Ann Arundel League Meet 5 2013

Pasadena, MD

Complete Results

Licensed to Northeast High School - MD HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/11/2013 09:07 PM
                       Inter-County Meet #5 - 4/11/2013                        
                      Anne Arundel County Public Schools                       
                             Northeast High School                             
Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Cluster, Morgan              Chesapeake-A           13.90      13.21   7  10   
  2 burrell, jordan              Severna Park           13.75      13.45   7   8   
  3 holloway, olivia             Severna Park           13.60      13.57   7   6   
  4 Bolander, Abigail            Southern-AA            14.90      13.72   5   3   
  4 staisloff, emma              Severna Park           14.11      13.72   7   3   
  6 Whitlock, Katie              Northeast-AA           13.70      13.87   7   1   
  7 Spriggs, Amber               Southern-AA            14.80      14.10   6 
  8 Clark, JeeVonya              Chesapeake-A           14.85      14.21   5 
  9 Roanne, Korie                Chesapeake-A           14.40      14.26   7 
 10 Dorsey, Camilla              Southern-AA            15.20      14.32   5 
 11 Montagua, Dorian             Old Mill                          14.33   2 
 11 Chance, Brianna              Old Mill                          14.33   3 
 13 schoener, fionna             Severna Park           14.11     x14.47   7 
 14 Shaw, Parris                 Old Mill                          14.48   3 
 15 Harris, Jacinta              Northeast-AA           14.70      14.50   6 
 16 Sterling, Jasmine            Old Mill                         x14.58   1 
 17 Canida, Ashley               Old Mill                         x14.60   3 
 18 muhammad, zakiya             Chesapeake-A           14.64     x14.61   6 
 19 dannessa, gina               Severna Park           14.43     x14.62   7 
 20 Johnson, Toni                Broadneck              14.81      14.64   6 
 21 Hayes, Marchelle             Old Mill                         x14.77   3 
 22 shawen, britini              Severna Park           15.02     x14.78   5 
 23 Thompson, Tiganne            Broadneck              15.34      14.99   4 
 24 Thomas, Aliyah               Old Mill                         x15.03   2 
 25 Gray, Miranda                Chesapeake-A           14.80     x15.04   6 
 26 Young, Candace               Old Mill                         x15.14   3 
 27 Reisinger, Nicole            Broadneck              14.79      15.20   6 
 28 Meier, Alicia                Southern-AA                      x15.23   1 
 29 Fitzgerald, MacKenzie        Southern-AA            14.50     x15.32   6 
 30 cornacchia, sumner           Severna Park                     x15.34   3 
 31 prengamen, haley             Severna Park           15.41     x15.38   4 
 32 Lockley, Chalisse            Northeast-AA           15.20      15.49   5 
 33 Valentine, ?                 Old Mill                          15.53   1 
 34 holmes, kayla                Severna Park                     x15.56   1 
 35 Hall, Courtney               Chesapeake-A                     x15.70   1 
 35 Gonzalez, Verlene            Old Mill                         x15.70   2 
 37 Evans, Brittany              Southern-AA            15.70     x15.77   4 
 38 forsyth, caroline            Severna Park           15.98     x15.97   4 
 39 davis, sierra                Severna Park           15.80     x16.04   4 
 40 Hynes, Kaitlyn               Southern-AA            15.30     x16.36   4 
 41 Nero, Briana                 Old Mill                         x16.55   3 
 42 Pratt, Shontel               Southern-AA            15.30     x16.70   5 
 43 Mills, Jakia                 Old Mill                         x16.87   4 
 44 Queen, Keirra                Old Mill                         x17.49   2 
Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Johnson, Ravyn               Broadneck              26.67      26.48   7  10   
  2 holloway, olivia             Severna Park           28.64      27.41   7   8   
  3 Cluster, Morgan              Chesapeake-A           27.90      27.43   7   6   
  4 Daniels, Taylor              Old Mill                          28.21   4   4   
  5 Wisherd, Kaylah              Broadneck              29.33      28.51   7   2   
  6 Feliciano, Rebecca           Old Mill                          28.72   2   1   
  7 Roanne, Korie                Chesapeake-A           30.78      28.79   6 
  8 Becker, Madeline             Broadneck              29.09      29.02   7 
  9 Miller, Ali                  Broadneck              29.14     x29.04   7 
 10 Montagua, Dorian             Old Mill                          29.09   2 
 11 Worgo, Gabi                  Broadneck              32.37     x29.33   5 
 11 Meister, Alyssa              Chesapeake-A                      29.33   3 
 13 Sterling, Jasmine            Old Mill                         x29.62   3 
 14 Young, Candace               Old Mill                         x29.63   4 
 15 Chance, Brianna              Old Mill                         x30.03   1 
 16 Johnson, Toni                Broadneck              31.81     x30.18   6 
 17 Kawaley, Claudine            Northeast-AA           31.10      30.28   6 
 18 Shaw, Parris                 Old Mill                         x30.38   3 
 18 Nguyen, LeAn                 Broadneck              30.69     x30.38   6 
 20 Meier, Alicia                Southern-AA            33.00      30.79   5 
 21 Kishis, Kara                 Broadneck              32.37     x31.06   5 
 22 Thomas, Aliyah               Old Mill                         x31.10   3 
 23 Harris, Jacinta              Northeast-AA           31.10      31.17   6 
 24 Thompson, Tiganne            Broadneck              34.54     x31.24   4 
 25 LaMarsh, Sydney              Chesapeake-A           29.00     x31.32   7 
 26 Couvillion, Cameron          Southern-AA            33.00      31.41   5 
 27 cornacchia, sumner           Severna Park                      31.50   3 
 28 prengamen, haley             Severna Park           32.02      31.88   6 
 29 Hall, Courtney               Chesapeake-A                     x32.07   3 
 30 forsyth, caroline            Severna Park           33.44     x32.53   5 
 31 davis, sierra                Severna Park           33.88     x32.66   5 
 32 Gonzalez, Verlene            Old Mill                         x32.81   3 
 33 Jacobs, Hayley               Chesapeake-A                     x32.94   2 
 34 Lockley, Chalisse            Northeast-AA           32.60      33.20   5 
 35 Oliver, Lily                 Southern-AA            34.00      33.44   5 
 36 Nero, Briana                 Old Mill                         x35.24   4 
 37 Hunt, Nykyra                 Old Mill                         x35.28   4 
 38 Gonzalez, Rey                Old Mill                         x36.91   4 
 39 Ameen, Aysha                 Northeast-AA                     x46.35   1 
Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Johnson, Ravyn               Broadneck            1:01.62    1:02.84   4  10   
  2 Wisherd, Kaylah              Broadneck            1:04.84    1:05.24   4   8   
  3 Becker, Madeline             Broadneck            1:04.54    1:07.19   4   6   
  4 welsh, margaret              Severna Park         1:06.90    1:07.94   4   4   
  5 knoch, sierra                Severna Park         1:07.80    1:08.11   4   2   
  6 Worgo, Gabi                  Broadneck            1:10.04   x1:08.89   3 
  7 Weeks, Karli                 Old Mill                        1:09.50   2   1   
  8 Miller, Ali                  Broadneck            1:00.00   x1:09.61   4 
  9 fanshawe, lauren             Severna Park         1:09.90    1:09.90   3 
 10 Meister, Alyssa              Chesapeake-A                    1:10.36   2 
 11 Nguyen, LeAn                 Broadneck            1:10.44   x1:11.32   3 
 12 Kishis, Kara                 Broadneck            1:03.40   x1:12.29   4 
