Meet Information
Registration help:
5A North Region Indoor Track Championship
Monday, February 13, 2017
P.G. County Sports Complex
Landover, Maryland
Directions: From I-95 take exit 17. Turn left at the top of the hill at the light (202 North towards Bladensburg). Make a left onto Brightseat Road. Right onto Sherriff Rd. Complex will be on your left.
Athletes may be dropped off at the rear of the Field House
Buses (only) are to park in Lot B
All spectators are to park in Lot D (go thru the light at Sherriff Rd 1st lot on the right)
Officials will be allowed to park in Lot A or Lot C
Handicap parking is in the front of the Field House
Times Schedule: Tentative schedule will be attached
7:00am Set up (Meet Director and officials only)
9:30am Athletes may enter the building
*9:45am Coaches Meeting (No warm ups for field events until after the coaches meeting)
11:00am Meet starts (Running Time Schedule)
3200 Relay and Field Events
11:30am Trials begin (will be held same time as Field Events)
9:00pm Must be out of the complex ($500.00 per additional hour)
Advancement to the State meet - Top 6 Individuals, top 6 relays and anyone who has a State standard.
Field House Policies
Spikes may only be worn during competition (1/4) must be checked prior to competition (Bull Pen B)
Athletes are to use the Field House restrooms on the upper level
Use the trash receptacles that are provided
No glass containers, drinks or food will be allowed on the track surface
All audible devices must be equipped and operated by headphones
Warm up areas outdoor track or lighted path
Starting blocks are to only be used at the starting line
Teams are expected to use the equipment and facility in the proper manner
Please remind athletes to throw hip numbers away (not on the floor or wall)
1. 200 meter track 6 lanes
2. Two Long Jump Pits
3. 2 High Jump Pits
Arriving at the Field House
1. Teams will not be allowed in the Field House prior to time listed on the contract
2. Teams will enter the Field House through the rear entrance.
3. Teams will be directed to sit on the bleachers to the right of the entrance (NO spikes in the bleachers)
Emergency Medical Services
EMTs will be on site
Athletic Trainer Potomac High School
Emergency transportation requires the coaches approval and emergency card
Concession stand will be provided
Admission $7.00
Will set up inside of the main entrance to the track (from the lobby)
On sale on the upper level
Meet Officials
Meet Director Pete Augrom
Meet Referee Bill Stearns
Starter Dan Wooley (Bill Stearns will be the assistant on the straight sprint races)
FAT timing Dan Ward and Mark Form
Entry Manager Leroy Worley
Finish Line Judge Dave Davis
Field Event Judge Skeeter Jackson
Clerk Chris Koehler
Check In Mountain View HS/ Stafford HS/ North Stafford HS
Shot Weigh In Brooke Point /Marshall
Pole Vault Weigh In Mountain View / TJ
Pole Vault Pole Inspection Mountain View / TJ
ATC Rick Stewart Potomac HS
Games Committee Bill Stearns Conference Directors
Awards Mountain View HS / North Stafford HS / Stafford HS
(Game Committee members must remain for the duration of the meet unless released by the Meet Referee)
2017 5A North Region Indoor Field Event Assignments:
Girls Long Jump Thomas Edison & Potomac
Boys Long Jump Albemarle & Massaponax
Girls Triple Jump Halifax & Orange
Boys Triple Jump Falls Church & PH Ashland
Girls High Jump JEB Stuart & Atlee
Boys High Jump PH Roanoke & RE Lee
Pole Vault Mountain View & TJ
Girls Shot Marshall & North Stafford
Boys Shot Wakefield & Brooke Point
If your school is not listed you will be asked to help fill in with some events.
Entries: Milestat
All entries will be done on Milestat. Please make sure you have all results from meets on Milestat. Any time or distance that I cannot verify will result in an NT for seeding purposes.
Entries must be completed by 5:00 pm on Thursday, February 9, 2017. After this time entries will be closed. If you are running on February 6 or 7 please make sure results have been posted on Milestat before you do your entries. If you enter prior to this time then you may have a non verified entry for the Region Meet.
Make sure you understand the declaration rule. For example; you may enter an athlete in the 55, 300, and 4x400, if you scratch the athlete from the 300 they may still run the 4x400 but you cannot add them to another event. If you are unsure please contact me. However, if you enter an athlete in 4 running events planning on scratching later that will not work and the athlete will be deleted from the last event entered.
Additional Information:
Pole Vault and High Jump No hard hair retainers are permitted
Field event Judges will ask if an athlete is participating in another event. Any adjustment will be made after this.
There is a 15 min excusal time for an athlete to check out for another event. The check back time will be recorded.
If there is a tie for a place for the finals in a race FAT will then go to thousands to break the tie.
No tape will be allowed on the track.
Coaches boxes will be provided for all field events. However an athlete may not cross the track to talk to a coach once running events have started. This will not be the same case at the state championship.