6th Annual XC Chesapeake Invitational 2022

Pasadena, MD

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 253 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Blakaitis, Aiden Broadneck Senior High School
Camarra, Caden South River High School
Dereje, Yonatan Paint Branch High School
Nance, Kenneth Crofton High School
Blank, John Old Mill High School
Papa, Nikoli Chesapeake High School-AA
Zurvalec, Bennett Archbishop Spalding High School
Warner, Ford Crofton High School
Day, Chandler Chesapeake High School-AA
Tremel, Charlie South River High School
Kelly, Tim St. Mary's Ryken High School
LeGloahec, Joseph DeMatha Catholic High School
Sim, Ju-Hwan Long Reach High School
Goyette, Owen South River High School
Heinefield, Mason Queen Anne's County High School
Brown, Braden Broadneck Senior High School
Lamb, Cameron DeMatha Catholic High School
Shafi, Qasim Long Reach High School
Bauer, Robert Annapolis Senior High School
Gresham, Joshua DeMatha Catholic High School
Abukhdeir, Mohammad River Hill High School
Stumpfoll, Thomas Chesapeake High School-AA
Baccala, Michael Chesapeake High School-AA
Clements, Jalen Huntingtown High School
Medick-Crump, Hayden South River High School
Daube, Dylan St. Mary's Ryken High School
Zentek, Roman DeMatha Catholic High School
Loncaric, Nicholas Annapolis Senior High School
Decker, Daman DeMatha Catholic High School
Billups, Elijah Queen Anne's County High School
Moser, Noah Broadneck Senior High School
Carhart, James South River High School
Mekuriaw, Elias Paint Branch High School
Severin, Eric Crofton High School
White, Michael Old Mill High School
Arnell, Odin Chesapeake High School-AA
Hummer, Ethan Chesapeake High School-AA
Watkins, Aidan South River High School
Wiesert, Kenzo St. Mary's Ryken High School
Jones, Marco Long Reach High School
Fotenos, Cole Crofton High School
Lundeen, Andrew South River High School
Corcoran, Kamden Queen Anne's County High School
Vineyard, Danny Broadneck Senior High School
Lewis, Devin DeMatha Catholic High School
Heinlein, Sean Long Reach High School
Braley, Leo Annapolis Senior High School
Berry, Nicholas DeMatha Catholic High School
Sun, Ryan Queen Anne's County High School
Lee, Alvin River Hill High School
Lewandowski, Finn South River High School
Greenlee, Bryce Broadneck Senior High School
Turner, Nohah Oakdale High School
Albert, Asher River Hill High School
Taylor, Thomas Chesapeake High School-AA
DiPaola, Peter Archbishop Spalding High School
Shi, Leonard River Hill High School
Cage, Chase Chesapeake High School-AA
Phipps, Drew South River High School
Davis, Christopher St. Mary's Ryken High School
Smoot, Brandon DeMatha Catholic High School
Raver, Ben Long Reach High School
Herman, William DeMatha Catholic High School
Thomas, Isaiah Long Reach High School
Falstad, Aiden Queen Anne's County High School
Larson, Jordan Broadneck Senior High School
Kendrick, James Annapolis Senior High School
Matta, Balpreet River Hill High School
DiNenna, Hayden South River High School
Gao, Ethan River Hill High School
Collett, Logan Crofton High School
Mills, Ethan Chesapeake High School-AA
Bahrain, Adam River Hill High School
Putnam, Luke Crofton High School
Dillon, Jacob South River High School
Igwacho, Carlvet Long Reach High School
Gough, Aidan Crofton High School
McMahan, Isaac South River High School
Rollins, Andrew Broadneck Senior High School
Shoetan, Akintunde DeMatha Catholic High School
Lopez, Nicholas Long Reach High School
Dowling, Ethan Annapolis Senior High School
Raymond, Xavier DeMatha Catholic High School
Johnson, Caleb South River High School
Luu, Carlton River Hill High School
Welsch, Caleb Chesapeake High School-AA
Wiltshire, Bryce Archbishop Spalding High School
Clark, Gannon Chesapeake High School-AA
Spain, Tyler South River High School
Churilla, Henry Leonardtown High School
Russell, Elias St. Mary's Ryken High School
McCarthy, Lazarus DeMatha Catholic High School
Boyd, Marley Long Reach High School