 13 valvano, jessica             Severna Park         1:09.70   x1:13.06   3 
 14 cingel, joelle               Severna Park         1:10.01   x1:13.25   3 
 15 Sanders, Destiny             Chesapeake-A         1:09.00    1:14.28   3 
 16 Oliver, Lily                 Southern-AA          1:18.00    1:15.70   2 
 17 Hall, Courtney               Chesapeake-A         1:21.34    1:17.06   2 
 18 Merton, Amanda               Southern-AA                     1:24.03   2 
 19 Gonzalez, Rey                Old Mill                        1:27.31   2 
 20 Wilson, Rebecca              Northeast-AA         1:28.30    1:28.74   2 
 21 Lockley, Chalisse            Northeast-AA         1:27.10    1:30.95   2 
Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 knoch, sierra                Severna Park         2:39.00    2:36.47   2  10   
  2 vance, gabriella             Severna Park         2:40.00    2:40.39   2   8   
  3 fanshawe, lauren             Severna Park         2:55.00    2:45.03   2   6   
  4 welsh, margaret              Severna Park         2:47.00   x2:48.65   2 
  5 simmons, taylor              Severna Park         2:44.00   x2:51.11   2 
  6 slattery, emma               Severna Park         2:47.00   x2:51.59   2 
  7 cingel, joelle               Severna Park         2:57.00   x2:51.94   2 
  8 valvano, jessica             Severna Park         2:48.00   x2:53.61   2 
  9 simmons, kaitlin             Severna Park         2:53.00   x2:53.70   2 
 10 Beasley, Kayla               Old Mill             3:02.00    2:59.04   1   4   
 11 Yanchulis, Riley             Broadneck            2:58.00    3:01.64   2   2   
 12 Goetz, Samantha              Chesapeake-A         3:20.00    3:01.97   1   1   
 13 mata, e.                     Severna Park                    3:02.01   2 
 14 Frye, Micaela                Broadneck            3:00.00    3:05.66   2 
 15 Yearwood, Caroline           Broadneck            2:48.00    3:05.76   2 
 16 Montes, Romina               Old Mill                        3:09.87   2 
 17 crumling, sarah              Severna Park         3:10.00   x3:10.33   1 
 18 Argubright, Halie            Old Mill             3:13.00    3:10.69   1 
 19 McDermott, Lauren            Old Mill             3:15.00   x3:11.85   1 
 20 Rollins, Brooke              Chesapeake-A         3:25.00    3:15.24   1 
 21 Fitzgerald, Madeline         Southern-AA                     3:17.77   1 
 22 ritterpusch, kara            Chesapeake-A         3:28.00    3:21.94   1 
 23 Mack, Johanna                Northeast-AA         3:21.60    3:22.71   1 
 24 Reed, Casii                  Northeast-AA         3:28.40    3:24.49   1 
 25 Meyer, Rebecca               Chesapeake-A         3:35.00   x3:24.53   1 
 26 Wilson, Rebecca              Northeast-AA         3:51.50    3:26.75   1 
 27 Liberto, Rachel              Chesapeake-A         3:30.00   x3:32.05   1 
 28 Parker, Rachel               Chesapeake-A         3:30.00   x3:35.79   1 
Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 vance, gabriella             Severna Park         5:59.00    5:50.30   10   
  2 katz, kensey                 Severna Park         6:01.00    5:59.58    8   
  3 Kasprzyk, Mary               Southern-AA          5:59.00    6:02.20    6   
  4 simmons, taylor              Severna Park         6:01.00    6:14.48    4   
  5 Nettleton, Madeline          Chesapeake-A         6:11.00    6:16.46    2   
  6 simmons, kaitlin             Severna Park         6:12.00   x6:17.22  
  7 Weinstein, Leah              Broadneck            6:15.00    6:27.14    1   
  8 Kinter, Anna                 Chesapeake-A         6:22.00    6:27.21  
  9 summers, kelly               Severna Park                   x6:28.49  
 10 streaker, lilian             Severna Park                   x6:29.63  
 11 smith, caroline              Severna Park         6:31.00   x6:35.89  
 12 Marcum, Sarah                Broadneck            6:12.00    6:41.19  
 13 gjerloev, amalia             Severna Park         7:11.10   x6:48.35  
 14 shallue, shelby              Severna Park         6:59.10   x7:11.28  
 15 crumling, sarah              Severna Park                   x7:22.36  
 16 alton, jordan                Severna Park         7:14.00   x7:24.41  
 17 haughton, maddie             Severna Park                   x7:47.48  
 18 patterson, kaitlyn           Severna Park                   x8:15.30  
 19 boord, j                     Severna Park                    8:25.20  
 20 fisher, jenna                Severna Park                   x8:43.00  
Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 palmer, louisa               Severna Park        14:00.00   13:10.35   10   
  2 herschelman, lauren          Severna Park        13:41.00   13:11.22    8   
  3 Fitzgerald, MacKenzie        Southern-AA                    13:27.11    6   
  4 Brown, Michaela              Broadneck           13:50.00   13:44.06    4   
  5 Stag, Shannon                Broadneck           13:40.00   13:46.88    2   
  6 laird, k                     Severna Park                   13:57.27    1   
  7 doyle, lyla                  Severna Park        14:00.00  x13:57.41  
  8 hamracek, sydney             Severna Park        14:17.00  x13:59.11  
  9 Easthom, Greta               Broadneck           14:05.00   14:03.13  
 10 Coho, Taylor                 Chesapeake-A        14:23.00   14:07.96  
 11 finnerin, madison            Severna Park                  x14:10.74  
 12 sundel, charlotte            Severna Park                  x14:23.51  
 13 patrick, monica              Severna Park                  x15:34.61  
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Spriggs, Amber               Southern-AA            16.10      18.47   2  10   
  2 Powell, Robin                Chesapeake-A           18.59      18.76   2   8   
  3 Powell, Rebekah              Chesapeake-A           20.00      19.03   2   6   
  4 Bolander, Abigail            Southern-AA            15.80      19.53   2   4   
  5 Kelly, Maggie                Northeast-AA           19.40      20.00   2   2   
  6 Lawarence, Monika            Northeast-AA           20.20      20.08   2   1   
  7 Jones, Morgan                Chesapeake-A           21.40      20.63   2 
  8 Stallings, Alicca            Northeast-AA           20.50      20.99   2 
  9 Stocksdale, Talya            Chesapeake-A           21.96     x21.65   1 
 10 Hayes, Marchelle             Old Mill                          22.09   1 
 11 docherty, alexis             Severna Park                      23.35   1 
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Bolander, Abigail            Southern-AA            57.00      52.40   10   
  2 Powell, Robin                Chesapeake-A           56.99      52.46    8   
  3 Powell, Rebekah              Chesapeake-A           58.02      54.18    6   
  4 Lawarence, Monika            Northeast-AA           57.00      54.80    4   
  5 Jones, Morgan                Chesapeake-A           56.09      57.57    2   
  6 Siebers, Alyssa              Northeast-AA         1:03.80    1:03.34    1   
  7 docherty, alexis             Severna Park                    1:03.59  
  8 Stocksdale, Talya            Chesapeake-A         1:06.11   x1:07.31  
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Severna Park  'A'                                   54.40      54.73   2  10   
  2 Broadneck  'A'                                      59.06      55.40   2   8   
  3 Chesapeake-AA  'A'                                  55.07      56.09   2   6   
  4 Old Mill  'B'                                                 x56.91   1 
  5 Severna Park  'B'                                   57.01     x57.20   2 
  6 Old Mill  'A'                                       55.00      57.22   2   4   
  7 Chesapeake-AA  'B'                                  58.00     x58.45   2 
  8 Southern-AA  'A'                                  1:02.00    1:00.10   1   2   
  9 Northeast-AA  'B'                                 1:01.10   x1:00.86   1 
