Prince George County Championship 2009

Upper Marlboro, MD

Prince George County Championshi

Licensed to Parkdale High School        HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/9/2009 06:48 PM
       PGCPS Outdoor Track and Field Championship - 5/7/2009 to 5/9/2009       
                               Wise High School                                
Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Miller, Cearha            12 Oxon Hill              11.80      12.1hQ  6 
  2 Hurrington, Corryn        11 C.H. Flowers           12.40      12.2hQ  1 
  3 Adenikinju, Abi           12 Eleanor Roosevel       12.15      12.3hQ  5 
  4 Jackson, Sherreka         12 C.H. Flowers           12.40      12.4hQ  2 
  5 Price, Indya              12 Friendly               12.40      12.4hQ  3 
  6 Barnes, Shemia            12 Largo                  12.22      12.9hQ  4 
  7 Phillips, Jasmin          12 Eleanor Roosevel       12.41      12.5hQ  1 
  8 Deal, Shanel              11 Oxon Hill              12.75      12.6hQ  6 
  9 Butler, Ericka            11 Suitland               12.50      12.7hQ  2 
 10 Ikpeze, Whitney           10 Bladensburg            12.90      12.7hQ  3 
 11 Etukudo, Ama              12 Bowie                  12.66      12.9hQ  5 
 12 Blackwell, Taylor         11 High Point             12.83      13.0hQ  4 
 13 Smith, Noelle             11 C.H. Flowers           12.90      13.0hq  2 
 14 George, Janice            09 Bowie                             13.1hq  4 
 15 Woody, Melody             09 Gwynn Park             13.50      13.2hq  6 
 16 Gilliam, Sierra           12 Largo                  12.60      13.2hq  4 
 17 Kai-Kai, Maseray          11 Eleanor Roosevel       12.75      13.3h   6 
 18 Barrett, Kadie            09 Northwestern-PG        13.30      13.5h   4 
 19 Gooden, Lashawn           10 Wise                   13.40      13.6h   6 
 20 Roberson, Brittany        12 Wise                   13.50      13.8h   5 
 21 McCallum, Shannon         09 Crossland              13.30      13.8h   3 
 22 Griffiths, Danancia       12 Potomac                12.83      13.8h   5 
 23 Hemphill, Emily           10 High Point             13.60      14.0h   3 
 24 Daughtridge, Norceia      12 Crossland              13.60      14.1h   2 
 24 Hill, Jade                09 Laurel                 13.00      14.1h   1 
 26 Simmons, Jasmine          10 Surrattsville                     14.1h   6 
 27 Ogunye, Fumi              09 Douglass-PG                       14.3h   3 
 28 Payne, Sardai             11 Central                14.00      14.4h   3 
 29 Tyler, Rayna              09 Douglass-PG                       15.1h   1 
Girls 100 Meter Dash Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Lathern, Tericka          09 Suitland                          12.5hQ  2 
  2 Ndum, Kimmy               10 Bowie                  12.59      13.1hQ  1 
  3 Abrams, Tierra            10 Central                13.20      13.6hQ  3 
  4 Fields, Andrea            10 Surrattsville          13.50      12.6hQ  2 
  5 Nickerson, Stephanie      09 Largo                  12.70      13.4hQ  1 
  6 Joseph, Kadijah           09 Largo                             13.9hQ  3 
  7 Mercer, Shakea            10 Suitland               12.49      12.9hq  2 
  8 Fentry, Ebony             10 C.H. Flowers                      13.3hq  2 
  9 Cotton, Daunique          12 Potomac                13.20      13.9h   3 
 10 Yarne, White              10 Bladensburg                       14.0h   3 
 11 Tibbs, Andrenique         09 Bladensburg                       14.5h   1 
 12 LaCounte, Lauren          09 Largo                             14.6h   2 
 13 Manley, Joy               09 Douglass-PG                       14.9h   3 
 14 Robinson, Alexis          09 Forestville Acad       15.20      15.1h   3 
 15 Jones, Britney            09 Potomac                13.33      15.1h   2 
 16 Howcott, Keyonna          09 Douglass-PG                       15.2h   2 
 17 Tyree, Daja               09 Fairmont Heights       13.70      15.6h   1 
 18 Tcheussa, Daniella        09 Parkdale                          15.6h   3 
Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Miller, Cearha            12 Oxon Hill              12.1h      12.0hQ  2 
  2 Hurrington, Corryn        11 C.H. Flowers           12.2h      12.0hQ  1 
  3 Price, Indya              12 Friendly               12.4h      12.2hQ  2 
  4 Adenikinju, Abi           12 Eleanor Roosevel       12.3h      12.3hQ  1 
  5 Jackson, Sherreka         12 C.H. Flowers           12.4h      12.5hQ  2 
  6 Phillips, Jasmin          12 Eleanor Roosevel       12.5h      12.7hQ  1 
  7 Deal, Shanel              11 Oxon Hill              12.6h      12.5hQ  2 
  8 Ikpeze, Whitney           10 Bladensburg            12.7h      12.8hQ  1 
  9 Barnes, Shemia            12 Largo                  12.9h      12.8h   1 
 10 Smith, Noelle             11 C.H. Flowers           13.0h      12.9h   2 
 11 Butler, Ericka            11 Suitland               12.7h      12.9h   2 
 12 Woody, Melody             09 Gwynn Park             13.2h      12.9h   1 
 12 Blackwell, Taylor         11 High Point             13.0h      12.9h   2 
 14 Gilliam, Sierra           12 Largo                  13.2h      13.3h   2 
Girls 100 Meter Dash Novice
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Lathern, Tericka          09 Suitland               12.5h      12.47  
  2 Ndum, Kimmy               10 Bowie                  13.1h      12.53  
  3 Mercer, Shakea            10 Suitland               12.9h      12.74  
  4 Fentry, Ebony             10 C.H. Flowers           13.3h      13.04  
  5 Nickerson, Stephanie      09 Largo                  13.4h      13.32  
  6 Abrams, Tierra            10 Central                13.6h      13.51  
  7 Joseph, Kadijah           09 Largo                  13.9h      13.83  
Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Miller, Cearha            12 Oxon Hill              12.0h      11.61   10   
  2 Hurrington, Corryn        11 C.H. Flowers           12.0h      11.81    8   
  3 Adenikinju, Abi           12 Eleanor Roosevel       12.3h      12.07    6   
  4 Price, Indya              12 Friendly               12.2h      12.11    4   
  5 Jackson, Sherreka         12 C.H. Flowers           12.5h      12.12    2   
  6 Deal, Shanel              11 Oxon Hill              12.5h      12.41    1   
  7 Phillips, Jasmin          12 Eleanor Roosevel       12.7h      12.42  
  8 Ikpeze, Whitney           10 Bladensburg            12.8h      12.54  
Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Scott, Aurieyall          11 Eleanor Roosevel       24.11      23.9hQ  6 
  2 Miller, Cearha            12 Oxon Hill              23.90      24.6hQ  7 
  3 Price, Indya              12 Friendly               25.57      24.9hQ  1 
  4 Ruth, Asha                12 Bowie                  25.47      25.4hQ  3 
  5 Adelola, Deborah          11 Bladensburg            25.80      25.6hQ  5 
  6 Phillips, Jasmin          12 Eleanor Roosevel       25.42      26.5hQ  4 
  7 Simpson, Krystal          09 Gwynn Park             25.60      26.9hQ  2 
  8 Sogbesan, Ekundayo        11 Forestville Acad       25.70      25.6hQ  3 
  9 Olusoga, Joyce            12 Bladensburg            26.00      27.0hQ  7 
 10 Fields, Andrea            10 Surrattsville          26.12      27.1hQ  5 
 11 Price, Delainey           11 Douglass-PG                       27.3hQ  4 
 12 Blackwell, Taylor         11 High Point             26.90      27.4hQ  2 
 13 Eads, Talisha             11 Wise                   27.00      27.7hQ  1 
 14 Barrett, Kadie            09 Northwestern-PG        28.10      27.9hQ  6 
 15 Brown, Corren             11 Potomac                27.30      27.5hq  2 
 16 Charles, Afia             11 Eleanor Roosevel       24.54      27.5hq  5 
 17 Middleton, Nicole         11 Largo                  26.50      27.5h   4 
 18 King, Leandra             12 Parkdale               27.50      28.0h   3 
 19 Griffiths, Danancia       12 Potomac                26.80      28.0h   3 
 20 Roman, Kayla              09 Wise                   28.70      28.9h   1 
 21 White, Kristen            10 Douglass-PG                       29.0h   2 
