Magruder Invitational 2009

Derwood, MD

Varsity A Boys

Magruder High School                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                 Magruder Cross Country Invitational - 9/11/2009                 
                             Agricultural Farm Park                              
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 3  Men 5k Run CC VARSITY A
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Puffett, Cory                DeMatha Catholic      15:41.10    1             
  2 Ledder, Billy                Gonzaga College       15:57.00    2             
  3 McGowan, John                Sidwell Friends       16:06.20    3             
  4 Reams, Jackson     R         Sherwood              16:06.80    4             
  5 Leibold, Collin              Gonzaga College       16:28.70    5             
  6 Graves, Kyle                 Our Lady Of           16:35.90    6             
  7 Riely, Jack                  Our Lady Of           16:49.50    7             
  8 Strabo, Jack                 Landon                16:55.20    8             
  9 Miller, Chris                Northwest             16:55.70    9             
 10 Elhage, Tarek                Winston Churchill     16:58.20   10             
 11 Rheingold, Justin            Winston Churchill     17:01.10   11             
 12 Zeiss, Ben                   Gonzaga College       17:04.90   12             
 13 Fitzgerald, Michael          Our Lady Of           17:06.90   13             
 14 Weinstein, Zachary           Winston Churchill     17:07.30   14             
 15 Ryan, Connor                 Gonzaga College       17:11.40   15             
 16 Fleury, Will                 Gonzaga College       17:13.40   16             
 17 Gilman, Luke                 Broadneck             17:14.40   17             
 18 Wilson, Kyle                 Sidwell Friends       17:18.30   18             
 19 Hageman, Sean                Leonardtown           17:19.70   19             
 20 Gerson, Eliot                Bethesda-Che          17:20.20   20             
 21 Oechsel, Brian               Leonardtown           17:20.90   21             
 22 Conway, Will                 Winston Churchill     17:22.40   22             
 23 Hogan, Kevin       J         Sherwood              17:22.80   23             
 24 Pitts, Kevin                 Gonzaga College       17:24.80   24             
 25 Narang, Jatin                Clarksburg            17:28.70   25             
 26 Kim, Matthew                 Sidwell Friends       17:29.10   26             
 27 Shannon, Luke                Winston Churchill     17:29.70   27             
 28 Spaulding, Conor             Quince Orchard        17:30.20   28             
 29 Damtoft, Eric                Bethesda-Che          17:30.70   29             
 30 Lewis, Fran                  Gonzaga College       17:31.10   30             
 31 Brendan, Stepek              Gaithersburg          17:31.70   31             
 32 Laratta, Evan                Quince Orchard        17:35.00   32             
 33 Balderson, Nicholas          Sherwood              17:35.80   33             
 34 Mechak, Mark                 Col. Zadok Magruder   17:38.00   34             
 35 Wise, Willy                  Springbrook           17:38.80   35             
 36 Masuoka, Sei                 Winston Churchill     17:39.50   36             
 37 Crozier, Mike                Gonzaga College       17:40.10                  
 38 Sonken, Bobby                Northwest             17:41.80   37             
 39 Henriksen, James             Our Lady Of           17:43.60   38             
 40 McNamara, Thomas             Quince Orchard        17:44.10   39             
 41 Poulain, Olivier             Northwest             17:44.70   40             
 42 Stepek, Shane                Gaithersburg          17:46.50   41             
 43 Wentworth, Avery             Broadneck             17:47.90   42             
 44 Johnson, Milo                Albert Einstein       17:51.60   43             
 45 Brockett, Nathan             Our Lady Of           17:54.40   44             
 46 Severynse, Will              Thomas S Wootton      17:54.80   45             
 47 Ponse, Ryan                  Leonardtown           17:55.30   46             
 48 Greene, Kevin                Gonzaga College       17:56.00                  
 49 Austin, Nathan               Rockville             17:57.20   47             
 50 Obrzut, Steven               Northwest             17:58.80   48             
 51 Cleaver, Ryan                Broadneck             18:00.50   49             
 52 Brennan, Jacob               Northwest             18:01.00   50             
 53 Morales, Mike                Northwest             18:01.60   51             
 54 Hassler, Gabriel             St John's College     18:03.00   52             
 55 Daley, Russ                  Clarksburg            18:10.10   53             
 56 Meringolo, Allen             Our Lady Of           18:10.90   54             
