Katie Jenkins Invitational 2009

Sandy Spring, MD

Complete Results

Licensed to Sherwood High School        HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/2/2009 07:37 PM
            Katie Jenkins Invitational 2009  - 5/1/2009 to 5/2/2009     
                             Sherwood High School                       

Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Caulk, Taylor                Winston Chur           13.59      13.48Q  5
  2 Oxley, Grace                 James Hubert           13.24      13.55Q  3
  3 Grammar, Courtney            Sherwood               13.64      13.66Q  4
  4 Pinckney, Lindsay            Springbrook            13.30      13.81Q  2
  5 Rawlins, Shardae             James Hubert           13.24      13.92Q  1
  6 Johnson, Tia                 Clarksburg             13.24      13.94Q  3
  7 McLean, Kiara                Springbrook            13.20      14.06Q  1
  8 Walker, Jasmine              James Hubert           13.34      14.23Q  4
  8 Kleinman, Olivia             Winston Chur           13.90      14.23Q  2
 10 Gilreath, Jessica            Richard Mont                      14.26Q  5
 11 Williams, Katie              Bethesda-Che           14.04      14.38q  5
 12 Tzamaras, Demetra            Sherwood               14.64      14.48q  2
 13 Richardson-whi, llva         Seneca Valle           14.14      14.54   3
 14 Tang-How, Gina               Seneca Valle           14.24      14.65   1
 15 Kleinman, Natalie            Winston Chur           14.00      14.69   1
 16 McCarty, Caroline            Clarksburg             14.24      14.85   2
 17 Carrasco, Megan              Richard Mont                      14.89   3
 18 Carr, Khadija                Bethesda-Che           14.95      14.92   4
 19 Diggs, Alanna                Bethesda-Che                      15.00   2
 20 Kobba, Emelda                Wheaton                           15.96   4

Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Caulk, Taylor                Winston Chur           13.48      13.27Q  2
  2 Oxley, Grace                 James Hubert           13.55      13.47Q  1
  3 Grammar, Courtney            Sherwood               13.66      13.57Q  1
  4 Pinckney, Lindsay            Springbrook            13.81      13.60Q  2
  5 Kleinman, Olivia             Winston Chur           14.23      13.65q  2
  6 Johnson, Tia                 Clarksburg             13.94      13.66q  1
  7 Rawlins, Shardae             James Hubert           13.92      13.82   2
  8 Gilreath, Jessica            Richard Mont           14.26      13.87   1
  9 Walker, Jasmine              James Hubert           14.23      13.88   2
 10 McLean, Kiara                Springbrook            14.06      14.05   1
 11 Williams, Katie              Bethesda-Che           14.38      14.20   1
 12 Tzamaras, Demetra            Sherwood               14.48      14.45   2

Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Caulk, Taylor                Winston Chur           13.27      13.12
  2 Oxley, Grace                 James Hubert           13.47      13.36
  3 Grammar, Courtney            Sherwood               13.57      13.50
  4 Kleinman, Olivia             Winston Chur           13.65      13.54
  5 Pinckney, Lindsay            Springbrook            13.60      13.55
  6 Johnson, Tia                 Clarksburg             13.66      13.68

Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Cudjoe, Isaac                Seneca Valle           12.24      11.91Q  2
  2 Benitez, Jose                Springbrook            11.70      11.95Q  1
  3 Charles, Gabriel             Sherwood               12.04      12.01Q  5
  4 Asante, Kwabena              James Hubert           12.24      12.10Q  3
  5 Ashinugo, Obi                Georgetown P           12.14      12.20Q  6
  6 Boodie, Malachi              Springbrook            11.80      12.40Q  4
  7 Shamma, Casey                Bethesda-Che           12.54      12.20Q  1
  8 Brown, Jordon                Springbrook            11.50      12.25Q  6
  9 Zier, Alex                   Georgetown P           12.34      12.52Q  2
 10 Young, Samoy                 James Hubert           11.94      12.57Q  4
 11 Roberts, Tyrone              Seneca Valle                      12.68Q  5
 12 Williams, Reid               Bethesda-Che           12.84      12.70Q  3
 13 Rodger, kwame                Seneca Valle           12.04      12.41   1
 14 Johnson, Lenzy               Sherwood               12.44      12.58   4
 15 Altman, Brian                Bethesda-Che           13.24      12.89   2
 16 Bratschi, Adam               Winston Chur           12.74      12.92   3
 17 Deke, Philip                 Wheaton                13.04      13.13   5
 18 Rodenzo, Francis             Richard Mont           12.44      13.16   4
 19 Ford, Antwuan                Clarksburg             12.24      13.17   6
 20 Tahbaz, Camron               Winston Chur           13.04      13.23   6
 21 Ferguson, Aaron              Wheaton                13.24      13.25   1
 22 Sage, Richard                Winston Chur           12.54      13.27   2
 23 Zier, Thomas                 Georgetown P                      13.34   2
 24 Kamara, Adel                 Springbrook                       13.85   4

Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Cudjoe, Isaac                Seneca Valle           11.91      11.69Q  2
  1 Benitez, Jose                Springbrook            11.95      11.69Q  1
  3 Boodie, Malachi              Springbrook            12.40      11.87Q  1
  4 Asante, Kwabena              James Hubert           12.10      11.91Q  2
  5 Charles, Gabriel             Sherwood               12.01      11.88q  1
  6 Shamma, Casey                Bethesda-Che           12.20      11.98q  1
  7 Young, Samoy                 James Hubert           12.57      12.07   1
  7 Brown, Jordon                Springbrook            12.25      12.07   2
  9 Ashinugo, Obi                Georgetown P           12.20      12.20   2
 10 Zier, Alex                   Georgetown P           12.52      12.33   2
 11 Roberts, Tyrone              Seneca Valle           12.68      12.47   1
 12 Williams, Reid               Bethesda-Che           12.70      12.77   2

Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Benitez, Jose                Springbrook            11.69      11.77
  2 Cudjoe, Isaac                Seneca Valle           11.69      11.78
  3 Boodie, Malachi              Springbrook            11.87      11.92
  4 Charles, Gabriel             Sherwood               11.88      11.96
  5 Shamma, Casey                Bethesda-Che           11.98      11.98
  6 Asante, Kwabena              James Hubert           11.91      12.15

Event 3  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Langa, Nana                  Clarksburg             15.74      15.98Q  2
  2 Dabney, Ashley               Wheaton                16.54      17.49Q  1
  3 Smith, Samantha              Richard Mont           17.54      18.21Q  4
  4 Anderson, Casey              Sherwood               19.94      19.49Q  3
  5 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur           16.30      16.56Q  2
  6 White, Kasey                 Clarksburg             17.24      18.54Q  4
  7 Wolfe, Annie                 Winston Chur           18.20      19.38Q  1
  8 Jankosky, Sarah              Winston Chur           17.34      20.09Q  3
  9 Rhoades, Victoria            Sherwood               18.24      17.78q  2
 10 Berman, Gayron               Bethesda-Che           20.74      19.73q  1
 11 Regusters, Christina         Springbrook            19.60      20.27q  4
 12 Magino, Natasha              Clarksburg             19.24      21.22q  1

Event 3  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Langa, Nana                  Clarksburg             15.98      15.96Q  1
  2 Dabney, Ashley               Wheaton                17.49      16.82Q  2
  3 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur           16.56      17.01Q  1
  4 Smith, Samantha              Richard Mont           18.21      18.46Q  2
  5 Rhoades, Victoria            Sherwood               17.78      17.83q  1
  6 Wolfe, Annie                 Winston Chur           19.38      18.57q  2
  7 White, Kasey                 Clarksburg             18.54      18.64   2
  8 Anderson, Casey              Sherwood               19.49      19.36   1
  9 Berman, Gayron               Bethesda-Che           19.73      19.63   2
 10 Regusters, Christina         Springbrook            20.27      19.79   2
 11 Magino, Natasha              Clarksburg             21.22      21.09   1