 22 Porter, Porsha            10 Wise                   29.60      29.1h   7 
 23 Tyree, Daja               09 Fairmont Heights       28.30      29.4h   6 
 24 Williams, Mary            11 Crossland              29.50      29.5h   6 
 25 Bonnett, Chelsea          10 Douglass-PG                       29.6h   3 
 26 Beverley, Dominica        09 Crossland              29.50      29.9h   5 
 27 Day, Jessica              11 Bladensburg            28.50      30.2h   4 
 28 Daughtridge, Norceia      12 Crossland              30.40      30.2h   5 
 29 Hoff, Romitta             10 DuVal                  31.07      30.4h   3 
 30 Linwood, Kiara            12 Oxon Hill              26.00      30.5h   7 
 31 Hill, Jade                09 Laurel                 28.90      30.5h   1 
 32 Russell, Tamara           11 DuVal                             31.6h   6 
 33 Joseph, Kadijah           09 Largo                  28.00      32.0h   4 
 34 Payne, Sardai             11 Central                29.00      33.0h   4 
 35 Shinault, Oniesha         11 DuVal                  32.60      37.9h   2 
Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Scott, Aurieyall          11 Eleanor Roosevel       23.9h      23.9hQ  2 
  2 Miller, Cearha            12 Oxon Hill              24.6h      24.9hQ  1 
  3 Price, Indya              12 Friendly               24.9h      25.1hQ  1 
  4 Ruth, Asha                12 Bowie                  25.4h      25.2hQ  2 
  5 Sogbesan, Ekundayo        11 Forestville Acad       25.6h      25.4hQ  2 
  6 Simpson, Krystal          09 Gwynn Park             26.9h      26.6hQ  1 
  7 Adelola, Deborah          11 Bladensburg            25.6h      25.8hQ  2 
  8 Fields, Andrea            10 Surrattsville          27.1h      26.8hQ  1 
  9 Olusoga, Joyce            12 Bladensburg            27.0h      26.5h   2 
 10 Blackwell, Taylor         11 High Point             27.4h      26.7h   2 
 11 Price, Delainey           11 Douglass-PG            27.3h      26.9h   1 
 12 Phillips, Jasmin          12 Eleanor Roosevel       26.5h      27.5h   1 
 13 Brown, Corren             11 Potomac                27.5h      28.1h   1 
 14 Barrett, Kadie            09 Northwestern-PG        27.9h      28.3h   1 
Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Scott, Aurieyall          11 Eleanor Roosevel       23.9h      23.52   10   
  2 Miller, Cearha            12 Oxon Hill              24.9h      24.03    8   
  3 Price, Indya              12 Friendly               25.1h      25.08    6   
  4 Sogbesan, Ekundayo        11 Forestville Acad       25.4h      25.50    4   
  5 Ruth, Asha                12 Bowie                  25.2h      25.52    2   
  6 Adelola, Deborah          11 Bladensburg            25.8h      25.55    1   
  7 Fields, Andrea            10 Surrattsville          26.8h      26.26  
  8 Simpson, Krystal          09 Gwynn Park             26.6h      26.89  
Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 King, Deseree'            11 Oxon Hill              54.70      55.65   6  10   
  2 Anyanwu, Doris            12 Eleanor Roosevel       56.70      56.12   6   8   
  3 Fajuyigbe, Deborah        10 Bowie                  58.33      57.34   6   6   
  4 Sogbesan, Ekundayo        11 Forestville Acad       59.90      57.80   5   4   
  5 Price, Indya              12 Friendly               58.00      57.83   6   2   
  6 Adelola, Deborah          11 Bladensburg            59.40      58.32   6   1   
  7 Calhoun, Danielle         11 Eleanor Roosevel       59.36      58.79   6 
  8 Johnson, Amirah           10 Eleanor Roosevel       59.84      59.30   5 
  9 Price, Delainey           11 Douglass-PG          1:00.00    1:00.00   5 
 10 Dickens, Rashanda         11 Bowie                1:02.21    1:01.10   4 
 11 Dotson, Domini            12 Largo                1:01.00    1:01.50   5 
 12 Simpson, Krystal          09 Gwynn Park           1:05.00    1:02.10   3 
 13 Eads, Talisha             11 Wise                 1:02.50    1:02.40   4 
 14 Redfield, Cierra          12 Laurel               1:01.10    1:02.60   5 
 15 Bernadel, Rachelle        12 Parkdale             1:02.00    1:02.70   4 
 16 Brown, Corren             11 Potomac              1:00.50    1:02.90   5 
 17 Marshall, Aiesha          11 C.H. Flowers         1:02.50    1:03.00   4 
 18 King, Leandra             12 Parkdale             1:05.00    1:03.70   3 
 19 Blackwell, Taylor         11 High Point           1:03.00    1:04.10   4 
 20 Wakefield, Sada           11 Crossland            1:04.10    1:04.80   3 
 21 Carey, Brittany           12 Suitland             1:01.50    1:05.10   5 
 22 Lindsey, Amber            11 Largo                1:04.00    1:05.20   3 
 23 Williams, Mary            11 Crossland            1:07.00    1:06.40   2 
 24 Dewitt, Jennifer          09 Laurel               1:06.70    1:06.50   2 
 25 Day, Jessica              11 Bladensburg          1:08.00    1:07.60   2 
 25 Holder, Jacques           12 Parkdale             1:06.00    1:07.60   2 
 27 Francis, Christinia       09 Northwestern-PG      1:09.90    1:07.90   1 
 28 Barton-Smith, Susanna     11 Potomac              1:04.80    1:08.40   3 
 29 Hutchins, Zahrina         09 Laurel               1:03.80    1:09.10   3 
 30 Williams, Olivia          10 Central              1:10.00    1:12.10   1 
 31 David, Elizabeth          11 Northwestern-PG      1:17.30    1:13.07   1 
 32 Shinault, Oniesha         11 DuVal                1:14.00    1:15.40   1 
Girls 400 Meter Dash Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Owens, Amber              10 Central              1:00.30      59.55   2 
  2 Fields, Andrea            10 Surrattsville        1:07.00    1:00.68   2 
  3 Shepherd, Sydney          10 Douglass-PG          1:04.00    1:02.77   2 
  4 Adeoye, Julie             09 C.H. Flowers                    1:03.38   1 
  5 Adeniji, Kemi             09 C.H. Flowers         1:06.00    1:05.35   2 
  6 Hayes, Ashley             10 Central              1:08.00    1:06.33   1 
  7 Brisbane Conway, Ayarri   09 Fairmont Heights     1:05.00    1:07.76   2 
  8 Yao, Nancy                10 Bladensburg          1:11.00    1:11.88   1 
  9 Charles, Tyree            10 Forestville Acad     1:15.00    1:14.05   1 
 10 Hill, Derica                 Bladensburg                     1:16.13   1 
Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Roberts, Gloria           11 Douglass-PG          2:20.00    2:19.60   4  10   
  2 Butler, Jasmine           12 C.H. Flowers         2:22.00    2:22.10   4   8   
  3 Ekiyoyo, Sekinat          12 Eleanor Roosevel     2:24.00    2:22.89   4   6   
  4 Williams, Tnay            11 C.H. Flowers         2:27.00    2:25.80   4   4   
  5 Lindsey, Amber            11 Largo                2:27.00    2:28.70   4   2   
  6 Arrington, Tyreka         12 Eleanor Roosevel     2:24.00    2:28.75   4   1   
  7 Ford, Denae               11 C.H. Flowers         2:24.00    2:29.30   4 
  8 Shepherd, Sydney          10 Douglass-PG          2:40.00    2:29.53   3 
  9 Bernadel, Rachelle        12 Parkdale             2:29.00    2:30.50   4 
 10 Parker, Bianca            11 Largo                2:35.00    2:30.65   3 
 11 Wakefield, Sada           11 Crossland            2:40.00    2:32.38   3 
 12 Carr, Leah                10 Bladensburg          2:30.00    2:39.29   3 
 13 Francis, Christinia       09 Northwestern-PG      2:51.11    2:40.83   2 
 14 King, Shaniqua            10 Largo                2:40.00    2:41.01   3 
 15 Dickens, Rashanda         11 Bowie                2:30.00    2:45.40   3 
 16 Ngondi, Carol             11 Eleanor Roosevel     2:48.00    2:48.74   2 
 17 Camp-Green, Cearah        11 Bladensburg          2:52.00    2:50.82   2 
 18 Hawkins, Mia              09 Wise                 2:50.00    2:52.65   2 
 19 David, Elizabeth          11 Northwestern-PG      3:43.50    3:21.63   2 
 20 Henriquez, Jazmin         09 Northwestern-PG      3:50.00    3:35.66   1 
Girls 1600 Meter Run Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 McKenzie, Kamilah         10 Largo                6:10.00    6:05.40  
  2 Smith Gale, Jovany        10 Fairmont Heights     6:30.00    6:23.50  
  3 Barker, Tarsha               Largo                6:30.00    6:43.40  
Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Roberts, Gloria           11 Douglass-PG          5:18.00    5:17.50   10   
  2 Rivers, Teshika           12 Eleanor Roosevel     5:24.00    5:38.20    8   
  3 Arrington, Tyreka         12 Eleanor Roosevel     5:29.00    5:38.40    6   
  4 Parker, Bianca            11 Largo                5:50.00    5:45.60    4   
  5 Carino, Elizabeth         11 Parkdale             5:48.00    5:49.20    2   
  6 Williams, Tnay            11 C.H. Flowers         5:50.00    6:07.90    1   
  7 Henriquez, Jazmin         09 Northwestern-PG      8:13.00    7:53.80  
Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Roberts, Gloria           11 Douglass-PG                    11:25.4h   10   
  2 Carino, Elizabeth         11 Parkdale            12:45.00   12:40.9h    8   
  3 Williams, Tnay            11 C.H. Flowers        12:50.00   12:53.1h    6   
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 McCammon, Jenea           12 Eleanor Roosevel       14.26      14.5hQ  2 
  2 Bouldin, Casaundra        12 Bowie                  14.60      14.8hQ  1 
  3 Burns, Seneman            12 Friendly               15.16      15.0hQ  1 
  4 Boney, Shantae            12 Largo                  14.60      15.1hQ  2 
  5 Butler, Taylor            11 Oxon Hill              14.40      15.4hQ  1 
  6 Biggs, Vernetta           11 Friendly               14.90      15.6hQ  2 
  7 Pitman, Joanne            11 C.H. Flowers           15.90      15.5hQ  1 
  8 Tolson, Andrienne         12 Bowie                  15.60      16.2hQ  2 
  9 Lindsey, Ashlee           11 Largo                  15.30      16.3h   2 
 10 Barnes, Shaleathia        12 Oxon Hill              16.00      17.7h   1 
 11 Williams, Vivian          11 Bladensburg            18.00      19.2h   2 
 12 Selby, Mya                12 Forestville Acad       18.50      21.1h   2 
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 McCammon, Jenea           12 Eleanor Roosevel       14.5h      14.27   10   
  2 Burns, Seneman            12 Friendly               15.0h      14.59    8   
  3 Boney, Shantae            12 Largo                  15.1h      14.90    6   
  4 Butler, Taylor            11 Oxon Hill              15.4h      14.92    4   
  5 Pitman, Joanne            11 C.H. Flowers           15.5h      15.01    2   
  6 Bouldin, Casaundra        12 Bowie                  14.8h      15.38    1   
  7 Biggs, Vernetta           11 Friendly               15.6h      15.44  
  8 Tolson, Andrienne         12 Bowie                  16.2h      17.12  
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Anyanwu, Doris            12 Eleanor Roosevel       43.52      42.80   3  10   
  2 McCammon, Jenea           12 Eleanor Roosevel       43.31      42.96   3   8   
  3 Burns, Seneman            12 Friendly               45.10      44.86   3   6   
  4 Butler, Taylor            11 Oxon Hill              43.00      45.34   3   4   
  5 Lindsey, Ashlee           11 Largo                  47.00      46.79   2   2   
  6 Barnes, Shemia            12 Largo                  46.50      47.84   3   1   
  7 Biggs, Vernetta           11 Friendly               46.50      48.07   3 
  8 Olusoga, Joyce            12 Bladensburg            48.50      48.29   2 
  9 Bouldin, Casaundra        12 Bowie                  47.00      49.34   2 
 10 Carr, Leah                10 Bladensburg            49.50      51.01   2 
 11 Etukudo, Ama              12 Bowie                  57.93      53.67   1 
 12 Selby, Mya                12 Forestville Acad       46.50      58.00   3 
 13 Williams, Vivian          11 Bladensburg                     1:03.81   1 
 -- Boney, Shantae            12 Largo                  45.10        DNF   3 
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Suitland  'A'                                       49.78      49.48   3  10   
  2 C.H. Flowers  'A'                                   49.00      49.89   3   8   
  3 Bowie  'A'                                          48.83      50.05   3   6   
  4 Largo  'A'                                          51.00      50.91   3   4   
  5 Eleanor Roosevelt  'A'                              45.24      51.19   3   2   
  6 Central  'A'                                        51.90      51.90   2   1   
  7 Potomac  'A'                                        53.00      53.37   2 
  8 Wise  'A'                                           50.60      53.85   3 
  9 Bladensburg  'A'                                    53.00      54.01   2 
 10 Crossland  'A'                                      55.30      54.92   2 
 11 Douglass-PG  'A'                                    53.00      55.19   2 
 12 Forestville Academy  'A'                            53.50    1:04.11   2 
 -- Gwynn Park  'A'                                     56.00         DQ   1 
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Novice
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Suitland  'B'                                     1:46.00    1:47.3h  
  2 Central  'A'                                                 1:52.59  
  3 C.H. Flowers  'B'                                 1:54.00    1:55.1h  
  4 Douglass-PG  'B'                                             2:14.7h  
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Eleanor Roosevelt  'A'                            1:36.68    1:39.8h   2  10   
  2 C.H. Flowers  'A'                                            1:42.3h   1   8   
  3 Bowie  'A'                                        1:45.00    1:43.0h   2   6   
  4 Bladensburg  'A'                                  1:48.00    1:47.1h   2   4   
  5 Largo  'A'                                        1:45.00    1:48.7h   2   2   
  6 Gwynn Park  'A'                                   1:48.17    1:53.5h   2   1   
  7 Wise  'A'                                         1:51.00    1:54.1h   2 
  8 Fairmont Heights  'A'                             1:57.00    1:54.9h   1 
  9 Crossland  'A'                                    1:58.00    1:55.5h   1 
 10 Potomac  'A'                                      1:58.10    1:55.8h   1 
 11 Douglass-PG  'A'                                  2:15.00    1:56.8h   1 
 -- DuVal  'A'                                        2:06.97         DQ   1 
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 C.H. Flowers  'A'                                 4:03.00    3:55.12   2  10   
  2 Largo  'A'                                        4:10.00    4:00.98   2   8   
  3 Eleanor Roosevelt  'A'                            3:40.66    4:04.91   2   6   
  4 Suitland  'A'                                     4:10.00    4:08.56   2   4   
  5 Bladensburg  'A'                                  4:12.00    4:18.31   2   2   
  6 Parkdale  'A'                                     4:30.00    4:27.95   1   1   
 -- Fairmont Heights  'A'                             4:45.00         DQ   1 
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 C.H. Flowers  'A'                                10:20.00   10:08.0h   10   
  2 Largo  'A'                                       10:11.00   10:17.0h    8   
  3 Parkdale  'A'                                    10:38.00   11:00.0h    6   
  4 Wise  'A'                                        11:52.00   11:26.0h    4   
  5 Fairmont Heights  'A'                            11:47.00   11:33.0h    2   
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Boney, Shantae            12 Largo                5-06.00    5-04.00   10   
  2 Barnes, Shaleathia        12 Oxon Hill            5-04.00    5-02.00    8   
  3 Holston, Elan             11 Eleanor Roosevel     5-02.00   J5-00.00    3   
  3 Bamiro, Seanniece         12 Bowie                5-02.00   J5-00.00    3   
 -- Arrington, Kiara          10 Bowie                4-04.00         NH  
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Ruth, Asha                12 Bowie               18-00.00   17-04.00   10   
  2 Butler, Taylor            11 Oxon Hill           17-05.00   17-01.50    8   
  3 Tolson, Andrienne         12 Bowie               17-01.00   16-06.00    6   
  4 Biggs, Vernetta           11 Friendly            17-04.00   16-05.00    4   
  5 Burns, Seneman            12 Friendly            17-11.00   16-01.00    2   
