DCSAA Indoor Track & Field Championships 2025

Landover, MD
Hosted by DCSAA

Meet Information

Please click on the link below to view the 2025 DCSAA bulletin.

2025 DCSAA Indoor Track & Field Bulletin

Indoor Track State Championship - February 11, 2025

Prince George's Sports and Learning Center


A. NFHS indoor track rules will apply to the DCSAA Championship unless otherwise noted.

B. Schools choosing to enter the DCSAA Indoor Track State Championship have the

responsibility for reading and adhering to the rules and regulations of this bulletin.

C. All participating schools must provide their own transportation to and from the meet.


A. Meet Organization

1. The team or individual contestants must be accompanied to the meet by the

coach or a designated representative.

2. Teams will be admitted to the Field House only through the main entrance.

a. Teams are not permitted into the Field House before 8:30 am.

b. The first field event begins at 10 am.

c. The first running event begins at 11 am.

3. Athletes warming up outside must be accompanied by a coach.

4. The following registration method for entry must be used - this includes relays.

a. Directions for entry

(1) Log on to milesplit.com

(2) Create a log in

(3) Generate a team roster to register for events

5. Entry Deadline - Tuesday, February 4 at 11:59pm - NO EXCEPTIONS

6. An athlete may participate in a maximum of four (4) events including relays. 
7. The meet director will make sure that starting blocks are provided.

8. Starting blocks WILL BE PERMITTED in the 55m and 55m high hurdles.

9. Each school may submit three (3) entries per individual event and one (1) team

in each relay event.

10. Girls will precede boys in the final of all running events.

11. Slower sections will precede the fast section.

12. Order of field events: High Jump (Girls, followed by Boys); Shot put

(Boys, followed by Girls); Long Jump (Boys followed by Girls); Triple Jump (Girls

followed by Boys).

13. Only shots approved by the appropriate official shall be used in the competition.

14. Participants in the shot put, long jump and triple jump will receive four attempts

* this will be a final.

15. Video or other electronic recording of appeals will not be accepted.

B. Playing rules

1. All rules not modified here shall be in accordance with current National

Federation rules.

a. Any team member listed on the entry form may participate in any of the

school's relay team events providing the maximum participation rule is

not violated.

b. Any competitor who exceeds the maximum participation rule forfeits

further participation in any and all the events in the State Indoor Track

Meet. All points earned by the competitor will be forfeited.

c. Should a competitor exceed the maximum participation rule while

competing in a relay team, the entire relay team is excluded from the

State Indoor Meet.
d. Teams checking in at bullpen for respective relay races must present

relay cards with participants' full names listed and signed by the


2. Only shoes with 1/4" pyramid spikes or less are permitted in the Field House.

Shoes with hard plastic spike plates may not be worn without spikes inserted.

All spikes must be approved by the Meet Officials.

3. The spraying of shoes is prohibited. Any infraction will result in the

disqualification of the competitor from the meet.

4. No tape will be permitted on the floor for any running event.

5. Order of track events - girls will precede boys in all final running events, except

where noted:

1) 55m Semis B,G HH 5) 1600m Final 9) 55m Final

2) 55m Semis B,G Dash 6) 500m Final 10) 3200m Final (Boys)

3) 3200m relay Final 7) 55 HH Final 11) 800m relay Final

4) 300m Final 8) 3200m Final(Girls) 12) 800m Final

13) 1600m relay Final

a. For the 55m dash and 55HH, the eight fastest times will advance to


b. All other running events will be final on time.

6. The following MINIMUM opening heights shall be used in the field events: HJ-G:

4-6"; HJ-B: 5-6".

7. A competitor must notify the official when leaving one event after being called

for competition in another event.
8. Eight places will be scored in the state meet.


STRICKLY ENFORCED. Please respect the sport and the other athletes involved

by placing a reasonable and defensible mark for each entry.

10. Any protest must be submitted in writing to the meet referee.

C. General Rules

1. A team award will be given to the top three teams. The meet will be scored for

the top-eight in each event and medals will be awarded to the top three

finishers in each event and ribbons will be awarded for fourth to eighth places.

2. The track and infield are restricted areas and open only to meet officials and

competitors in uniform. A coaching box for the high jump and shotput will be

set up outside the track. A coaching box for the long jump will be set up outside

the track, in front of the women's locker room. A coaching box for running

events will be set up inside the track.

a. Penalty for coaches in violation: disqualification of their athlete(s) from

the contested event.

b. Violators will be asked to leave the facility.

3. Please provide honest performance time/distance for all entries, this helps

meet administrators attempt to place top competitors in the same heat.

4. No more than six (6) individuals may be entered for each relay.