Meet Information
Registration help:
MPSSAA Indoor Track Bullentin
3A Central Meet Director
Chris McGuinness
Region Meet Dates, Locations & Directors

Advancement Standards

Region meets will be held at
the Fifth Regiment Armory (219 West Hoffman Street, Baltimore 21201),
the Prince George's Sports & Learning Complex (8003 Sheriff Road, Landover 20785),
and the Hagerstown CC (11400 Robinwood Drive, Hagerstown 21742).
SITE: Prince George's Sports & Learning Complex, Landover
DATES: February 15, 2016 -- Class 1A & Class 2A @ 11 AM
February 16, 2016 -- Class 3A & Class 4A @ 4 PM
A. Meet Organization
1. Any team that makes formal application on by the established deadline will be entered into the meet.
2. An application received after the Region Meet Entry Deadline (7 days prior to the start of the meet) must be accompanied by a check, payable to the MPSSAA, in the amount of $100.00, or the entry is invalid. The burden of proof is on the school. In no case will a team be entered into a region meet if the Region Meet Director does not have the completed application and $100 late fee (if applicable) in hand by the Penalty Deadline (four calendar days prior to the start of the meet).
3. Each school may submit three (3) entries per individual event and one (1) team in each relay event.
a. The top 24 verifiable entries per individual event will have a chance to compete in their respective region meet. Every school in the region may enter a team and compete in the relay events.
b. A verifiable entry is a regular season high school event during the current indoor track season that has official results for all competitors and teams competing in that event and is posted on or MileSplit.
c. To have results posted, they must be sent via email to Gerard Filosa at The deadline for submitting meet results is January 27.
d. The only conversions that will be accepted are hand-timed meets to FAT.
e. It is the schools responsibility to provide verified marks and any marks that can not be verified through official regular season results, will result in the entry being reseeded to their next best verifiable mark.
f. In the event of a tie for the 24th best mark, all tied competitors will have a chance to compete in the regional meet.
4. An athlete may participate in a maximum of four events.
5. A scratch or substitution in an individual event is due THREE calendar days before the start of the meet to the regional director (Scratch Deadline Date).
6. After the Scratch Deadline Date, no substitutions can be made. In addition, after that deadline, all entries in individual events count as an event that the athlete has participated in.
7. The Following online method for entry must be used. Please follow these directions for submitting entries.
a. Go to, the site hosting the online entry process
b. Log in to your coach account.
c. Click on the Calendar tab and select the your Region Meet from the list of meets.
d. On the Region Meet page, click on Enter Online Now.
e. Check to make sure you are entering the correct region meet and then click on Enter School.
f. Enter/confirm your contact info and select the gender(s) in which you wish to complete entries for and then click Enter Team.
g. You are now able to enter athletes in events for the region meet.
h. After completing entries, print a confirmation copy of your entries by clicking on the print confirmation link at the top of your entry summary. The coach must bring a copy of this entry confirmation to the region meet.
i. If you enter a time other than what is in the MileSplit database, you must provide the name of the meet (which must be posted on to which the entry can be verified.
8. You may change your entries until the Penalty Deadline Date established for your meet.
9. The region meet director and the meet administrator are the only other individuals who will have access to team information (in order to seed the meet on basis of entries received).
10. The Meet Director or Meet Administrator has the right to challenge any entry that does not have a verifiable performance throughout the current Indoor Track Season. The Meet Director or Meet Administrator will notify the coach of the concern and may adjust entry to the best verifiable performance for the current season. If this changes the top-24 the next verifiable mark will be entered.
11. Eligible individuals as found on the schools MileSplit roster may participate in a region meet provided they have a minimum of three weeks of supervised training and have participated in at least two MPSSAA-sanctioned meets.
12. Meets run outdoors or in school hallways will not be counted as sanctioned meets.
13. Meets shall be organized and structured in a uniform wayentry on the basis of best performance, seeding, placement in lanes, etc.
14. Starting blocks WILL BE PERMITTED in the 55m and 55m high hurdle trials.
15. Region meets will be held at the Baltimore 5th Regiment Armory (219 West Hoffman Street, Baltimore, MD 21201), Prince Georges Sports and Learning Complex (8003 Sheriff Road, Landover, MD 20785) and the Hagerstown Community College. (11400 Robinwood Drive, Hagerstown, Maryland, 21742).
16. For meets at the Baltimore Armory the following organization procedures shall be followed:
a. Teams are not permitted in the Armory before 3 p.m. Athletes are restricted to the main floor only. The balconies and basement are off-limits at all times.
b. All running events will begin at 4:00 p.m.
c. Where space is limited, the high jump and shot put events will be suspended during the dash and hurdle events.
d. Dressing facilities are not available. Athletes should come dressed to participate.
e. Tentative recommended number of participants per section in distance events: 800 (9); 1600 (12); 3200 (18), 3200 Relay (9). Games Committee has authority to change these numbers.
f. There will be no concessions. Vending machines are available.
g. Meet directors shall meet with all teams and coaches prior to the start of competition to emphasize the importance of following the policies and restrictions of the National Guard administration as well as those of meet management.
h. No one should remove equipment or materials or deface property in the meet facility.
i. Coaches shall see their team areas are clean prior to departure from the meet site.
j. The only markings on the Armory floor shall be with tape approved by meet management.
k. No spikes are permitted.
l. All pole vault competitors will weigh in immediately on entering the Armory (3-3:45 PM). Boys will be weighed in first, followed by girls. Boys competition will begin at 3:45 PM.
m. ALL ADULTS entering the Armory must present government-issued identification.
n. No athletes are permitted outside during the meet.