Event 3  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Langa, Nana                  Clarksburg             15.96      15.67
  2 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur           17.01      16.01
  3 Dabney, Ashley               Wheaton                16.82      16.73
  4 Smith, Samantha              Richard Mont           18.46      17.76
  5 Rhoades, Victoria            Sherwood               17.83      17.94
  6 Wolfe, Annie                 Winston Chur           18.57      18.43

Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Morton, Tyler                Springbrook            15.20      15.75Q  5
  2 Roberts, Reynaldo            Springbrook            15.70      16.19Q  4
  3 Daniels, Joey                Springbrook            15.80      17.18Q  1
  3 Rodrigues, Andrew            Richard Mont           16.74      17.18Q  2
  5 Eckroade, Nolan              Sherwood               16.80      17.25Q  3
  6 Hogue, Lucas                 Winston Chur           17.44      17.65Q  5
  7 Daniel, Chaquille            Clarksburg             17.14      17.76Q  4
  8 Moreno, Devin                Clarksburg             16.74      17.79Q  2
  9 Zietoon, Naseem              Clarksburg             16.44      17.95Q  3
 10 Thareja, Justin              Sherwood               16.90      18.02Q  1
 11 Lee, Jonathan                Winston Chur           18.04      18.40q  4
 12 Xydis, Nick                  Richard Mont           19.44      19.68q  3
 13 Rubino, Paul                 Bethesda-Che           20.24      19.99   1
 14 Rhee, John                   Winston Chur           19.34      20.07   3
 15 Kolczynski, Andrew           Georgetown P           20.74      20.69   4
 16 Gavett, William              Sherwood               20.14      21.19   4
 17 Assie, Kevin                 James Hubert           20.07      21.27   2
 18 Abrams, Matt                 Sherwood               19.24      23.05   2

Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Morton, Tyler                Springbrook            15.75      15.09Q  1
  2 Roberts, Reynaldo            Springbrook            16.19      15.98Q  2
  3 Rodrigues, Andrew            Richard Mont           17.18      16.47Q  1
  4 Daniels, Joey                Springbrook            17.18      16.52Q  2
  5 Eckroade, Nolan              Sherwood               17.25      16.65q  1
  6 Zietoon, Naseem              Clarksburg             17.95      16.96q  1
  7 Moreno, Devin                Clarksburg             17.79      17.26   1
  8 Daniel, Chaquille            Clarksburg             17.76      17.42   2
  9 Thareja, Justin              Sherwood               18.02      17.52   2
 10 Hogue, Lucas                 Winston Chur           17.65      22.77   2

Event 4  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Morton, Tyler                Springbrook            15.09      14.6h
  2 Roberts, Reynaldo            Springbrook            15.98      15.3h
  3 Daniels, Joey                Springbrook            16.52      15.8h
  4 Rodrigues, Andrew            Richard Mont           16.47      15.9h
  5 Zietoon, Naseem              Clarksburg             16.96      16.1h
  6 Eckroade, Nolan              Sherwood               16.65      16.4h

Event 5  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Maizlish, Jennifer           Winston Chur           28.60      27.04Q  4
  2 Clark, Courtney              Clarksburg             26.24      27.65Q  2
  3 Richardson, Hannah           Bethesda-Che           26.34      27.98Q  3
  4 Rawlins, Shardae             James Hubert           28.17      28.81Q  6
  5 Martinez, Alejandra          Winston Chur           28.00      29.00Q  5
  6 Williams, Katie              Bethesda-Che           27.74      29.13Q  1
  7 Levin, Hannah                Bethesda-Che           27.04      28.60Q  4
  8 McLean, Kiara                Springbrook            28.40      28.89Q  3
  9 Alfred, Simone               Richard Mont           27.74      28.92Q  6
 10 Clarke, Dawn                 James Hubert           29.14      29.03Q  2
 11 Constantinides, Chloe        Winston Chur           28.74      29.65Q  1
 12 Neff, Amanda                 Clarksburg             29.24      32.61Q  5
 13 O'Flahavan, Paige            James Hubert           29.24      29.24   4
 14 Tzamaras, Demetra            Sherwood               28.74      30.70   3
 15 Jacobowski, Nicole           Sherwood               31.24      31.24   4
 16 Truong, Thu Hien             Sherwood               28.24      31.25   1
 17 Pinckney, Taylor             Springbrook            29.30      31.62   2

Event 5  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Clark, Courtney              Clarksburg             27.65      27.02Q  2
  2 McLean, Kiara                Springbrook            28.89      28.16Q  1
  3 Richardson, Hannah           Bethesda-Che           27.98      27.08Q  2
  4 Maizlish, Jennifer           Winston Chur           27.04      28.31Q  1
  5 Levin, Hannah                Bethesda-Che           28.60      28.33q  2
  6 Clarke, Dawn                 James Hubert           29.03      28.36q  2
  7 Rawlins, Shardae             James Hubert           28.81      28.60   1
  8 Martinez, Alejandra          Winston Chur           29.00      28.68   1
  9 Williams, Katie              Bethesda-Che           29.13      28.81   2
 10 Neff, Amanda                 Clarksburg             32.61      32.31   1

Event 5  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Clark, Courtney              Clarksburg             27.02      27.22
  2 Richardson, Hannah           Bethesda-Che           27.08      27.23
  3 McLean, Kiara                Springbrook            28.16      28.07
  4 Levin, Hannah                Bethesda-Che           28.33      28.23
  5 Clarke, Dawn                 James Hubert           28.36      28.68
  6 Maizlish, Jennifer           Winston Chur           28.31      28.88

Event 6  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Henderson, Justin            Richard Mont           23.14      23.02Q  5
  2 Pankay-James, Kerrence       Bethesda-Che           23.95      23.82Q  6
  3 Harris, Darren               Winston Chur           22.60      23.91Q  3
  4 Blair, Jeremy                Richard Mont           23.24      24.04Q  1
  5 Benitez, Jose                Springbrook            23.00      24.34Q  4
  6 Prather, Adrian              Richard Mont           23.74      24.97Q  2
  7 Kamara, Adel                 Springbrook            25.00      23.67q  5
  8 Thomas, Jashawn              Winston Chur           23.50      23.86q  6
  9 Bowis, Robert                Winston Chur           24.00      24.26q  1
 10 Wubbenhorst, Sumner          Sherwood               24.04      24.54q  5
 11 Shamma, Casey                Bethesda-Che           24.74      24.72q  4
 12 Rodger, kwame                Seneca Valle           24.24      24.76q  4
 13 Ramesh, Ricku                Sherwood               24.94      24.83   1
 14 Cudjoe, Isaac                Seneca Valle           23.84      25.15   2
 14 Young, Samoy                 James Hubert           25.05      25.15   6
 16 Monzey, Jenkins              Georgetown P           26.44      25.22   1
 17 Olsen, Robert                Sherwood               26.14      25.36   6
 18 Nelson, Xavier               Springbrook            24.10      25.39   3
 19 Wilford, Kevin               Georgetown P           26.44      26.01   5
 20 Monzey, Junior               Georgetown P           25.64      26.10   2
 21 Roberts, Tyrone              Seneca Valle           24.74      26.20   3
 22 Williams, Reid               Bethesda-Che           26.64      26.51   3
 23 Gondor, Andrew               Montgomery B                      27.02   4

Event 6  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Harris, Darren               Winston Chur           23.91      22.58Q  1
  2 Henderson, Justin            Richard Mont           23.02      22.93Q  2
  3 Thomas, Jashawn              Winston Chur           23.86      23.43q  2
  4 Kamara, Adel                 Springbrook            23.67      23.55q  1
  5 Blair, Jeremy                Richard Mont           24.04      23.56q  2
  6 Wubbenhorst, Sumner          Sherwood               24.54      23.92q  1
  7 Pankay-James, Kerrence       Bethesda-Che           23.82      24.01   1
  8 Benitez, Jose                Springbrook            24.34      24.37   2
  9 Bowis, Robert                Winston Chur           24.26      24.42   2
 10 Shamma, Casey                Bethesda-Che           24.72      24.61   1
 11 Rodger, kwame                Seneca Valle           24.76      24.71   2
 12 Prather, Adrian              Richard Mont           24.97      24.88   1

