Meet Information
Location: Prince George's Sports & Learning Complex (Landover, MD)
Date: Saturday, February 3, 2024
Final Meet Schedule to be announced
Entry Fees and Procedures
Entry deadline is Monday, January 29th at 7:00 PM.
C. Events and performances should be listed exactly as recorded at the meet with the seeding committee making the conversions.
1. Auto times are listed to the hundredth. Hand times are only listed to the next higher tenth and are never listed in hundredths. Hand times listed to the hundredth will not be accepted and may be considered a Sportsmanship issue.
2. Fully Automatic Times (FAT) Only Accepted in the 55m Dash, 55m Hurdles and 200m Dash.
3. Any performances considered as qualifying performances must be listed on the official results for the meet.
4. Times from the 3000m and the Mile will be accepted as qualifying times for the 3200m and 1600m respectively provided unconverted times are reported according to meet guidelines.
D. Relay teams should be entered listing all relay personnel and possible alternates. Coaches should enter up to eight athletes per relay. The actual participants will be listed on the card handed in at the time of the event. If an athlete is not on the teams roster submitted online, the relay team will be disqualified.
1. There will be no additional entries on meet day. An athlete must be on the teams submitted roster to participate in a relay.
E. If athletes are submitted to the State Meet in multiple events without the knowledge of whether they would be accepted in any of those events AND with the possibility that they could be accepted in all of the events, the coach must submit an email to Jim Fischer ( and John Amery ( stating which events they would accept in the event that they are accepted in some or all the events.
e.g. An athlete is entered in the 800m, 1600m, and 3200m, hoping to get into one of the events. If the athlete is accepted in two or all three of the events and doesn't wish to be in all three, the coach needs to send the email stating what their wishes are for that athlete.
Entry Procedures Timeline
A. Monday, January 29 at 7:00 PM: Entries due at ( including an email to Charlie Pollard ( and John Amery ( about event cancellation if athlete is accepted in multiple events.
B. Monday, January 29 at 9:00 PM: Team Entries will be emailed separately to each team (including athletes who may not make the meet)
C. Tuesday, January 30th at Noon: Corrections to entry list due. Corrections on Tuesday between 8:00 AM and Noon are subject to a $20.00 fine per correction.
D. Tuesday, January 30th at 7:00 PM: Seeding Meeting
E. Tuesday, January 30th at 10:00 PM: Complete list of Top 16 entries with performances posted and emailed to coaches.
F. Wednesday, January 31st at 8:00 AM: Heat Sheets finalized and Emailed to Coaches.
Entry Limitations and Requirements
1.There are Automatic Qualifying Standards in the Track Events and Minimum Performance Standards for Pole Vault and High Jump. See Indoor Manual on DIAA Site
Pole Vault Minimum Qualifying Standards: Girls - 6'6" Boys - 8'6"
High Jump Minimum Qualifying Standards: Girls - 4'6" Boys - 5'6"
2. Performances in any 2023-2024 DIAA sanctioned Indoor Season Meet must be used to meet the qualifying standards and minimum performance provided the official meet results are submitted as indicated.
3. These performances must be documented and will be checked by an indoor seeding committee.
4. A contestant may be entered in a total of four events (including relays) and a school may enter a maximum of three contestants per individual event and one team per relay race. All team entries in the 4 x 200 meter relay, the 4 x 400 meter relay and the 4 x 800 meter relay will be accepted.