 10 Severna Park  'C'                                   59.68   x1:01.07   2 
 11 Northeast-AA  'A'                                   53.80    1:02.15   2 
 12 Old Mill  'D'                                               x1:03.46   1 
 13 Old Mill  'C'                                               x1:04.51   1 
 14 Chesapeake-AA  'C'                                          x1:04.89   1 
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Severna Park  'A'                                 1:54.85    1:54.03   2  10   
  2 Chesapeake-AA  'A'                                1:56.00    2:00.71   2   8   
  3 Chesapeake-AA  'B'                                2:06.00   x2:02.90   1 
  4 Severna Park  'B'                                 1:59.99   x2:03.74   2 
  5 Northeast-AA  'A'                                 2:01.80    2:05.87   2   6   
  6 Southern-AA  'A'                                  2:59.00    2:05.94   1   4   
  7 Chesapeake-AA  'C'                                          x2:11.88   1 
  8 Severna Park  'C'                                 2:03.16   x2:13.98   2 
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Chesapeake-AA  'A'                                4:45.00    4:47.81   10   
  2 Severna Park  'A'                                 4:40.00    5:11.33    8   
  3 Southern-AA  'A'                                  5:45.00    5:14.41    6   
  4 Northeast-AA  'A'                                 4:55.20    5:16.01    4   
  5 Northeast-AA  'B'                                 5:53.00   x5:28.59  
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Severna Park  'A'                                11:00.00   11:32.23   10   
  2 Chesapeake-AA  'A'                               12:00.00   11:35.73    8   
  3 Broadneck  'A'                                   11:48.00   11:44.75    6   
  4 Chesapeake-AA  'B'                               12:30.00  x12:24.95  
  5 Old Mill  'A'                                    12:15.00   12:37.99    4   
  6 Northeast-AA  'A'                                12:39.60   13:01.99    2   
  7 Chesapeake-AA  'C'                               14:00.00  x13:58.81  
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Gray, Miranda                Chesapeake-A                    4-04.00   10   
  2 Makell, Chelsey              Southern-AA          5-04.00    4-02.00    8   
  3 Bettinger, Shannon           Old Mill             4-04.00   J4-02.00    6   
  4 Dick, Kristina               Chesapeake-A                    4-00.00    4   
  5 pere, madeline               Severna Park                   J4-00.00    2   
  6 Jacobs, Hayley               Chesapeake-A                    3-10.00    0.33
  6 burrell, jordan              Severna Park                    3-10.00    0.33
  6 McNulty, Kelsey              Northeast-AA         4-04.00    3-10.00    0.33
Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 schoener, fionna             Severna Park         7-06.00    8-06.00   10   
  2 dannessa, gina               Severna Park         8-06.00    8-00.00    8   
  3 shawen, britini              Severna Park         8-00.00   J8-00.00    6   
  4 Whitlock, Katie              Northeast-AA         7-00.00    7-00.00    4   
 -- Worgo, Gabi                  Broadneck                            NH  
 -- Yanchulis, Riley             Broadneck                            NH  
 -- Roper, Marissa               Broadneck                            NH  
 -- Voss, Sydney                 Old Mill                             NH  
 -- Marshall, Zahrina            Old Mill                             NH  
 -- Jee, YoonSun                 Old Mill                             NH  
 -- Taylor, Sarah                Chesapeake-A        11-00.00         NH  
 -- Goyat, Marianne              Broadneck                            NH  
 -- Sanders, Destiny             Chesapeake-A         9-00.00         NH  
 -- McCarthy, Katherine          Broadneck                            NH  
 -- Lunsford-Poe, Beatrice       Broadneck                            NH  
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Cluster, Morgan              Chesapeake-A        16-00.00   15-10.50   10   
  2 Butts, Lashada               Northeast-AA        13-01.75   14-02.00    8   
  3 Stocksdale, Talya            Chesapeake-A        14-00.00   13-07.00    6   
  4 Thompson, Kalene             Chesapeake-A        14-00.00   13-02.50    4   
  5 McNulty, Kelsey              Northeast-AA        12-05.25   13-01.00    2   
  6 guy, maddie                  Severna Park        12-01.00   12-11.00    1   
  7 pere, madeline               Severna Park        12-05.00   12-10.50  
  8 Stallings, Alicca            Northeast-AA                   12-06.50  
  9 Canida, Ashley               Old Mill                       12-05.50  
 10 prengamen, haley             Severna Park                   12-02.50  
 11 Benekin, Bryonna             Old Mill                       12-02.00  
 12 Walz, Emily                  Chesapeake-A        14-00.00  x12-00.50  
 13 Kelly, Maggie                Northeast-AA        12-09.00  x11-11.00  
 14 Montes, Romina               Old Mill                       11-09.50  
 14 Dick, Kristina               Chesapeake-A                  x11-09.50  
 16 Gawitt, v                    Severna Park                  x10-10.50  
 17 holmes, kayla                Severna Park                  x10-06.00  
 -- cornacchia, sumner           Severna Park                       FOUL  
 -- Marshall, Zahkiyyah          Old Mill                           FOUL  
 -- Johnson, Jala                Old Mill                           FOUL  
 -- Ybara, Sierra                Old Mill                           FOUL  
Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Cluster, Morgan              Chesapeake-A        30-00.00   30-09.50   10   
  2 Harris, Jacinta              Northeast-AA        28-08.00   29-10.25    8   
  3 pere, madeline               Severna Park                   28-06.50    6   
  4 LaMarsh, Sydney              Chesapeake-A        25-05.50   27-08.50    4   
  5 McNulty, Kelsey              Northeast-AA        28-10.00   27-02.50    2   
  6 Stocksdale, Talya            Chesapeake-A        25-05.50   27-01.50    1   
  7 Gawitt, v                    Severna Park                   26-10.50  
  8 lanida, a                    Old Mill                       26-08.25  
  9 Bettinger, Shannon           Old Mill                       25-05.00  
 10 Montes, Romina               Old Mill                       25-03.50  
 11 guy, maddie                  Severna Park                   24-04.50  
 12 prengamen, haley             Severna Park                   24-00.00  
 13 holmes, kayla                Severna Park                  x22-06.50  
 14 cornacchia, sumner           Severna Park                  x22-02.50  
 -- Pepin, Amber                 Chesapeake-A                       FOUL  
 -- Marshall, Zahkiyyah          Old Mill                           FOUL  
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 burrell, jerrikka            Severna Park        31-08.00   31-00.50   10   
  2 jennings, mariah             Severna Park        28-06.00   27-09.00    8   
  3 Harrison, Lydia              Old Mill                       27-03.00    6   
  4 Butts, Lashada               Northeast-AA                   26-11.00    4   
  5 Lusk, Amanda                 Chesapeake-A        27-05.00   26-07.00    2   
  6 gibson, maddie               Severna Park        23-08.00   26-05.50    1   
  7 Kotowski, Emily              Northeast-AA        25-06.50   26-04.50  
  8 Nesbitt, Khadijah            Old Mill                       25-11.00  
  9 Roscoe, Alexus               Old Mill                       25-05.50  
 10 Harmon, Caitlin              Chesapeake-A        24-02.00   24-08.00  
 11 Williams, Ali                Northeast-AA        25-04.00   24-01.50  
 12 Makell, Chelsey              Southern-AA         24-00.00   23-07.00  
 13 Harrison, Tamia              Southern-AA         24-00.00   23-05.50  
