4th Annual Rumble in the Jungle 2019

Cambridge, MD

Athlete Entries

High School Boys Three Mile Run 175 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Caldwell, Shane Kent Island High School
Reisler, Ethan Rising Sun High School
Ridgely, Alin Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Birckhead-Morton, Craig Snow Hill High School
Cascio, Silas Stephen Decatur High School
Hamza, Amr James M. Bennett High School
Fabian, Nicholas Old Mill High School
Cadwallader, Ryan James M. Bennett High School
Milburn, Cade Rising Sun High School
Ahmed, Faizan Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Abbatiello, Jacob Easton High School
Richards, Alexander Queen Anne's County High School
McBride, Riley The Salisbury School
Smith, Andrew Kent County High School
Smith, Weston Parkside High School
Crawford, Christian Crisfield High School
Jones, Zach North Dorchester High School
Heinsohn, Jakob Easton High School
Peck, Andrew Queen Anne's County High School
Smith, Logan North Caroline High School
Hutchinson, Steven Pocomoke Senior High School
Costello, Colin Wicomico High School
Mallet, Keane Old Mill High School
Ludt, Cooper Worcester Prep
Hentschel, Gavin Worcester Prep
Green, William Snow Hill High School
Woodley, Samuel Stephen Decatur High School
Iwerson, Erik Rising Sun High School
Condon, John Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Watson, Riley James M. Bennett High School
Rayner, Paul Kent Island High School
Voshell, Gabriel Kent County High School
Barnes, Aiden North Caroline High School
Payne, Jacob Pocomoke Senior High School
Wintermeyer, Tim Kent County High School
Kresge, Nate Parkside High School
Goyens-Harvey, Mathijs Easton High School
Mariano, Matthew Queen Anne's County High School
Driscoll, Kamren The Salisbury School
Sangwan, Aryavir Stephen Decatur High School
Carter, Gabe Mardela Middle & High School
Mayor, Praise Wicomico High School
Hearne, Nicholas Worcester Prep
Brown, Jakeem North Caroline High School
Mason, Marvin Pocomoke Senior High School
Hurley II, Robert Snow Hill High School
Ray, Adam North Dorchester High School
Metz, Kern Kent Island High School
Weston, Eli Rising Sun High School
Doty, Maclane Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Wise, Allen Snow Hill High School
Foley, Liam Stephen Decatur High School
Overton-Ohara, Lucas James M. Bennett High School
Richardson, Tyler Old Mill High School
Cruz, Daniel James M. Bennett High School
Stinchcomb, Gabriel Kent Island High School
Mohr, Dylan Rising Sun High School
Jones, Bryce Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Gray, Colin Queen Anne's County High School
Phillips, Oliver The Salisbury School
Buckel, Sam Kent County High School
Ahmed, Ibrahim Parkside High School
Smith, Javen Crisfield High School
Cale, Hunter North Dorchester High School
Verteramo, Raffaele Easton High School
Whaley, Brady Queen Anne's County High School
Hofmann, Kyle North Caroline High School
Palmer, Jason Pocomoke Senior High School
Killian, Chris Wicomico High School
Pontious, Andrew Old Mill High School
McColgan, Graham Worcester Prep
Rhoades Jr., David Snow Hill High School
Becnel, Philip Stephen Decatur High School
Corvino, Dillon Rising Sun High School
Payne, Evan Cambridge-South Dorchester High
joinville, billy James M. Bennett High School
DiBenio, Alexander Old Mill High School
Walsh, Finn Kent Island High School
Moxley, Conner Kent County High School
Conner, John Kent County High School
Hall, Mason Parkside High School
Newcomb, Baker Easton High School
Pfeiffer, Brett Queen Anne's County High School
Hogan, Liam The Salisbury School
Reincke, Thomas North Dorchester High School
Lewis, Kevin Mardela Middle & High School
Smith, Camden Wicomico High School
Moyer, Riley Worcester Prep
Christophel, William North Caroline High School
Reyes, Adrian Pocomoke Senior High School
Medeiros, Brady Kent Island High School
Zechial, Enzo Worcester Prep
Wright, Mark Rising Sun High School
Clayton, Declan Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Hadel, Skyler Snow Hill High School
Cheynet, George Stephen Decatur High School
Crombie, Miles Old Mill High School
