Scorpion Crawl 2011 vs Scorpion Crawl 2010

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -19 161 180
Overall Average -11.44 21:05.63 21:17.07
1st-10th Place -6.68 17:08.51 17:15.19
1st-25th Place -12.48 17:34.55 17:47.02
1st-50th Place -8.08 18:05.92 18:14.00
1st-100th Place +9.25 19:17.36 19:08.11
Common Athletes -- -- 49
Ran Faster 23 36 13
Ran Season Best -- 48 48
Average Time -26.89 20:00.54 20:27.43
Median Time -11.53 19:53.27 20:04.80
Middle 80% Times -26.36 19:57.21 20:23.58
Top 10% Times -17.59 17:03.69 17:21.28
Top 25% Times -27.50 17:30.63 17:58.13
Top 50% Times -31.87 18:04.21 18:36.08
Bottom 50% Times -20.83 21:08.86 21:29.69
Bottom 25% Times -36.24 23:05.43 23:41.68
Bottom 10% Times -43.03 24:00.53 24:43.56
Average Difference -26.89 -- --
Median Difference -2:19.44 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -26.96 -- --
Top 10% Difference -12.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference -28.36 -- --
Top 25% Difference -24.35 -- --
Top 50% Difference -28.36 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -29.92 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -46.80 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -43.03 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Sam Andrews Oakland Mills High School +23.96 16:59.26 16:35.30
Zach Hopkins Winters Mill High School +43.00 17:27.00 16:44.00
Weston Carvalho Winters Mill High School -1:08.01 16:51.59 17:59.60
Reilly Cox Winters Mill High School -47.78 16:52.52 17:40.30
Daniel Rau Howard High School -1:32.90 17:08.10 18:41.00
Connor Foley Marriotts Ridge High School -1:15.15 17:28.85 18:44.00
Will Weisgerber Winters Mill High School -15.40 17:36.70 17:52.10
Steven Eastman Howard High School -52.75 17:44.75 18:37.50
Alex Warfield Winters Mill High School -53.78 17:45.22 18:39.00
Marshall Demaree River Hill High School -2:19.44 17:48.66 20:08.10
Kirtan Patel Howard High School -26.45 17:50.85 18:17.30
Cameron Bowling Oakland Mills High School +1:43.06 19:37.76 17:54.70
Austin Sungensis Oakland Mills High School -0.40 18:00.00 18:00.40
Tom Brumbaugh Oakland Mills High School -1:21.49 18:04.71 19:26.20
Anthony Carroll Kent Island High School -40.87 18:05.53 18:46.40
Hannah Oneda Winters Mill High School -26.82 18:07.58 18:34.40
Ryan Hermstein Marriotts Ridge High School -1:00.99 18:09.81 19:10.80
James Oslund Howard High School -1:09.96 18:13.24 19:23.20
Sean Sailsbury River Hill High School -4.03 18:18.47 18:22.50
Karl Schmidt Mt. Hebron High School +4.84 18:23.44 18:18.60
Reed Stadler River Hill High School -40.48 18:26.82 19:07.30
Jake Spivey Liberty High School -22.38 18:32.22 18:54.60
Tom Luebke Liberty High School -1:34.57 18:34.53 20:09.10
Will Woodcock Oakland Mills High School +54.92 20:05.52 19:10.60
Tiffany Lang Oakland Mills High School -20.52 19:44.28 20:04.80
Dominic Carlucci Kent Island High School -20.23 19:53.27 20:13.50
Nicole Rutherford Winters Mill High School +0.85 19:59.25 19:58.40
Hollie Adejumo Howard High School +1:03.61 21:02.51 19:58.90
Casey Sullivan Liberty High School +18.69 20:29.39 20:10.70
Sarah Brand Oakland Mills High School +2:13.07 22:28.67 20:15.60
Leanne Young River Hill High School +2.22 20:29.72 20:27.50
Angelica Yi River Hill High School -39.70 20:41.00 21:20.70
Alyssa Hemler Oakland Mills High School -1:50.66 20:46.54 22:37.20
Marissa Lechmann Mt. Hebron High School -40.09 20:59.91 21:40.00
Caroline Haden Howard High School -24.46 21:05.04 21:29.50
Dajan Madden Coppin Academy -1:53.73 21:09.37 23:03.10
Kelly Thurmond Liberty High School +1:08.97 22:44.37 21:35.40
Kelly Maloney River Hill High School -37.40 21:42.60 22:20.00
Kim Meyers Winters Mill High School -1:44.52 21:44.48 23:29.00
Maura Souders Liberty High School +38.66 22:29.06 21:50.40
Michelle Stoker Liberty High School -39.33 22:14.47 22:53.80
Emma Warman Marriotts Ridge High School -53.10 22:44.00 23:37.10
Hunter Titus Kent Island High School -7.74 22:45.46 22:53.20
Katie Ogden Marriotts Ridge High School -33.13 22:57.47 23:30.60
Melissa Pratt Howard High School -40.07 23:02.93 23:43.00
Becky Newell Howard High School -32.22 23:19.28 23:51.50
Elsa Brumbaugh Kent Island High School -2:41.35 24:18.45 26:59.80
Caitlin Mcgrath Kent Island High School -13.36 24:20.04 24:33.40
Jocelyn Moulden Kent Island High School +31.85 25:01.95 24:30.10