Holland III, Jesse DeMatha Catholic High School
Chen, Nathan Long Reach High School
Hager, Seth Queen Anne's County High School
Marcinkiewicz, Noel Broadneck Senior High School
O'Neil, Sean Annapolis Senior High School
Falcomeni, Blake South River High School
Ghozati, Armand River Hill High School
Beri, Bryan Paint Branch High School
Ramos, Bryce Chesapeake High School-AA
Robinson, Jaden Crofton High School
Finn, Jamie South River High School
Medick-Crump, Landen South River High School
Johnson, Thomas St. Mary's Ryken High School
Wilberger, Brendan Broadneck Senior High School
Wright, Amari DeMatha Catholic High School
Pitman, Daniel Long Reach High School
Shaffer, Max Annapolis Senior High School
Traves, Daniel DeMatha Catholic High School
Hargreaves, Cole 17:31.15 Leonardtown High School
Murphy, Mark 17:51.37 Leonardtown High School
Klasmeier, Jeremy 18:01.30 Crofton High School
Pritchard, Mitchell 18:02.30 Leonardtown High School
Horner, Zachary 18:04.91 Leonardtown High School
Pennell, Grant 18:19.10 Leonardtown High School
Mendez, Will 18:52.10 South River High School
Malone, Carson 18:53.30 Crofton High School
Kulikowski, Ryan 19:06.40 South River High School
Guo, Andrew 19:22.00 River Hill High School
Walsh, Hayden 19:33.70 DeMatha Catholic High School
O'Connor, Alex 19:37.46 Archbishop Spalding High School
Salter, Andrew 19:38.38 Leonardtown High School
Coleman, Caleb 19:41.40 Huntingtown High School
Pessia, Anthony 19:42.40 Crofton High School
Russo, Vincent 19:43.10 Crofton High School
Gardner, Joseph 19:43.14 Leonardtown High School
Jackson, William 20:00.60 DeMatha Catholic High School
McKenna, Jack 20:02.10 South River High School
Urie, Nathan 20:05.20 Chesapeake High School-AA
Mairs, George 20:13.20 South River High School
Dubeau, Nathan 20:14.40 South River High School
Parikh, Devon 20:24.00 River Hill High School
Nierle, Carter 20:25.00 River Hill High School
Tharakan, Andrew 20:25.00 River Hill High School
Tull, Alexander 20:29.80 Crofton High School
Thornton, Chris 20:32.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Salter, Samuel 20:36.00 River Hill High School
Goel, Dilan 20:37.00 River Hill High School
Phelps, Andrerw 20:40.50 Archbishop Spalding High School
Gonzalez, Evan 20:50.79 Leonardtown High School
Parker, Coleman 20:53.50 Crofton High School
Winston, Henry 20:55.20 South River High School
Ho, Brandon 21:07.00 River Hill High School
Attick, Colton 21:08.00 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Mykins, William 21:09.00 Annapolis Senior High School
Sly, Collin 21:10.50 Broadneck Senior High School
Guy, Ryan 21:11.67 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Washington, Matteo 21:19.00 River Hill High School
Petraglia, Aidan 21:26.40 Chesapeake High School-AA
Kane, Zachary 21:28.95 Huntingtown High School
Jakkampudi, Praneel 21:32.00 River Hill High School
Sathunuru, Elijah 21:33.00 River Hill High School
Bujac, Morgan 21:41.70 Crofton High School
Zakour, Logan 21:42.90 Crofton High School
Hadeed, Marcus 21:43.00 River Hill High School
Dewey, Justin 21:47.10 Crofton High School
Malone, Easton 21:52.80 Annapolis Senior High School
Seanez, Fernando 21:54.00 River Hill High School
Bacon, Kyle 22:01.70 Oakdale High School
Torre, Patrick 22:02.00 River Hill High School
Miller, Jacob 22:06.10 Crofton High School
Murphy, Christopher 22:07.80 Crofton High School
Quinn, Warner 22:09.70 Huntingtown High School
Castanzo, Caden 22:15.40 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Staiger, Ryan 22:16.48 Oakdale High School
Warner, Harding 22:16.60 Crofton High School
Shah, Dev 22:17.00 River Hill High School
Stroop, Connor 22:17.80 Crofton High School
Snyder, Camden 22:19.60 Chesapeake High School-AA
Levy, Noah 22:25.00 River Hill High School
Snow, Dylan 22:25.50 Crofton High School
Washington, Tyler 22:27.40 Western Tech High School
Zaveri, Devesh 22:27.80 Crofton High School
Parikh, Dylan 22:31.00 River Hill High School
Condon, Evan 22:32.00 Annapolis Senior High School
