BCPS League Meet @ Loch Raven-1 2023 vs BCPS League Meet @ Towson 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +38 150 112
Overall Average -1:14.42 24:19.44 25:33.86
1st-10th Place -36.52 18:46.33 19:22.85
1st-25th Place -1:07.09 19:27.94 20:35.04
1st-50th Place -1:41.29 20:24.57 22:05.86
1st-100th Place -2:39.87 22:00.60 24:40.46
Common Athletes -- -- 65
Ran Faster 53 59 6
Ran Season Best -- 1 1
Average Time -1:31.59 24:04.79 25:36.39
Median Time -1:34.10 23:38.20 25:12.30
Middle 80% Times -1:38.46 23:58.60 25:37.05
Top 10% Times -30.80 19:07.03 19:37.83
Top 25% Times -1:11.76 20:15.44 21:27.20
Top 50% Times -1:11.96 21:33.06 22:45.02
Bottom 50% Times -1:48.45 25:52.74 27:41.19
Bottom 25% Times -2:07.06 28:10.66 30:17.71
Bottom 10% Times -1:51.90 30:16.48 32:08.38
Average Difference -1:31.59 -- --
Median Difference -1:48.90 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:34.82 -- --
Top 10% Difference -26.17 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:10.34 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:09.43 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:10.34 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:53.37 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:13.92 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:15.93 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Sean Trader Franklin High School -2:49.20 18:39.10 21:28.30
Kieran Mischke Towson High School -0.40 18:39.30 18:39.70
Evan Cline Towson High School -2.20 18:39.50 18:41.70
Jack Blanchfield Towson High School +22.80 19:16.30 18:53.50
Trent Raffaelli Towson High School +18.70 19:36.10 19:17.40
Theodore Brown Towson High School +17.50 19:37.20 19:19.70
Zane Wehye Franklin High School -2:28.39 19:21.70 21:50.09
Jameson Trumbauer Towson High School -1:10.40 19:54.10 21:04.50
Oliver Holman Nall Towson High School -1:30.69 20:50.90 22:21.59
Henry Nayvac Towson High School -1:57.20 20:51.10 22:48.30
Kenji Ignacio Yamada Towson High School -2:03.90 20:52.10 22:56.00
David Sembly Franklin High School -2:30.90 21:07.50 23:38.40
Carter Frick Dulaney High School -2:13.80 21:17.70 23:31.50
Jack Dobrosielski Towson High School -1:27.50 21:18.70 22:46.20
Nolan Kahalas Dulaney High School -2:09.69 21:22.40 23:32.09
Griffin Tran Towson High School -1:33.59 21:29.20 23:02.79
Andrew Robinson Towson High School -1:26.60 21:29.60 22:56.20
Sebastian Rivera-Alicea Dulaney High School -1:41.90 21:51.80 23:33.70
Ethan Goldman Dulaney High School +1:59.10 23:57.90 21:58.80
Alexandra Lohse Towson High School -1:01.40 22:04.80 23:06.20
Patrick Brayton Dulaney High School -1:32.79 22:25.80 23:58.59
Austen Specht Towson High School -1:11.60 22:37.60 23:49.20
Ryan Russell Dulaney High School -54.00 22:37.80 23:31.80
Brandon Barboza Towson High School -1:00.09 22:40.00 23:40.09
Emmett Kimball Towson High School -1:24.09 22:44.70 24:08.79
Rowan Gorkos Towson High School -2:10.80 23:00.90 25:11.70
Logan Nesspor Towson High School -48.80 23:01.40 23:50.20
Colin McCloskey Towson High School -1:57.20 23:04.30 25:01.50
Jack Anderson Towson High School -3:01.50 23:18.70 26:20.20
Albert Li Towson High School -1:48.90 23:23.40 25:12.30
Jacob Ervin Dulaney High School -44.90 23:25.10 24:10.00
Jamison Rectanus Towson High School -32.40 23:26.00 23:58.40
David Aiden-Fuller Dulaney High School -2:20.40 23:28.10 25:48.50
Harry Mitchell Dulaney High School -50.89 23:38.20 24:29.09
Neha Manickam Dulaney High School -35.00 23:42.50 24:17.50
Gabe Downey Franklin High School -3:26.30 23:44.70 27:11.00
William Budlow Towson High School -1:40.00 24:02.90 25:42.90
Spencer Parsons Towson High School -1:38.59 24:15.50 25:54.09
Isabel Backer Towson High School -1:13.10 24:32.70 25:45.80
Natalie Kral Towson High School -1:00.30 24:33.70 25:34.00
Artem Chalov Franklin High School -59.20 25:26.60 26:25.80
Rico Hall Franklin High School -2:57.10 25:36.90 28:34.00
Eleanor Bowman Dulaney High School -44.90 25:37.40 26:22.30
Evan Plunkert Dulaney High School -56.70 25:38.20 26:34.90
Maritza Sampson Franklin High School -2:11.70 25:40.10 27:51.80
Haley Kim Dulaney High School -59.90 25:54.60 26:54.50
Payton Chism Franklin High School -2:24.20 26:06.10 28:30.30
Lucia Martinez Dulaney High School -57.00 26:09.50 27:06.50
Ryan Redmond Dulaney High School -1:31.99 26:20.60 27:52.59
Cavan Kester Dulaney High School -3:15.40 26:23.30 29:38.70
Noah Hileman Dulaney High School -4:12.10 26:37.10 30:49.20
Steven Flores Franklin High School -2:09.90 26:42.00 28:51.90
Sylvia Fordham Towson High School -2:21.79 26:42.50 29:04.29
Libby Scherer Towson High School -52.60 26:43.30 27:35.90
Jaeger Willis Hepp Dulaney High School -2:45.99 26:43.60 29:29.59
Solomon Bohorquez Dulaney High School -3:29.60 26:55.90 30:25.50
Audrey Sorensen Towson High School -33.50 26:56.40 27:29.90
Sabine Davis Towson High School -2:02.90 27:01.10 29:04.00
Carly Katauskas Dulaney High School -5:13.40 27:20.00 32:33.40
Isabella Gehman Dulaney High School -1:35.40 27:22.60 28:58.00
Gabriella Drayton Dulaney High School -1:52.10 28:18.20 30:10.30
Alya Chawaf Dulaney High School -1:00.49 28:58.60 29:59.09
Hollise Sikora Towson High School +49.00 30:54.20 30:05.20
Bradley Barboza Towson High School +3:07.50 33:14.90 30:07.40
Karla Carrillo Franklin High School -5:00.79 35:46.90 40:47.69