 57 Abebe, Dagmawi               Col. Zadok Magruder   18:11.90   55             
 58 Sweet, Mark                  Leonardtown           18:12.70   56             
 59 Haudenschild, Christian      Thomas S Wootton      18:15.00   57             
 60 Foo, Sam                     St John's College     18:17.00   58             
 61 Kazunas, James               Our Lady Of           18:17.80   59             
 62 Popeck, Alex                 Sherwood              18:18.50   60             
 63 Blake, Tyler                 Leonardtown           18:18.90   61             
 64 Tockman, Kyle                Sherwood              18:19.10   62             
 65 Shelley, Patrick             Northwood             18:19.50   63             
 66 Kim, Alex                    Winston Churchill     18:20.40   64             
 67 Connor, Connor               DeMatha Catholic      18:21.10   65             
 68 Catterall, Philip            Bethesda-Che          18:26.00   66             
 69 Wu, Handson                  Thomas S Wootton      18:26.40   67             
 70 Macfarland, Neil             Broadneck             18:28.40   68             
 71 Reumante, Enricco            Northwood             18:29.50   69             
 72 Sullivan, Scott              Northwood             18:30.00   70             
 73 Rosenberg, Adam              Winston Churchill     18:30.20                  
 74 Simpson, Nick                Albert Einstein       18:31.20   71             
 75 Wohl, Kenny                  Thomas S Wootton      18:34.90   72             
 76 Dallavecchia, Ricky          Landon                18:35.30   73             
 77 Mastalli-Kelly, Luke         Sidwell Friends       18:35.60   74             
 78 Danoff, Corey                Quince Orchard        18:36.40   75             
 79 Abdool, Daniel               Col. Zadok Magruder   18:39.40   76             
 80 Robinson-McCoy, Jalen        DeMatha Catholic      18:41.20   77             
 81 Carey, Tim                   Leonardtown           18:41.80   78             
 82 Zerby, Andrew                Quince Orchard        18:42.20   79             
 83 Tateyama, Philip             Broadneck             18:42.90   80             
 84 Smith, Luke                  Thomas S Wootton      18:45.50   81             
 85 Dougherty, Ryan              Landon                18:47.30   82             
 86 Borg, John                   Northwest             18:47.90   83             
 87 Anna, Teddy                  Broadneck             18:48.30   84             
 88 Brill, Adam                  Landon                18:48.60   85             
 89 Wise, Ruben                  Bishop McNamara       18:48.90   86             
 90 Osgood, Forrest              Rockville             18:50.20   87             
 91 Thomas, Harper               Sidwell Friends       18:51.10   88             
 92 Ossolinski, Mark             Sidwell Friends       18:52.80   89             
 93 Romney, Daniel               Northwest             18:53.40                  
 94 Rivers, Sam                  Albert Einstein       18:53.90   90             
 95 Shahinian, Simon             Winston Churchill     18:54.60                  
 96 Pasti, Michael               Col. Zadok Magruder   18:57.00   91             
 97 Johnson, Onyx                DeMatha Catholic      18:58.00   92             
 98 Harrison, Christian          Bishop McNamara       18:59.10   93             
 99 Barnhard, Peter              Springbrook           18:59.70   94             
100 Duggan, Brendan              Our Lady Of           19:02.50                  
101 Rogers, Nathaniel            Our Lady Of           19:04.50                  
102 Ryan, Jamie                  Quince Orchard        19:05.50   95             
103 Brewer, John                 DeMatha Catholic      19:09.00   96             
104 Moores, Geoffrey             Quince Orchard        19:12.80   97             
105 Padgett, Chris               Leonardtown           19:13.70   98             
106 Brody, Jared                 Col. Zadok Magruder   19:14.80   99             
107 Ardanuy, Jeremy              Montgomery Blair      19:15.40  100             
108 Borten, Michael              Quince Orchard        19:15.90                  
109 Boothman, Adam               Albert Einstein       19:16.70  101             
110 Steinbach, David             Sidwell Friends       19:17.10  102             
111 Modarres, Ceena              Landon                19:19.00  103             
112 Ceruzzi, Andrew              Albert Einstein       19:19.20  104             
113 O'Connor, Brian              Clarksburg            19:19.90  105             
114 Williams, Jon                St John's College     19:20.00  106             
115 Tracey, John                 St John's College     19:20.40  107             
116 Hackett, Joel                Clarksburg            19:20.70  108             
117 Arrazola, Sebastian          Col. Zadok Magruder   19:21.50  109             
118 Riddell, Serge               St John's College     19:22.20  110             