Venendaal, Jack 22:34.70 Leonardtown High School
Lazo, Tommy 22:38.40 Crofton High School
Lazarus, Charlie 22:39.42 Oakdale High School
Potosky, Jacob 22:41.00 River Hill High School
Chase, Matteo 22:48.30 Crofton High School
Jarvi, William 22:51.20 Crofton High School
Bala, Charan 22:56.00 River Hill High School
Moran, Sterling 22:56.41 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Massaro, Matthew 23:02.00 River Hill High School
Gatewood, William 23:02.40 Crofton High School
Lembo, Anthony 23:04.30 Oakdale High School
Stickney, Zach 23:05.79 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Keckler, Brendan 23:06.10 Crofton High School
Leonard, Alexander 23:09.00 River Hill High School
Muchmore, Ayden 23:11.13 Huntingtown High School
Hartzell, Conner 23:15.00 River Hill High School
Negussie, Yaphet 23:28.00 DeMatha Catholic High School
Brown, Peter 23:28.26 DeMatha Catholic High School
Kulp, Benjamin 23:31.54 Huntingtown High School
Parsons, William 23:33.30 Huntingtown High School
Endo, Jason 23:36.90 Crofton High School
Jensen, Nate 23:40.50 Crofton High School
Nguele-Etaba, David 23:45.00 Oakdale High School
Trost, Evan 23:50.00 River Hill High School
Lose, Nick 23:54.40 Crofton High School
Papas, Daniel 24:00.40 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Koziel, Andrew 24:01.00 Crofton High School
Macek, Drew 24:03.90 Crofton High School
Czyzia, Treith 24:07.70 Crofton High School
Jaeger, Billy 24:15.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Righi, Andrew 24:19.57 DeMatha Catholic High School
Farber, Colin 24:27.40 Huntingtown High School
Solowski-Kampherstein, Breyen 24:32.00 River Hill High School
Legaspi, Maximo 24:36.00 DeMatha Catholic High School
Penn, Nathan 24:36.90 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Downey, Simon 24:37.00 Queen Anne's County High School
Batista, Marc 24:40.00 Western Tech High School
Dougherty, Brendan 24:40.01 DeMatha Catholic High School
Hwang, Joseph 24:48.00 River Hill High School
Tripp, Lincoln 24:52.00 River Hill High School
Hamilton, Jackson 24:52.50 Crofton High School
Wroten, Logan 24:57.30 Chesapeake High School-AA
Vemuganti, Mourya 25:04.00 River Hill High School
Wright, Cristian 25:16.00 Long Reach High School
Gomez, Dominic 25:20.90 Crofton High School
Santos, Christopher 25:39.38 Oakdale High School
Colbert, Nathaniel 26:11.89 Oakdale High School
Spriggs, Aaidan 26:19.74 Huntingtown High School
Trossbach, Adam 26:20.25 St. Mary's Ryken High School
O'Hara, James 26:24.13 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Vogt, Caleb 26:31.66 Oakdale High School
Senatore, Dylan 26:41.00 River Hill High School
Gao, Daniel 26:41.00 River Hill High School
Pessia, Michael 27:06.60 Crofton High School
Pages, Raymond 27:13.00 River Hill High School
Leecost, Carter 27:38.68 DeMatha Catholic High School
Dhillon, Lavindeep 27:43.00 Long Reach High School
Wong, Joshua 27:48.90 Paint Branch High School
Willets, John 27:53.00 River Hill High School
Heys, Michael 28:18.59 Huntingtown High School
Bange, Aiden 28:26.30 Chesapeake High School-AA
May, Samuel 28:26.40 Western Tech High School
Wright, Nathan 28:34.80 Chesapeake High School-AA
Delucco, Jack 28:35.80 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Sambat, Niko 29:15.00 River Hill High School
Bardonille, Anthony 29:24.53 DeMatha Catholic High School
Parsons, Benjamin 29:28.61 Huntingtown High School
Robucci, Tyler 29:51.80 Western Tech High School
Lamb, Brendon 30:01.00 Queen Anne's County High School
Jamil, Abdullah 30:07.90 Western Tech High School
Kiboino, Elisha 30:34.01 Long Reach High School
Nyankun, Joseph 33:38.80 Paint Branch High School
Redpath, Thomas 34:18.00 Queen Anne's County High School
Asefa, Dagm 34:18.90 Paint Branch High School
Sanchez, Jeremiah 36:46.00 Paint Branch High School
Foster, Aiden 39:17.30 St. Mary's Ryken High School
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Boys 5k 166 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schaaf, Connor Long Reach High School