Event 6  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Harris, Darren               Winston Chur           22.58      22.87
  2 Henderson, Justin            Richard Mont           22.93      23.28
  3 Kamara, Adel                 Springbrook            23.55      23.52
  4 Blair, Jeremy                Richard Mont           23.56      24.05
  5 Thomas, Jashawn              Winston Chur           23.43      24.36

Event 7  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Winston Churchill                                10:10.00   10:12.00
     1) Johne, Vera                     2) Heilman, Maryana             
     3) Jacobson, Sophie                4) Bojanova, Diana              
  2 Bethesda-Chevy Chase                             10:30.00   10:27.60
     1) Farrell, Ava                    2) Reingruber, Grace            
     3) Shehata, Laila                  4) Cohen, Claire                
  3 Richard Montgomery                               10:49.00   10:43.84
     1) Blue, Anna                      2) Pedowitz, Nikki              
     3) Delapaz, Elena                  4) Ko, Grace                    
  4 Sherwood                                         10:53.00   11:01.61
     1) Barnard, Tyler                  2) Cronin, Teresa               
     3) Becker, Alexa                   4) Blank, Lindsay               
  5 Montgomery Blair                                 11:20.00   11:15.36
     1) Regan, Theresa                  2) Schneiderhan, Willa          
     3) Sholar, Jenny                   4) Klett, Kathryn               
  6 Clarksburg                                       11:30.00   11:30.67
     1) Neff, Kim                       2)                              

Event 8  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Springbrook                                       8:29.00    8:29.00
  2 Winston Churchill                                 8:24.00    8:30.80
     1) Conway, William                 2) Aougab, Samir                
     3) Rosenberg, Adam                 4) Sepehri, Shervin             
  3 Richard Montgomery                                8:28.00    8:32.00
     1) Cantor, Jacob                   2) McNamara, James              
     3) Hang, Zimin                     4) Hamilton, David              
  4 Montgomery Blair                                  8:30.00    8:50.02
     1) Pandaya, Rutvij                 2) Schmidt, Colin               
     3) Alvarado-farrar, Lucas          4) Vogel, Greg                  
  5 Georgetown Prep                                   8:45.00    9:11.04
     1) McGarry, William                2) Ashur, Nick                  
     3) Berry, John                     4) Cochrane, Niall              
  6 Sherwood                                          8:55.00    9:16.22
     1) Ahlers, Kristoph                2) Balderson, Kyle              
     3) Popeck, Alex                    4) Johnson, Steven              
  7 Clarksburg                                        9:00.00    9:25.99
     1) Hackett, Joel                   2)                              
  8 Seneca Valley                                                9:40.00
     1) Hyde, Brandly                   2) Ahimbisilbwe, Austin         
     3) Sauer, Craig                    4) Samuelson, Wesley            
  9 Bethesda-Chevy Chase                              9:05.00    9:40.98
     1) Finkelstein, Andrew             2) Henderson, Chris             
     3) Stephens, Trevor                4) Frable, Christian            
 10 Wheaton                                           9:30.00   10:17.00
     1) Yonass, Rodas                   2) Gonzalez, Denis              
     3) Artiga, Isai                    4) Gao, Daniel                  

Event 9  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Farrell, Ava                 Bethesda-Che        12:11.00   11:41.96
  2 Maslen, Zoe                  Winston Chur        12:17.91   11:46.39
  3 Mahlmann, Olivia      M      Sherwood            12:35.81   12:04.19
  4 Palmer, Phoebe               Winston Chur        12:40.51   12:05.18
  5 Bloom, Allison               Winston Chur        12:25.00   12:18.78
  6 Regan, Theresa               Montgomery B        12:00.00   12:26.60
  7 Reingruber, Grace            Bethesda-Che        12:12.00   12:34.24
  8 Chung, Elaine                Montgomery B        12:00.00   12:34.32
  9 Cronin, Teresa               Sherwood            12:55.00   12:36.79
  9 Wagner, Rachel               Rockville           12:40.00   12:36.79
 11 Roochnik, Naomi              Bethesda-Che        12:49.00   12:41.19
 11 Ferro, Amy                   Rockville           12:40.00   12:41.19
 13 Resendiz, Fatima             Richard Mont        13:18.00   12:47.68
 14 Jakubowski, Caylay           Richard Mont        14:55.00   13:08.78
 15 Bucher, Hannah               Montgomery B        12:30.00   13:16.58
 16 Reddy, Alaykya               Richard Mont        14:36.00   13:26.93
 17 Young, Jackie                Clarksburg          13:00.00   13:31.06

Event 10  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Pandaya, Rutvij              Montgomery B        10:00.00    9:59.78
  2 Reams, Jackson               Sherwood            10:07.70   10:00.84
  3 Hicks, Michael               Richard Mont        10:23.40   10:10.02
  4 Narang, Jatin                Clarksburg          10:20.00   10:12.85
  5 Rheingold, Justin            Winston Chur        10:26.40   10:13.29
  6 Weinstein, Zachary           Winston Chur        10:20.60   10:14.44
  7 Gerson, Eliot                Bethesda-Che        10:25.00   10:19.51
  8 Damtoft, Eric                Bethesda-Che        10:45.00   10:29.63
  9 Batt, Jeremy                 Richard Mont        11:06.00   10:32.95
 10 Byurm, Jakaris               Seneca Valle        19:00.00   10:42.79
 11 Warfield, Anthony            Georgetown P        10:58.00   10:56.16
 12 Schwartz, Harvey             Winston Chur        10:38.30   10:59.57
 13 Hogan, Kevin                 Sherwood            10:55.00   11:00.28
 14 Theiss, Nikolas              Bethesda-Che        11:00.00   11:07.44
 15 Kerrick, James               Sherwood            11:35.00   11:09.23
 16 Pepelnjak, John              Georgetown P                   11:18.42
 17 Braune, John                 Clarksburg          11:45.00   11:19.04
 18 McMahon, Sean                Richard Mont                   11:19.94
 19 Deen, Andrew                 Springbrook         11:21.00   11:31.82
 20 Davis, Matt                  Springbrook         11:43.00   11:41.35
 21 Day, Ryan                    Georgetown P        11:05.00   11:50.01
 22 Verma, Mudit                 Clarksburg          11:45.00   11:55.32
 23 Sood, Anshul                 Montgomery B        11:30.00   12:05.69
 24 Mok, Kevin                   Springbrook                    12:32.25

Event 11  Girls 8x100 Meter Relay 8x200 Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Clarksburg                                        4:00.00    3:40.70
     1) Langa, Nana                     2)                              
  2 Sherwood                                          4:00.00    3:55.71
     1) Rhoades, Victoria               2) Tzamaras, Demetra            
     3) Grammar, Courtney               4) Russell, Teresa              
  3 James Hubert Blake                                3:50.00    3:58.57
     1) Diagne, DeeDee                  2) Rhuebottom, Loren            
     3) Walker, Jasmine                 4) Irving, Amina                
  4 Bethesda-Chevy Chase                              3:52.00    3:59.05
     1) Donnelly, Paige                 2) Diggs, Alanna                
     3) Leuba, Kate                     4) Williams, Katie              
  5 Winston Churchill                                 3:51.00    4:01.60
     1) Heilman, Maryana                2) Bojanova, Diana              
     3) Constantinides, Chloe           4) Martinez, Alejandra          