Browne, Sean Rising Sun High School
Ridgely, Zachary Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Moss, Jayceon James M. Bennett High School
Hanesworth, Avery Kent Island High School
Schoellkopf, Lukas The Salisbury School
Wintermyer, Jacob Kent County High School
Hamilton, Nathan Parkside High School
Muni, Devin Pocomoke Senior High School
Hunt, Steven Crisfield High School
Meelkins, Ryan North Dorchester High School
Ottey, Christian Easton High School
Cole, Garrett Queen Anne's County High School
McBride, Finn The Salisbury School
Mengel, Sam North Caroline High School
Green, Rylie Mardela Middle & High School
Stone, Dane Wicomico High School
Rosado, Nathan Old Mill High School
Carter, Frank Worcester Prep
Roy Jr., Jeremiah Snow Hill High School
Bates, Ledger North Dorchester High School
McCabe, Gavin Stephen Decatur High School
Hornberger, Josh Rising Sun High School
Hurley, Jake Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Rakowski, Sam Stephen Decatur High School
Duncan, Harrison James M. Bennett High School
Hicks, Sean Old Mill High School
Schulties, Isaiah Kent Island High School
Bohle, Jacob Kent County High School
Al Naseri, Yousuf James M. Bennett High School
Jung, Sungyoon The Salisbury School
Martinez, Thomas Kent County High School
Brahosky, Ian Parkside High School
Bell, Aidan Easton High School
Toth, Riley Queen Anne's County High School
Jenkins, Michael Crisfield High School
Jones, Alex North Dorchester High School
Cooper, Tradd Mardela Middle & High School
Fink, Braden Easton High School
Addis, Tyler Queen Anne's County High School
Loeser, Luke Worcester Prep
Annalfitano, Aiden North Caroline High School
Warner, Chris Pocomoke Senior High School
Alvarez, Douglas Kent Island High School
Carpenter, Connor Worcester Prep
Bratten, Diontraye Snow Hill High School
Dutton, Tristan Stephen Decatur High School
Killian, Dennis Wicomico High School
Ellison, Mathew Old Mill High School
Brooks, Avery Rising Sun High School
Slacum, Sammy Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Hernandez-Solia, Rafael James M. Bennett High School
Pearse, Jack Kent Island High School
Bakeoven, Braiden Kent County High School
Payne, Ryan Parkside High School
Cash, Doug North Caroline High School
Chen, Raymond Pocomoke Senior High School
Jackson, James Crisfield High School
Polk, Nasir North Dorchester High School
Chaudhry, Mohammed Parkside High School
Voelz-Kilroy, Zane Easton High School
Cook, Austin Queen Anne's County High School
Goebel, Carter The Salisbury School
Dean, Luke Mardela Middle & High School
Egan, Liam Wicomico High School
Stewart-Colon, Brandon Old Mill High School
Schwartz, Joseph Worcester Prep
Robinson, Phillip Pocomoke Senior High School
Stever, Konnor Snow Hill High School
Faulkner, Evan North Dorchester High School
Banks, Jake Stephen Decatur High School
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High School Girls Three Mile Run 126 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lamson-Reich, Sydney Worcester Prep
Grimm, Layla Snow Hill High School
Kramer, Devon Stephen Decatur High School
Meadows-Soto, Adelina Old Mill High School
Spiegel, Rebekah Kent Island High School
Zheng, Jia Yin Kent Island High School
Marsinko, Emilie Rising Sun High School
Nisar, Laiba Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Hogan, Stephanie Kent County High School
Boothe, Taylor Parkside High School
Robertson, Alexis The Salisbury School
Green, Anna Easton High School
Toth, Maddy Queen Anne's County High School
Bisesi, Sydnie North Caroline High School
Mennit, Mia North Dorchester High School
Zulam, Malisa Pocomoke Senior High School
Todd, Alison North Dorchester High School
Lawson, Emily Mardela Middle & High School
Boyer, Gia Snow Hill High School
Grandadam, Marie-Amelie Stephen Decatur High School
Yourgevidge, Delaney Old Mill High School
McColgan, Quinn Worcester Prep
Dutton, Elizabeth Stephen Decatur High School
Jennings, Andersen James M. Bennett High School
Lange, Kaitlyn Old Mill High School
Ellwood, Mackenzie Kent Island High School
Brewer, Alexis Rising Sun High School