  6 Adenikinju, Abi           12 Eleanor Roosevel    15-10.00   15-09.00    1   
  7 Conteh, Isatu             11 Largo               16-00.00   15-01.50  
  8 Figueroa, Roberta         12 Largo               15-10.00   14-03.00  
  9 Hall, Breanna             11 Crossland           13-10.00   14-01.00  
 10 Deal, Shanel              11 Oxon Hill           16-11.00   13-10.00  
 11 McCallum, Shannon         09 Crossland           16-11.00   13-09.00  
 12 Peah, Peaches             10 Eleanor Roosevel    14-06.00   13-00.00  
 13 Boseman, Alana            10 Gwynn Park          14-00.25   12-05.00  
 14 Barrett, Kadie            09 Northwestern-PG     12-11.00   11-05.00  
 15 Hill, Javon               09 Largo               13-00.00   11-00.50  
Girls Long Jump Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Beverley, Dominica        09 Crossland           13-02.00   12-08.00  
Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Scott, Aurieyall          11 Eleanor Roosevel    37-00.00   35-04.50   10   
  2 Butler, Taylor            11 Oxon Hill           37-05.00   35-01.50    8   
  3 Barnes, Shaleathia        12 Oxon Hill           34-00.00   32-08.00    6   
  4 Edwards, Lenesha          10 Bowie               35-05.00   32-01.00    4   
  5 Figueroa, Roberta         12 Largo               33-00.00   32-00.00    2   
  6 Conteh, Isatu             11 Largo               34-00.00   31-06.00    1   
  7 Thomas, Jazmyn            12 Bowie               34-00.00   30-08.00  
 -- Brown-McDaniels, Jeria    09 Largo               31-00.00       FOUL  
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Finley, Brelyn               C.H. Flowers        39-00.00   40-08.75   10   
  2 Weaver, Juanita           12 Eleanor Roosevel    40-03.00   39-06.00    8   
  3 Morgan, Charlise          11 Largo               36-10.00   36-09.50    6   
  4 Agbaza, Onome             11 Bladensburg         35-09.25   36-02.00    4   
  5 Claggett, Jazmyne         10 Eleanor Roosevel    32-09.00   33-11.00    2   
  6 Young, Shawanta           12 Potomac             34-06.00   33-03.00    1   
  7 Scott, Latia              10 Gwynn Park          22-10.25   30-06.00  
  8 Scott, Alexus             10 Eleanor Roosevel    30-11.00   29-07.00  
  9 Selby, Mya                12 Forestville Acad    30-04.00   28-10.50  
  9 Moore, Sharita            11 C.H. Flowers        30-10.00   28-10.50  
 11 Henderson, Lindsey        12 Bladensburg         30-07.00   28-09.00  
 12 Gillson, Aleisha          12 Central             30-05.00   28-04.00  
 13 Hall, Breanna             11 Crossland           26-03.75   27-02.00  
 14 Selby, Chelsea            10 Forestville Acad    23-02.00   26-06.00  
 15 Koroma, Bintu             11 Crossland           24-08.00   24-01.50  
 16 Ettison, Tiarra           11 C.H. Flowers        20-00.00   23-01.00  
Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Agbaza, Onome             11 Bladensburg         94-02.25      95-02   10   
  2 Moore, Sharita            11 C.H. Flowers           75-00      94-06    8   
  3 Morgan, Charlise          11 Largo                 100-00      93-05    6   
  4 Claggett, Jazmyne         10 Eleanor Roosevel       90-01      92-02    4   
  5 Young, Shawanta           12 Potomac                98-10   87-06.50    2   
  6 Scott, Latia              10 Gwynn Park                     81-02.50    1   
  7 Selby, Chelsea            10 Forestville Acad       60-02      73-09  
  8 Henderson, Lindsey        12 Bladensburg         80-08.50      68-10  
  9 Selby, Mya                12 Forestville Acad      100-01      67-07  
 10 Scott, Alexus             10 Eleanor Roosevel       78-04   65-05.25  
 11 Gordan, Erika             12 Largo                  80-00      54-01  
 12 Ettison, Tiarra           11 C.H. Flowers           50-00      52-09  
 -- Tyler, Rayna              09 Douglass-PG                          ND  
 -- Weaver, Juanita           12 Eleanor Roosevel      101-08         ND  
 -- Finley, Brelyn               C.H. Flowers           70-00         ND  
 -- Branch, Keturah           11 Wise                                 ND  
 -- Alston, Shliah            10 Friendly                             ND  
Boys 100 Meter Dash Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Uwandi, Nkonyeasua        10 Parkdale               11.56      11.3hQ  1 
  2 Johnson, Oshea            10 C.H. Flowers           11.70      11.5hQ  2 
  3 Mills, Desmond            09 Douglass-PG            11.50      11.4hQ  1 
  4 Nwosu, Bryant             10 Bowie                  11.49      11.8hQ  2 
  5 Turner, Dean              09 Forestville Acad       12.10      11.9hQ  1 
  6 Jones, Jamaal             11 C.H. Flowers           11.90      12.1hQ  2 
  7 Anderson, Marcus          09 Douglass-PG                       12.3hQ  1 
  8 Idyoussem, Boris          10 Parkdale               12.50      12.3hQ  2 
  9 Vasquez, Sam                 Eleanor Roosevel       11.95      12.4h   1 
 10 Newman, Devan                Wise                              12.6h   2 
 11 Fisher, Rahn                 Eleanor Roosevel       11.60      12.9h   2 
 12 Mitchell, shamar          10 Central                11.80      12.9h   2 
 13 Igboro, Victor            10 Forestville Acad       11.90      13.0h   1 
 14 George, Lamar             10 Central                11.60      13.0h   1 
Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Bowman, James             12 Fairmont Heights       10.87      10.9hQ  5 
  2 Massey, Trey              12 Douglass-PG            11.20      10.9hQ  1 
  3 Pierce, Kwinton           12 DuVal                  11.01      11.0hQ  3 
  4 Darby, Ronald             09 Potomac                10.48      11.0hQ  7 
  5 Long, Denny               12 Eleanor Roosevel       10.71      11.2hQ  6 
  6 Blackwell, Alexander      12 Wise                   10.90      11.2hQ  4 
  7 Wright, Anthony           12 Wise                   11.10      11.2hQ  2 
  8 Noumossie, Emmanuel       12 Bowie                  11.20      11.2hQ  3 
  9 Rich, Daniel              12 Wise                   11.30      11.2hQ  5 
 10 Rollins, Joseph           11 Surrattsville          11.71      11.2hQ  1 
 11 Chapman, L'Zerek          10 Laurel                 11.30      11.3hQ  4 
 12 Kitchens, Aurellius       11 Surrattsville          11.41      11.4hQ  2 
 13 Bangura, Abdula           11 Eleanor Roosevel       11.30      11.5hQ  7 
 14 Bradley, Maurco           12 Douglass-PG            11.30      11.5hQ  6 
 15 Carr, Dexter              12 Eleanor Roosevel       11.31      11.3hq  3 
 16 Stennent, Michael         11 C.H. Flowers           11.20      11.4hq  5 
 17 Rowland, Michael          12 C.H. Flowers           11.40      11.4h   1 
 18 Baxter, Paris             11 DuVal                  11.40      11.4h   1 
 19 Uwandi, Nkonyeasua        10 Parkdale               11.56      11.5h   4 
 20 Momoh, Paul               11 Bladensburg            11.56      11.5h   5 
 21 Hall, Daryl               11 Fairmont Heights       11.20      11.5h   2 
 22 Gandy, Trevor             12 C.H. Flowers           11.60      11.5h   4 
 23 Hoff, Lorenzo             11 DuVal                  11.10      11.5h   1 
 24 Rahim, Bilal              11 Bowie                  11.30      11.6h   7 
 25 Williams, Patrick         12 Surrattsville          11.35      11.6h   2 
 26 Wolley, Dennis            11 Largo                  11.30      11.7h   6 
 27 Nguessan, Yves            10 Laurel                 11.70      11.7h   2 
 28 George, Athnel            12 Northwestern-PG                   11.8h   6 
 29 Law, Quinton              12 Gwynn Park             12.22      11.8h   7 
 30 McGougal, Darrius         10 Gwynn Park             12.00      11.8h   5 
 31 Love, Deante              11 Laurel                 11.60      11.9h   3 
 32 Akins, Shamel             12 Potomac                11.20      12.0h   4 
 33 Frazier, Dominic          11 Northwestern-PG        11.87      12.0h   3 
 34 Ihekweme, Fortune         11 Largo                  11.60      12.1h   5 
 35 Carr, Bryan               11 Friendly                          12.1h   1 
 36 Bender, Mario             11 High Point             11.80      12.2h   2 
 37 Bozeman, Okoye            11 Bowie                  11.50      12.4h   3 