Tuel, Austin Queen Anne's County High School
LEAR-WECHT, Liam South River High School
Mertaugh, Joseph Easton High School
Zapata, Noah Archbishop Spalding High School
Smith, Brayden South River High School
Collins, Jonah Broadneck Senior High School
Hicks, Elijah Annapolis Senior High School
Crepeau, Wyatt Archbishop Spalding High School
Hernandez, Javier Long Reach High School
Wu, Erik Broadneck Senior High School
Perry, Jack Easton High School
Ritter, Dylan Chesapeake High School-AA
Coleman, Eddy South River High School
Brown, Graham Annapolis Senior High School
Barnhart, Jakob Easton High School
Holland, Damien Old Mill High School
D'Angelo, Patrick Archbishop Spalding High School
Coppage, Cole Queen Anne's County High School
Medick-Crump, Landen South River High School
Gordan, Duncan Broadneck Senior High School
Lister, Zachary Easton High School
Paciello, Nick Chesapeake High School-AA
Dyer, Cristiano Old Mill High School
Chester, Jayden Easton High School
Teshome, Kidus Paint Branch High School
Bui, Calvin Easton High School
Colon, Brandon Old Mill High School
Shaffer, Anthony Archbishop Spalding High School
Crist, Tyler Queen Anne's County High School
Zarra, Connor Leonardtown High School
DeRosier, Chancellor Old Mill High School
Ford, Ben South River High School
Johnson, Carter Broadneck Senior High School
Brower, Christian 16:27.40 Long Reach High School
Imhof, Peter 16:43.70 Leonardtown High School
Mudireddy, Abhishek 16:48.21 Oakdale High School
Paciello, Alex 16:53.20 Chesapeake High School-AA
Layton, London 16:56.20 Crofton High School
Quinn, Evan 16:57.05 Long Reach High School
Loesch, Anderson 17:04.77 Leonardtown High School
Keels, Jayden 17:11.00 DeMatha Catholic High School
Ballou, Quinlan 17:12.00 River Hill High School
Lastowski, Jackson 17:13.10 Crofton High School
Quinn, Malachi 17:16.80 Annapolis Senior High School
Leonard, Dylan 17:20.80 Chesapeake High School-AA
Clark, Holden 17:20.80 Chesapeake High School-AA
Shakur, Sayid 17:29.10 DeMatha Catholic High School
Geiger, Nathan 17:31.41 Leonardtown High School
Adcock, Jacob 17:35.60 Old Mill High School
Toomer, Christopher 17:36.30 DeMatha Catholic High School
Wang, Daniel 17:38.00 River Hill High School
Bertuna, John 17:40.30 Crofton High School
Ledig, Ryan 17:42.80 Leonardtown High School
Pritchard, Grant 17:43.68 Leonardtown High School
Gelineau, Campbell 17:44.90 Crofton High School
Westbrooks III, James 17:46 DeMatha Catholic High School
Harris Jr, Tarik 17:47.00 DeMatha Catholic High School
Tressler, David 17:47.40 Oakdale High School
Parsons, Ian 17:48.80 DeMatha Catholic High School
Skinner, Sam 17:50.60 Oakdale High School
Wiseman, Nicholas 17:59.17 Paint Branch High School
Fine, Nicholas 18:02.60 Crofton High School
Daly, Paul 18:02.67 Archbishop Spalding High School
Maldonado, Zach 18:03.40 St. Mary's Ryken High School
St. Pierre, Jaden 18:04.40 Chesapeake High School-AA
Fenn, Graham 18:04.64 DeMatha Catholic High School
Hadeed, Jack 18:09.00 River Hill High School
Higgins, Luke 18:14.60 Crofton High School
Johnson, David 18:18.70 Huntingtown High School
Dhond, Varun 18:19.00 River Hill High School
Stein, Andrew 18:19.80 Huntingtown High School
Penafiel, Brayden 18:20.20 Chesapeake High School-AA
Bloom, Jonathan 18:21.00 River Hill High School
Clarke, Kody 18:21.40 Leonardtown High School
Goodman, Josh 18:25.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Metz, Michael 18:25.47 DeMatha Catholic High School
Willhite, Andrew 18:33.00 Broadneck Senior High School
Hurlock, Dylan 18:33.27 Queen Anne's County High School
Leonard, Jacob 18:36.60 Chesapeake High School-AA
Neptune, Jalen 18:38.00 DeMatha Catholic High School
Rankin, Myles 18:38.20 Annapolis Senior High School
Patterson, Andrew 18:39.00 South River High School
Ford, Cole 18:41.00 South River High School
Jayne, Thomas 18:45.00 River Hill High School
Brightman, Ryan 18:45.86 Oakdale High School
