Oct. 17, 2015
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Last updated Oct. 17, 2015 5:35 PM
Team Scores
1 Centennial 36 3 5 6 10 12 18 19 19:36 0:42
2 Sherwood 56 7 9 11 13 16 23 24 19:49 0:19
3 St John's College 74 1 2 15 26 30 36 40 19:54 2:30
4 Atholton 108 4 8 31 32 33 34 35 20:34 1:50
5* Reservoir 120 17 21 25 28 29 38 39 20:37 1:06
6* Yorktown 120 14 20 22 27 37 42 43 20:36 1:34
7 Poolesville Sr 223 41 44 45 46 47 48 52 24:06 2:44
8 Long Reach 257 49 50 51 53 54 27:21 5:54
Incomplete Teams: Eleanor Roosevelt, Riverview, Wakefield
1. Centennial
266 3 Ben Goldstein 19:11 6:11
256 5 Michael Cai 19:29 6:17
280 6 David Xu 19:33 6:18
271 10 Naga Nagaswaran 19:50 6:24
279 12 Leo Wu 19:53 6:25
263 18 Anthony Ferrara 20:05 6:29
260 19 Fabrizio Dulanto 20:08 6:29
Total Time = 1:37:56 Total Places = 36
2. Sherwood
1008 7 Ryan O'Neale 19:38 6:20
1004 9 Eric Levy 19:44 6:22
1007 11 Anthony Niverth 19:53 6:25
501 13 Nick Seganish 19:53 6:25
988 16 Jared Anderson 19:56 6:26
989 23 Jake Ayres 20:37 6:39
999 24 Sammy Dickstein 20:38 6:39
Total Time = 1:39:04 Total Places = 56
3. St John's College
1119 1 Benjamin Rurka 18:39 6:01
1105 2 Rodrigo Conde Vivar 19:01 6:08
1121 15 Matt Schneider 19:56 6:26
1107 26 Jabari Cook 20:44 6:41
1106 30 Nolan Connolly 21:08 6:49
1120 36 Justin Ryan 21:25 6:54
1104 40 Nithidon Catalan 21:52 7:03
Total Time = 1:39:28 Total Places = 74
4. Atholton
79 4 Ben Hall 19:25 6:16
91 8 Samuel Osheroff 19:43 6:22
86 31 Joseph Lui 21:11 6:50
87 32 Nathaniel Moody 21:13 6:51
96 33 Jair Sinisterra 21:15 6:51
94 34 Timothy Sciannella 21:15 6:51
88 35 Aron Myers 21:19 6:52
Total Time = 1:42:47 Total Places = 108
5*. Reservoir
886 17 Ricardo Loyola 20:00 6:27
891 21 Travis Ponton 20:24 6:35
892 25 Ryan Puls 20:40 6:40
897 28 Jacob Tebben 20:51 6:43
895 29 Donnie Rinker 21:06 6:48
893 38 Matt Rathbun 21:33 6:57
887 39 Leon Mead 21:34 6:57
Total Time = 1:43:01 Total Places = 120
6*. Yorktown
1366 14 Jonathan Bohannon 19:56 6:26
1388 20 Connor Lowden 20:22 6:34
1386 22 Christopher Wagner 20:26 6:35
1422 27 Sean Keeley 20:44 6:41
1378 37 Mark Love 21:30 6:56
1379 42 Aiden Lund 22:28 7:15
1380 43 Mark Mamon 22:33 7:16
Total Time = 1:42:58 Total Places = 120
7. Poolesville Sr
853 41 Jonah Tash 22:03 7:07
856 44 Patrick Walker 24:27 7:53
840 45 Dhruv Maniktala 24:34 7:55
823 46 Jack Beautz 24:38 7:57
855 47 Michael Urban 24:46 7:59
846 48 Eric Palmer 24:51 8:01
838 52 Sean Lyons 25:54 8:21
Total Time = 2:00:28 Total Places = 223
8. Long Reach
632 49 Andrew Tam 25:04 8:05
635 50 Aaron Zaky 25:05 8:05
615 51 Victor Adebanjo 25:43 8:18
618 53 Ishaan Bhambra 29:52 9:38
621 54 Nehemiah Hamilton 30:57 9:59
Total Time = 2:16:41 Total Places = 257
Boys 5000 Meter Run
1119 1 1 Benjamin Rurka 18:39 6:01 St John's College
1105 2 2 Rodrigo Conde Vivar 19:01 6:08 St John's College
266 3 3 Ben Goldstein 19:11 6:11 Centennial
79 4 4 Ben Hall 19:25 6:16 Atholton
256 5 5 Michael Cai 19:29 6:17 Centennial
280 6 6 David Xu 19:33 6:18 Centennial
1008 7 7 Ryan O'Neale 19:38 6:20 Sherwood
91 8 8 Samuel Osheroff 19:43 6:22 Atholton
1004 9 9 Eric Levy 19:44 6:22 Sherwood
271 10 10 Naga Nagaswaran 19:50 6:24 Centennial
1007 11 11 Anthony Niverth 19:53 6:25 Sherwood
279 12 12 Leo Wu 19:53 6:25 Centennial
501 13 13 Nick Seganish 19:53 6:25 Sherwood
1366 14 14 Jonathan Bohannon 19:56 6:26 Yorktown