 14 West, Megan                  Broadneck           22-01.75   22-10.00  
 15 wallace, maya                Severna Park        21-02.00  x21-10.50  
 16 page, seina                  Severna Park        22-08.00  x21-10.00  
 17 Sullivan, Bobbie             Chesapeake-A        19-10.00   20-03.00  
 18 Thomas, Heather              Chesapeake-A        15-06.00  x19-05.00  
 19 Brady, Alexandra             Chesapeake-A        16-09.00  x17-08.00  
 20 Fitzgerald, Madeline         Southern-AA         18-00.00   16-01.50  
 21 Meadows, Abby                Old Mill                      x15-10.50  
Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Lusk, Amanda                 Chesapeake-A           83-07   90-10.50   10   
  2 Kotowski, Emily              Northeast-AA           85-00      87-05    8   
  3 Harrison, Lydia              Old Mill               86-00   85-01.50    6   
  4 Williams, Ali                Northeast-AA           92-04      85-00    4   
  5 jennings, mariah             Severna Park           80-10      80-08    2   
  6 burrell, jerrikka            Severna Park           78-05   77-01.50    1   
  7 Harmon, Caitlin              Chesapeake-A           67-03   66-10.50  
  8 Ford, Kaeshelle              Southern-AA            55-00      65-01  
  9 page, seina                  Severna Park           52-02      57-11  
 10 Sullivan, Bobbie             Chesapeake-A           48-08      55-04  
 11 wallace, maya                Severna Park                  x54-09.50  
 12 Roscoe, Alexus               Old Mill                          53-01  
 13 gibson, maddie               Severna Park           48-05  x51-00.50  
 14 Nesbitt, Khadijah            Old Mill                          48-10  
 15 Brady, Alexandra             Chesapeake-A           44-04  x46-02.50  
 16 Fitzgerald, MacKenzie        Southern-AA            44-00   44-11.50  
 17 Fitzgerald, Madeline         Southern-AA            46-00      44-03  
 18 West, Megan                  Broadneck              47-00      43-09  
 19 Makell, Chelsey              Southern-AA            57-00  x41-06.50  
 20 jennings, maya               Severna Park           44-00     x40-09  
 21 Thomas, Heather              Chesapeake-A           44-07     x39-02  
 22 Meadows, Abby                Old Mill                         x24-09  
Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 hicks, M                     Old Mill                          11.27   1  10   
  2 Franklin, Donovan            Old Mill               11.90      11.64   8   8   
  3 Salisbury, Devin             Old Mill               11.98      11.70   8   6   
  4 Jones, Jalen                 Old Mill               11.98     x11.73   8 
  5 Belser, Kendall              Old Mill                         x11.79   1 
  6 Battle, Brandon              Old Mill               12.12     x11.83   8 
  6 Bullock, Nathaniel           Broadneck                         11.83   2   4   
  8 Karanja, Michael             Broadneck              12.35      11.85   7   2   
  9 Cogdell, Jonathan            Old Mill                         x11.88   1 
 10 Young, Malachi               Old Mill               11.80     x11.96   8 
 11 Beatty, James                Chesapeake-A           12.24      12.06   7   1   
 12 DeGross, Ammon               Old Mill               12.29     x12.07   7 
 13 Jones, Tommy                 Broadneck              12.35      12.10   7 
 14 Taylor, Amario               Broadneck              12.66     x12.14   7 
 14 Piper, Joshua                Old Mill               12.19     x12.14   8 
 16 Andino, Sergio               Northeast-AA           11.80      12.15   8 
 17 Campbell, Brandon            Old Mill                         x12.16   3 
 17 Venerable, James             Old Mill               12.40     x12.16   7 
 19 Myles, Addison               Southern-AA            13.80      12.17   5 
 20 Ford, Jarrel                 Broadneck              11.89     x12.23   8 
 21 Fisher, Se                   Old Mill                         x12.36   2 
 22 Brisbane, Zachary            Chesapeake-A           12.80      12.46   6 
 23 mule, c                      Old Mill                          12.47   4 
 24 Green, Jalen                 Old Mill                         x12.57   3 
 25 Holloway, Nick               Severna Park           12.59      12.60   7 
 26 Pack, Josh                   Northeast-AA           13.10      12.65   6 
 27 White, Tavon                 Southern-AA            13.80      12.67   5 
 28 Tubaya, Jordan               Severna Park           12.96      12.78   6 
 29 Won, Samuel                  Old Mill                         x12.90   2 
 30 MacCrory, Alec               Southern-AA                       12.91   1 
 31 Gonzalez, Eddy               Old Mill                         x12.95   1 
 32 Antoine, Bickham             Old Mill                         x13.09   2 
 33 Maier, Jacob                 Severna Park                      13.12   4 
 34 Jones-Davidson, Raushan      Old Mill                         x13.13   2 
 35 Haggart, Andrew              Severna Park           12.96     x13.26   6 
 36 Jang, d                      Severna Park                     x13.37   1 
 37 Mone, Chance                 Old Mill                         x13.46   3 
 38 Edmond, Kenan                Chesapeake-A           13.19      13.49   6 
 39 Digiacinto, J                Old Mill                         x13.54   1 
 40 witles, sam                  Chesapeake-A           13.50     x13.59   6 
 41 Cooper, Zachary              Severna Park                     x13.71   1 
 42 Bacot, Michael               Severna Park           13.40     x13.77   6 
 43 Ho, Josh                     Chesapeake-A           13.90     x14.00   5 
 44 Yang, Shawn                  Severna Park                     x14.02   2 
 45 Ford, Quentin                Chesapeake-A           14.00     x14.06   5 
 46 Boone, Evan                  Severna Park                     x14.35   3 
 47 Strickler, Collin            Severna Park                     x14.43   6 
 47 Katz, Joel                   Severna Park           14.61     x14.43   5 
 49 Calderone, David             Northeast-AA           14.50      14.54   5 
 50 Soliman, Nicolas             Severna Park                     x14.59   3 
 51 Rozal, Olery                 Severna Park           15.75     x14.62   4 
 52 Reiners, John                Severna Park           15.06     x14.74   5 
 53 Werner, Gabriel              Severna Park                     x15.06   2 
 54 Oznur, Mert                  Severna Park                     x15.69   2 
 55 Khushal, Nikul               Severna Park           15.29     x15.88   4 
 56 Wagener, Nathan              Severna Park                     x16.34   3 
 57 Costa, Jacob                 Southern-AA            15.50     x17.52   4 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Butler, Frederick            Old Mill               23.59      23.44   8  10   
  2 Jones, Jalen                 Old Mill               24.24      23.45   8   8   
  3 Young, Malachi               Old Mill               24.16      23.60   8   6   
  4 Battle, Brandon              Old Mill                         x23.79   5 
  5 Karanja, Michael             Broadneck                         23.96   1   4   
  6 Hankins, William             Broadneck              24.28      23.97   8   2   
  7 Piper, Joshua                Old Mill                         x24.17   2 
  8 Demby, Darian                Old Mill               25.02     x24.30   8 
  9 Cogdell, Jonathan            Old Mill                         x24.40   1 
 10 DeGross, Ammon               Old Mill               25.54     x24.45   7 
 11 Beatty, James                Chesapeake-A           23.80      24.52   8   1   
 12 Campbell, Brandon            Old Mill                         x24.63   2 
 13 Myles, Addison               Southern-AA            27.00      24.66   7 
 14 Wood, Dylan                  Northeast-AA           25.10      24.92   8 