Event 12  Boys 8x100 Meter Relay 8x200 Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Clarksburg                                        3:15.00    3:07.85   2
     1) Ayers, Malcolm                  2)                              
  2 Richard Montgomery                                3:35.00    3:10.30   1
     1) Prather, Adrian                 2) Hamilton, David              
     3) Mariko, Shahidou                4) Henderson, Justin            
  3 Sherwood                                          3:45.00    3:11.78   1
     1) Ribiero, Randy                  2) Ramesh, Ricku                
     3) Charles, Gabriel                4) Hopkins, Kye                 
  4 Springbrook                                       3:06.00    3:11.96   2
  5 James Hubert Blake                                3:15.00    3:23.41   2
     1) Asante, Kwabena                 2) Assie, Kevin                 
     3) Chen, Jeremy                    4) Ogbonna, Mike                
  6 Seneca Valley                                                3:26.70   1
     1) Rodger, kwame                   2) Cudjoe, Isaac                
     3) Cudjoe, Joseph                  4) Roberts, Tyrone              
  7 Bethesda-Chevy Chase                              3:24.00    3:28.47   2
     1) Segun, David                    2) Shamma, Casey                
     3) Stephens, Trevor                4) Simon-Chapman, Amani         
  8 Winston Churchill                                 3:32.32    3:31.67   2
     1) Lee, Jonathan                   2) Rhee, John                   
     3) Michaels, Jeffrey               4) Bratschi, Adam               
  9 Wheaton                                           3:45.00    3:40.24   1
     1) Abdulkarimu, Muhammed           2) Hill, Stephon                
     3) Desouza, Adriel                 4) Deke, Philip                 

Event 13  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims
  1 Oxley, Grace                 James Hubert        35-07.50   35-00.25q
  2 Harris, Page                 Clarksburg          32-09.00   34-06.00q
  3 Ryland, Charnay              Clarksburg          30-06.00   34-01.75q
  4 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur        34-05.75   33-04.50q
  5 Brand, Molly                 Richard Mont        30-03.00   32-06.50q
  6 Dabney, Ashley               Wheaton                        31-10.00q
  7 Smith, Samantha              Richard Mont        30-06.00   31-00.00q
  8 Kish, Peace                  James Hubert        30-03.50   29-11.00q
  9 Li, Conni                    Richard Mont        28-06.00   26-10.00
 10 Brown, Simone                Sherwood                       24-11.25
 11 Mitchell, Brianna            James Hubert        26-07.00   24-06.50
 12 Peters, Susan                Sherwood                       24-05.00
 13 Penda, Diane                 Clarksburg          32-00.00   24-04.00
 -- Jankosky, Sarah              Winston Chur        25-00.00         ND
 -- Baldwin, Claire              Montgomery B        24-09.50         ND
 -- Slaughter, Evann             Oxon Hill           37-04.00         ND
 -- Fox, Marqia                  Wheaton                              ND
 -- Weiner, Esther               Seneca Valle        23-00.00         ND
 -- Sutton, Sierra               Montgomery B        28-07.75         ND
 -- Barnes, Shalethia            Oxon Hill           33-08.00         ND
 -- Bulter, Taylor               Oxon Hill           37-03.75         ND
 -- Polite, Amirah               Winston Chur        36-01.50         ND

Event 13  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Oxley, Grace                 James Hubert        35-00.25   35-00.25
  2 Harris, Page                 Clarksburg          34-06.00   34-06.00
  3 Ryland, Charnay              Clarksburg          34-01.75   34-01.75
  4 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur        33-04.50   33-04.50
  5 Brand, Molly                 Richard Mont        32-06.50   32-06.50
  6 Dabney, Ashley               Wheaton             31-10.00   31-10.00
  7 Smith, Samantha              Richard Mont        31-00.00   31-00.00
  8 Kish, Peace                  James Hubert        29-11.00   29-11.00

Event 14  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims
  1 Adams, Donnell               Springbrook         19-11.50   18-10.00q
  2 Henderson, Justin            Richard Mont        20-06.00   18-09.50q
  3 Kim, Jason                   Seneca Valle        19-00.00   18-07.00q
  4 Bowis, Robert                Winston Chur        19-00.50   17-10.50q
  5 Johnson, Lenzy               Sherwood            16-06.00   17-07.50q
  6 Hu, Nick                     Richard Mont        17-09.00   17-05.50q
  6 Ribiero, Randy               Sherwood            17-09.25   17-05.50q
  8 Mulinge, Andrew              Clarksburg          19-00.00   16-06.00q
  9 Heap, Loren                  Sherwood            16-02.00   16-01.50
 10 Nelson, Xavier               Springbrook         16-01.00   16-01.00
 11 Natarjan, Ram                Springbrook         14-02.50   16-00.50
 12 Mariko, Shahidou             Richard Mont        17-01.00   15-10.00
 13 Simon-Chapman, Amani         Bethesda-Che        16-01.75   15-09.00
 14 Deke, Philip                 Wheaton                        15-01.00
 15 Ferguson, Aaron              Wheaton                        13-06.00
 -- Wilson, Robert               Wheaton                              ND
 -- Keating, Thomas              Rockville           13-00.00         ND
 -- Daley, Darren                Rockville           13-00.00         ND
 -- Sankoh, Mamud                Clarksburg          17-09.00         ND
 -- Alvarado, Pedro              Winston Chur        18-00.00         ND
 -- Sepehri, Shervin             Winston Chur        17-06.00         ND
 -- Monteforte, corey            Seneca Valle        14-00.00         ND
 -- King, Aaron                  Montgomery B        13-05.25         ND
 -- Collins, Sam                 Clarksburg          19-00.00         ND

Event 14  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Adams, Donnell               Springbrook         18-10.00   18-10.00
  2 Henderson, Justin            Richard Mont        18-09.50   18-09.50
  3 Kim, Jason                   Seneca Valle        18-07.00   18-07.00
  4 Bowis, Robert                Winston Chur        17-10.50   17-10.50
  5 Johnson, Lenzy               Sherwood            17-07.50   17-07.50
  6 Hu, Nick                     Richard Mont        17-05.50   17-05.50
  6 Ribiero, Randy               Sherwood            17-05.50   17-05.50
  8 Mulinge, Andrew              Clarksburg          16-06.00   16-06.00

Event 15  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Freeman, Bailee              Clarksburg           5-02.00    5-02.00
  2 Reardon, Genevieve           Sherwood             5-02.00    4-10.00
  2 Dabney, Ashley               Wheaton              5-02.00    4-10.00
  4 Lederer, Allison             Sherwood             4-08.00    4-08.00
  4 Brand, Molly                 Richard Mont         4-08.00    4-08.00
  6 Clarke, Dawn                 James Hubert         5-00.00   J4-08.00
  7 Russell, Teresa              Sherwood             4-06.00   J4-08.00
  8 Stanton, Alexandra           Winston Chur         4-06.00    4-06.00
  8 Smith, Samantha              Richard Mont         4-08.00    4-06.00
  8 Leaman, Sarah                Clarksburg           4-10.00    4-06.00
  8 Claggett, Briani             Clarksburg           4-10.00    4-06.00
 12 Banner, Nicole               Winston Chur         4-06.00    4-04.00
 -- Li, Conni                    Richard Mont         4-00.00         NH
 -- Tshimanga, Chouassi          Rockville            5-02.00         NH
 -- Linwood, Kiara               Oxon Hill                            NH
 -- McLean, Kiara                Springbrook          4-02.00         NH
 -- Barnes, Shalethia            Oxon Hill            5-04.00         NH
 -- Bojanova, Diana              Winston Chur         4-04.00         NH
 -- McLean, Tiffany              Wheaton              4-04.00         NH
 -- Sutton, Sierra               Montgomery B         4-08.00         NH
 -- Slaughter, Evann             Oxon Hill            5-02.00         NH
 -- Baldwin, Claire              Montgomery B         4-02.00         NH