 38 Bailey, Karlmichael       11 Parkdale               12.00      12.4h   6 
 39 Musa, Joel                12 High Point             11.60      12.5h   6 
 40 Barrett, Gavin            10 Bladensburg                       12.6h   5 
 41 Eesuelak, Emmanuel        10 Central                11.60      12.8h   6 
 42 Devan, Newman             10 Wise                              12.9h   2 
 43 Prince, Jalen             09 Northwestern-PG        12.40      13.1h   7 
 44 Freeman, Bishop           10 High Point             12.00      13.1h   4 
Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 Long, Denny               12 Eleanor Roosevel       11.2h      10.8hQ  2 
  2 Massey, Trey              12 Douglass-PG            10.9h      10.9hQ  1 
  3 Darby, Ronald             09 Potomac                11.0h      10.9hQ  2 
  4 Pierce, Kwinton           12 DuVal                  11.0h      11.0hQ  1 
  5 Noumossie, Emmanuel       12 Bowie                  11.2h      11.0hQ  2 
  6 Blackwell, Alexander      12 Wise                   11.2h      11.0hQ  1 
  7 Stennent, Michael         11 C.H. Flowers           11.4h      11.0hQ  2 
  8 Chapman, L'Zerek          10 Laurel                 11.3h      11.1hQ  1 
  9 Rich, Daniel              12 Wise                   11.2h      11.1h   2 
 10 Rollins, Joseph           11 Surrattsville          11.2h      11.2h   1 
 11 Kitchens, Aurellius       11 Surrattsville          11.4h      11.2h   2 
 12 Carr, Dexter              12 Eleanor Roosevel       11.3h      11.3h   1 
 13 Bowman, James             12 Fairmont Heights       10.9h      11.3h   2 
 14 Wright, Anthony           12 Wise                   11.2h      11.4h   1 
 15 Bradley, Maurco           12 Douglass-PG            11.5h      11.4h   1 
 16 Bangura, Abdula           11 Eleanor Roosevel       11.5h      11.7h   2 
Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Long, Denny               12 Eleanor Roosevel       10.8h      10.57   10   
  2 Darby, Ronald             09 Potomac                10.9h      10.73    8   
  3 Pierce, Kwinton           12 DuVal                  11.0h      10.99    6   
  4 Blackwell, Alexander      12 Wise                   11.0h      11.00    4   
  5 Stennent, Michael         11 C.H. Flowers           11.0h      11.01    2   
  6 Noumossie, Emmanuel       12 Bowie                  11.0h      11.24    1   
  7 Chapman, L'Zerek          10 Laurel                 11.1h      11.28  
Boys 100 Meter Dash Novice
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Johnson, Oshea            10 C.H. Flowers           11.5h      11.15  
  2 Nwosu, Bryant             10 Bowie                  11.8h      11.35  
  3 Uwandi, Nkonyeasua        10 Parkdale               11.3h      11.39  
  4 Jones, Jamaal             11 C.H. Flowers           12.1h      11.63  
  5 Mills, Desmond            09 Douglass-PG            11.4h      11.65  
  6 Turner, Dean              09 Forestville Acad       11.9h      12.04  
  7 Idyoussem, Boris          10 Parkdale               12.3h      12.05  
  7 Anderson, Marcus          09 Douglass-PG            12.3h      12.05  
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Manning, Collin           12 Bowie                  21.80      21.9hQ  6 
  2 Noumossie, Emmanuel       12 Bowie                  22.50      22.0hQ  3 
  3 Rich, Daniel              12 Wise                   22.50      22.4hQ  2 
  4 McKenzie, Ben             11 Largo                  22.00      22.4hQ  5 
  5 Blackwell, Alexander      12 Wise                   22.60      22.6hQ  1 
  6 Boseman, Andrew           10 Gwynn Park             23.13      22.7hQ  7 
  7 Rahim, Bilal              11 Bowie                  22.20      23.0hQ  4 
  8 Pierce, Kwinton           12 DuVal                  23.00      22.2hQ  3 
  9 Massey, Trey              12 Douglass-PG            24.50      22.6hQ  6 
 10 Youngblood, Tristan       12 Eleanor Roosevel       22.78      22.7hQ  1 
 11 Kitchens, Aurellius       11 Surrattsville          23.05      23.2hQ  4 
 12 Williams, Derrick         11 Eleanor Roosevel       23.80      23.4hQ  7 
 13 Hall, Daryl               11 Fairmont Heights       22.90      23.5hQ  2 
 13 Thompson, Christopher     12 Laurel                 23.10      23.5hQ  5 
 15 Newton, John              12 Wise                   23.40      23.3hq  3 
 16 George, Athnel            12 Northwestern-PG                   23.3hq  1 
 17 Bradley, Maurco           12 Douglass-PG            24.70      23.3h   4 
 18 Chapman, L'Zerek          10 Laurel                 23.10      23.4h   6 
 18 Rollins, Joseph           11 Surrattsville          23.15      23.4h   7 
 20 Mclendon, Michael         12 Eleanor Roosevel       23.50      23.4h   1 
 21 bailey, eric              12 Bladensburg            23.20      23.5h   6 
 22 Smith, Lakel              12 C.H. Flowers           23.80      23.6h   6 
 23 Mcpherson, Justin         10 Northwestern-PG        23.86      23.7h   6 
 24 Winslow, Dwayne           12 Surrattsville          23.25      23.7h   4 
 25 Uwandi, Nkonyeasua        10 Parkdale               23.20      23.8h   5 
 26 Baxter, Paris             11 DuVal                  24.40      23.8h   3 
 27 Abbey, Kalada             11 Laurel                 23.70      24.0h   3 
 28 Green, Najee              10 Gwynn Park             23.67      24.1h   1 
 29 Ford, Tremayne            12 Friendly               23.50      24.5h   2 
 30 Ihekweme, Fortune         11 Largo                  23.70      24.6h   2 
 31 Scott, James              11 C.H. Flowers           24.30      24.6h   2 
 32 Turner, Dean              09 Forestville Acad       24.50      24.8h   7 
 33 Bender, Mario             11 High Point             24.60      24.8h   7 
 34 Washington, Vincent       10 Friendly               24.00      24.9h   1 
 35 Frazier, Dominic          11 Northwestern-PG        24.69      24.9h   6 
 36 Speght, Myron             09 Oxon Hill              24.00      25.3h   3 
 37 Idyoussem, Boris          10 Parkdale               26.00      25.5h   1 
 38 Hodges, Donovan           10 Forestville Acad       24.50      25.9h   5 
 39 Barrett, Gavin            10 Bladensburg                       26.0h   4 
 40 Musa, Joel                12 High Point             24.40      26.1h   4 
 41 Freeman, Bishop           10 High Point             25.00      27.1h   2 
 42 Igboro, Victor            10 Forestville Acad       24.80      29.4h   3 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School               Prelims      Semis  H#
  1 McKenzie, Ben             11 Largo                  22.4h      22.0hQ  2 
  2 Noumossie, Emmanuel       12 Bowie                  22.0h      22.2hQ  1 
  3 Manning, Collin           12 Bowie                  21.9h      22.2hQ  2 
  4 Youngblood, Tristan       12 Eleanor Roosevel       22.7h      22.5hQ  1 
  5 Pierce, Kwinton           12 DuVal                  22.2h      22.6hQ  2 
  6 Boseman, Andrew           10 Gwynn Park             22.7h      22.7hQ  1 
  7 Blackwell, Alexander      12 Wise                   22.6h      22.6hQ  2 
  8 Rich, Daniel              12 Wise                   22.4h      22.7hQ  1 
  9 Newton, John              12 Wise                   23.3h      22.7h   1 
 10 George, Athnel            12 Northwestern-PG        23.3h      23.2h   2 
 11 Kitchens, Aurellius       11 Surrattsville          23.2h      23.3h   1 
 12 Rahim, Bilal              11 Bowie                  23.0h      23.3h   1 
 13 Williams, Derrick         11 Eleanor Roosevel       23.4h      23.4h   2 
 14 Thompson, Christopher     12 Laurel                 23.5h      23.4h   1 
 15 Hall, Daryl               11 Fairmont Heights       23.5h      23.8h   2 
 -- Massey, Trey              12 Douglass-PG            22.6h         DQ   2 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Semis     Finals  Points
  1 Manning, Collin           12 Bowie                  22.2h      21.97   10   
  2 Noumossie, Emmanuel       12 Bowie                  22.2h      22.26    8   
  3 Youngblood, Tristan       12 Eleanor Roosevel       22.5h      22.34    6   
  4 Pierce, Kwinton           12 DuVal                  22.6h      22.37    4   
  5 Boseman, Andrew           10 Gwynn Park             22.7h      22.50    2   