Dillon, Brandon 18:46.90 South River High School
Patel, Kyle 18:47.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Ervin, James 18:49.50 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Kloss, Emmett 18:51.00 Crofton High School
Kirby, Foster 18:51.40 Leonardtown High School
Smith, Colin 18:53.00 Easton High School
Malone, Carson 18:53.30 Crofton High School
Tebbe, Scott 18:55.70 South River High School
Fecko, Teagan 18:57.00 Old Mill High School
Jakovics, Tsedeke 18:57.50 Old Mill High School
Kubik, Nathaniel 19:02.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Purnell, Davis 19:02.10 Annapolis Senior High School
Keohan, Ronan 19:02.20 Annapolis Senior High School
Bodor, Billy 19:03.10 Annapolis Senior High School
Stock, Aidan 19:05.00 Annapolis Senior High School
MacMillan, Alec 19:07.00 Crofton High School
Mazza-Bell, Noah 19:10.60 Crofton High School
Mulchandani, Rishi 19:17.00 River Hill High School
Key, Eugene 19:21.49 Paint Branch High School
Porter, Bradley 19:27.09 Annapolis Senior High School
Vineyard, Billy 19:29.90 Broadneck Senior High School
Vance, Kennan 19:32.20 Oakdale High School
Kantawala, Aryaman 19:32.91 Oakdale High School
Kuta, Jack 19:33.00 Leonardtown High School
Ruschaupt, Charlie 19:36.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Morrissey, Jackson 19:39.90 Huntingtown High School
Glaros, Benjamin 19:43.00 River Hill High School
Meertens, Malakai 19:45.30 Oakdale High School
Hays, Nathan 19:50.62 Huntingtown High School
Khalid, Jazil 19:51.00 River Hill High School
Laib, Jack 19:54.60 Chesapeake High School-AA
Shirey, Justin 19:59.29 Huntingtown High School
Vavasseur, Thomas 20:00.10 Annapolis Senior High School
Castro, Aidan 20:01.92 Huntingtown High School
McKenna, Jack 20:02.10 South River High School
Borowski, Shane 20:02.60 Huntingtown High School
James, Patrick 20:03.24 Huntingtown High School
Williams, Jason 20:06.50 Old Mill High School
Nave, Alex 20:07.30 Chesapeake High School-AA
Orlofsky, Fritz 20:10.00 River Hill High School
Pandes, Carlos 20:10.60 Broadneck Senior High School
Bradford, Johan 20:12.00 Western Tech High School
Cikovic, Carson 20:16.70 Leonardtown High School
Grogan, Daden 20:23.10 DeMatha Catholic High School
Etaba, Ralph Aaron 20:32.98 Oakdale High School
Terry, Gavin 20:39.80 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Pierre-Louis, Cedric 20:51.00 Paint Branch High School
Smith, Andrew 20:53.60 Oakdale High School
Moore, Aaron 20:58.01 Oakdale High School
Lyon, Tanner 21:05.40 Queen Anne's County High School
Mendoza, Javan 21:09.00 Long Reach High School
George, Tanner 21:10.50 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Schoeffler, Gareth 21:21.00 Western Tech High School
Ehrmantraut, Wilfred 21:24.00 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Magno, Josh 21:27.40 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Lopez, Christopher 21:31.95 Long Reach High School
Bischof, Brendan 21:32.88 Huntingtown High School
Gray, Colin 21:35.00 Queen Anne's County High School
Tootoo, Apia 21:38.00 Western Tech High School
Smith, Jameson 21:40.80 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Gomez, Jabari 21:46.60 Western Tech High School
Thomas, Benjamin 21:48.91 Long Reach High School
Kenyon, Benjamin 21:50.90 Western Tech High School
Raley, Nathan 21:54.20 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Rosendale, Ben 21:59.00 Queen Anne's County High School
Cecil, Adam 22:01.70 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Torreyson, Daniel 22:02.60 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Branic, Ian 22:06.81 Easton High School
Perpuse, Kurt 22:08.20 Huntingtown High School
Jacobs, Brandon 22:19.30 Paint Branch High School
Pendleton, Thomas 22:22.40 Paint Branch High School
Seda, Sebastian 22:34.19 Paint Branch High School
Moen, Joaquin 22:34.70 Western Tech High School
Minnick, Kaiden 23:11.00 Queen Anne's County High School
Single, Ben 23:19.00 Old Mill High School