 15 Venerable, James             Old Mill               25.44     x25.01   8 
 16 Fisher, Se                   Old Mill                         x25.35   2 
 17 White, Tavon                 Southern-AA            26.00      25.37   7 
 18 Martinez, Carlos             Old Mill                         x25.39   4 
 19 Paskal, Alexander            Severna Park                      25.40   2 
 20 Funk, Joseph                 Broadneck                         25.41   1 
 21 Tubaya, Jordan               Severna Park           27.91      25.45   7 
 22 Holloway, Nick               Severna Park           26.00      25.47   7 
 23 Burgee, Jonathan             Southern-AA            30.00      25.51   5 
 24 Green, Jalen                 Old Mill                         x25.81   4 
 25 Haggart, Andrew              Severna Park           25.60     x25.91   7 
 26 Maier, Jacob                 Severna Park                     x26.16   3 
 27 Broaddus, Austin             Southern-AA            30.00     x26.39   5 
 28 Colbert, Tyreco              Northeast-AA           28.00      26.48   6 
 29 Pitt, David                  Severna Park           27.11     x26.55   7 
 29 Gonzalez, Eddy               Old Mill                         x26.55   3 
 31 Jang, d                      Severna Park                     x26.60   2 
 32 Won, Samuel                  Old Mill                         x26.77   3 
 33 witles, sam                  Chesapeake-A           28.00      26.88   6 
 34 Bacot, Michael               Severna Park           28.02     x27.37   6 
 35 Pollard, Tishon              Northeast-AA           28.30      27.42   6 
 36 Jones-Davidson, Raushan      Old Mill                         x27.46   4 
 37 Campbell, Justin             Old Mill                         x27.76   4 
 38 Young, Brett                 Severna Park                     x27.89   4 
 39 Yang, Shawn                  Severna Park                     x27.93   2 
 40 Cooper, Zachary              Severna Park                     x28.08   3 
 41 Ho, Josh                     Chesapeake-A           28.90      28.30   6 
 42 Katz, Joel                   Severna Park           29.80     x28.46   6 
 43 Antoine, Bickham             Old Mill                         x28.47   1 
 43 DiGiacinto, Joey             Old Mill                         x28.47   4 
 45 Rose, Shamar                 Old Mill                         x28.79   3 
 46 Ford, Quentin                Chesapeake-A           29.00     x28.86   6 
 47 Strickler, Collin            Severna Park                     x29.51   4 
 48 Rozal, Olery                 Severna Park           30.12     x29.63   5 
 49 Reiners, John                Severna Park           31.67     x29.75   5 
 50 Calderone, David             Northeast-AA           31.40     x30.21   5 
 51 Jee, Sangho                  Old Mill                         x30.28   1 
 52 Soliman, Nicolas             Severna Park                     x30.77   5 
 53 Oznur, Mert                  Severna Park                     x32.14   2 
 54 Clark, Roman                 Southern-AA            33.00     x32.40   5 
 55 Wagener, Nathan              Severna Park                     x33.32   3 
Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Butler, Frederick            Old Mill               52.51      52.11   5  10   
  2 Matthews, Arrington          Southern-AA            53.00      52.73   5   8   
  3 Hankins, William             Broadneck              52.10      53.14   5   6   
  4 Cogdell, Jonathan            Old Mill               53.90      53.29   5   4   
  5 Pershall, Sam                Severna Park           52.50      53.59   5   2   
  6 Jaross, Laurence             Broadneck              54.90      53.71   5   1   
  7 DeGross, Ammon               Old Mill               58.00      54.90   4 
  8 Shaw, Clifton                Old Mill               56.66     x55.35   4 
  9 Boyd, Mark                   Northeast-AA           55.60      55.57   4 
 10 Rinard, Chris                Chesapeake-A           54.00      56.21   5 
 11 Powell, Andrew               Severna Park           57.52      56.25   4 
 12 Byrd, Matthew                Severna Park           57.61      57.54   4 
 13 Kiely, John                  Severna Park           56.50     x58.21   4 
 14 Belt, Stephen                Broadneck              56.00      58.61   4 
 15 Edmond, Aaron                Chesapeake-A           55.00      58.66   5 
 16 Wooden, Gabriel              Severna Park           58.11     x59.90   3 
 17 Broaddus, Austin             Southern-AA          1:12.00    1:00.18   2 
 18 Pitt, David                  Severna Park           59.77   x1:00.25   3 
 19 Greenwell, Garrett           Broadneck              58.00   x1:00.38   4 
 20 Fogt, Alex                   Broadneck              58.00   x1:00.94   3 
 21 Anzaldi, Vincent             Chesapeake-A         1:02.00    1:02.51   3 
 22 Walker, Christopher          Old Mill                       x1:03.14   1 
 23 Cologer, Themi               Broadneck              58.00   x1:03.25   3 
 24 Haroth, Stephen              Old Mill                       x1:05.10   1 
 25 Campbell, Matthew            Chesapeake-A         1:06.00   x1:05.44   3 
 26 Sullivan, Jacob              Chesapeake-A         1:08.00   x1:06.61   2 
 27 Pfeifer, Tyler               Northeast-AA         1:07.70    1:06.87   3 
 28 Lowe, Brent                  Southern-AA          1:08.00    1:10.24   2 
 29 Leoniak, Dane                Southern-AA          1:12.00   x1:11.58   2 
 30 Calderone, David             Northeast-AA         1:17.90    1:16.71   2 
 31 Bessling, Ronald             Northeast-AA         1:17.40   x1:18.62   2 
 32 Rose, Jacob                  Old Mill                       x1:19.06   1 
 33 Clark, Roman                 Southern-AA          1:18.00   x1:19.10   1 
 34 Ware, Dominique              Old Mill                       x1:31.44   1 
Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Jaross, Laurence             Broadneck            2:02.00    2:06.66   2  10   
  2 Whitney, Clayton             Severna Park                    2:13.68   1   8    2:13.672
  3 Hankins, William             Broadneck            2:02.00   J2:13.68   2   6    2:13.675
  4 Shaw, Clifton                Old Mill             2:12.00    2:15.80   2   4   
  5 Clements, Kevin              Severna Park         2:17.00    2:18.16   2   2   
  6 Baki, Alex                   Broadneck            2:18.00    2:19.02   2   1   
  7 Gilleland, John              Broadneck            2:20.00   x2:20.42   2 
  8 Fritz, John                  Severna Park         2:26.00    2:22.11   2 
  9 Cambon, Matthew              Severna Park         2:17.00   x2:22.72   2 
  9 Allen, Bo                    Old Mill             2:45.00    2:22.72   1 
 11 Hines, Kevin                 Severna Park         2:22.00   x2:22.82   2 
 12 Barranco, Chris              Severna Park         2:19.00   x2:23.96   2 
 13 McWilliams, John             Severna Park         2:22.00   x2:24.41   2 
 14 Greenwell, Garrett           Broadneck            2:20.00   x2:24.78   2 
 15 Forsyth, Andrew              Severna Park         2:21.00   x2:25.51   2 
 16 Mumford, Thomas              Severna Park         2:28.00   x2:26.70   2 
 17 Staples, Chan                Severna Park         2:30.00   x2:26.88   2 
 18 Breechen, Zach               Old Mill             2:23.00    2:26.90   2 
 19 Soderstrom, Joseph           Severna Park         2:22.00   x2:27.14   2 
 20 O'Donnell, Raymnd            Severna Park                   x2:27.23   1 
 21 Graham, Hunter               Broadneck            2:20.00   x2:27.26   2 
 22 Werner, Jonathan             Old Mill             2:26.00   x2:28.08   2 
 23 Mills, Ian                   Severna Park         2:30.00   x2:29.12   2 
 24 Coffelt, Kyle                Chesapeake-A         2:40.00    2:29.52   1 
 25 Wissman, Conner              Old Mill             2:32.00   x2:30.41   1 
 26 Swann, Jonathan              Old Mill             2:29.00   x2:31.91   2 