  6 Blackwell, Alexander      12 Wise                   22.6h      22.51    1   
  7 Rich, Daniel              12 Wise                   22.7h      23.16  
Boys 400 Meter Dash Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Yaang, Dalanti            10 Gwynn Park             56.50      52.84   2 
  2 Nkonyseasua, Uwandi          Parkdale               54.00      53.41   2 
  3 Smith, Carlton            10 Central                54.50      54.35   2 
  4 Hodges, Donovan           10 Forestville Acad       58.10      56.15   1 
  5 Hopper, Jarret            10 Crossland              57.70      57.60   1 
  6 Wood, Donnell             09 Douglass-PG          1:05.00      58.85   1 
  7 Brooks, Emeka             10 Fairmont Heights       59.00      59.01   1 
Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Empty, George             12 C.H. Flowers           48.40      47.95   6  10   
  2 McKenzie, Ben             11 Largo                  48.90      48.55   6   8   
  3 Noumossie, Emmanuel       12 Bowie                  49.40      49.34   6   6   
  4 Victorian, Jibri          12 Laurel                 50.70      49.78   6   4   
  5 Wright, Andrew            11 Largo                  51.00      49.93   5   2   
  6 Long, Denny               12 Eleanor Roosevel       51.88      50.07   5   1   
  7 Johnson, Saquan           10 Suitland               49.50      50.41   6 
  8 Allen, Bryan              12 Douglass-PG            51.70      50.59   5 
  9 Jordan, Javon             12 Central                50.80      50.73   6 
 10 Colman, Jordan            10 Suitland               49.80      51.11   6 
 11 Savoy, Chey               12 Gwynn Park             53.25      51.35   4 
 12 bailey, eric              12 Bladensburg            51.50      51.42   5 
 13 Ballah, Daniel            12 Bowie                  51.00      51.55   5 
 14 Till, Titus               11 Wise                   52.00      51.88   4 
 15 Adenikinju, Oluwapelumi   10 Eleanor Roosevel       52.31      51.97   4 
 16 Borum, Chris              12 DuVal                  52.30      52.14   4 
 17 Eroraha, Oghennetano      12 Laurel                 52.20      52.49   4 
 18 Coles, Justin             11 Wise                   54.00      52.70   3 
 19 Carrol, Carlos            10 Friendly               52.50      52.77   4 
 20 Carr, Bryson              11 Friendly               49.50      53.39   6 
 21 Ibadin, Edose             10 DuVal                  53.45      53.46   4 
 22 Williams, Anthony         09 C.H. Flowers           55.40      53.49   2 
 23 Damachi, Nelson           11 Parkdale               55.00      54.17   2 
 24 Scott, Michael            10 Bladensburg            54.60      54.23   3 
 25 Garland, Danzel           12 Gwynn Park                        54.73   1 
 26 Memudu, Nasir             12 High Point             54.00      55.15   3 
 27 Coates, Adrian            11 Douglass-PG            56.50      55.19   2 
 28 Elue, Chuka               10 Laurel                 56.10      55.79   2 
 29 Smith, Kevin              11 Gwynn Park             58.74      55.98   2 
 30 Thompson, Xavier          10 Eleanor Roosevel       56.96      56.48   2 
 31 Boseman, Andrew           10 Gwynn Park             54.00      57.52   3 
 32 Banks, Aaron              09 Oxon Hill              55.00      57.87   2 
 33 Mcpherson, Justin         10 Northwestern-PG        54.80      58.76   3 
 34 Nwosu, Daniel             10 Bladensburg                     1:00.80   1 
 35 James, Devin              11 Fairmont Heights       59.00    1:02.90   1 
Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Edwards Jr., Paul         11 Bowie                1:58.00    1:57.20   6  10   
  2 Thornton, JD              11 Suitland             2:01.00    1:59.14   6   8   
  3 Bollinger, Charles        10 Eleanor Roosevel     2:03.00    1:59.80   6   6   
  4 Tarawali, Ishmail         12 Bladensburg          2:01.40    2:00.70   6   4   
  5 White, Tre'Von            11 Wise                 2:03.00    2:01.00   6   2   
  6 rountree, marcus          12 DuVal                2:03.00    2:01.60   6   1   
  7 Brooks, Garland           10 C.H. Flowers         2:02.00    2:01.88   6 
  8 Ford, Paul                11 Eleanor Roosevel     2:07.00    2:02.96   5 
  9 Cumberbatch, Rashawn      11 Laurel               2:08.00    2:03.63   5 
 10 Browne, Troy              11 C.H. Flowers         2:04.00    2:04.15   6 
 11 Gbedo, Codjo              12 Parkdale             2:05.00    2:04.86   5 
 12 Ibadin, Edose             10 DuVal                2:03.32    2:06.31   6 
 13 Tabi, Hillman             10 DuVal                2:05.00    2:07.10   5 
 14 King, Keven               11 Wise                 2:07.00    2:07.30   5 
 15 Faherty, Brian            12 Eleanor Roosevel     2:05.00    2:07.70   5 
 15 Damachi, Nelson           11 Parkdale             2:10.00    2:07.70   4 
 17 Garrett, Lawrence         12 C.H. Flowers         2:14.00    2:08.60   4 
 18 White, Devinne            12 Central              2:08.80    2:10.71   4 
 19 Olumese, Omozopkia        11 Oxon Hill            2:09.00    2:10.99   4 
 20 Harris, Daynin            12 Wise                 2:12.00    2:11.00   4 
 21 Washington, Antonio       10 Potomac              2:10.60    2:12.31   4 
 22 Bussie, Raheem            10 Largo                2:10.00    2:12.51   4 
 23 Carrol, Carlos            10 Friendly             2:05.00    2:12.86   5 
 24 White, Hakeem             11 Douglass-PG          2:18.00    2:13.84   3 
 25 Narcisse, Sebastien       11 Laurel               2:06.00    2:14.66   5 
 26 martin, michael           10 Suitland             2:20.00    2:14.81   2 
 27 Nwosu, Dera               11 Bladensburg          2:17.00    2:14.97   3 
 28 Bundy, Melvin             10 Potomac              2:12.00    2:15.18   4 
 29 gonzalas, fernando        12 Bladensburg          2:18.00    2:15.43   3 
 30 Shatteen, Phillip         11 Friendly             2:18.00    2:15.75   3 
 31 Manigault, Jamiel         12 Douglass-PG          2:20.00    2:16.04   3 
 32 brown, jerome             10 Bowie                2:08.00    2:16.58   5 
 33 Curry, Daryl              10 Central              2:22.00    2:18.30   2 
 34 Pereira, Hallie           09 Gwynn Park           2:28.00    2:18.74   2 
 35 Smith, Kevin              11 Gwynn Park           2:30.00    2:20.31   1 
 36 Hopper, Bryan             12 Crossland            2:15.00    2:23.02   3 
 37 Wood, Donnell             09 Douglass-PG          2:30.00    2:24.21   1 
 38 Brown, Prince             12 Oxon Hill            2:18.00    2:24.29   3 
 39 alston, nazell            10 Central              2:24.00    2:24.52   2 
 40 Hopper, Garret            10 Crossland            2:21.00    2:27.93   2 
 41 Jones, Kwame              09 Potomac              2:20.00    2:33.11   2 
 42 Brooks, Emeka             10 Fairmont Heights     2:35.00    2:33.95   1 
 43 Stubbs, Sayvon            09 Parkdale             2:20.00    2:34.87   2 
 44 James, Devin              11 Fairmont Heights     2:25.00    2:55.39   2 
 45 Connors, Kenton           09 Forestville Acad                3:04.68   1 
Boys 1600 Meter Run Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Amaya, Gerardo            09 Bowie                5:09.00    5:05.90  
  2 brown, jerome             10 Bowie                5:38.00    5:11.30  
  3 davis, Rodney             09 Bowie                5:37.00    5:15.30  
  4 Hopper, Garret            10 Crossland            5:41.00    5:18.70  
  5 Anderson, Najee              C.H. Flowers         6:15.00    5:20.90  
  6 Hamilton-Frost, Darius    10 Central              5:55.00    6:31.20  
  7 Missana, Koon Peng        10 Central              6:00.00    7:06.00  
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Faherty, Brian            12 Eleanor Roosevel     4:23.00    4:29.90   10   
  2 Bollinger, Charles        10 Eleanor Roosevel     4:42.00    4:32.70    8   
  3 Browne, Troy              11 C.H. Flowers         4:38.00    4:42.30    6   
  4 Henry, Chris              11 Gwynn Park           4:48.20    4:44.20    4   
  5 White, Tre'Von            11 Wise                 4:50.00    4:47.10    2   
  6 Edwards, Jovon            12 Eleanor Roosevel     4:35.00    4:48.60    1   
