        Allison McNulla                 6:36       14:05    21:50    7:02  Virginia             
 1062    36        Cassidy Burke                   6:22       13:56    21:52    7:03  Maryland             
 1390    37        Katie Toner                     6:26       14:01    22:00    7:06  Maryland             
 1517    38        Angelina Peterson               6:37       14:01    22:01    7:06  Maryland             
 1072    39        Jessica Narr                    6:25       14:08    22:12    7:09  Maryland             
 1271    40        Katy Morgan                     6:40       14:24    22:21    7:13  Virginia             
 1321    41        Maddie Biddle                   6:29       14:14    22:24    7:13  Virginia             
 1101    42        Kenzie Fennell                  6:37       14:17    22:24    7:13  Virginia             
 1155    43        Helen Gilliam                   6:39       14:17    22:25    7:14  Virginia             
 1064    44        Megan Crilly                    6:36       14:17    22:26    7:14  Maryland             
 1285    45        Lauren Price                    6:42       14:19    22:38    7:18  Virginia             
 1288    46        Katie Murray                    6:42       14:19    22:38    7:18  Virginia             
 1392    47        Anna Sophia Capizzi             6:38       14:33    22:45    7:20  Maryland             
 1083    48        Madison Narr                    6:39       14:34    22:47    7:21  Maryland             
 1400    49        Natalie Gradwohl                6:23       14:30    22:51    7:22  Maryland             
 1168    50        Anya Wallace                    6:47       14:53    23:02    7:26  West Virginia        
 1413    51        Emma Lindberg                   6:38       14:45    23:12    7:29  West Virginia        
 1318    52        Margaret Stonerock              6:53       14:41    23:24    7:33  Virginia             
 1441    53        Malika Briggs                   6:48       14:56    23:30    7:35  West Virginia        
 1479    54        Deanna Tobin                    6:53       15:05    23:36    7:37  Maryland             
 1086    55        Chyna Sequeira                  6:41       15:11    23:54    7:42  Maryland             
 1494    56        Kara Cronin                     6:57       15:19    23:56    7:43  Maryland             
 1393    57        Clare Toner                     6:57       15:20    24:08    7:47  Maryland             
 1394    58        Rebecca Gardner                 6:57       15:20    24:16    7:50  Maryland             
 1518    59        Lauren Kronheim                 6:49       15:19    24:17    7:50  Maryland             
59 finishers among Females (no age given)
0 male finishers
59 female finishers
59 total finishers