Walker, Elijah 23:23.40 Western Tech High School
Brown, Trey 23:24.00 Queen Anne's County High School
Cook, Latrell 23:27.20 Western Tech High School
Marshal, Jack 24:29.00 Queen Anne's County High School
Stevenson, Isaiah 27:09.00 Long Reach High School
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 108 entries

Athlete Seed Team
VanSickle, Aubrey Chesapeake High School-AA
Muteteke, Giselle Chesapeake High School-AA
Phillips, Ruby St. Mary's Ryken High School
Rodriguez, Marlicia Crofton High School
Eng, Ella Oakdale High School
Lebo, Natalie Oakdale High School
Akinsanya, Temiloluwa "Praise" Long Reach High School
Keating, Margaret Annapolis Senior High School
Fishkin, Madison Crofton High School
Gaines, Taylor Chesapeake High School-AA
Jones, Rebecca Broadneck Senior High School
Braendeholm, Emma St. Mary's Ryken High School
Tilton, Kira Crofton High School
Barsky, Leah River Hill High School
Goodman, Jessica Archbishop Spalding High School
Deters, Haylie Chesapeake High School-AA
Snode, Elizabeth Leonardtown High School
Bauer, Darly Chesapeake High School-AA
Sola, Bella St. Mary's Ryken High School
Lapping, Violet Oakdale High School
Atomssa, Ruth Long Reach High School
Brown, Jessica Oakdale High School
Shock, Skylar Annapolis Senior High School
Harris, Madison Chesapeake High School-AA
Zawislak, Lindsay Old Mill High School
Jahn, Lindsey St. Mary's Ryken High School
Heiges, Aubrey River Hill High School
Sutherin, Laurel Oakdale High School
Popofsky, Erin Oakdale High School
Collins, Gabrille Chesapeake High School-AA
Vignola, Sophia St. Mary's Ryken High School
Lashar, Sarah Annapolis Senior High School
Kreuzburg, Ella Oakdale High School
Lathey, Morgan Long Reach High School
Schissler, Kamryn Chesapeake High School-AA
Hedrick, Jessica Old Mill High School
Katz, Emma St. Mary's Ryken High School
Morris, Simone Crofton High School
Lynch, Georgia Oakdale High School
Accinelli, Emerson Archbishop Spalding High School
Ngo, Rachel Long Reach High School
Porter, Julia Annapolis Senior High School
Bromley, Ava Crofton High School
Danzer, Mariah Chesapeake High School-AA
Martinez-Gallegos, Suri St. Mary's Ryken High School
Hopkinson, Emma Broadneck Senior High School
Kim, Kelly Oakdale High School
Sharma, Soumya River Hill High School
Freeman, Holly 22:08.10 Chesapeake High School-AA
Geiger, Ellie 22:26.00 Leonardtown High School
Kelkay, Sarah 22:28.70 Paint Branch High School
Reagan, Holly 23:34.60 Chesapeake High School-AA
Ericson, Sarah 23:43.70 Annapolis Senior High School
Anderson, Kaitlin 23:44.00 River Hill High School
Wright, Kristen 23:46.50 Chesapeake High School-AA
Gownley, Carlie 23:49.30 Broadneck Senior High School
Scott, Sarah 24:07.32 Leonardtown High School
Crooks, Maire 24:10.00 River Hill High School
Miller, Addyson 24:18.00 River Hill High School
Lenham, Nora 24:22.80 Annapolis Senior High School
Ruth, Audrey 24:27.30 Crofton High School
Teehan, Olivia 24:30.24 Oakdale High School
Lutzio, Angelina 24:36.90 Broadneck Senior High School
Chng, Danielle 24:48.80 River Hill High School
Russell-Wood, Elisabeth 24:54.60 Crofton High School
LUISI, Elizabeth 25:15.20 Broadneck Senior High School
Orders, Elizabeth 25:26.00 Broadneck Senior High School
Kelly, Selene 25:31.40 Crofton High School
Dempsey, Natalie 25:37.29 Oakdale High School
Boyd, Emma 25:40.10 Annapolis Senior High School
Becker, Marissa 26:02.80 Oakdale High School
Green, Megan 26:07.00 River Hill High School
Anton, Zoey 26:09.00 Crofton High School
Mendoza, Michelle 26:12.30 Crofton High School
Warner, Truman 26:28.50 Crofton High School
Xi, Juliet 26:29.00 River Hill High School
Lee, Angela 26:29.00 River Hill High School
Conlon, Abigail 26:37.60 Broadneck Senior High School
Douglass, Emma 26:39.10 Crofton High School
Salter, Meredith 26:51.29 Leonardtown High School
Stanley, Julia 26:54.80 Archbishop Spalding High School
Dyer, Athena 27:18.80 Old Mill High School
Seylar, Dorothy 27:46.00 River Hill High School
Querry, Shellby 27:50.44 Oakdale High School