  7 Tabi, Hillman             10 DuVal                5:00.00    4:50.80  
  8 Miller, Adrain            11 Wise                 4:54.00    4:52.50  
  9 Gbedo, Codjo              12 Parkdale             4:47.00    4:52.70  
 10 Narcisse, Sebastien       11 Laurel               4:53.00    4:52.80  
 11 Cumberbatch, Rashawn      11 Laurel               5:05.00    4:55.60  
 12 Washington, Antonio       10 Potomac              4:56.00    4:57.70  
 13 Jones, Amal               10 Friendly             5:00.00    5:02.30  
 14 Ndango, Leonce            12 Bladensburg          5:00.00    5:03.80  
 15 White, Hakeem             11 Douglass-PG          5:30.00    5:12.30  
 16 Hopper, Bryan             12 Crossland            5:42.00    5:19.50  
 17 Bundy, Melvin             10 Potomac              5:20.00    5:21.40  
 18 Olumese, Omozopkia        11 Oxon Hill            4:40.00    5:26.50  
 19 Jones, Kwame              09 Potomac              5:35.00    5:42.80  
 20 Brown, Prince             12 Oxon Hill            5:30.00    5:48.60  
 21 Akinfenwa, Ola            11 Bladensburg          6:00.00    5:55.90  
 22 Haile, Mathew             10 Parkdale             5:15.00    6:05.10  
Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Faherty, Brian            12 Eleanor Roosevel     9:35.00    9:59.3h   10   
  2 Richards, Daniel          10 Gwynn Park          13:10.00   10:37.9h    8   
  3 Miller, Adrain            11 Wise                11:50.00   10:56.3h    6   
  4 White, Tre'Von            11 Wise                11:20.00   10:57.2h    4   
  5 Haile, Mathew             10 Parkdale            11:15.00   10:58.7h    2   
  6 Amaya, Gerardo            09 Bowie               10:40.00   11:19.5h    1   
  7 Jones, Amal               10 Friendly            11:50.00   11:20.2h  
  8 davis, Rodney             09 Bowie               11:40.00   12:03.5h  
  9 McNeely, Brendan          11 Eleanor Roosevel    11:30.00   12:11.3h  
 10 Despagne, Wyssmy          09 Parkdale                       13:10.6h  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Mazyck, Courtney          12 Suitland               14.85      14.5hQ  1 
  2 Victorian, Jibri          12 Laurel                 14.89      14.6hQ  2 
  3 Moore, Robert             12 Largo                  14.70      15.0hQ  2 
  4 ehahoun, stephen          11 Bladensburg            14.80      15.3hQ  1 
  5 Covington, Michael        12 Bowie                  15.00      15.5hQ  1 
  6 Simpson, Anthony          12 Bowie                  14.90      15.7hQ  2 
  7 Cooper, Tavon             10 Wise                   16.00      15.9hQ  1 
  8 Grant, Vedell             09 Douglass-PG                       16.8hQ  2 
  9 Byers, Jeffery            11 Forestville Acad       15.40      18.4h   2 
 10 Bowman, James             12 Fairmont Heights       15.03      19.1h   1 
 11 Anderson, Marcus          09 Douglass-PG                       19.7h   1 
 11 Barlow, Jordan            12 Forestville Acad       16.50      19.7h   1 
 -- Boardman, Afam            11 DuVal                               DNF   2 
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  Points
  1 Mazyck, Courtney          12 Suitland               14.5h      14.12   10   
  2 Moore, Robert             12 Largo                  15.0h      14.58    8   
  3 Victorian, Jibri          12 Laurel                 14.6h      14.60    6   
  4 ehahoun, stephen          11 Bladensburg            15.3h      15.15    4   
  5 Simpson, Anthony          12 Bowie                  15.7h      15.33    2   
  6 Covington, Michael        12 Bowie                  15.5h      15.37    1   
  7 Cooper, Tavon             10 Wise                   15.9h      15.72  
  8 Grant, Vedell             09 Douglass-PG            16.8h      16.60  
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Davis, Mark               12 Central                39.80      38.68   3  10   
  2 Mazyck, Courtney          12 Suitland               39.82      38.86   3   8   
  3 Moore, Robert             12 Largo                  40.00      39.28   3   6   
  4 Smith, Kyle               09 Douglass-PG                       41.87   1   4   
  5 Cooper, Tavon             10 Wise                   44.40      41.94   2   2   
  6 ehahoun, stephen          11 Bladensburg            41.00      41.96   3   1   
  7 Lawrence, Robert          12 Potomac                44.80      43.05   2 
  8 Simpson, Anthony          12 Bowie                  39.83      43.87   3 
  9 Covington, Michael        12 Bowie                  44.70      44.02   2 
 10 Griffin, Matthew          10 Largo                  41.50      45.12   3 
 11 Julien, Darrel            12 DuVal                  48.50      45.85   2 
 12 Mercer, Robert            09 Oxon Hill              42.00      46.16   3 
 13 Stubbs, Sayvon            09 Parkdale               43.00      46.83   2 
 14 Rouse, Derrick            11 Bowie                  45.28      46.99   2 
 15 Barlow, Jordan            12 Forestville Acad       49.00      47.13   1 
 16 Davis, Brandon            12 DuVal                  48.70      48.66   1 
 17 James, Devin              11 Fairmont Heights       48.00      53.41   2 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Eleanor Roosevelt  'A'                              43.08      42.58   3  10   
  2 Wise  'A'                                           43.49      43.25   3   8   
  3 Largo  'A'                                          43.70      43.63   3   6   
  4 Bowie  'A'                                          43.38      43.88   3   4   
  5 Surrattsville  'A'                                  45.42      43.95   2   2   
  6 Central  'A'                                        44.80      44.11   2   1   
  7 C.H. Flowers  'A'                                   44.80      44.36   2 
  8 Douglass-PG  'A'                                    44.50      44.58   3 
  9 Laurel  'A'                                         44.50      44.74   3 
 10 DuVal  'A'                                          44.50      44.88   3 
 11 Bladensburg  'A'                                    44.90      44.89   2 
 12 Friendly  'A'                                       44.80      45.30   2 
 -- Gwynn Park  'A'                                     46.01         DQ   1 
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Novice
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 C.H. Flowers  'B'                                            1:32.8h  
  2 Bowie  'B'                                        1:38.00    1:37.6h  
  3 Eleanor Roosevelt  'B'                            1:36.00    1:38.4h  
  4 Douglass-PG  'B'                                             1:40.6h  
  5 Central  'A'                                                 1:42.2h  
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Bowie  'A'                                        1:30.30    1:29.9h   2  10   
  2 Eleanor Roosevelt  'A'                            1:30.00    1:30.2h   2   8   
  3 C.H. Flowers  'A'                                 1:32.00    1:30.4h   2   6   
  4 Laurel  'A'                                       1:34.00    1:32.4h   2   4   
  5 Suitland  'A'                                     1:34.42    1:32.9h   2   2   
  6 Surrattsville  'A'                                1:37.40    1:33.0h   1   1   
  7 DuVal  'A'                                        1:33.05    1:33.5h   2 
  8 Largo  'A'                                        1:33.00    1:34.0h   2 
  9 Gwynn Park  'A'                                   1:35.40    1:34.0h   1 
 10 Bladensburg  'A'                                  1:37.00    1:42.2h   1 
 11 High Point  'A'                                   1:38.00    1:42.3h   1 
 -- Douglass-PG  'A'                                  1:35.00         DQ   1 
 -- Friendly  'A'                                     1:38.00         DQ   1 
 -- Wise  'A'                                         1:31.90         DQ   2 
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Suitland  'A'                                     3:21.44    3:21.41   3  10   
  2 Bowie  'A'                                        3:22.00    3:23.76   3   8   
  3 C.H. Flowers  'A'                                 3:19.90    3:23.98   3   6   
