Maryland 4A West Regional 2010

Gaithersburg, MD

Maryland 4A West Regional 2010 vs Maryland 4A West Regional 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -10 170 180
Overall Average +1:10.49 21:36.72 20:26.23
1st-10th Place +1:14.02 17:45.04 16:31.02
1st-25th Place +1:14.38 18:09.41 16:55.03
1st-50th Place +1:15.23 18:42.95 17:27.72
1st-100th Place +1:17.57 19:45.12 18:27.55
Common Athletes -- -- 58
Ran Faster -50 4 54
Ran Season Best -29 29 58
Average Time +1:26.05 21:20.62 19:54.57
Median Time +52.65 20:44.45 19:51.80
Middle 80% Times +1:27.19 21:14.95 19:47.76
Top 10% Times +1:39.34 18:08.72 16:29.38
Top 25% Times +1:42.26 18:36.30 16:54.05
Top 50% Times +1:36.87 19:21.55 17:44.68
Bottom 50% Times +1:15.24 23:19.69 22:04.45
Bottom 25% Times +1:12.39 24:22.40 23:10.01
Bottom 10% Times +56.25 25:46.55 24:50.30
Average Difference +1:26.05 -- --
Median Difference -42.67 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:26.96 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:30.84 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:36.02 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:38.72 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:36.02 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:16.08 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:22.10 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:09.57 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Will Conway Winston Churchill High School +1:55.80 17:59.90 16:04.10
Josh Ellis Walter Johnson High School +1:29.36 17:52.46 16:23.10
Nicholas Adams Walt Whitman High School +2:31.24 19:04.24 16:33.00
Scott Sheehan Walter Johnson High School +1:38.02 18:11.82 16:33.80
Zachary Weinstein Winston Churchill High School +1:25.96 18:04.46 16:38.50
David Levine Thomas S. Wootton High School +1:59.86 18:43.66 16:43.80
Joshua Trzeciak Thomas S. Wootton High School +1:38.00 18:25.50 16:47.50
James Ertel Thomas S. Wootton High School +2:10.43 18:59.83 16:49.40
Luke Shannon Winston Churchill High School +1:15.80 18:19.00 17:03.20
Sushen Thiyagarajan Winston Churchill High School +1:20.08 18:24.68 17:04.60
Danniel Belay Gaithersburg High School +3:23.49 20:28.79 17:05.30
Matt Kogan Winston Churchill High School +1:54.18 19:10.28 17:16.10
Michael Pasti Col. Zadok Magruder High School +1:19.66 18:39.06 17:19.40
Nick McGreivy Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School +1:59.11 19:18.91 17:19.80
Matthew Morris Montgomery Blair High School +2:41.98 20:31.08 17:49.10
Will Severynse Thomas S. Wootton High School +1:02.71 18:55.11 17:52.40
Sean McMahon Richard Montgomery High School +1:00.55 18:55.65 17:55.10
Daniel Vitelli Northwest High School +2:28.45 20:27.45 17:59.00
Thomas Delacour Walt Whitman High School +1:44.64 20:08.34 18:23.70
Alan Lang Richard Montgomery High School +49.29 19:20.79 18:31.50
Mark Montgomery Richard Montgomery High School +1:17.38 19:50.28 18:32.90
Barry Liang Col. Zadok Magruder High School +1:29.37 20:02.87 18:33.50
Chengyu Liu Thomas S. Wootton High School +1:00.99 19:37.79 18:36.80
Isaac Rubin Walt Whitman High School +2:01.95 20:44.45 18:42.50
Ryan McGee Col. Zadok Magruder High School +1:26.54 20:17.44 18:50.90
Trevor Stepek Gaithersburg High School +1:37.18 20:32.68 18:55.50
Caroline Guiot Walt Whitman High School +1:59.00 21:10.10 19:11.10
Greg Kehne Montgomery Blair High School +58.13 20:24.53 19:26.40
Anna Ryba Walt Whitman High School +5.12 19:38.92 19:33.80
Morgana D'ottavi Montgomery Blair High School +1:29.86 21:21.66 19:51.80
Ava Farrell Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School +39.39 20:43.29 20:03.90
Alexandra Phillips Walt Whitman High School -42.67 20:16.13 20:58.80
Emily Levenson Thomas S. Wootton High School +2:41.67 23:07.87 20:26.20
Laura Nakasaka Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School +1:33.61 22:06.01 20:32.40
Caroline Elmendorf Walt Whitman High School +58.54 21:35.14 20:36.60
Grace Hanger Richard Montgomery High School +2:34.67 23:29.57 20:54.90
Madeline Rico Thomas S. Wootton High School +50.36 21:48.16 20:57.80
Karen Cohen Thomas S. Wootton High School +1:01.19 22:05.69 21:04.50
Emily Balcombe Northwest High School +1:48.72 23:06.62 21:17.90
Caroline Leuba Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School +52.58 22:17.68 21:25.10
Shannon Oleynik Col. Zadok Magruder High School +1:46.34 23:12.54 21:26.20
Genevieve Garland Winston Churchill High School +1:47.56 23:18.56 21:31.00
Hannah Bucher Montgomery Blair High School +2:15.85 23:47.75 21:31.90
Elka Lee-shapiro Richard Montgomery High School +1:46.82 23:21.62 21:34.80
Elizabeth Frank Walt Whitman High School +51.60 22:33.70 21:42.10
Hillary Gelfond Thomas S. Wootton High School +1:26.32 23:11.82 21:45.50
Jinhie Skarda Montgomery Blair High School +1:14.07 23:05.27 21:51.20
Paula Rabade Winston Churchill High School +43.02 22:46.42 22:03.40
Juhee Kim Winston Churchill High School +1:53.27 23:58.37 22:05.10
Caroline Su Winston Churchill High School +2:38.44 24:46.94 22:08.50
Gaby Arrazola Col. Zadok Magruder High School +53.37 23:06.27 22:12.90
Hailey Hultquist Col. Zadok Magruder High School +1:13.66 24:18.46 23:04.80
Irina Bukharin Walter Johnson High School -1:10.39 23:13.41 24:23.80
Emma Tolerton Richard Montgomery High School -1:20.72 23:23.08 24:43.80
Rachel Sonnenberg Col. Zadok Magruder High School +58.45 24:36.35 23:37.90
Vannida Lorn Gaithersburg High School +1:04.66 24:57.36 23:52.70
Sara Shonkuiler Montgomery Blair High School -7.08 24:44.72 24:51.80
Johanna Cabrera Gaithersburg High School +3:43.66 31:15.46 27:31.80