17. For meets at the PG Sportsplex, the following organization procedures shall be followed:
a. Teams are not permitted in the Sportsplex before 3 p.m. (except 2A & 1A East Regional).
b. Only shoes with 1/4" pyramid spikes or less are permitted in the Prince Georges Sportsplex. Shoes with hard plastic spike plates may not be worn without spikes inserted.
c. All pole vault competitors will weigh in immediately on entering the Sportsplex (3-3:45 p.m.). Boys will be weighed in first, followed by girls. Boys competition will begin at 3:45 p.m. (except 2A & 1A East Regional).
18. For meets at HCC, the following organization procedures shall be followed:
a. Shoes with hard plastic spike plates may not be worn.
b. Blocks will only be allowed for the 55 and 55h events.
c. No athletes are permitted outside during the meet.
B. Playing Rules
1. The team or individual contestants must be accompanied to the meet by the coach or a designated representative.
2. The first four scorers in each event will automatically advance to the state meet. If a tie occurs for fourth place, all tied competitors shall advance. Coaches should notify the region meet director at the region meet, but no later than the start of the state seeding meeting on February 16, of their intent to scratch any individual qualifier.
3. In addition to the automatic qualifiers, individual competitors or relay teams who, in their region meet finals, meet the qualifying standard on the previous page may also compete. Separate Advancement Standards shall be used for region finals held at the Prince Georges Sportsplex or Hagerstown Community College and the Baltimore National Guard Armory.
4. Order of track events - girls will precede boys in all final running events, except where noted:
1) 55m HH Semis B, G
2) 55m Semis B, G
3) 3200m relay
4) 300m
5) 1600m
6) 500m
7) 55m HH final
8) 55m final
9) 3200m
10) 800m relay
11) 800 m
13) 1600 m relay
a. For meets using FAT, only two rounds of 55m or high hurdles will be run. Heat winners plus next fastest times will advance to finals.
b. If the venue has less than eight lanes the top-8 will compete in a two heat final in the 55m and 55m HH.
5. The Meet Director will set the opening minimum height for the pole vault and high jump events for the regional meet.
MPSSAA Indoor Track Bullentin
3A Central Meet Director
Chris McGuinness
Region Meet Dates, Locations & Directors

Advancement Standards

Region meets will be held at
the Fifth Regiment Armory (219 West Hoffman Street, Baltimore 21201),
the Prince George's Sports & Learning Complex (8003 Sheriff Road, Landover 20785),
and the Hagerstown CC (11400 Robinwood Drive, Hagerstown 21742).
SITE: Prince George's Sports & Learning Complex, Landover
DATES: February 15, 2016 -- Class 1A & Class 2A @ 11 AM
February 16, 2016 -- Class 3A & Class 4A @ 4 PM
A. Meet Organization
1. Any team that makes formal application on by the established deadline will be entered into the meet.
2. An application received after the Region Meet Entry Deadline (7 days prior to the start of the meet) must be accompanied by a check, payable to the MPSSAA, in the amount of $100.00, or the entry is invalid. The burden of proof is on the school. In no case will a team be entered into a region meet if the Region Meet Director does not have the completed application and $100 late fee (if applicable) in hand by the Penalty Deadline (four calendar days prior to the start of the meet).
3. Each school may submit three (3) entries per individual event and one (1) team in each relay event.
a. The top 24 verifiable entries per individual event will have a chance to compete in their respective region meet. Every school in the region may enter a team and compete in the relay events.
b. A verifiable entry is a regular season high school event during the current indoor track season that has official results for all competitors and teams competing in that event and is posted on or MileSplit.
c. To have results posted, they must be sent via email to Gerard Filosa at The deadline for submitting meet results is January 27.
d. The only conversions that will be accepted are hand-timed meets to FAT.
e. It is the schools responsibility to provide verified marks and any marks that can not be verified through official regular season results, will result in the entry being reseeded to their next best verifiable mark.
f. In the event of a tie for the 24th best mark, all tied competitors will have a chance to compete in the regional meet.
4. An athlete may participate in a maximum of four events.
5. A scratch or substitution in an individual event is due THREE calendar days before the start of the meet to the regional director (Scratch Deadline Date).
6. After the Scratch Deadline Date, no substitutions can be made. In addition, after that deadline, all entries in individual events count as an event that the athlete has participated in.