 27 Miller, Walter               Old Mill             2:37.00   x2:32.20   1 
 28 Cresswell, Joseph            Northeast-AA         2:30.70    2:33.46   1 
 29 Broaddus, Austin             Southern-AA          2:45.00    2:34.07   1 
 30 Tharp, Tyler                 Chesapeake-A         2:30.00    2:36.14   1 
 31 Eitel, Adam                  Severna Park                   x2:36.62   1 
 32 Ryan, Zachary                Northeast-AA         2:31.20    2:36.95   1 
 33 Ritterpusch, Jake            Chesapeake-A         2:30.00    2:40.27   2 
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Hamill, Jackson              Broadneck            4:51.00    4:46.72   2  10   
  2 Kiely, John                  Severna Park         4:40.00    4:48.04   2   8   
  3 Clements, Kevin              Severna Park         4:53.00    4:49.65   2   6   
  4 Whitney, Clayton             Severna Park         4:45.00    4:55.62   2   4   
  5 MacCrory, Alec               Southern-AA          4:58.00    4:56.31   2   2   
  6 Parker, Eric                 Broadneck            5:04.00    4:56.73   2   1   
  7 Schofield, Connor            Broadneck            4:55.00    5:00.84   2 
  8 Eckley, Ben                  Broadneck            4:53.00   x5:04.90   2 
  9 Hines, Kevin                 Severna Park         5:10.00   x5:05.63   2 
 10 Forsyth, Andrew              Severna Park         5:03.00   x5:06.80   2 
 11 Clulow, Wesley               Chesapeake-A         5:09.00    5:08.28   2 
 12 Daubert, Jakob               Chesapeake-A         5:09.00    5:09.08   2 
 13 Soderstrom, Joseph           Severna Park         5:14.00   x5:11.13   2 
 14 Barranco, Chris              Severna Park         5:05.00   x5:13.90   2 
 15 McWilliams, John             Severna Park         5:18.00   x5:14.64   2 
 16 Cambon, Matthew              Severna Park         5:16.00   x5:15.46   2 
 17 McCue, Nolan                 Broadneck            5:31.00   x5:16.27   1 
 18 Staples, Chan                Severna Park         5:25.00   x5:17.09   1 
 19 Gugerty, Dylan               Broadneck            5:15.00   x5:18.35   2 
 20 Fogt, Alex                   Broadneck            5:37.00   x5:18.39   1 
 21 Mumford, Thomas              Severna Park         5:26.00   x5:18.82   1 
 22 O'Donnell, Raymnd            Severna Park         5:20.00   x5:21.89   2 
 23 Prewitt, Alex                Broadneck            5:25.00   x5:23.63   2 
 24 Graham, Hunter               Broadneck                      x5:23.94   2 
 25 Patton, Caleb                Southern-AA          5:20.00    5:24.35   2 
 26 Fritz, John                  Severna Park         5:19.00   x5:27.35   2 
 27 Fox, Dillon                  Severna Park         6:00.00   x5:29.91   1 
 28 Kurdle, William              Broadneck            5:40.00   x5:39.68   1 
 29 Mills, Ian                   Severna Park         5:25.00   x5:42.69   1 
 30 Eitel, Adam                  Severna Park                   x5:44.36   1 
 31 Lowe, Brent                  Southern-AA          5:21.00    5:45.39   2 
 32 Hovath, Brandon              Southern-AA                    x5:45.91   1 
 33 Cresswell, Joseph            Northeast-AA         5:41.70    5:50.33   1 
 34 Buckley, Brett               Chesapeake-A         6:10.00    5:52.35   1 
 35 Kellett, Luke                Chesapeake-A         6:12.00   x5:55.02   1 
 36 Ryan, Zachary                Northeast-AA         6:29.10    6:30.03   1 
 37 Pfeifer, Tyler               Northeast-AA         6:10.80    6:31.23   1 
 38 Leoniak, Dane                Southern-AA          6:45.00   x6:37.19   1 
 39 Clark, Roman                 Southern-AA          7:00.00   x6:39.78   1 
 40 Bessling, Ronald             Northeast-AA         6:40.70   x6:47.71   1 
 41 Walters, Josh                Northeast-AA         7:25.10   x7:14.81   1 
Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Forsyth, Ryan                Severna Park         9:40.00    9:35.45   2  10   
  2 Shipley, James               Severna Park         9:40.00    9:36.81   2   8   
  3 Burgett, Rhys                Severna Park        10:00.00    9:54.28   2   6   
  4 Cambon, Benjamin             Severna Park        10:10.00   x9:57.72   2 
  5 Cooley, Dillon               Severna Park         9:53.00  x10:11.20   2 
  6 Love, Alex                   Chesapeake-A        10:20.00   10:23.87   2   4   
  7 Graham, Chase                Broadneck           10:27.00   10:27.59   2   2   
  8 Uthus, Evan                  Broadneck           10:15.00   10:34.19   2   1   
  9 Hussey, J.P.                 Severna Park        10:30.00  x10:43.00   2 
 10 Weber, Michael               Broadneck           11:02.00   10:59.73   2 
 11 Brown, J.D.                  Severna Park        11:15.00  x11:09.57   2 
 12 Gibb, Logan                  Severna Park        11:20.00  x11:09.72   1 
 13 Greenspan, Robert            Severna Park        11:10.00  x11:14.23   2 
 14 Giles, Daniel                Severna Park        10:58.00  x11:17.17   2 
 15 Barton, Zac                  Broadneck           11:20.00  x11:19.67   1 
 16 Wood, Charles                Chesapeake-A        11:07.00   11:31.14   2 
 17 Baki, Alex                   Broadneck           11:25.00  x11:31.92   1 
 18 Boone, Evan                  Severna Park        11:45.00  x11:34.70   1 
 19 Stag, Andrew                 Broadneck           11:23.00  x11:35.47   1 
 20 Swann, Jonathan              Old Mill            11:45.00   11:58.17   1 
 21 Werner, Jonathan             Old Mill            11:45.00   12:03.09   1 
 22 McDonald, Connor             Chesapeake-A        12:00.00   12:04.53   1 
 23 Coomes, Samuel               Chesapeake-A        11:50.00  x12:09.89   1 
 24 McCullough, Ronnie           Northeast-AA        12:07.50   12:19.61   1 
 25 Umanzor, Chris               Old Mill            11:45.00   12:26.98   1 
 26 Foster, Austin               Northeast-AA        12:51.80   12:49.19   1 
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Franklin, Donovan            Old Mill               15.90      15.80   3  10   
  2 Myers, Kyle                  Chesapeake-A           17.42      16.24   3   8   
  3 Bullock, Nathaniel           Broadneck              16.76      16.55   3   6   
  4 Hayes, Martin                Old Mill               17.66      17.26   3   4   
  5 Dilday, Kavon                Southern-AA                       17.29   1   2   
  6 Davis, Jahmel                Old Mill               17.00      17.80   3   1   
  7 Hoffman, Lukas               Severna Park           18.70      18.69   3 
  8 Colebrook, Benjamin          Chesapeake-A           20.27      19.41   2 
  9 Winder, Craig                Old Mill               19.93     x20.09   2 
 10 Jones, Bradford              Chesapeake-A           20.06      20.16   2 
 11 Colbert, Tyreco              Northeast-AA           21.50      20.97   2 
 12 Newbill, Jake                Severna Park                      21.33   1 
 13 Pollard, Tishon              Northeast-AA           22.00      21.42   2 
 14 Sadler, Nathan               Northeast-AA           23.50      22.22   1 
 15 Cheicis, Luke                Chesapeake-A           22.76     x22.53   2 
 16 Hanold, Dylan                Chesapeake-A           21.90     x22.71   2 
 17 Chamberlin, Ian              Severna Park                      22.97   1 
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Davis, Jahmel                Old Mill               45.69      45.48   2  10   
  2 Strong, Jordan               Old Mill               45.69      45.51   2   8   
  3 Jones, Bradford              Chesapeake-A           48.17      47.10   2   6    47.090
  4 Dilday, Kavon                Southern-AA                      J47.10   1   4    47.092
  5 Fulcher, Tyler               Southern-AA            49.00      47.51   2   2   
  6 MacCrory, Alec               Southern-AA            48.00      47.68   2   1   
  7 Newbill, Jake                Severna Park                      50.29   1 
  8 Sadler, Nathan               Northeast-AA           51.60      51.51   2 