Reyes, Eliana 27:54.00 River Hill High School
Everly, Lynn 27:59.60 Oakdale High School
Hall, Lily 28:05.00 Chesapeake High School-AA
Thompson, Grayson 28:11.23 Oakdale High School
Peterson, Ellery 28:38.31 Oakdale High School
Frownfelter, Sydney 29:36.81 Oakdale High School
Brege, Sophia 29:49.50 Crofton High School
Keity-Austin, Lola 29:50.84 Oakdale High School
Woolley, Taryn 29:54.50 Crofton High School
McDaniel, Emma 31:54.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Skaanland-Smith, Ronia 33:19.00 Long Reach High School
Delil, Amra 33:21.70 Paint Branch High School
Davies, Monsio 34:08.60 Crofton High School
Smith, Emily 34:11.01 Oakdale High School
Zoey, Evora 34:17.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
McGill, Olivia 34:22.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Kostyukovsky, Sasha 34:58.83 Oakdale High School
O'Rourke, Carolyn 36:20.00 River Hill High School
Kogul, Hannah 36:22.00 River Hill High School
Borsh, Lillian 37:27.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Kaleem, Fatima 37:36.50 Paint Branch High School
Keefer, Emily 38:15.67 Oakdale High School
Jones, Sophia 38:31.40 Crofton High School
Thompson, Zion 39:03.10 Crofton High School
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Girls 5k 136 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wiessinger, Elizabeth Long Reach High School
Ruiz, Lilian Queen Anne's County High School
Maniha, Payton Huntingtown High School
Dongarra, Patricia Easton High School
Pedersen, Cathia Old Mill High School
Kohler, Olivia South River High School
Stafford, Eleanor St. Mary's Ryken High School
Quinn, Anastasia Chesapeake High School-AA
Jiang, Catherine River Hill High School
Kolat, Gracie Broadneck Senior High School
Incorvia, Bridget Huntingtown High School
Van Vaulkenburg, Bridgette Chesapeake High School-AA
Dyer, Amaira Old Mill High School
Miller, Madison South River High School
Smith, Corinne Easton High School
Chambers, Alexa South River High School
Yen, Emily River Hill High School
Ensor, RJ Queen Anne's County High School
Jobeck, Isabella Easton High School
Patrick, Lily Chesapeake High School-AA
Meadows-Soto, Isabel Old Mill High School
Manzoli, Lilly South River High School
Maldonado, Gigi St. Mary's Ryken High School
Cheer, Cora River Hill High School
Adamo, Grace Annapolis Senior High School
Vander Roest, Rachel South River High School
Lopes, Nora Broadneck Senior High School
HUDIBURG, Sophie South River High School
Glaser, Finja St. Mary's Ryken High School
Horney, Kaitlyn Queen Anne's County High School
Chicas, Natalie Paint Branch High School
Bryan, Sophie Huntingtown High School
Footui, Nichanat Easton High School
Grundy, Alayshea Chesapeake High School-AA
Miller, Rebecca Old Mill High School
Whites, Ruby South River High School
Ntara, Emily St. Mary's Ryken High School
Demirekler, Bahar River Hill High School
Rivas, Peyton Broadneck Senior High School
Ortiz, Isabelle Old Mill High School
Gordon, Joni St. Mary's Ryken High School
Doerschner, Grace 19:54.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Milio, Sara 20:20.10 Annapolis Senior High School
Boniface, Emily 20:25.00 Crofton High School
Baquie, Rosemary 20:48.00 Old Mill High School
Pace, Caroline 20:50.60 Broadneck Senior High School
O’Connell, Alexandra 20:53.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Ricker, Brooklynn 20:54.20 Annapolis Senior High School
Parker, Rebecca 20:57.20 Chesapeake High School-AA
Gallaher, Alyssa 21:07.60 Crofton High School
Mesfin, Meklit 21:21.70 Crofton High School
Walker, Caylin 21:26.84 Oakdale High School
Bunting, Charlotte 21:28.00 South River High School
Chorney, Madison 21:28.07 Oakdale High School
Relf, Vanessa 21:30.80 Old Mill High School
Greger, Natalie 21:33.90 Chesapeake High School-AA
O'Neill, Jillian 21:44.20 Annapolis Senior High School
Fu, Elizabeth 21:44.30 River Hill High School
Mesfin, Mahlet 21:45.00 Crofton High School