Event 16  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims
  1 Nassabeh, Brandon            Seneca Valle          120-00     120-08q
  2 Koenick, Matthew             Winston Chur          116-02     116-11q
  3 Jeffers, Ian                 Springbrook           133-00     116-05q
  4 Elhage, Nadim                Winston Chur          121-00  116-01.50q
  5 Wang, Victor                 Montgomery B          108-00     111-10q
  6 Kinney, Marcus               Clarksburg            125-00     110-07q
  7 Quevison, Kuevi              Clarksburg            101-02  108-02.50q
  8 Ibiebele, Abiye              Clarksburg            106-00  107-01.50q
  9 Edokobi, Namdi               Richard Mont          118-00     104-03
 10 Ganbin, Brendon              Sherwood            03-11.50  102-04.50
 11 Awe, Busaiyo                 Richard Mont          106-07   99-00.50
 12 Berger, Adam                 Sherwood              111-02   98-11.50
 13 Li, Kenny                    Montgomery B                      97-07
 14 Brylawski, Blair             James Hubert           99-08   96-03.50
 15 Gomez, Dylan                 James Hubert           80-00      93-03
 16 Altman, Brian                Bethesda-Che           79-04      91-02
 17 Beauvil, Chris               Springbrook            81-00   89-00.50
 18 Banks, Charles               Bethesda-Che           93-00      88-00
 19 Seib, Jacob                  Georgetown P                      86-11
 20 Kamel, Mustafa               Sherwood               87-00      86-07
 21 Roylance, Michael            Winston Chur           79-11   81-02.50
 22 Meek, Blair                  Georgetown P                      81-01
 23 Hunter, Avery                James Hubert                      73-05
 24 Budgen, Ryan                 Georgetown P                      71-01
 25 Ghebrekidan, Haileb          Wheaton                           48-07
 -- Kamerow, Eli                 Bethesda-Che           89-00         ND
 -- Tzeuton, Serge               James Hubert           97-07         ND
 -- Jeffries, Eddie              Rockville              85-00         ND
 -- Miner, Eric                  Richard Mont          125-00         ND
 -- Ortaga, David                Seneca Valle           77-00         ND

Event 16  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Nassabeh, Brandon            Seneca Valle          120-08     120-08
  2 Koenick, Matthew             Winston Chur          116-11     116-11
  3 Jeffers, Ian                 Springbrook           116-05     116-05
  4 Elhage, Nadim                Winston Chur        16-01.50  116-01.50
  5 Wang, Victor                 Montgomery B          111-10     111-10
  6 Kinney, Marcus               Clarksburg            110-07     110-07
  7 Quevison, Kuevi              Clarksburg          08-02.50  108-02.50
  8 Ibiebele, Abiye              Clarksburg          07-01.50  107-01.50

Event 17  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims
  1 Johnson, Turquoia            Clarksburg          35-06.00   35-10.00q
  2 King, Octavia                James Hubert        33-06.50   32-03.00q
  3 White, Milan                 Springbrook         35-02.00   31-06.00q
  4 Owusu-Mainoo, Virginia       Seneca Valle        30-00.00   28-05.00q
  5 Morrison, Natalia            Clarksburg          30-00.00   27-07.00q
  6 Florian, Katie               Sherwood            27-01.00   26-08.00q
  7 Dunn, Olivia                 Sherwood            25-04.25   25-08.00q
  8 Astrove, Michelle            Winston Chur        26-03.00   24-11.00q
  9 Logan, Katilin               Sherwood            23-01.50   24-06.75q
 10 Obayomi, Aderonke            Winston Chur        23-08.00   23-09.50q
 11 Koenick, Lori                Winston Chur        21-10.00   23-09.00
 12 Lien, Christine              James Hubert        22-10.50   22-03.00
 13 Fox, Marqia                  Wheaton             23-08.50   22-02.50
 14 Feldbyum, Vivian             Richard Mont        20-00.00   22-00.25
 15 Opiekun, Christie            Clarksburg          26-00.00   22-00.00
 16 Nurse, Lauren                Richard Mont        24-00.00   20-09.00
 17 Weiner, Erica                Seneca Valle        25-00.00   20-07.50
 18 McLean, Tiffany              Wheaton             20-06.00   20-00.00
 19 Romaine, Patty               Bethesda-Che        18-06.00   19-00.00
 20 Jones, Arieyl                James Hubert        20-00.00   17-06.50
 21 Weiner, Esther               Seneca Valle                   17-06.00
 -- Taylor, Brianna              Montgomery B                         ND
 -- Patton, Ashley               Montgomery B        21-09.50         ND
 -- Meltzer, Rachel              Bethesda-Che        17-05.50         ND
 -- Seals, Amber                 Montgomery B                         ND
 -- Serfour, Priscilla           Rockville           21-00.00         ND
 -- Bradley, Kierre              Richard Mont        29-00.00         ND
 -- Miller, Jasmin               Bethesda-Che        19-06.00         ND
 -- Nagiel, Katie                Rockville           26-04.00         ND

Event 17  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Turquoia            Clarksburg          35-10.00   35-10.00
  2 King, Octavia                James Hubert        32-03.00   32-03.00
  3 White, Milan                 Springbrook         31-06.00   31-06.00
  4 Owusu-Mainoo, Virginia       Seneca Valle        28-05.00   28-05.00
  5 Morrison, Natalia            Clarksburg          27-07.00   27-07.00
  6 Florian, Katie               Sherwood            26-08.00   26-08.00
  7 Dunn, Olivia                 Sherwood            25-08.00   25-08.00
  8 Astrove, Michelle            Winston Chur        24-11.00   24-11.00
  9 Logan, Katilin               Sherwood            24-06.75   24-06.75
 10 Obayomi, Aderonke            Winston Chur        23-09.50   23-09.50

Event 20  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Farrell, Ava                 Bethesda-Che         5:45.00    5:37.95
  2 Johne, Vera                  Winston Chur         5:39.50    5:45.84
  3 Jester, Hallie               Bethesda-Che         5:51.12    5:46.23
  4 Zifa, Sara                   Clarksburg           6:00.00    5:47.16
  5 Sholar, Jenny                Montgomery B         5:50.00    5:48.24
  6 Disbrow, Shannon             Winston Chur         5:57.20    5:49.02
  7 Weiss, Jackie                Sherwood             6:15.00    5:57.06
  8 Regan, Theresa               Montgomery B         5:50.00    5:58.44
  9 Resendiz, Fatima             Richard Mont         6:10.00    6:00.03
 10 Bell, Julia                  Winston Chur         5:56.70    6:01.32
 11 Chung, Elaine                Montgomery B         6:00.00    6:03.41
 12 Porquin, Genesis             Richard Mont         6:34.00    6:13.60
 13 Pedowitz, Nikki              Richard Mont         6:25.00    6:24.33
 14 Barnhard, Emma               Springbrook          6:23.00    6:35.18
 15 McCue, Caroline              Sherwood             7:11.30    6:48.24
 16 Paniati, Lauren              James Hubert         7:05.00    6:49.49
 17 Leishman, Adele              James Hubert         7:48.00    6:54.66

Event 21  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Martin, Sam                  Richard Mont         4:32.00    4:32.87
  2 McNamara, James              Richard Mont         4:36.00    4:34.17
  3 Reams, Jackson               Sherwood             4:39.80    4:38.51
  4 Vogel, Greg                  Montgomery B         4:40.00    4:40.35
  5 Goetzel, Noah                Winston Chur         4:42.00    4:40.54
  6 Sweigart, David              Springbrook          4:49.00    4:41.91
  7 Gerson, Eliot                Bethesda-Che         4:53.00    4:45.51
  8 Weinstein, Zachary           Winston Chur         4:48.00    4:45.90
  9 Narang, Jatin                Clarksburg           4:48.00    4:45.93
 10 Rosenberg, Adam              Winston Chur         4:52.00    4:49.67
 11 Damtoft, Eric                Bethesda-Che         4:55.00    4:53.20
 12 Schmidt, Colin               Montgomery B         5:00.00    4:55.56
 13 Barnhard, Peter              Springbrook          5:08.00    4:57.62
 14 Thomas, James                Clarksburg           5:02.00    4:58.46
 15 Cantor, Jacob                Richard Mont         4:46.00    5:01.77
 16 Catterall, Philip            Bethesda-Che         5:23.92    5:05.45
 17 Kerrick, James               Sherwood             5:21.90    5:14.08
 18 Davis, Matt                  Springbrook          5:14.00    5:15.39
 19 Portner, Daniel              Sherwood             5:28.00    5:17.98
 20 Vernon, John                 James Hubert         5:26.00    5:29.01
 21 Engle, Eric                  James Hubert         5:50.00    6:28.59
 22 Lee, Daniel                  James Hubert         5:30.00    7:03.40