  9 Winder, Craig                Old Mill                          51.60   1 
 10 Hobson, John                 Northeast-AA                      52.03   1 
 11 Chamberlin, Ian              Severna Park                      53.26   1 
 12 Hanold, Dylan                Chesapeake-A           56.20      54.70   2 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Old Mill  'A'                                       51.00      43.78   2  10   
  2 Chesapeake-AA  'A'                                  48.70      48.19   2   8   
  3 Southern-AA  'A'                                               48.79   1   6   
  4 Severna Park  'A'                                   46.00      48.93   2   4   
  5 Severna Park  'B'                                   50.00     x51.70   2 
  6 Chesapeake-AA  'C'                                            x54.19   1 
  7 Northeast-AA  'C'                                   58.90     x57.95   1 
  8 Northeast-AA  'B'                                   51.00     x58.44   2 
 -- Broadneck  'A'                                      46.14         DQ   2  out of zone
 -- Severna Park  'C'                                                 DQ   1  out of zone
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Broadneck  'A'                                    1:37.70    1:36.66   2  10   
  2 Chesapeake-AA  'A'                                1:42.00    1:41.09   2   8   
  3 Old Mill  'C'                                               x1:42.34   1 
  4 Severna Park  'B'                                 1:47.11   x1:42.80   2 
  5 Northeast-AA  'A'                                 1:41.30    1:43.40   2   6   
  6 Chesapeake-AA  'B'                                1:55.00   x1:46.09   1 
  7 Old Mill  'B'                                               x1:50.48   1 
 -- Severna Park  'A'                                 1:41.60         DQ   2  Failure to follow di
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Chesapeake-AA  'A'                                3:45.00    3:46.88   10   
  2 Severna Park  'C'                                 3:55.00   x3:47.41  
  3 Severna Park  'A'                                 3:45.00    3:51.98    8   
  4 Northeast-AA  'A'                                 3:51.40    3:54.83    6   
  5 Severna Park  'B'                                 3:50.00   x4:03.33  
  6 Chesapeake-AA  'B'                                          x4:22.16  
  7 Northeast-AA  'B'                                 4:41.00   x4:44.45  
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Southern-AA  'A'                                  8:20.00    9:00.13   10   
  2 Chesapeake-AA  'A'                                9:12.00    9:11.41    8   
  3 Severna Park  'A'                                 9:15.00    9:15.86    6   
  4 Northeast-AA  'A'                                 9:34.10    9:32.25    4   
  5 Broadneck  'B'                                              x9:34.41  
  6 Broadneck  'A'                                               9:43.35    2   
  7 Old Mill  'A'                                     9:00.00   10:10.70  
  8 Chesapeake-AA  'B'                                9:44.00  x10:13.89  
  9 Chesapeake-AA  'C'                               10:20.00  x10:45.95  
 10 Northeast-AA  'B'                                10:37.70  x10:58.04  
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Bullock, Nathaniel           Broadneck            5-10.00    5-10.00   10   
  2 Hayes, Martin                Old Mill             5-02.00    5-00.00    8   
  3 Hoffman, Lukas               Severna Park                    4-10.00    4   
  3 Boone, Deon                  Chesapeake-A                    4-10.00    4   
  3 Matthews, Pernell            Severna Park                    4-10.00    4   
  6 Frost, Casey                 Chesapeake-A                   J4-10.00    1   
Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hardesty, Brennan            Chesapeake-A        12-00.00   12-00.00   10   
  2 Cook, Gavin                  Old Mill                       11-00.00    8   
  3 Hallman, Jordan              Broadneck           10-06.00    9-06.00    6   
  4 Cheicis, Luke                Chesapeake-A                    9-00.00    3   
  4 Lemmon, Quinn                Broadneck                       9-00.00    3   
  5 Carter, Alex                 Broadneck            9-06.00   J9-00.00    1   
  7 Patton, Caleb                Southern-AA          8-00.00    8-06.00  
  7 Keating, Evan                Severna Park                    8-06.00  
  9 Barnes, Darren               Southern-AA          8-00.00    8-00.00  
  9 Kelley, Tyler                Southern-AA          8-00.00   x8-00.00  
  9 Colebrook, Benjamin          Chesapeake-A        10-00.00    8-00.00  
  9 MacCrory, Alec               Southern-AA          8-00.00    8-00.00  
 13 Belt, Stephen                Broadneck                      x7-06.00  
 13 Weadon, Joseph               Severna Park                    7-06.00  
 -- Cologer, Themi               Broadneck                            NH  
 -- Culver, Ryan                 Broadneck            9-06.00         NH  
 -- McCullough, Ronnie           Northeast-AA         6-00.00         NH  
 -- Jee, Sangho                  Old Mill                             NH  
 -- Sadler, Nathan               Northeast-AA                         NH  
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Maddox, Cevontae             Old Mill            17-09.00   20-08.00   10   
  2 Hawkins, James               Old Mill            17-10.00   19-04.50    8   
  3 Honigmann, Simon             Severna Park                   18-08.00    6   
  4 Hayes, Martin                Old Mill                       18-06.25    4   
  5 Cluster, Colin               Chesapeake-A        16-00.00   18-05.75    2   
  6 Ross, Garrett                Old Mill            17-03.00  x18-02.25  
  7 Belser, Kendall              Old Mill            18-00.00  x17-08.00  
  8 Byrd, Matthew                Severna Park                   17-07.00    1   
  9 Cheicis, Luke                Chesapeake-A                   17-02.50  
  9 Burgee, Jonathan             Southern-AA         12-00.00   17-02.50  
 11 Lemmon, Quinn                Broadneck                      17-01.50  
 12 Demby, Darian                Old Mill                      x16-08.50  
 13 Funk, Joseph                 Broadneck           15-07.00   16-07.00  
 14 Breechen, Zach               Old Mill                      x16-04.50  
 15 Belt, Stephen                Broadneck                      16-03.00  
 16 Fulcher, Tyler               Southern-AA         14-00.00   16-02.50  
 17 Pollard, Tishon              Northeast-AA                   16-01.50  
 18 Culver, Ryan                 Broadneck                     x16-01.00  
 19 Haste, Andrew                Severna Park                   15-11.50  
 20 Wood, Dylan                  Northeast-AA                   15-09.00  
 21 Boone, Deon                  Chesapeake-A                   14-10.50  
 22 Patton, Caleb                Southern-AA         12-00.00   14-09.25  
 23 Edmond, Kenan                Chesapeake-A        15-00.00  x14-09.00  
 24 Soliman, Nicolas             Severna Park                  x14-06.25  
 25 Yang, Shawn                  Severna Park                  x14-04.50  
 26 Boone, Evan                  Severna Park        13-01.00  x13-07.75  
 27 Werner, Gabriel              Severna Park                  x12-01.00  
 -- Mullens, Timmy               Southern-AA         14-00.00         ND  
 -- Pratt, Malique               Southern-AA         14-00.00         ND  
 -- Andino, Sergio               Northeast-AA        17-04.00         ND  
 -- Garrett, Carl                Old Mill                             ND  
 -- King, Harry                  Chesapeake-A                       FOUL  
 -- Rozal, Olery                 Severna Park                       FOUL  
 -- Larcher, Jerry               Severna Park                       FOUL  
