Baltimore County Championships 2014 vs Baltimore County Championships 2012

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +151 456 305
Overall Average +32.33 22:55.56 22:23.23
1st-10th Place -12.70 16:41.03 16:53.73
1st-25th Place -2.39 17:21.53 17:23.92
1st-50th Place +8.16 18:03.28 17:55.12
1st-100th Place +5.33 18:52.17 18:46.84
Common Athletes -- -- 80
Ran Faster 40 60 20
Ran Season Best -25 24 49
Average Time -1:10.36 21:02.41 22:12.77
Median Time -1:28.44 20:51.76 22:20.20
Middle 80% Times -1:08.04 20:50.12 21:58.17
Top 10% Times -1:18.46 16:43.63 18:02.09
Top 25% Times -1:02.74 17:28.60 18:31.34
Top 50% Times -1:08.17 18:37.22 19:45.38
Bottom 50% Times -1:12.55 23:27.61 24:40.16
Bottom 25% Times -1:11.10 24:59.29 26:10.40
Bottom 10% Times -1:20.76 26:59.51 28:20.28
Average Difference -1:10.36 -- --
Median Difference -2:08.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:11.09 -- --
Top 10% Difference -41.05 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:00.53 -- --
Top 25% Difference -54.44 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:00.53 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:20.18 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:42.31 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:33.80 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Eric Walz Dulaney High School -2:47.95 15:49.65 18:37.60
Austin Carey Dulaney High School -1:37.44 16:23.26 18:00.70
Adolfo Carvalho Dulaney High School -39.41 16:34.59 17:14.00
Andrew King Dulaney High School -2:03.59 16:36.11 18:39.70
Elijah Hawkins Dulaney High School -1:56.21 16:51.59 18:47.80
Vaughn Parts Towson High School -1:07.55 16:59.95 18:07.50
Matt Kingeter Hereford High School -3:08.84 17:14.06 20:22.90
Ethan Batchelor Hereford High School -1:32.17 17:19.83 18:52.00
Adam Der Hereford High School -1:40.98 17:23.52 19:04.50
Rex Ledesma Dulaney High School -45.91 17:28.99 18:14.90
Gabe Noble Catonsville High School -30.93 17:39.47 18:10.40
Noah Trapp Dulaney High School -24.69 17:44.91 18:09.60
James Kavanagh Towson High School -32.41 17:51.19 18:23.60
Zach Lang Hereford High School -3:38.44 17:52.66 21:31.10
Michael Mcclelland Dulaney High School -45.75 17:55.95 18:41.70
Russell Carter Hereford High School +9.92 18:05.92 17:56.00
Luke Bender Towson High School -19.64 18:08.46 18:28.10
Tucker Deacon Eastern Tech High School -3:16.60 18:17.30 21:33.90
Aidan Kirby Towson High School -3:02.39 18:36.61 21:39.00
John Kastner Towson High School -1:37.52 18:37.88 20:15.40
Oscar Mercham Franklin High School -5.56 18:38.94 18:44.50
Alex Buckheit Perry Hall High School -37.02 18:43.48 19:20.50
Michael Class Hereford High School -1:29.98 18:46.32 20:16.30
John Thomas Catonsville High School +8.34 18:58.14 18:49.80
James Judlick Perry Hall High School -2:14.65 18:51.15 21:05.80
Evan Gough Catonsville High School +37.77 19:34.67 18:56.90
Benjamin Huang Dulaney High School -2:06.55 18:57.85 21:04.40
Meghan Anderson Hereford High School +3:20.73 22:27.63 19:06.90
McHale Ourand Carver A&T High School -2:33.67 19:18.33 21:52.00