Event 22  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Akpaete, DeeDee              Springbrook            59.32    1:00.56   2
  2 Levin, Hannah                Bethesda-Che         1:02.02    1:03.02   2
  3 Putman, Evelyn               Sherwood               58.20    1:03.20   3
  4 Ryland, Charnay              Clarksburg           1:00.24    1:04.35   2
  5 Moore, Latasha               Springbrook          1:03.30    1:04.81   3
  6 Richardson, Hannah           Bethesda-Che         1:01.64    1:05.86   2
  7 Bojanova, Diana              Winston Chur         1:06.00    1:07.76   1
  8 Schoch, Mariah               Winston Chur         1:08.00    1:09.44   1
  9 Rhuebottom, Loren            James Hubert         1:07.64    1:11.32   3
 10 Hanlon, Katherine            Sherwood             1:11.14    1:20.02   1

Event 23  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Small, Mark                  Clarksburg             50.14      50.81   4
  2 Kizito, Rodney               Springbrook            50.90      51.53   4
  3 Hopkins, Kye                 Sherwood               51.74      53.20   4
  4 Barrett, Alex                Bethesda-Che           54.72      54.27   3
  5 Prather, Adrian              Richard Mont           54.04      54.39   3
  6 Bobenrieth, Vincent          Winston Chur           54.44      54.56   3
  7 Wubbenhorst, Sumner          Sherwood               53.34      55.17   3
  8 Pankay-James, Kerrence       Bethesda-Che           55.74      55.23   2
  9 Angel, Zachary               Richard Mont           53.84      55.47   3
 10 Ayers, Malcolm               Clarksburg             53.14      55.50   4
 11 Williams, Jordon             Springbrook            55.60      55.51   2
 12 Strand, Robert               Richard Mont           55.54      56.07   2
 13 Olsen, Robert                Sherwood               56.84      57.68   1
 14 Daley, Rojay                 Wheaton                57.04      57.72   1
 15 Phillips-Spence, Micah       Winston Chur           54.70      57.90   3
 16 Segun, David                 Bethesda-Che           57.14      58.19   1
 17 Ahimbisibwe, Andrew          Seneca Valle           56.14      58.92   2
 18 Cudjoe, Joseph               Seneca Valle           55.14    1:00.36   2

Event 24  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Langa, Nana                  Clarksburg             45.64      46.34   2
  2 Polite, Amirah               Winston Chur           47.39      49.60   2
  3 Wolfe, Annie                 Winston Chur           48.43      50.12   2
  4 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur           49.00      51.84   2
  5 Irving, Amina                James Hubert           55.14      55.45   1
  6 Weiner, emily                Seneca Valle           59.14      59.36   1
  7 Barksdale, Amy               Sherwood             1:01.74      59.91   1
  8 Ferreira, Carina             Sherwood             1:03.94    1:01.00   1
  9 Blocker, Danielle            James Hubert         1:05.14    1:02.73   1

Event 25  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Rodrigues, Andrew            Richard Mont           40.34      40.97   3
  2 Zietoon, Naseem              Clarksburg             41.34      42.42   3
  3 Daniels, Joey                Springbrook            42.40      42.99   3
  4 Moreno, Devin                Clarksburg             41.84      43.49   3
  5 Hang, Zimin                  Richard Mont           44.31      43.90   2
  6 Morton, Tyler                Springbrook            40.80      43.95   3
  7 Lee, Jonathan                Winston Chur           44.24      44.58   3
  8 Yonass, Rodas                Wheaton                           45.90   2
  9 Hogue, Lucas                 Winston Chur           46.14      45.91   2
 10 Hu, Nick                     Richard Mont           47.54      46.12   1
 11 Assie, Kevin                 James Hubert           49.34      48.08   1
 12 Abrams, Matt                 Sherwood               50.24      48.74   1
 13 Asbury, Colin                Winston Chur           47.44      50.37   1
 14 Gavett, William              Sherwood               53.94      53.85   1
 15 Mazur, Eric                  Sherwood               56.84      58.89   1

Event 26  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Akpaete, DeeDee              Springbrook          2:24.00    2:24.81
  2 Donnelly, Paige              Bethesda-Che         2:24.93    2:25.46
  3 Farrell, Ava                 Bethesda-Che         2:35.00    2:28.76
  4 Jacobson, Sophie             Winston Chur         2:33.10    2:29.65
  5 Bloom, Allison               Winston Chur         2:34.00    2:30.83
  6 Barnard, Tyler               Sherwood             2:48.00    2:40.58
  7 Maslen, Zoe                  Winston Chur         2:34.00    2:40.94
  8 Weiss, Jackie                Sherwood             2:38.00    2:42.33
  9 Klett, Kathryn               Montgomery B         2:40.00    2:42.53
 10 Neff, Kim                    Clarksburg           2:45.00    2:44.90
 11 Pedowitz, Nikki              Richard Mont         2:44.00    2:46.18
 12 Reingruber, Grace            Bethesda-Che         2:37.00    2:48.49
 13 Porquin, Genesis             Richard Mont         2:45.00    2:49.33
 14 Schneiderhan, Willa          Montgomery B         2:40.00    2:51.32
 15 Belyaeva, Anastaslya         Montgomery B         2:50.00    2:52.05
 16 Salinas, Karen               Clarksburg           2:50.00    2:54.30
 17 Paniati, Lauren              James Hubert         2:49.00    2:57.29
 18 McCue, Caroline              Sherwood             3:03.00    3:10.40

Event 27  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Martin, Sam                  Richard Mont         2:03.00    2:03.89
  2 Conway, William              Winston Chur         2:04.00    2:05.30
  3 Gomes, Alex                  Springbrook          2:03.00    2:06.23
  4 Sepehri, Shervin             Winston Chur         2:05.00    2:06.25
  5 Blair, Jeremy                Richard Mont         2:04.00    2:06.68
  6 Hamilton, David              Richard Mont         2:06.00    2:07.22
  7 Sweigart, David              Springbrook          2:06.00    2:07.26
  8 Hackett, Joel                Clarksburg           2:08.00    2:08.34
  9 Aougab, Samir                Winston Chur         2:06.00    2:09.57
 10 Damtoft, Eric                Bethesda-Che         2:08.05    2:10.03
 11 Stephens, Trevor             Bethesda-Che         2:13.00    2:11.92
 12 Popeck, Alex                 Sherwood             2:15.00    2:14.06
 13 Yonass, Rodas                Wheaton              2:12.00    2:15.34
 14 Pierce, Ben                  Springbrook                     2:17.20
 15 McLean, Alistair             James Hubert         2:28.00    2:19.14
 16 Alvarado-farrar, Lucas       Montgomery B         2:15.00    2:19.24
 17 Daley, Rojay                 Wheaton              2:10.00    2:19.47
 18 Wagner, Michael              Sherwood             2:22.00    2:21.24
 19 Dowd, Connor                 Montgomery B         2:15.00    2:22.54
 20 Summers, Kyle                Clarksburg           2:24.00    2:24.32
 21 Braune, John                 Clarksburg           2:30.00    2:25.97

