Scorpion Crawl 2012 vs Scorpion Crawl 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -35 126 161
Overall Average -20.24 20:45.40 21:05.63
1st-10th Place -7.03 17:01.48 17:08.51
1st-25th Place -14.23 17:20.32 17:34.55
1st-50th Place -7.92 17:58.00 18:05.92
1st-100th Place +15.79 19:33.15 19:17.36
Common Athletes -- -- 41
Ran Faster 39 40 1
Ran Season Best -12 29 41
Average Time -59.57 19:32.45 20:32.03
Median Time -1:17.40 19:23.60 20:41.00
Middle 80% Times -1:01.98 19:34.91 20:36.89
Top 10% Times -34.40 16:53.50 17:27.90
Top 25% Times -40.64 17:07.05 17:47.69
Top 50% Times -52.36 17:40.83 18:33.19
Bottom 50% Times -1:03.95 20:28.24 21:32.19
Bottom 25% Times -1:06.32 22:27.41 23:33.72
Bottom 10% Times -1:02.85 23:13.90 24:16.75
Average Difference -59.57 -- --
Median Difference -34.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -58.50 -- --
Top 10% Difference -34.20 -- --
Top 50% Difference -50.31 -- --
Top 25% Difference -35.37 -- --
Top 50% Difference -50.31 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:07.64 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:06.32 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:36.25 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Daniel Rau Howard High School -32.00 16:36.10 17:08.10
Christopher Heydrick River Hill High School -25.47 16:49.30 17:14.77
Ben Weinstein Mt. Hebron High School -49.25 16:50.20 17:39.45
Terry Tossman River Hill High School -24.53 17:04.00 17:28.53
Karl Schmidt Mt. Hebron High School -1:15.54 17:07.90 18:23.44
Marshall Demaree River Hill High School -39.76 17:08.90 17:48.66
Charles Moran Long Reach High School -54.23 17:11.10 18:05.33
Tom Brumbaugh Oakland Mills High School -47.71 17:17.00 18:04.71
Sam Edmondson Mt. Hebron High School -44.19 17:22.20 18:06.39
Andy Delaitsch Mt. Hebron High School -39.07 17:24.20 18:03.27
Gulraize Khan Marriotts Ridge High School -28.90 17:26.70 17:55.60
Michael Smith Mt. Hebron High School -1:01.20 17:42.20 18:43.40
Cameron Bowling Oakland Mills High School -1:53.16 17:44.60 19:37.76
Luke Filar Howard High School -1:15.26 17:45.90 19:01.16
Silas Buck Marriotts Ridge High School -58.93 17:48.90 18:47.83
Michael Bernal Marriotts Ridge High School -43.94 17:58.20 18:42.14
Ryan Hermstein Marriotts Ridge High School -4.01 18:05.80 18:09.81
Ralph Erickson Long Reach High School -1:42.27 18:19.70 20:01.97
Scott Seeman Howard High School -41.19 19:04.00 19:45.19
Rachel Yep Mt. Hebron High School -1:01.57 19:07.00 20:08.57
Brian Samples Long Reach High School -1:24.68 19:23.60 20:48.28
Rodwick Delrice Coppin Academy -1:43.05 19:58.50 21:41.55
Alyssa Hemler Oakland Mills High School -42.14 20:04.40 20:46.54
Angelica Yi River Hill High School -34.30 20:06.70 20:41.00
Sarah Brand Oakland Mills High School -2:20.27 20:08.40 22:28.67
Chelsea Vane Mt. Hebron High School -34.21 20:17.30 20:51.51
Becca Andersen River Hill High School -50.40 20:25.60 21:16.00
Caroline Haden Howard High School -33.14 20:31.90 21:05.04
Stacy Young River Hill High School -1:21.38 20:37.40 21:58.78
Courtney Colosimo River Hill High School -1:27.30 20:41.40 22:08.70
Abigail Whiting Marriotts Ridge High School -1:52.83 20:58.80 22:51.63
Lara Celtnieks Oakland Mills High School -1:56.49 21:23.80 23:20.29
Mackenzie Snyder Oakland Mills High School -59.54 21:46.60 22:46.14
Melissa Pratt Howard High School -1:01.33 22:01.60 23:02.93
Shannon Kirby Howard High School -2:21.14 22:02.90 24:24.04
Bailey Merrill Marriotts Ridge High School -2:50.49 22:38.30 25:28.79
Damon Brown Maurice J. McDonough High School -24.51 22:48.60 23:13.11
Abby Warman Marriotts Ridge High School -4.44 22:49.70 22:54.14
Gage Butler Maurice J. McDonough High School +14.42 23:13.70 22:59.28
Caroline Johnson Marriotts Ridge High School -23.79 23:23.40 23:47.19
Karon Moody Coppin Academy -29.33 23:54.10 24:23.43