Hawks freshman missed indoor season because of injury (via Gazette.net Gazette Maryland Community News)

This video was made to remind everyone why we are fighting this fight... why we are trying so hard to keep our team together. Spread the word... spread the link... spread the video. Thank you for those who participated in the video... and thank you to those who have been with us every step of the way so far. I hope that you not only enjoy the video, but that you may also find inspiration, comfort, and reassurance as well. Thank you.

Coach Young announcing to the girls the team scores. CONGRATS

Despite individual success, Lancers, Hawks unable to unseat Hereford for the team championships (via Gazette.net Gazette Maryland Community News)
The morning session of Saturday's cross country state championships belonged to the hosts. (via baltimoresun.com)
Montgomery County runs away with 4A competition, winning both team and individual championships

Leaders + Wootton; MPSSAA 4A XC Championships; Herford HS; November 12, 2011; times are approximate

Leaders + Wootton; MPSSAA 4A XC State Championships; Hereford HS; November 12, 2011; times are approximate
Evan Laratta Gaithersburg, Md. > Cross-Country Evan, a senior and co-captain at Quince Orchard High, ran a 16:00.82 to win the Montgomery County Championship 5K at Gaithersburg Farm Park for a personal record and his first-ever major varsity win. He dedicated his race to his mother, Judy, who is fighting cancer that has spread to her bones. She watched from the finish line as Evan pulled away from the race leaders with about 1,000 meters left after he heard his coach yell out, "Do it for your mother," and won by nearly nine seconds.
The big day is finally here! Public school championships, private school championships, NCAA regionals!