McDonald, Ally 21:52.30 Broadneck Senior High School
Donovan, Molly 21:53.20 Annapolis Senior High School
Barnes, Tara 21:56.60 Annapolis Senior High School
Seger, Gianna 21:57.80 Huntingtown High School
Magda, Leah 22:03.93 Leonardtown High School
Barrett, Eden 22:04.00 Annapolis Senior High School
Damalouji, Reilly 22:04.90 Huntingtown High School
Huffman, Ava 22:05.48 Leonardtown High School
Blodnikar, Alexandra 22:06.05 Leonardtown High School
Querry, Sydney 22:11.70 Oakdale High School
Reinhart, Taryn 22:13.30 Annapolis Senior High School
Crawford, Zoe 22:25.00 Queen Anne's County High School
Yildiz, Aysegul 22:30.10 River Hill High School
Chamberlain, Eleanor 22:31.50 Leonardtown High School
Clark, Alexandra 22:35.60 Broadneck Senior High School
Gallaher, Kaitlyn Jo 22:48.90 Crofton High School
McGeehan, Cade 22:50.20 River Hill High School
Klein, Chloe 22:51.30 Chesapeake High School-AA
Futch, Catherine 22:53.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Hiner, Erin 22:54.82 Queen Anne's County High School
Baird, Emily 23:01.90 Crofton High School
MacMillan, Alicia 23:02.40 Crofton High School
Gazelle, Amanda 23:05.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Githens, Eden 23:08.00 Chesapeake High School-AA
Dossa, Olantu 23:09.10 Paint Branch High School
Peace, Autumn 23:09.35 Paint Branch High School
Benbow, Myra 23:10.00 Crofton High School
McGlinchey, Kylie 23:16.11 Oakdale High School
Behe, Meg 23:19.50 Huntingtown High School
Frimpong, Lloyce 23:20.10 Paint Branch High School
Roman, Bailey 23:20.20 Oakdale High School
Carroll, Emily 23:24.70 Annapolis Senior High School
Ivanova, Zhana 23:26.48 Oakdale High School
Dippong, Rainier 23:27.00 Western Tech High School
Titus, Heather 23:27.28 Old Mill High School
Brewer, Makenzie 23:32.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Weeks, Danielle 23:32.50 Western Tech High School
Clayville, Lyla 23:38.10 Chesapeake High School-AA
Somers, Ivy 23:47.08 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Hall, Caroline 23:47.20 Broadneck Senior High School
Brightman, Kayla 23:47.70 Oakdale High School
Doerschner, Ella 24:04.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Cheon, Chaewon 24:05.00 River Hill High School
Stum, Abby 24:10.28 Oakdale High School
Landez, Avery 24:11.70 Crofton High School
Baird, Abigail 24:20.50 Crofton High School
Boutros, Elaria 24:23.00 River Hill High School
Nave, Maehla 24:25.80 Chesapeake High School-AA
Miller, Ashley 24:25.90 Archbishop Spalding High School
Zobell, Nerissa 24:31.80 Leonardtown High School
McKernan, Annabella 24:46.00 Archbishop Spalding High School
Baker, Ashleigh 25:01.76 Long Reach High School
Perinkvlam, Ananya 25:06.00 Western Tech High School
Nichols, Caitlin 25:18.23 Leonardtown High School
Smith, Juliana 25:28.00 Long Reach High School
Spelta, Bryn 25:36.00 Long Reach High School
Watson, Kayli 26:04.00 Huntingtown High School
San, Gizelle 26:21.00 Easton High School
Mclane, Ellasyn 26:25.60 Oakdale High School
Montgomery, Katelyn 26:30.10 Huntingtown High School
Yourgevidge, Delaney 26:32.10 Old Mill High School
Moyer-Pitts, Annabelle 26:33.90 Oakdale High School
Meadows-Soto, Adelina 26:36.30 Old Mill High School
Bridgeman, Claire 26:41.60 Annapolis Senior High School
Hills, Katie 26:54.00 Easton High School
Knapp, Callyn 27:00.00 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Holston, Kaylee 27:04.03 Huntingtown High School
Berger, Emily 27:21.00 Long Reach High School
Lazzelle, Veronica 27:26.20 Western Tech High School
Parquette, Paige 27:32.50 St. Mary's Ryken High School
Nikwocha, Amblessed 27:42.90 Western Tech High School
Monroe, Mykenzie 29:24.99 Huntingtown High School
Forti, Ney Fin 29:42.00 Queen Anne's County High School
Sukhera, Rida 31:10.50 Paint Branch High School
Warrington, Azziah 31:18.40 Western Tech High School
Admassu, Haella 32:56.90 Paint Branch High School
Carey, Alyssa 37:34.40 Western Tech High School
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