Meet Information
2022 Prince George's Cross Country Invitational
- Site: Fort Washington Park
- Date: Saturday, September 17, 2022
Please send all checks to:
Interscholastic Office
Attn: Joell Hicks-Pressey
4400 Shell Street
Capitol Heights, MD 20743
- Make checks payable to Prince George's County Athletic Association
$125 for boys or girls team $200 for both
- Meet Directors:
Kenneth Washington, Head Coach -
Terri Dendy, Athletic Director
Northwestern High School
- Meet Schedule:
(All races have 30 minute time limit)
8:00 am Course open/Packet pick-up
8:30 am Course walk
9:15 am Coaches Meeting
10:00 am Varsity A Girls(7 entries)
10:30 am Varsity A Boys (7 entries)
11:00 am Varsity B Girls(unlimited)
11:30 am Varsity Boys(unlimited)
Awards upon conclusion of final race