119 Johnson, Steven              Sherwood              19:22.90  111             
120 Kelley, Martin               St John's College     19:23.40  112             
121 O'Neill, Alex                St John's College     19:23.70  113             
122 Wong, Robbie                 Clarksburg            19:23.90  114             
123 Hyde, Brad                   Seneca Valley         19:24.10  115             
124 Jacobin, Joe                 St John's College     19:24.60                  
125 Dorsey, Julien               Bethesda-Che          19:25.20  116             
126 Uthus, Evan                  Broadneck             19:26.20  117             
127 Crouch, Andrew               Bethesda-Che          19:27.00  118             
128 Morrison, Lucas              Bethesda-Che          19:30.30  119             
129 Smith, Worth                 Landon                19:30.80  120             
130 Joseph, Prince               Northwest             19:31.60                  
131 Trumble, Matt                Gaithersburg          19:32.40  121             
132 Ajayi, Jeff                  DeMatha Catholic      19:34.80  122             
133 Pollak, Gabe                 Montgomery Blair      19:36.50  123             
134 Janowitz, Michael            Thomas S Wootton      19:37.10  124             
135 Carlson, Matthew             John F Kennedy        19:38.90  125             
136 Harvey, Duncan               Landon                19:39.40  126             
137 Falvey, Jack                 Landon                19:40.00                  
138 Frampus, Patrick             Bethesda-Che          19:40.10  127             
139 Richter, Nicholas            Bethesda-Che          19:43.60                  
140 Johnson, Joe                 Gaithersburg          19:44.40  128             
141 Hahn, Nick                   Thomas S Wootton      19:44.90  129             
142 Sapp, Samuel                 Sherwood              19:45.60  130             
143 Trever, Reed                 Gaithersburg          19:49.00  131             
144 Ligon, Ryan                  Leonardtown           19:50.40                  
145 Jones, Thad                  Sidwell Friends       19:51.40                  
146 Estes, Peter                 Sidwell Friends       19:56.70                  
147 Broussard, Thomas            Rockville             19:57.80  132             
148 Nickerson, Maalik            DeMatha Catholic      20:02.50  133             
149 Feather, Matthew             Bishop McNamara       20:04.90  134             
150 Cheng, Timothy               Springbrook           20:07.50  135             
151 Moore, Austin                Northwood             20:07.90  136             
152 DeCarlo, Nick                Col. Zadok Magruder   20:09.40  137             
153 Ochoa, Patrick               Col. Zadok Magruder   20:11.50                  
154 Hewes, Daniel                Thomas S Wootton      20:13.50                  
155 Zhu, Henry                   Landon                20:14.30                  
156 Portner, Daniel              Sherwood              20:14.60                  
157 Ferentinos, Matt             Col. Zadok Magruder   20:16.40                  
158 Reddan, Adam        P        Sherwood              20:17.20                  
159 Bisht, Mohit                 Clarksburg            20:18.10  138             
160 Norris, Corey                Northwest             20:25.90                  
161 Weaver, Zecheria             Leonardtown           20:29.00                  
162 Cruz, Joshua                 Clarksburg            20:30.90  139             
163 Koita, Omar                  Watkins Mill          20:31.50  140             
164 Rivers, Daniel Morgan        Wheaton               20:33.70  141             
165 Giblin, Peter                Albert Einstein       20:35.00  142             
166 Boyce, Kaifa                 Gaithersburg          20:35.90  143             
167 Dreyfuss, Ziv                Albert Einstein       20:36.50  144             
168 Righetti, Shaun              John F Kennedy        20:36.80  145             
169 Doukoure, Mamadou            Gaithersburg          20:38.70  146             
170 Hicks, Sonny                 Bishop McNamara       20:40.80  147             
171 Ahmad, Ramiz                 Gaithersburg          20:45.00                  
172 Magruder, Ryan               Bishop McNamara       20:49.40  148             
173 Kehne, Gregory               Montgomery Blair      20:52.10  149             
174 Leonard, Peter               Montgomery Blair      20:52.30  150             
175 Baummer, Devin               Broadneck             20:53.30                  
176 Cadigan, Brian               Rockville             20:54.30  151             
177 Getachew, Betseat            DeMatha Catholic      20:54.60                  
178 Landau, Andrew               Thomas S Wootton      20:55.00                  
179 Curcio-Rudy, Anthony         Montgomery Blair      20:55.30  152             
180 Volkman, Nick                Rockville             20:55.50  153             