Thomas, Luci Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Forsmark, Julia Rising Sun High School
Lewis, Sarah Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Burkhardt, Rachel Parkside High School
Abbott, Karli Easton High School
Tomassoni, Erin Queen Anne's County High School
Piltoyan, Natalie The Salisbury School
Jensen, Justice North Dorchester High School
Parmar, Henna Worcester Prep
Goddard, Chloe Snow Hill High School
Braciszewski, Avery Stephen Decatur High School
Relf, Vanessa Old Mill High School
Laws, Ashley Worcester Prep
Bowler, Claire James M. Bennett High School
Smith, Maddie Kent Island High School
Stuart, Emily Rising Sun High School
Hyde, Anna Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Ervin, Lacey Kent County High School
Veals, Stella Parkside High School
Hou, Youjia The Salisbury School
Leight, Sophie Easton High School
Hiner, Erin Queen Anne's County High School
Townsend, Sophia The Salisbury School
Groves, Lindsey North Caroline High School
Layton, Alison North Dorchester High School
Corbin, Kaliyah Pocomoke Senior High School
Twardus, Pacific North Dorchester High School
DiPasqua, Zoey Mardela Middle & High School
Goddard, Emelia Snow Hill High School
Kilian, Grayce Stephen Decatur High School
Hill, Linley Worcester Prep
Denault, Mikayla Stephen Decatur High School
Jones, Sapphire James M. Bennett High School
Jeeter, Cameryn Old Mill High School
Walsh, Hazel Kent Island High School
Clark, Sarah Rising Sun High School
Andrews, Angel Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Claggett, Hannah Kent Island High School
Regalado, Esmeralda SAINTS PETER AND PAUL
Adam, Kennedy Rising Sun High School
Condon, Sarah Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Lankford, Hannah Crisfield High School
Gauck, Hailey North Caroline High School
Smith, Anna Parkside High School
Tilley, Kierstyn Easton High School
Crawford, Zoe Queen Anne's County High School
Disney, Jordyn The Salisbury School
McDonald, Lilly North Dorchester High School
Eckert, Leilani Wicomico High School
Lambertson, Erin Snow Hill High School
Murphy, Amalia Stephen Decatur High School
Sires, Aniston Old Mill High School
Willey, Lexi Worcester Prep
Nieberding, Nicole James M. Bennett High School
Gapen, Katherine Old Mill High School
Delp, Reese Kent Island High School
Horst, Heather Rising Sun High School
Peters, Myra Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Houston, Aaliyah Kent County High School
Tingle, Brooke Parkside High School
Hayton, Kennedy Easton High School
Sutherlan, Grace Queen Anne's County High School
Padilla, Andrea The Salisbury School
Kelley, Abigail North Caroline High School
Davenport, Libby North Dorchester High School
Gale, Romance Pocomoke Senior High School
Hoen, Caitlyn Worcester Prep
Donaway, Ava Snow Hill High School
Mergott, Mary Stephen Decatur High School
Lange, Shaylee Old Mill High School
Rayner, Chloe Kent Island High School
Baker, Hannah Rising Sun High School
San, Gizelle Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Kratovil-Lavelle, Charlotte Kent Island High School
Seversen, Katherine Rising Sun High School
Price, Ashlie Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Durner, Zoe North Caroline High School
Boltz, Alyssa Mardela Middle & High School
Black, Abby Parkside High School
Kiesewetter, Madeleine The Salisbury School
Piasecki, Hanna North Dorchester High School
Mennit, Catherin North Dorchester High School
Reyes, Anayelli Pocomoke Senior High School
Cordoba-Flores, Angela Snow Hill High School
Cathell, Mackenzie Stephen Decatur High School
Titus, Heather Old Mill High School
Beebe, Myranda Worcester Prep
Synowiec, Madison James M. Bennett High School
Hunt, Abigail Old Mill High School
van Ornum, Sarah Kent Island High School
Bennett, McKayla Rising Sun High School
Schwarz, Alexandra Cambridge-South Dorchester High
Fox, Desi Kent County High School
Laguna, Aaliyah Easton High School
Redpath, Mary Queen Anne's County High School
Johnson, Morgan The Salisbury School
Lane, Caitlyn North Caroline High School
Harrison, Alyssa North Dorchester High School
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