Event 28  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Clarksburg                                          50.14      51.46
     1) Harris, Page                    2)                              
  2 Winston Churchill                                   53.00      53.92
     1) Kleinman, Natalie               2) Kleinman, Olivia             
     3) Maizlish, Jennifer              4) Caulk, Taylor                
  3 James Hubert Blake                                  53.64      54.14
     1) Oxley, Grace                    2) Clarke, Dawn                 
     3) Mitchell, Brianna               4) Rawlins, Shardae             
  4 Bethesda-Chevy Chase                                58.74      57.84
     1) Tunkara, Fatoumatta             2) Carr, Khadija                
     3) Diggs, Alanna                   4) Berman, Gayron               
  5 Sherwood                                            55.64      58.29
     1) Anderson, Casey                 2) Jacobowski, Nicole           
     3) Barksdale, Amy                  4) Nghiem, Elaine               
  6 Seneca Valley                                     1:00.14      58.50
     1) Youta, Andrea                   2) Weiner, Esther               
     3) Richardson-whi, llva            4) Tang-How, Gina               

Event 29  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Clarksburg                                          43.64      45.36   2
     1) Graham, Avery                   2)                              
  2 Springbrook                                         45.10      46.43   2
  3 James Hubert Blake                                  46.94      47.75   2
     1) Ogbonna, Mike                   2) Sessoms, Geoffrey            
     3) Young, Samoy                    4) Asante, Kwabena              
  4 Seneca Valley                                                  48.64   1
     1) Rodger, kwame                   2) Cudjoe, Isaac                
     3) Cudjoe, Joseph                  4) Roberts, Tyrone              
  5 Sherwood                                            47.14      49.44   2
     1) Johnson, Lenzy                  2) Ramesh, Ricku                
     3) Ribiero, Randy                  4) Heap, Loren                  
  6 Bethesda-Chevy Chase                                48.34      49.48   1
     1) Pankay-James, Kerrence          2) Shamma, Casey                
     3) Banks, Charles                  4) Simon-Chapman, Amani         
  7 Winston Churchill                                   48.00      50.55   2
     1) Sage, Richard                   2) Su, James                    
     3) Tahbaz, Camron                  4) Phillips-Spence, Micah       

Event 30  Girls 4x400 Yard Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Clarksburg                                        4:13.00    4:15.30
     1) Langa, Nana                     2)                              
  2 Bethesda-Chevy Chase                              4:16.00    4:18.08
     1) Donnelly, Paige                 2) Richardson, Hannah           
     3) Leuba, Kate                     4) Levin, Hannah                
  3 Winston Churchill                                 4:20.00    4:24.66
     1) Heilman, Maryana                2) Bojanova, Diana              
     3) Constantinides, Chloe           4) Martinez, Alejandra          
  4 Springbrook                                       4:15.00    4:31.98
  5 Sherwood                                          4:25.00    4:34.49
     1) Putman, Evelyn                  2) Tzamaras, Demetra            
     3) Russell, Teresa                 4) Rhoades, Victoria            
  6 James Hubert Blake                                           4:56.75
     1) Diagne, DeeDee                  2) Rhuebottom, Loren            
     3) Walker, Jasmine                 4) Irving, Amina                

Event 31  Boys 4x400 Yard Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Springbrook                                       3:29.00    3:33.11   2
  2 Clarksburg                                        3:35.00    3:36.72   2
     1) Ayers, Malcolm                  2)                              
  3 Richard Montgomery                                           3:43.21   1
     1) Prather, Adrian                 2) Hu, Nick                     
     3) Angel, Zachary                  4) Hang, Zimin                  
  4 Bethesda-Chevy Chase                              3:45.00    3:48.14   1
     1) Segun, David                    2) Pankay-James, Kerrence       
     3) Damtoft, Eric                   4) Barrett, Alex                
  5 Sherwood                                          3:36.80    3:50.16   2
     1) Hopkins, Kye                    2) Reams, Jackson               
     3) Charles, Gabriel                4) Wubbenhorst, Sumner          
  6 Winston Churchill                                 3:37.00    3:51.81   2
     1) Bobenrieth, Vincent             2) Phillips-Spence, Micah       
     3) Michaels, Jeffrey               4) Conway, William              
  7 James Hubert Blake                                3:52.00    4:00.35   1
     1) Giles, Taivon                   2) Assie, Kevin                 
     3) Sessoms, Geoffrey               4) Washington, Kelly            

Event 32  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims
  1 Taylor, Rico                 Wheaton             39-05.00   41-01.50q
  2 Bodog-Bikin, Etienne         Springbrook         30-01.00   37-09.00q
  3 Mariko, Shahidou             Richard Mont        39-10.00   37-08.50q
  4 Ogbonna, Mike                James Hubert        37-10.00   37-07.50q
  5 Ribiero, Randy               Sherwood            38-07.75   37-03.50q
  6 Ramesh, Ricku                Sherwood            36-08.50   37-01.00q
  7 Phlong, Vorith               Clarksburg          38-00.00   36-07.50q
  8 Bowis, Robert                Winston Chur        37-05.00   36-04.50q
  9 Johnson, Lenzy               Sherwood            33-00.00   36-02.50
 10 Natarjan, Ram                Springbrook         32-01.00   35-11.00
 11 Xydis, Nick                  Richard Mont        33-01.50   35-02.00
 12 Wu, Strong                   Clarksburg          35-00.00   31-10.50
 13 Simon-Chapman, Amani         Bethesda-Che        30-01.25   27-09.00
 -- Nelson, Xavier               Springbrook         29-03.50         ND
 -- Wilson, Robert               Wheaton             38-02.00         ND
 -- Julius, Jackson              Wheaton             30-05.00         ND
 -- Stanton, Michael             Winston Chur        33-00.00         ND
 -- King, Aaron                  Montgomery B        28-00.00         ND
 -- Monteforte, corey            Seneca Valle        29-00.00         ND
 -- Sankoh, Mamud                Clarksburg          37-00.00         ND
 -- Giles, Taivon                James Hubert        37-08.00         ND
 -- Kim, Jason                   Seneca Valle        34-00.00         ND
 -- Alvarado, Pedro              Winston Chur        35-00.00         ND

Event 32  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Taylor, Rico                 Wheaton             41-01.50   41-01.50
  2 Ogbonna, Mike                James Hubert        37-07.50   38-05.00
  3 Bodog-Bikin, Etienne         Springbrook         37-09.00   37-10.00
  4 Mariko, Shahidou             Richard Mont        37-08.50   37-08.50
  5 Phlong, Vorith               Clarksburg          36-07.50   37-06.50
  6 Ramesh, Ricku                Sherwood            37-01.00   37-06.00
  7 Ribiero, Randy               Sherwood            37-03.50   37-05.00
  8 Bowis, Robert                Winston Chur        36-04.50   36-04.00

Event 33  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims
  1 Freeman, Bailee              Clarksburg          16-02.75   15-09.50q
  2 Harris, Page                 Clarksburg          17-06.00   15-09.00q
  3 Pinckney, Lindsay            Springbrook         16-09.50   15-01.50q
  4 Putman, Evelyn               Sherwood            16-00.00   14-11.50q
  5 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur        15-00.00   14-08.50q
  6 Kish, Peace                  James Hubert        13-10.00   14-07.00q
  7 Brand, Molly                 Richard Mont        13-05.25   13-10.00q
  8 Smith, Samantha              Richard Mont        13-01.00   13-08.50q
  9 Ng, Victoria                 Springbrook         12-04.00   13-07.00
 10 Penda, Diane                 Clarksburg          13-00.00   12-08.00
 11 Aubinoe, Savannah            Winston Chur        14-03.00   12-05.50
 12 Weiner, emily                Seneca Valle        14-02.00   11-10.50
 13 Stanton, Alexandra           Winston Chur        12-02.00   11-09.50
 14 Weiner, Esther               Seneca Valle        12-09.00   11-06.00
 15 Pinckney, Taylor             Springbrook         11-04.00   10-11.00
 -- Deal, Shanel                 Oxon Hill           16-10.00         ND
 -- Dabney, Ashley               Wheaton                              ND
 -- Bulter, Taylor               Oxon Hill           17-01.50         ND
 -- Baldwin, Claire              Montgomery B        12-10.25         ND
 -- Carrasco, Megan              Richard Mont        12-06.00         ND
 -- Sutton, Sierra               Montgomery B        11-09.00         ND
 -- Fox, Marqia                  Wheaton             12-00.00         ND
 -- Tang-How, Gina               Seneca Valle        14-00.00         ND
 -- Linwood, Kiara               Oxon Hill           16-00.00         ND
 -- Rhuebottom, Loren            James Hubert        12-08.00         ND