 -- Mitchell, Robert             Old Mill                           FOUL  
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Maddox, Cevontae             Old Mill                       37-10.00   10   
  2 Honigmann, Simon             Severna Park                   35-02.00    8   
  3 Ross, Garrett                Old Mill                       34-11.00    6    34-6.5
  4 Byrd, Matthew                Severna Park                  J34-11.00    4    34-1
  5 Lemmon, Quinn                Broadneck                      33-09.00    2   
  6 Hawkins, James               Old Mill                       32-10.50    1   
  7 Boone, Evan                  Severna Park        30-00.00   32-07.75  
  8 Frost, Casey                 Chesapeake-A        28-00.00   31-00.00  
  9 Sadler, Nathan               Northeast-AA        26-03.00   29-03.00  
 10 Westman, Mark                Southern-AA                    28-11.00  
 11 Fulcher, Tyler               Southern-AA         22-00.00   28-07.00  
 12 Boyd, Mark                   Northeast-AA        31-03.50   28-06.50  
 13 Cologer, Themi               Broadneck           27-08.50   28-01.50  
 14 Werner, Gabriel              Severna Park                  x27-05.25  
 15 Soliman, Nicolas             Severna Park                  x24-07.00  
 16 Yang, Shawn                  Severna Park                  x24-02.00  
 17 Kamanda, Fasukuwa         11 Meade                          22-10.00  
 18 Rozal, Olery                 Severna Park                  x21-05.00  
 -- Garrett, Carl                Old Mill                             ND  
 -- Mone, Chance                 Old Mill                             ND  
 -- Breechen, Zach               Old Mill                             ND  
 -- Haste, Andrew                Severna Park                         ND  
 -- Cluster, Colin               Chesapeake-A        30-00.00       FOUL  
 -- Larcher, Jerry               Severna Park                       FOUL  
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Moorhead, Nick               Northeast-AA        50-11.50   44-10.50   10   
  2 King, Danny                  Chesapeake-A        87-07.00   37-06.50    8   
  3 Matthews, Pernell            Severna Park        34-10.00   35-04.00    6   
  4 Bartkowiak, Ryan             Chesapeake-A        33-05.00   33-02.50    4   
  5 Menke, Mason                 Northeast-AA        32-09.50   32-06.50    2   
  6 Schloar, Brady               Northeast-AA        33-10.00   32-06.00    1   
  7 Wissman, Christopher         Old Mill                       32-00.50  
  8 Blankenship, Spencer         Chesapeake-A        31-09.00   31-09.00  
  9 Fulton, Michael              Old Mill                       30-09.50  
 10 Dirks, Peter                 Severna Park        32-00.00   29-06.00  
 10 Haynie, Zachary              Severna Park                   29-06.00  
 12 Fuller, Jeremiah             Southern-AA                    29-05.50  
 13 Maggard, Justin              Broadneck           30-00.00   27-01.00  
 14 Johnson, Terrell             Broadneck           26-06.00   26-09.75  
 15 Stansbury, Sean              Broadneck           21-11.00   26-02.25  
 16 Wagener, Nathan              Severna Park                  x25-03.00  
 17 McFee, Jack                  Northeast-AA        24-10.00  x24-10.50  
 18 Henson, Mattias              Broadneck           23-07.50  x24-08.50  
 19 Franz, Michael               Broadneck           33-06.50  x24-04.00  
 20 Perlo, Derek                 Northeast-AA        29-10.00  x23-11.00  
 21 Kraft, Jeremy                Northeast-AA        24-00.50  x22-10.25  
 22 Porter, Elijah               Northeast-AA        24-08.00  x22-08.00  
 23 Breechen, Hayden             Old Mill                       22-07.00  
 23 Costa, Jacob                 Southern-AA         33-00.00   22-07.00  
 25 Pickeral, Steven             Northeast-AA        22-08.00  x21-11.50  
 26 Wedderburn, Anthony          Northeast-AA        20-04.00  x19-03.50  
 27 Duddy, Alexander             Southern-AA         29-00.00   18-07.00  
 -- Fulton, Marcus               Old Mill                             ND  
 -- Brisbane, Zachary            Chesapeake-A        29-07.00         ND  
 -- Connor, Evan                 Old Mill                             ND  
 -- Cumberledge, Kevin           Northeast-AA        28-08.00         ND  
 -- Barnes, Darren               Southern-AA         29-00.00         ND  
 -- Mitchell, Emmanuel           Old Mill                             ND  
 -- King, Harry                  Chesapeake-A        42-08.00         ND  
 -- Kelley, Tyler                Southern-AA         35-00.00         ND  
 -- Thomas, Travon               Southern-AA         35-00.00         ND  
 -- Blansett, Joshua             Southern-AA         33-00.00         ND  
 -- Brown, Julienne              Old Mill                             ND  
 -- Godfrey, Tyler               Northeast-AA                         ND  
Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Moorhead, Nick               Northeast-AA          124-09     129-09   10   
  2 King, Danny                  Chesapeake-A           87-07     106-07    8   
  3 Schloar, Brady               Northeast-AA           95-01   98-02.50    6   
  4 Connor, Evan                 Old Mill              100-00      95-02    4   
  5 Tourville, Michael           Southern-AA                       92-03    2   
  6 Coomes, Samuel               Chesapeake-A           46-09      91-06    1   
  7 Bartkowiak, Ryan             Chesapeake-A           82-04   91-04.50  
  8 Matthews, Pernell            Severna Park           86-00      91-00  
  9 Menke, Mason                 Northeast-AA           84-02      88-06  
 10 Blankenship, Spencer         Chesapeake-A           81-02     x87-06  
 11 Dirks, Peter                 Severna Park           82-05   79-00.25  
 12 Fuller, Jeremiah             Southern-AA                       78-05  
 13 Porter, Elijah               Northeast-AA           72-07     x76-05  
 14 Kraft, Jeremy                Northeast-AA           70-03  x72-02.50  
 15 Maggard, Justin              Broadneck              68-04   72-01.75  
 16 Haynie, Zachary              Severna Park                      71-07  
 17 McFee, Jack                  Northeast-AA           69-08     x69-07  
 18 Stansbury, Sean              Broadneck           63-09.50   66-03.50  
 19 Henson, Mattias              Broadneck              59-08   62-09.50  
 20 Dougles, Ramel               Old Mill               86-00   62-06.75  
 21 Duddy, Alexander             Southern-AA            70-00   62-02.50  
 22 Wissman, Christopher         Old Mill                          62-01  
 23 Colebrook, Benjamin          Chesapeake-A           77-08     x56-08  
 24 Perlo, Derek                 Northeast-AA           46-06     x54-05  
 25 King, Harry                  Chesapeake-A           42-08  x53-02.50  
 26 Costa, Jacob                 Southern-AA            66-00     x52-10  
 27 Breechen, Hayden             Old Mill                      x50-04.75  
 28 Johnson, Terrell             Broadneck           45-02.50     x48-10  
 29 Wedderburn, Anthony          Northeast-AA           52-01  x48-09.50  
 30 Pickeral, Steven             Northeast-AA           58-00  x48-03.50  
 31 Wagner, Nathan               Chesapeake-A                     x47-00  
 32 Franz, Michael               Broadneck              76-06     x46-11  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Severna Park               189.33     2) Chesapeake-AA             142.33
    3) Northeast-AA                61.33     4) Broadneck                  59   
    4) Southern-AA                 59        6) Old Mill                   36   
                    Men - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Old Mill                   168        2) Severna Park              105   
    3) Chesapeake-AA               95        4) Broadneck                  90   
    5) Northeast-AA                45        6) Southern-AA                37