Connor Schattall Hereford High School +42.39 20:16.79 19:34.40
Sarah Coffey Hereford High School -1:28.89 19:41.31 21:10.20
Jackson O'dell Catonsville High School -4:03.03 19:41.57 23:44.60
Corbin Miller Towson High School +1:01.82 20:49.12 19:47.30
Alicia Kozlowski Hereford High School +40.15 20:30.35 19:50.20
Emily Causey Hereford High School -1:46.15 20:02.45 21:48.60
Brynn Jones Dulaney High School -1:16.36 20:11.94 21:28.30
Miller Friedman Pikesville High School -1:09.20 20:19.40 21:28.60
Eli Fastow Pikesville High School -2:08.30 20:26.70 22:35.00
Lawerence Barlow Dundalk High School -2:13.85 20:27.05 22:40.90
Zach Talbert Pikesville High School -2:57.10 20:29.10 23:26.20
Kyree Scarlett Milford Mill -3:34.56 20:32.14 24:06.70
Jacob Rehak Perry Hall High School +20.20 20:56.90 20:36.70
Julia Ciattei Perry Hall High School -2:54.04 20:51.76 23:45.80
Jian Lu Perry Hall High School +2:47.57 23:48.97 21:01.40
Maria Andrade Dulaney High School -2:59.60 21:01.40 24:01.00
Gabe Papadopoulos Kenwood High School -2:30.88 21:08.22 23:39.10
Matthew Edwards Perry Hall High School -1:21.27 21:13.43 22:34.70
Scott Thomsen Carver A&T High School -44.14 21:17.36 22:01.50
Gavin Finnical Franklin High School +59.20 22:19.80 21:20.60
Sally Mercer Towson High School -1:10.89 21:27.81 22:38.70
Rachel Clark Dulaney High School -3:10.06 21:31.64 24:41.70
Isaiah Kent Woodlawn High School -3:45.86 21:35.34 25:21.20
Carly Sniffen Dulaney High School -1:21.03 21:40.87 23:01.90
Caitlin Katchmar Hereford High School -45.47 22:06.43 22:51.90
Anna Ciattei Perry Hall High School -1:41.08 22:15.42 23:56.50
Taran Triggs Carver A&T High School +48.23 23:08.43 22:20.20
Sarang Hentz Dulaney High School +1:09.68 23:35.38 22:25.70
Zac Hoover Hereford High School -48.63 22:30.57 23:19.20
Kelsey Talley Dulaney High School -2:31.66 22:42.94 25:14.60
Julie Ciociola Dulaney High School +18.98 23:08.18 22:49.20
Nevillia Cole Parkville High School -1:07.15 22:49.75 23:56.90
Jessie Cornwell Hereford High School +6.10 22:57.10 22:51.00
Emily Melia Towson High School -2:09.94 22:52.06 25:02.00
Joe Akers Sparrows Point High School -1:50.81 22:52.09 24:42.90
Mara Lins Catonsville High School -40.75 23:03.15 23:43.90
Anna Caroline Caruso Perry Hall High School -1:58.88 23:14.02 25:12.90
Alexandria Willridge Western Tech -10.82 23:18.78 23:29.60
Katie Horwitz Pikesville High School -2:26.47 23:21.13 25:47.60
Isaiah Savage Milford Mill +1.59 23:28.89 23:27.30
Madison Wood Hereford High School +1:07.82 25:05.42 23:57.60
Emma Runge Catonsville High School -25.66 24:15.84 24:41.50
Mattie Wasiak Towson High School +13.76 24:30.76 24:17.00
Tara Vizzi Kenwood High School -30.39 24:56.21 25:26.60
Sam Young Catonsville High School +7.57 25:50.37 25:42.80
Zili Strzelecki Catonsville High School +49.15 26:32.55 25:43.40
Samantha Bichell Chesapeake High School-BC -12:01.01 25:59.69 38:00.70
Paige Anders Loch Raven High School +2:33.11 28:39.61 26:06.50
Tara Bland Western Tech -4.44 26:21.06 26:25.50
Maggie White Pikesville High School -22.11 27:58.69 28:20.80
Michelle Wolf Franklin High School -1:06.20 29:28.70 30:34.90