  4 Eleanor Roosevelt  'A'                            3:24.00    3:24.90   3   4   
  5 Largo  'A'                                        3:30.00    3:27.65   2   2   
  6 Central  'A'                                      3:29.00    3:28.84   3   1   
  7 Wise  'A'                                         3:28.00    3:29.07   3 
  8 Gwynn Park  'A'                                   3:43.22    3:33.92   2 
  9 Bladensburg  'A'                                  3:31.00    3:34.08   2 
 10 Douglass-PG  'A'                                  3:37.00    3:39.29   2 
 11 Potomac  'A'                                      3:38.00    3:39.70   2 
 12 DuVal  'A'                                        3:27.00    3:53.87   3 
 -- Laurel  'A'                                       3:28.00         DQ   3 
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Bowie  'A'                                        8:20.00    8:18.0h   10   
  2 Eleanor Roosevelt  'A'                            8:34.00    8:20.0h    8   
  3 Wise  'A'                                         8:50.00    8:33.0h    6   
  4 Laurel  'A'                                       8:40.00    8:37.0h    4   
  5 DuVal  'A'                                        8:35.00    8:40.0h    2   
  6 Bladensburg  'A'                                  8:40.00    8:50.0h    1   
  7 Douglass-PG  'A'                                  9:19.00    9:02.0h  
  8 Largo  'A'                                        8:45.00    9:03.0h  
 -- C.H. Flowers  'A'                                 8:38.00         DQ  
 -- Crossland  'A'                                    9:51.00         DQ  
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Jarmon, Jamal             12 C.H. Flowers         5-10.00    5-10.00   10   
  2 Till, Titus               11 Wise                 6-02.00   J5-10.00    8   
  3 Jenkins, Antonio          11 Potomac              5-10.00    5-08.00    6   
  4 Grant, Vedell             09 Douglass-PG          6-00.00    5-06.00    4   
  5 Davis, Brandon            12 DuVal                5-06.00    5-04.00    2   
  6 Johnson, Louis            12 Bladensburg                     5-02.00    0.16
  6 Ogu, Marvin               11 Largo                5-10.00    5-02.00    0.16
  6 McGill, Da'Von            09 Bladensburg                     5-02.00    0.16
  6 Hansberry, Donald         11 Oxon Hill                       5-02.00    0.16
  6 Barlow, Jordan            12 Forestville Acad     5-04.00    5-02.00    0.16
  6 Speght, Myron             09 Oxon Hill            5-08.00    5-02.00    0.16
 -- Julien, Darrel            12 DuVal                                NH  
 -- Steele, Solomon           10 Surrattsville                        NH  
Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Mercer, Robert            09 Oxon Hill           11-00.00   12-00.00   10   
  2 Rouse, Derrick            11 Bowie                9-00.00   10-06.00    8   
  3 Wood, Anthony             12 Wise                            9-00.00    6   
 -- Newton, John              12 Wise                                 NH  
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Powell, Dwayne            11 C.H. Flowers        22-10.00   22-01.50   10   
  2 Jarmon, Jamal             12 C.H. Flowers        20-00.00   20-01.50    8   
  3 Nwosu, Bryant             10 Bowie               18-09.00   19-09.25    6   
  4 Hoff, Lorenzo             11 DuVal               19-02.00   19-08.75    4   
  5 Ndiyo, Sammy              12 Wise                20-01.00   19-07.50    2   
  6 Boardman, Afam            11 DuVal                          19-02.50    1   
  7 Hansberry, Donald         11 Oxon Hill           20-05.00   18-00.00  
  8 Solomon, Claudius         10 Wise                16-00.00   17-10.50  
  9 Mcpherson, Justin         10 Northwestern-PG     18-04.00   17-09.50  
 10 Smith, Kyle               09 Douglass-PG                    17-08.50  
 11 Adenikinju, Oluwapelumi   10 Eleanor Roosevel    18-00.00   17-08.00  
 12 Wolley, Dennis            11 Largo               19-00.00   17-03.00  
 13 Gaithers, Brandon         12 Wise                18-00.00   17-02.00  
 14 Carr, Bryson              11 Friendly            19-06.00   17-01.00  
 15 Byers, Jeffery            11 Forestville Acad    15-05.00   17-00.00  
 16 Mccauley, Milton          10 Bowie               17-00.00   16-11.50  
 17 Johnson, Louis            12 Bladensburg                    16-11.00  
 18 Steele, Solomon           10 Surrattsville                  16-08.50  
 19 McGill, Da'Von            09 Bladensburg                    15-09.00  
 20 Wood, Donnell             09 Douglass-PG         11-06.00   14-06.50  
 -- Youngblood, Tristan       12 Eleanor Roosevel    21-05.00       FOUL  
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Hansberry, Donald         11 Oxon Hill           44-00.00   42-11.00   10   
  2 Mazyck, Courtney          12 Suitland            42-03.25   41-07.00    8   
  3 Hoff, Lorenzo             11 DuVal               39-09.00   39-10.00    6   
  4 Ndiyo, Sammy              12 Wise                41-05.00   39-00.00    4   
  5 Mccauley, Milton          10 Bowie               38-01.00   37-06.00    2   
  6 Savoy, Tyler              10 Forestville Acad               37-02.50    1   
  7 Gaithers, Brandon         12 Wise                36-00.00   36-09.00  
  8 Bowman, James             12 Fairmont Heights    39-00.00   36-01.00  
Boys Shot Put Novice
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Egolum, Bryan             10 Forestville Acad    35-01.00   33-08.00  
  2 Thomas, Damarcus          10 Central             32-00.00   30-05.00  
  3 Brooks, Emeka             10 Fairmont Heights               25-10.00  
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Butler, Jefferson         11 Wise                52-01.00   48-03.00   10   
  2 Bozeman, Okoye            11 Bowie               43-00.00   44-01.00    8   
  3 Ogunsanya, Adewale        12 Largo               43-00.00   43-02.00    6   
  4 Johnson, Chaning          11 Wise                45-00.00   42-09.00    4   
  5 Hatton, Ryan              10 Eleanor Roosevel    40-00.00   42-06.00    2   
  6 McDaniel, Anthony         11 Wise                38-11.00   40-05.00    1   
  7 Oyebanjo, Mike            12 Largo               39-00.00   39-00.00  
  8 Williams, Leroy           11 Surrattsville       37-00.75   36-00.00  
  9 Ogu, Randy                12 Largo               37-00.00   35-11.00  
 10 Freeman, Julian           12 Crossland           36-00.00   35-10.50  
 11 Robertson, Jesse          12 Douglass-PG                    33-08.00  
 12 Coleman, Phillip          11 C.H. Flowers        30-00.00   29-05.00  
 13 Burroughs, Nicholos       10 Potomac             28-10.00   28-08.00  
 14 Barnes, David             12 Northwestern-PG     29-11.00   26-09.50  
Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Watkins, Herman           12 Oxon Hill             143-01  143-00.50   10   
  2 Butler, Jefferson         11 Wise                  140-00     134-06    8   
  3 Johnson, Chaning          11 Wise                  135-00     125-04    6   
  4 Oyebanjo, Mike            12 Largo                 120-00     110-10    4   
  5 Ogunsanya, Adewale        12 Largo                 100-00     107-01    2   
  6 Egolum, Bryan             10 Forestville Acad      100-01  106-07.50    1   
  7 Jacques, Ascene           10 C.H. Flowers           90-00   96-11.50  
  8 Hatton, Ryan              10 Eleanor Roosevel      100-00      96-04  
  9 Burroughs, Nicholos       10 Potomac                80-05      59-10  
 -- Williams, Leroy           11 Surrattsville          84-00         ND  
 -- Robertson, Jesse          12 Douglass-PG                          ND  
 -- Ogu, Randy                12 Largo                 100-00         ND  
 -- Fahnbulleh, Julius        12 DuVal                                ND  
 -- Walker, Nehemiah          12 Suitland                             ND  
 -- Coleman, Phillip          11 C.H. Flowers           50-00         ND  
 -- Holder, Vincent           12 Friendly                             ND  
 -- McDaniel, Anthony         11 Wise                                 ND  
 -- Williams, Vaden           10 Eleanor Roosevel       90-03         ND