MPSSAA 4A West Region Championships 2024 vs MPSSAA 4A West Region Championships 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +2 160 158
Overall Average -13.80 21:26.41 21:40.21
1st-10th Place -18.25 17:00.74 17:18.99
1st-25th Place -15.40 17:34.93 17:50.33
1st-50th Place -18.34 18:15.00 18:33.34
1st-100th Place -23.04 19:20.74 19:43.79
Common Athletes -- -- 69
Ran Faster 29 49 20
Ran Season Best 1 1 --
Average Time -32.54 20:50.00 21:22.55
Median Time -22.86 20:14.99 20:37.85
Middle 80% Times -41.63 20:28.86 21:10.49
Top 10% Times -41.27 16:55.25 17:36.52
Top 25% Times -35.54 17:37.83 18:13.36
Top 50% Times -28.72 18:37.39 19:06.11
Bottom 50% Times -35.44 22:26.90 23:02.34
Bottom 25% Times -21.13 25:03.50 25:24.63
Bottom 10% Times +52.00 28:18.81 27:26.81
Average Difference -32.54 -- --
Median Difference +18.92 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -40.74 -- --
Top 10% Difference -35.91 -- --
Top 50% Difference -24.50 -- --
Top 25% Difference -29.97 -- --
Top 50% Difference -24.50 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -39.11 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -30.86 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +22.26 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nathaniel Swanson Winston Churchill High School -51.37 16:33.27 17:24.64
Santiago Gutierrez Winston Churchill High School -59.17 16:44.48 17:43.65
Naasir Bakari Northwest High School -1:01.24 16:50.10 17:51.34
Ayaan Ahmad Clarksburg High School -1:09.40 16:51.24 18:00.64
Mateo Gros-Slovinsky Walt Whitman High School +46.34 17:43.14 16:56.80
Jonah Greszler Walt Whitman High School -53.80 17:02.64 17:56.44
Zack Pritts Walt Whitman High School -1:06.88 17:09.72 18:16.60
Adam Kronenberg Northwest High School -48.87 17:15.28 18:04.15
Stepan Volkov Winston Churchill High School +1:04.81 18:35.42 17:30.61
Korey Kauflin Urbana High School -53.85 17:31.26 18:25.11
Carter Zembrzuski Richard Montgomery High School -1:16.17 17:36.13 18:52.30
Dylan Underwood Clarksburg High School -2.74 17:49.40 17:52.14
Ethan Stearns Walt Whitman High School -1:34.37 17:51.97 19:26.34
Canton Wetzel Frederick High School -22.14 17:53.05 18:15.19
Daniel McNelis Winston Churchill High School -53.55 17:56.45 18:50.00
Sonny Eckford Walt Whitman High School +25.99 19:03.06 18:37.07
Evan Hodge Quince Orchard High School -3:32.54 18:37.22 22:09.76
Eli Sledge Quince Orchard High School -9.60 18:37.58 18:47.18
Aaron Sadd Clarksburg High School -35.19 18:42.51 19:17.70
Saaim Hamdani Seneca Valley High School -1:06.95 19:04.48 20:11.43
Caleb Montilla Frederick High School -12.61 19:06.38 19:18.99
Jonah Daniel Walter Johnson High School -1.87 19:25.97 19:27.84
Charlie Henson Frederick High School -51.21 19:27.48 20:18.69
Paul Hanscom Walter Johnson High School +39.19 20:07.60 19:28.41
Luke Marshall Quince Orchard High School -27.61 19:30.53 19:58.14
Megan Raue Walter Johnson High School -34.88 19:37.49 20:12.37
Thomas Gibbons Gov. Thomas Johnson High School -22.17 19:37.63 19:59.80
Dillon Morgan Northwest High School +6.90 19:47.47 19:40.57
Matthew Wagner Quince Orchard High School -22.18 19:41.08 20:03.26
Rayan Khwaja Clarksburg High School -17.70 19:45.15 20:02.85
Katherine Greenwald Walt Whitman High School -20.69 19:51.94 20:12.63
Ella Werkman Walt Whitman High School -49.80 19:52.60 20:42.40
Aaron Lalmansingh Quince Orchard High School +22.12 20:14.99 19:52.87
Amelia Slagle Frederick High School -11.00 20:01.87 20:12.87
Audrey Wychulis Northwest High School -13.39 20:12.18 20:25.57
Jayden Suarez Gov. Thomas Johnson High School -1:14.95 20:15.19 21:30.14
Jonathan Chang Clarksburg High School -21.23 20:16.62 20:37.85
Madeline Kelly Clarksburg High School -4:47.64 20:20.65 25:08.29
Joel Geary Clarksburg High School +18.92 20:40.71 20:21.79
Mirae Denaro Walter Johnson High School -8.90 20:34.59 20:43.49
Anna Rodrigues Urbana High School -1:36.61 20:37.12 22:13.73
Korinne Austin Winston Churchill High School -1:40.22 20:40.46 22:20.68
Jordan Jackon Frederick High School -6.77 20:46.88 20:53.65
Margaret Sagan Winston Churchill High School -1:44.51 20:49.94 22:34.45
Juliana Brawner Frederick High School -56.22 20:51.97 21:48.19
Tessa Bavari Gov. Thomas Johnson High School -3:14.58 20:54.70 24:09.28
Adelaide Keller Richard Montgomery High School -47.24 21:12.90 22:00.14
Shreya Modur Northwest High School -3:29.54 21:26.25 24:55.79
Katja Treadwell Walt Whitman High School -30.03 21:35.61 22:05.64
Lauren Gotting Richard Montgomery High School +27.67 22:04.73 21:37.06
Ysebelle Soto Frederick High School +5.20 21:49.16 21:43.96
Noor Aly Winston Churchill High School -1:30.66 21:45.73 23:16.39
Adelaide Ryan Gaithersburg High School +5.45 21:52.53 21:47.08
Olivia Woitach Walt Whitman High School -43.74 21:53.19 22:36.93
Abigail Forster Urbana High School -1:58.33 21:56.61 23:54.94
Sasha Goodhart Richard Montgomery High School +1:00.11 23:11.27 22:11.16
Casey Willard Urbana High School -1:20.54 22:17.62 23:38.16
Rachel Herbst Gov. Thomas Johnson High School -39.05 22:22.54 23:01.59
Emilia Pardo Winston Churchill High School +40.14 23:36.28 22:56.14
Ari Harder-Krehbiel Richard Montgomery High School +1:04.24 24:58.51 23:54.27
Brooke Lyons Quince Orchard High School -2:50.07 24:13.33 27:03.40
Humaira Syeda Quince Orchard High School -2:11.88 24:24.79 26:36.67
Mallory Coleman Gaithersburg High School +1:28.09 26:04.34 24:36.25
Lily Ryan Gaithersburg High School +1:38.29 27:22.93 25:44.64
Sophie Fawkner Quince Orchard High School +17.34 26:32.58 26:15.24
Edem Kumazah Gaithersburg High School +2:09.56 29:25.00 27:15.44
Tess Lovingood Clarksburg High School +55.55 28:25.54 27:29.99
Elisabeth Jones Gaithersburg High School +2:39.71 30:57.75 28:18.04
Hailey Dancik Seneca Valley High School +14.65 29:23.54 29:08.89