Carroll County XC Championships 2002

Westminster, Md

Carroll County XC Championships 2002 vs Carroll County XC Championships 2001

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -14 69 83
Overall Average -1:51.83 19:39.42 21:31.25
1st-10th Place -16.20 17:33.30 17:49.50
1st-25th Place -36.56 17:53.20 18:29.76
1st-50th Place -49.20 18:46.54 19:35.74
1st-100th Place -4:17.94 13:33.80 17:51.74
Common Athletes -- -- 36
Ran Faster 30 33 3
Ran Season Best 14 35 21
Average Time -54.58 19:09.22 20:03.81
Median Time -1:28.00 18:25.00 19:53.00
Middle 80% Times -1:00.41 19:03.96 20:04.38
Top 10% Times -24.00 17:21.00 17:45.00
Top 25% Times -38.33 17:36.56 18:14.89
Top 50% Times -52.83 17:54.56 18:47.39
Bottom 50% Times -56.33 20:23.89 21:20.22
Bottom 25% Times -34.11 21:44.67 22:18.78
Bottom 10% Times -37.00 22:17.50 22:54.50
Average Difference -54.58 -- --
Median Difference -1:58.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -59.28 -- --
Top 10% Difference -24.75 -- --
Top 50% Difference -48.72 -- --
Top 25% Difference -27.89 -- --
Top 50% Difference -48.72 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:00.44 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -34.11 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -49.50 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Dan Reedy South Carroll High School -1.00 17:11.00 17:12.00
Phil Diven South Carroll High School -21.00 17:16.00 17:37.00
Patrick North Westminster High School -47.00 17:17.00 18:04.00
Scott Elseroad Westminster High School -30.00 17:40.00 18:10.00
Frank Sisolak Liberty High School -1:14.00 17:43.00 18:57.00
Peter Mckibben Westminster High School -36.00 17:46.00 18:22.00
Robbie Simmons Francis Scott Key High School -1:09.00 17:47.00 18:56.00
Chris Lumley Liberty High School -1:27.00 17:53.00 19:20.00
Jon Hilbert North Carroll High School -1:58.00 17:56.00 19:54.00
Eric Brown Century High School -1:53.00 18:00.00 19:53.00
Shane Russell Francis Scott Key High School -53.00 18:02.00 18:55.00
Mike Mullinix North Carroll High School +45.00 18:52.00 18:07.00
Brian Leiter Francis Scott Key High School -51.00 18:08.00 18:59.00
Pete Lester Liberty High School -39.00 18:12.00 18:51.00
Matt Savory Century High School -1:54.00 18:13.00 20:07.00
Tony Morris Francis Scott Key High School -1:19.00 18:16.00 19:35.00
Josh Formwalt South Carroll High School -2:12.00 18:20.00 20:32.00
Chris Mead Century High School -41.00 18:20.00 19:01.00
Mike Cook Century High School -2:05.00 18:22.00 20:27.00
Nathan Getty North Carroll High School -1:01.00 18:25.00 19:26.00
Ezra Milby Century High School -1:36.00 18:26.00 20:02.00
Chris DeVilbiss Liberty High School -1:17.00 18:32.00 19:49.00
Matt Icenroad Century High School -2:12.00 18:49.00 21:01.00
Joe Depasquale Francis Scott Key High School +1:00.00 20:03.00 19:03.00
John Slane North Carroll High School -43.00 19:06.00 19:49.00
Kevin Burdinski Liberty High School -1:35.00 19:09.00 20:44.00
Rachel Hawes Century High School -29.00 20:06.00 20:35.00
Elly Eaton South Carroll High School -58.00 20:18.00 21:16.00
Lorna Mahler Century High School -54.00 21:07.00 22:01.00
Lauren Warfield South Carroll High School -51.00 21:37.00 22:28.00
Heidi Meredith North Carroll High School -12.00 21:41.00 21:53.00
Jessica Snyder Westminster High School -57.00 21:49.00 22:46.00
Kristen Hursey North Carroll High School +22.00 22:19.00 21:57.00
Kim Daut North Carroll High School -7.00 21:57.00 22:04.00
Emily Bertier Francis Scott Key High School -28.00 22:26.00 22:54.00
Lindsay Shifflet Liberty High School -1:02.00 22:28.00 23:30.00