1121 15 15 Matt Schneider 19:56 6:26 St John's College
988 16 16 Jared Anderson 19:56 6:26 Sherwood
915 17 - Ricky Smith 19:59 6:27 Riverview
886 18 17 Ricardo Loyola 20:00 6:27 Reservoir
263 19 18 Anthony Ferrara 20:05 6:29 Centennial
260 20 19 Fabrizio Dulanto 20:08 6:29 Centennial
276 21 - Austin Toth 20:08 6:30 Centennial
277 22 - Andy Tseng 20:13 6:31 Centennial
1388 23 20 Connor Lowden 20:22 6:34 Yorktown
891 24 21 Travis Ponton 20:24 6:35 Reservoir
1386 25 22 Christopher Wagner 20:26 6:35 Yorktown
989 26 23 Jake Ayres 20:37 6:39 Sherwood
999 27 24 Sammy Dickstein 20:38 6:39 Sherwood
998 28 - Adam Deutch 20:40 6:40 Sherwood
892 29 25 Ryan Puls 20:40 6:40 Reservoir
1107 30 26 Jabari Cook 20:44 6:41 St John's College
1422 31 27 Sean Keeley 20:44 6:41 Yorktown
1006 32 - Peter Niverth 20:48 6:42 Sherwood
897 33 28 Jacob Tebben 20:51 6:43 Reservoir
278 34 - Arthur Tseng 20:51 6:43 Centennial
895 35 29 Donnie Rinker 21:06 6:48 Reservoir
1106 36 30 Nolan Connolly 21:08 6:49 St John's College
86 37 31 Joseph Lui 21:11 6:50 Atholton
87 38 32 Nathaniel Moody 21:13 6:51 Atholton
96 39 33 Jair Sinisterra 21:15 6:51 Atholton
94 40 34 Timothy Sciannella 21:15 6:51 Atholton
88 41 35 Aron Myers 21:19 6:52 Atholton
1011 42 - Andrew Tagg 21:21 6:53 Sherwood
1120 43 36 Justin Ryan 21:25 6:54 St John's College
1378 44 37 Mark Love 21:30 6:56 Yorktown
893 45 38 Matt Rathbun 21:33 6:57 Reservoir
386 46 - Zachary Fortune 21:33 6:57 Eleanor Roosevelt
887 47 39 Leon Mead 21:34 6:57 Reservoir
80 48 - Nicholas Howard 21:39 6:59 Atholton
389 49 - Delender McCants 21:45 7:01 Eleanor Roosevelt
913 50 - Mason Racicot 21:49 7:02 Riverview
1104 51 40 Nithidon Catalan 21:52 7:03 St John's College
1111 52 - Jorge Familiar 21:52 7:03 St John's College
387 53 - Jonathon Harness 22:02 7:06 Eleanor Roosevelt
853 54 41 Jonah Tash 22:03 7:07 Poolesville Sr
95 55 - Peter Shin 22:11 7:09 Atholton
890 56 - Zane Phillips 22:12 7:10 Reservoir
881 57 - Izjeon Collis 22:13 7:10 Reservoir
1379 58 42 Aiden Lund 22:28 7:15 Yorktown
1380 59 43 Mark Mamon 22:33 7:16 Yorktown
78 60 - Joshua Geesaman 22:37 7:17 Atholton
1383 61 - Richard Pepin-Woods 22:44 7:20 Yorktown
912 62 - Will Medved 22:50 7:22 Riverview
1280 63 - Jacobi Stalica-Galeano 23:08 7:28 Wakefield
1372 64 - Jeffrey Hesslink 23:09 7:28 Yorktown
1368 65 - Jonathan Dronfield 23:10 7:28 Yorktown
1118 66 - Brendan Vaughan 23:23 7:32 St John's College
1281 67 - Scott Alex Whitford 24:00 7:44 Wakefield
856 68 44 Patrick Walker 24:27 7:53 Poolesville Sr
840 69 45 Dhruv Maniktala 24:34 7:55 Poolesville Sr
823 70 46 Jack Beautz 24:38 7:57 Poolesville Sr
855 71 47 Michael Urban 24:46 7:59 Poolesville Sr
846 72 48 Eric Palmer 24:51 8:01 Poolesville Sr
632 73 49 Andrew Tam 25:04 8:05 Long Reach
635 74 50 Aaron Zaky 25:05 8:05 Long Reach
1279 75 - Dagimawe Sisay 25:14 8:08 Wakefield
615 76 51 Victor Adebanjo 25:43 8:18 Long Reach
838 77 52 Sean Lyons 25:54 8:21 Poolesville Sr
843 78 - Daniel Milbrath 26:16 8:28 Poolesville Sr
850 79 - Kile Scott 28:09 9:05 Poolesville Sr
618 80 53 Ishaan Bhambra 29:52 9:38 Long Reach
621 81 54 Nehemiah Hamilton 30:57 9:59 Long Reach
835 82 - Alexander Jones 31:06 10:02 Poolesville Sr
5 finishers among Men Under 2
34 finishers among Men 2 - 2
24 finishers among Men 3 - 3
19 finishers among Men 4 - 4
82 male finishers
0 female finishers
82 total finishers