181 Morrison, William            John F Kennedy        20:55.80  154             
182 Thibodeau, Jackson           Broadneck             20:58.10                  
183 Gaskins, Avery               Bishop McNamara       21:09.00  155             
184 Moorefield, Corey            John F Kennedy        21:13.70  156             
185 Asfaw, Sorre                 Springbrook           21:16.50  157             
186 Chicas, Nelson               Wheaton               21:18.80  158             
187 Nguyen, Tin                  Wheaton               21:22.40  159             
188 Tong, Darren                 Springbrook           21:30.50  160             
189 Gordon, Wesley               Bishop McNamara       21:39.10  161             
190 Mok, Kevin                   Springbrook           21:42.10  162             
191 Danielsen, Robin             Seneca Valley         21:45.70  163             
192 Watts, Harrell               Bishop McNamara       21:47.50                  
193 Jaso, Garrett                Northwood             21:52.20  164             
194 Colin, Thatcher              Seneca Valley         21:53.30  165             
195 Roa, Damien                  John F Kennedy        21:58.20  166             
196 Duong, Tai                   Wheaton               21:59.10  167             
197 Halambe, Chataranga          Rockville             22:00.90  168             
198 Gubas, Jacob                 Watkins Mill          22:07.60  169             
199 White, Barron                Clarksburg            22:11.70                  
200 Hassen, Ismail               Wheaton               22:15.10  170             
201 Walderhaug, Albert           Northwood             22:15.10  171             
202 Boliek, Austin               Northwood             22:15.10  172             
203 Horimbere, Landry            Springbrook           22:15.10  173             
204 Peay, Cody                   John F Kennedy        22:15.10  174             
205 Zecha, Andrew                Rockville             22:15.10  175             
206 Gao, Daniel                  Wheaton               22:15.10  176             
207 Enriquez, Steven             Wheaton               22:15.10  177             
208 Hussain, Adam                Springbrook           22:15.10                  
209 Michaeloff, Zach             Rockville             22:15.10                  
210 Hall, Nicholas               Northwood             22:15.10                  
211 Mattocks, Christopher        Bishop McNamara       22:15.10                  
212 Sauter, Neil                 Northwood             22:15.10                  
213 Briner, Stephen              Watkins Mill          22:15.10  178             
214 Pareja-Lecaros, Alvaro       Watkins Mill          22:15.10  179             
215 Kidwell, Grey                Watkins Mill          22:15.10  180             
216 Moran, Brian                 Rockville             22:15.10                  
217 Mollaneda, Patrick           Wheaton               22:15.10                  
218 Williams, Tyler              Watkins Mill          22:15.10  181             
219 Guy, Kevin                   Seneca Valley         22:15.10  182             
220 Sandeep, Bedi                Watkins Mill          22:15.10  183             
221 Tran, Philip                 Seneca Valley         22:15.10  184             
222 Pauley, Nathaniel            Seneca Valley         22:15.10  185             
223 Sighn, Raj                   John F Kennedy        22:15.10  186             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Gonzaga College              50    2    5   12   15   16   24   30          
      Total Time:  1:23:55.40                                                    
         Average:    16:47.08                                                    
   2 Winston Churchill            84   10   11   14   22   27   36   64          
      Total Time:  1:25:58.70                                                    
         Average:    17:11.74                                                    
   3 Our Lady Of Good Counsel    108    6    7   13   38   44   54   59          
      Total Time:  1:26:10.30                                                    
         Average:    17:14.06                                                    
   4 Sherwood                    182    4   23   33   60   62  111  130          
      Total Time:  1:27:43.00                                                    
         Average:    17:32.60                                                    
   5 Northwest                   184    9   37   40   48   50   51   83          
      Total Time:  1:28:22.00                                                    
         Average:    17:40.40                                                    
   6 Leonardtown                 203   19   21   46   56   61   78   98          
      Total Time:  1:29:07.50                                                    
         Average:    17:49.50                                                    