7. The Following online method for entry must be used. Please follow these directions for submitting entries.
a. Go to
b. Log in to your coach account.
c. Click on the Calendar tab and select the your Region Meet from the list of meets.
d. On the Region Meet page, click on Enter Online Now.
e. Check to make sure you are entering the correct region meet and then click on Enter School.
f. Enter/confirm your contact info and select the gender(s) in which you wish to complete entries for and then click Enter Team.
g. You are now able to enter athletes in events for the region meet.
h. After completing entries, print a confirmation copy of your entries by clicking on the print confirmation link at the top of your entry summary. The coach must bring a copy of this entry confirmation to the region meet.
i. If you enter a time other than what is in the MileSplit database, you must provide the name of the meet (which must be posted on to which the entry can be verified.
8. You may change your entries until the Penalty Deadline Date established for your meet.
9. The region meet director and the meet administrator are the only other individuals who will have access to team information (in order to seed the meet on basis of entries received).
10. The Meet Director or Meet Administrator has the right to challenge any entry that does not have a verifiable performance throughout the current Indoor Track Season. The Meet Director or Meet Administrator will notify the coach of the concern and may adjust entry to the best verifiable performance for the current season. If this changes the top-24 the next verifiable mark will be entered.
11. Eligible individuals as found on the schools MileSplit roster may participate in a region meet provided they have a minimum of three weeks of supervised training and have participated in at least two MPSSAA-sanctioned meets.
12. Meets run outdoors or in school hallways will not be counted as sanctioned meets.
13. Meets shall be organized and structured in a uniform wayentry on the basis of best performance, seeding, placement in lanes, etc.
14. Starting blocks WILL BE PERMITTED in the 55m and 55m high hurdle trials.
15. Region meets will be held at the Baltimore 5th Regiment Armory (219 West Hoffman Street, Baltimore, MD 21201), Prince Georges Sports and Learning Complex (8003 Sheriff Road, Landover, MD 20785) and the Hagerstown Community College. (11400 Robinwood Drive, Hagerstown, Maryland, 21742).
16. For meets at the Baltimore Armory the following organization procedures shall be followed:
a. Teams are not permitted in the Armory before 3 p.m. Athletes are restricted to the main floor only. The balconies and basement are off-limits at all times.
b. All running events will begin at 4:00 p.m.
c. Where space is limited, the high jump and shot put events will be suspended during the dash and hurdle events.
d. Dressing facilities are not available. Athletes should come dressed to participate.
e. Tentative recommended number of participants per section in distance events: 800 (9); 1600 (12); 3200 (18), 3200 Relay (9). Games Committee has authority to change these numbers.
f. There will be no concessions. Vending machines are available.
g. Meet directors shall meet with all teams and coaches prior to the start of competition to emphasize the importance of following the policies and restrictions of the National Guard administration as well as those of meet management.
h. No one should remove equipment or materials or deface property in the meet facility.
i. Coaches shall see their team areas are clean prior to departure from the meet site.
j. The only markings on the Armory floor shall be with tape approved by meet management.
k. No spikes are permitted.
l. All pole vault competitors will weigh in immediately on entering the Armory (3-3:45 PM). Boys will be weighed in first, followed by girls. Boys competition will begin at 3:45 PM.
m. ALL ADULTS entering the Armory must present government-issued identification.
n. No athletes are permitted outside during the meet.
17. For meets at the PG Sportsplex, the following organization procedures shall be followed:
a. Teams are not permitted in the Sportsplex before 3 p.m. (except 2A & 1A East Regional).
b. Only shoes with 1/4" pyramid spikes or less are permitted in the Prince Georges Sportsplex. Shoes with hard plastic spike plates may not be worn without spikes inserted.
c. All pole vault competitors will weigh in immediately on entering the Sportsplex (3-3:45 p.m.). Boys will be weighed in first, followed by girls. Boys competition will begin at 3:45 p.m. (except 2A & 1A East Regional).
18. For meets at HCC, the following organization procedures shall be followed:
a. Shoes with hard plastic spike plates may not be worn.
b. Blocks will only be allowed for the 55 and 55h events.
c. No athletes are permitted outside during the meet.
B. Playing Rules
1. The team or individual contestants must be accompanied to the meet by the coach or a designated representative.
2. The first four scorers in each event will automatically advance to the state meet. If a tie occurs for fourth place, all tied competitors shall advance. Coaches should notify the region meet director at the region meet, but no later than the start of the state seeding meeting on February 16, of their intent to scratch any individual qualifier.
3. In addition to the automatic qualifiers, individual competitors or relay teams who, in their region meet finals, meet the qualifying standard on the previous page may also compete. Separate Advancement Standards shall be used for region finals held at the Prince Georges Sportsplex or Hagerstown Community College and the Baltimore National Guard Armory.
4. Order of track events - girls will precede boys in all final running events, except where noted:
1) 55m HH Semis B, G
2) 55m Semis B, G
3) 3200m relay
4) 300m
5) 1600m
6) 500m
7) 55m HH final
8) 55m final
9) 3200m
10) 800m relay
11) 800 m
13) 1600 m relay
a. For meets using FAT, only two rounds of 55m or high hurdles will be run. Heat winners plus next fastest times will advance to finals.
b. If the venue has less than eight lanes the top-8 will compete in a two heat final in the 55m and 55m HH.
5. The Meet Director will set the opening minimum height for the pole vault and high jump events for the regional meet.