Event 33  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Harris, Page                 Clarksburg          15-09.00   16-10.50
  2 Freeman, Bailee              Clarksburg          15-09.50   16-07.50
  3 Putman, Evelyn               Sherwood            14-11.50   15-06.00
  3 Pinckney, Lindsay            Springbrook         15-01.50   15-06.00
  5 Polite, Serenah              Winston Chur        14-08.50   14-08.50
  6 Kish, Peace                  James Hubert        14-07.00   14-07.00
  7 Brand, Molly                 Richard Mont        13-10.00   13-10.00
  8 Smith, Samantha              Richard Mont        13-08.50   13-08.50

Event 34  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Taylor, Rico                 Wheaton              6-08.00    6-04.00
  2 Collins, Sam                 Clarksburg                      5-10.00
  3 Whitaker, Ian                Winston Chur         5-10.00    5-08.00
  4 Clark, Ace                   Clarksburg                     J5-08.00
  5 Alvarado, Pedro              Winston Chur         6-00.00    5-06.00
  5 Barrett, Alex                Bethesda-Che         5-06.00    5-06.00
  7 Henderson, Justin            Richard Mont         6-00.00   J5-06.00
  8 Adams, Donnell               Springbrook          5-10.00    5-04.00
  8 Akyen, Paul                  Clarksburg                      5-04.00
 10 Stanton, Michael             Winston Chur         5-08.00    5-02.00
 10 Ogbonna, Mike                James Hubert         5-06.00    5-02.00
 10 Roberts, Tyrone              Seneca Valle         5-00.00    5-02.00
 10 Asante, Kwabena              James Hubert         5-06.00    5-02.00
 14 Ribiero, Randy               Sherwood                        5-00.00
 14 Mariko, Shahidou             Richard Mont         5-02.00    5-00.00
 -- Prince, Cody                 Bethesda-Che                         NH
 -- Ramsey, Jerome               Rockville            5-02.00         NH
 -- Daley, Darren                Rockville            5-00.00         NH
 -- Wilson, Robert               Wheaton              5-08.00         NH
 -- Gaitan, Josue                Rockville            5-02.00         NH

Event 35  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims
  1 King, Octavia                James Hubert          115-10  107-05.50q
  2 Opiekun, Christie            Clarksburg             72-10      89-03q
  3 White, Milan                 Springbrook            78-09      81-08q
  4 Logan, Katilin               Sherwood               67-09   74-01.50q
  5 Portillo, Xiomara            Seneca Valle           78-00      71-03q
  6 Owusu-Mainoo, Virginia       Seneca Valle           59-00      68-06q
  7 Lien, Christine              James Hubert           70-05      65-10q
  8 Osman, Riham                 Clarksburg             65-00   65-05.50q
  9 Astrove, Michelle            Winston Chur           69-05   59-06.50
 10 Scanlon, Elizabeth           Sherwood               59-03   59-05.50
 11 Weiner, Erica                Seneca Valle           67-00      58-08
 12 Feldbyum, Vivian             Richard Mont                      58-07
 13 Koenick, Lori                Winston Chur           52-03      58-03
 14 Nurse, Lauren                Richard Mont           68-00   57-08.50
 15 Meltzer, Rachel              Bethesda-Che           53-04   53-08.50
 16 Romaine, Patty               Bethesda-Che           46-02      51-06
 17 Jones, Arieyl                James Hubert           50-00      48-08
 18 Dagalakis, Maria             Winston Chur           50-05      43-07

Event 35  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 King, Octavia                James Hubert        07-05.50  107-05.50
  2 Opiekun, Christie            Clarksburg             89-03   91-02.50
  3 Owusu-Mainoo, Virginia       Seneca Valle           68-06   83-07.50
  4 White, Milan                 Springbrook            81-08      81-08
  5 Logan, Katilin               Sherwood            74-01.50   74-01.50
  6 Portillo, Xiomara            Seneca Valle           71-03      71-03
  7 Lien, Christine              James Hubert           65-10      65-10
  8 Osman, Riham                 Clarksburg          65-05.50   65-05.50

Event 36  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims
  1 Thompson, Rob                Clarksburg          43-09.00   49-07.00q
  2 Wang, Victor                 Montgomery B        46-00.00   47-09.00q
  3 Jeffers, Ian                 Springbrook         43-06.00   41-00.50q
  4 Roylance, Michael            Winston Chur        39-00.00   40-11.00q
  5 Elhage, Nadim                Winston Chur        39-00.00   39-01.00q
  6 Berger, Adam                 Sherwood            41-01.50   38-11.00q
  7 Johns, Lucas                 Richard Mont        37-06.00   38-08.50q
  8 Awe, Busaiyo                 Richard Mont        40-01.00   38-04.25q
  9 Banks, Charles               Bethesda-Che        40-02.00   38-04.00
 10 Kamerow, Eli                 Bethesda-Che        39-05.50   38-00.00
 11 Nassabeh, Brandon            Seneca Valle        40-00.00   37-03.00
 12 Dudley, Miajah               Richard Mont        38-07.00   36-07.50
 13 Smith, Christian             Clarksburg          45-09.50   35-04.00
 14 Gomez, Dylan                 James Hubert                   34-11.50
 14 Ibiebele, Abiye              Clarksburg          33-00.00   34-11.50
 16 Tzeuton, Serge               James Hubert                   34-02.00
 17 Opara, Emeka                 Sherwood            27-00.00   31-09.00
 18 Ganbin, Brendon              Sherwood            37-05.50   31-07.50
 19 Hunter, Avery                James Hubert        32-09.00   28-10.00
 -- Phongroop, Nuttarpong        Wheaton             23-11.50         ND
 -- Beauvil, Chris               Springbrook         29-00.00         ND
 -- Marks, Brian                 Rockville           21-00.00         ND
 -- Tsapdong, Arthur             Montgomery B                         ND
 -- Altman, Brian                Bethesda-Che        32-09.00         ND
 -- Kumm, Henry                  Winston Chur        32-08.00         ND
 -- Brylawski, Blair             James Hubert        34-09.00         ND
 -- Jeffries, Eddie              Rockville           38-00.00         ND
 -- Ramsey, Jerome               Rockville           30-00.00         ND
 -- Viriya, Tanasak              Wheaton             28-10.00         ND
 -- Campbell, Stephen            James Hubert        30-06.00         ND
 -- Ortaga, David                Seneca Valle        30-00.00         ND

Event 36  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Thompson, Rob                Clarksburg          49-07.00   50-03.00
  2 Wang, Victor                 Montgomery B        47-09.00   49-07.75
  3 Jeffers, Ian                 Springbrook         41-00.50   42-01.50
  4 Roylance, Michael            Winston Chur        40-11.00   40-11.00
  5 Elhage, Nadim                Winston Chur        39-01.00   39-01.00
  6 Awe, Busaiyo                 Richard Mont        38-04.25   38-05.00
  7 Berger, Adam                 Sherwood            38-11.00   35-11.00
  8 Johns, Lucas                 Richard Mont        38-08.50   35-07.00