   7 Sidwell Friends             209    3   18   26   74   88   89  102          
      Total Time:  1:28:20.30                                                    
         Average:    17:40.06                                                    
   8 Quince Orchard              253   28   32   39   75   79   95   97          
      Total Time:  1:30:07.90                                                    
         Average:    18:01.58                                                    
   9 Broadneck                   256   17   42   49   68   80   84  117          
      Total Time:  1:30:14.10                                                    
         Average:    18:02.82                                                    
  10 Thomas S Wootton            322   45   57   67   72   81  124  129          
      Total Time:  1:31:56.60                                                    
         Average:    18:23.32                                                    
  11 DeMatha Catholic            331    1   65   77   92   96  122  133          
      Total Time:  1:30:50.40                                                    
         Average:    18:10.08                                                    
  12 Bethesda-Chevy Chase        349   20   29   66  116  118  119  127          
      Total Time:  1:32:09.10                                                    
         Average:    18:25.82                                                    
  13 Landon                      351    8   73   82   85  103  120  126          
      Total Time:  1:32:25.40                                                    
         Average:    18:29.08                                                    
  14 Col. Zadok Magruder         355   34   55   76   91   99  109  137          
      Total Time:  1:32:41.10                                                    
         Average:    18:32.22                                                    
  15 Clarksburg                  405   25   53  105  108  114  138  139          
      Total Time:  1:33:43.30                                                    
         Average:    18:44.66                                                    
  16 Albert Einstein             409   43   71   90  101  104  142  144          
      Total Time:  1:33:52.60                                                    
         Average:    18:46.52                                                    
  17 St John's College           433   52   58  106  107  110  112  113          
      Total Time:  1:34:22.60                                                    
         Average:    18:52.52                                                    
  18 Gaithersburg                452   31   41  121  128  131  143  146          
      Total Time:  1:34:24.00                                                    
         Average:    18:52.80                                                    
  19 Northwood                   502   63   69   70  136  164  171  172          
      Total Time:  1:37:19.10                                                    
         Average:    19:27.82                                                    
  20 Rockville                   570   47   87  132  151  153  168  175          
      Total Time:  1:38:35.00                                                    
         Average:    19:43.00                                                    
  21 Springbrook                 581   35   94  135  157  160  162  173          
      Total Time:  1:39:33.00                                                    
         Average:    19:54.60                                                    
  22 Bishop McNamara             608   86   93  134  147  148  155  161          
      Total Time:  1:39:23.10                                                    
         Average:    19:52.62                                                    
  23 Montgomery Blair            674  100  123  149  150  152                    
      Total Time:  1:41:31.60                                                    
         Average:    20:18.32                                                    
  24 John F Kennedy              746  125  145  154  156  166  174  186          
      Total Time:  1:44:23.40                                                    
         Average:    20:52.68                                                    
  25 Wheaton                     795  141  158  159  167  170  176  177          
      Total Time:  1:47:29.10                                                    
         Average:    21:29.82                                                    
  26 Seneca Valley               809  115  163  165  182  184  185               
      Total Time:  1:47:33.30                                                    
         Average:    21:30.66                                                    
  27 Watkins Mill                846  140  169  178  179  180  181  183          
      Total Time:  1:49:24.40                                                    
         Average:    21:52.88