Pumpkin Run Invitational 2014 vs Pumpkin Run 2015

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +1 74 73
Overall Average +19.15 23:42.24 23:23.10
1st-10th Place +29.80 18:51.70 18:21.90
1st-25th Place +31.08 19:45.56 19:14.48
1st-50th Place +31.34 21:33.62 21:02.28
1st-100th Place +28.20 17:32.46 17:04.26
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster -26 7 33
Ran Season Best -- 6 6
Average Time +1:07.72 23:34.35 22:26.63
Median Time +1:25.00 22:56.00 21:31.00
Middle 80% Times +1:10.69 23:18.66 22:07.97
Top 10% Times +1:03.50 19:07.00 18:03.50
Top 25% Times +1:11.20 19:52.20 18:41.00
Top 50% Times +1:18.60 20:49.90 19:31.30
Bottom 50% Times +56.85 26:18.80 25:21.95
Bottom 25% Times +1:12.30 28:43.30 27:31.00
Bottom 10% Times +48.25 30:07.25 29:19.00
Average Difference +1:07.72 -- --
Median Difference +13.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:08.22 -- --
Top 10% Difference +41.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:20.55 -- --
Top 25% Difference +57.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:20.55 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +54.90 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:19.30 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:30.25 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Declan Horner Southern Garrett High School +2:14.00 19:21.00 17:07.00
Devan Hamrick Southern Garrett High School +37.00 18:44.00 18:07.00
Alex Young Fort Hill High School +2:12.00 20:41.00 18:29.00
Ben Fiscus Allegany High School +1:59.00 20:30.00 18:31.00
Tim Wolodkin Bishop Walsh School -6.00 18:34.00 18:40.00
Saylor Wampler Northern Garrett High School +1:30.00 20:28.00 18:58.00
Jeremy Joe Fort Hill High School +1:09.00 20:11.00 19:02.00
Robert Walker Northern Garrett High School +1:35.00 20:43.00 19:08.00
John Rossi Bishop Walsh School +37.00 19:53.00 19:16.00
Cameron Shook Bishop Walsh School +1:07.00 20:39.00 19:32.00
Caleb Barclay Northern Garrett High School +3:14.00 22:47.00 19:33.00
Jack Czapski Bishop Walsh School +1:41.00 21:14.00 19:33.00
Kyle Klotz Northern Garrett High School + 19:49.00 19:49.00
Trey Hose Fort Hill High School +23.00 20:33.00 20:10.00
Michael Greene Southern Garrett High School +2:20.00 22:48.00 20:28.00
Gage Fair Fort Hill High School +1:45.00 22:15.00 20:30.00
Corey Winter Allegany High School +2:51.00 23:23.00 20:32.00
Jaden Lais Northern Garrett High School +32.00 21:13.00 20:41.00
Jeremy Harr Fort Hill High School +2:00.00 22:56.00 20:56.00
Brodie Robison Southern Garrett High School -2:21.00 21:21.00 23:42.00
Jimmy Cosgrove Bishop Walsh School +48.00 22:12.00 21:24.00
Alec Horner Southern Garrett High School +3:28.00 24:59.00 21:31.00
Katie Keefer Southern Garrett High School +1:14.00 23:05.00 21:51.00
Natalie Gray Allegany High School +1:11.00 23:24.00 22:13.00
Kylee Peck Northern Garrett High School -1:30.00 22:42.00 24:12.00
Michael Falter Bishop Walsh School +13.00 23:14.00 23:01.00
Michael Hollingsworth Southern Garrett High School +1:19.00 24:54.00 23:35.00
Michael Mackereth Fort Hill High School +1:01.00 24:45.00 23:44.00
Grace Twigg Fort Hill High School -1:25.00 23:54.00 25:19.00
Rebecca Meyers Northern Garrett High School +1:30.00 25:39.00 24:09.00
Melissa Magrath Allegany High School +18.00 24:29.00 24:11.00
Ivy Mackereth Fort Hill High School +2:55.00 28:14.00 25:19.00
Ben Mason Fort Hill High School -21.00 26:02.00 26:23.00
Richard Granke Southern Garrett High School +2:28.00 28:46.00 26:18.00
Lizzie Helle Allegany High School +2:50.00 29:35.00 26:45.00
Amanda Lathbury Southern Garrett High School +57.00 28:47.00 27:50.00
Morgan Creamer Fort Hill High School +2:45.00 31:34.00 28:49.00
Meghan Allen Fort Hill High School +31.00 29:39.00 29:08.00
Piper Schenk Southern Garrett High School -17.00 29:16.00 29:33.00
Malakia May Fort Hill High School -5.00 29:41.00 29:46.00