Baltimore County Championships 2014 vs Baltimore County Public Schools XC Championships 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +112 456 344
Overall Average +32.36 22:55.56 22:23.20
1st-10th Place +2.89 16:41.03 16:38.14
1st-25th Place +18.51 17:21.53 17:03.02
1st-50th Place +30.40 18:03.28 17:32.88
1st-100th Place +24.45 18:52.17 18:27.72
Common Athletes -- -- 25
Ran Faster -19 3 22
Ran Season Best -3 12 15
Average Time +2:05.21 22:00.20 19:54.98
Median Time +2:08.03 21:03.63 18:55.60
Middle 80% Times +2:23.28 21:57.49 19:34.21
Top 10% Times +1:53.32 18:21.72 16:28.40
Top 25% Times +2:07.71 19:01.65 16:53.94
Top 50% Times +2:12.59 19:45.51 17:32.92
Bottom 50% Times +1:48.21 22:33.33 20:45.12
Bottom 25% Times +1:34.13 25:44.35 24:10.21
Bottom 10% Times +26.13 27:13.66 26:47.53
Average Difference +2:05.21 -- --
Median Difference -1:32.73 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +2:29.50 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:11.82 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:42.02 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:53.13 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:42.02 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:11.64 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:33.40 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:41.20 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Garrett Harris Loch Raven High School +5:54.46 22:18.06 16:23.60
Connor Martin Dulaney High School +2:09.60 18:36.70 16:27.10
Matt Owens Dulaney High School +1:10.84 17:45.34 16:34.50
Alex Ozbolt Dulaney High School +3:37.00 20:19.00 16:42.00
Brendan O'Brien Dulaney High School +2:04.41 19:11.81 17:07.40
Dillon Coffey Hereford High School +2:00.88 19:18.58 17:17.70
Drew Nicolaus Catonsville High School +1:54.15 19:39.45 17:45.30
Timothy Huynh Catonsville High School +3:33.08 21:22.28 17:49.20
Daniel McShane Towson High School +2:44.80 20:37.90 17:53.10
Sukhvir Singh Eastern Tech High School +5:14.76 23:24.36 18:09.60
Dietrich Sweeney Hereford High School +15.03 18:43.13 18:28.10
Deontray Bates Lansdowne High School +2:05.39 20:40.19 18:34.80
Sean Hyatt Franklin High School +5:06.92 24:02.52 18:55.60
Harry Trinh Lansdowne High School +1:37.23 21:03.63 19:26.40
John Weiss Dundalk High School +6:18.79 25:50.99 19:32.20
Sydney Conboy Towson High School -1:32.73 19:56.57 21:29.30
Lauren Miller Towson High School -2:37.72 20:06.38 22:44.10
Luke Antinone Loch Raven High School +5:06.90 25:28.20 20:21.30
Dorrie Gaeng Dulaney High School +26.60 20:53.00 20:26.40
Nyjari Mcneil Franklin High School +2:47.36 23:36.16 20:48.80
Jalen Perry Western Tech +51.39 22:21.99 21:30.60
Lillian Behan Hereford High School +36.10 23:41.00 23:04.90
Riley Woolston Sparrows Point High School +2:00.31 25:17.71 23:17.40
Abigail Drager-Davidoff Pikesville High School +2:46.90 26:43.00 23:56.10
Allisa Sankar Kenwood High School -4:02.10 29:07.00 33:09.10